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A few questions of function and style from a newbie

Sven Johansson

12/30/2005 10:38:00 AM

Hi, good people of clr,

I'm just dipped into the goodness that is ruby for the first time
yesterday, and while this group and the online docs proved useful, I'm
left somewhat bewildered by a few things. Environment: Win XP SP2,
one-click-install 1.8.2 ruby.

1) Current working directories:
I currently use

f = __FILE__
len = -f.length
my_dir = File::expand_path(f)[0...len]

To find the script's current working directory. Snappier alternatives
such as

my_dir = File.dirname(__FILE__)

just report back with ".", which, while true, isn't exactly helpful.

Problem: this only works if the script is invoked from the command line
as "ruby this.rb". Trying to invoke it by double-clicking on the script
in the windows explorer makes the above function return an empty
string. Is there any way, short of embedding the call to ruby in a bat
file, to make ruby read its currrent working directory even if invokend
by double-clicking?

2) MD5 hashes and file handles:
I currently use something like

Dir['*'].each {|f| print Digest::MD5.hexdigest(open(f, 'rb').read), '
', f, "\n"}

I tried stuff like

Dir['*'].each {|f|print f, " "; puts

and they both seem to suffer from some sort of buffer on the directory
reading; that is, they'll produce the same hash for several files when
scanning a large directory. The first line above bypasses this, I
suppose by the 'rb' reading mode on the file handle. Is there any way
to unbuffer the directory file handle stream (akin to Perl's $|=1)?

3) Finally, I submit for very first ruby script for merciless
criticism. What here could have been done otherwise? What screams for a
better ruby solution? I'm aware of that I should probably look into
split instead of relying so much on regexps for splitting and I was
trying to set up a structure like hash[key]=[a,b], but I found I could
not access hash.each_pair { |key,value] puts key, value(0), value (1)

require 'Digest/md5'
require 'fileutils'

# Variables to set manually

# Begin program
f = __FILE__
len = -f.length
my_dir = File::expand_path(f)[0...len]
my_dirname = my_dir.sub(/^.+\/(\w+?)\/$/,'\1')

puts my_dir
puts my_dirname


IO.foreach(global_digest_index) { |line|
digest_map_name[th_dige] = th_fnam
digest_map_directory[th_dige] = th_dir

filecnt = filesuc = 0
outfile = File.new(global_digest_index, "a")
Dir['*'].each do |file_name|
next unless (file_name =~ /\.mp3$|\.ogg$/i)
filecnt += 1
hex = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(open(file_name, 'rb').read)
if digest_map_name.has_key?(hex) then
collfilestrip = digest_map_name[hex].sub(/\.mp3$|\.ogg$/i,'')
id_name = global_collide_directory + digest_map_directory[hex].to_s
+ '_' + collfilestrip + '_' + file_name
filesuc +=1
digest_map_name[hex] = file_name
digest_map_directory[hex] = my_dirname
outfile.puts my_dirname + ':' + hex + ':' + file_name
id_name = global_temp_directory + file_name

puts "Processed " + filecnt.to_s + " files, out of which " +
filesuc.to_s + " were not duplicates."

11 Answers

Robert Klemme

12/30/2005 11:54:00 AM


Sven Johansson <sven_u_johansson@spray.se> wrote:
> Hi, good people of clr,
> I'm just dipped into the goodness that is ruby for the first time
> yesterday, and while this group and the online docs proved useful, I'm
> left somewhat bewildered by a few things. Environment: Win XP SP2,
> one-click-install 1.8.2 ruby.
> 1) Current working directories:
> I currently use
> f = __FILE__
> len = -f.length
> my_dir = File::expand_path(f)[0...len]
> To find the script's current working directory.

No, you get the script's path - although this will incidetally match with
the working directory when run in Windows (because the working directory
defaults to the script directory).

> Snappier alternatives
> such as
> my_dir = File.dirname(__FILE__)
> just report back with ".", which, while true, isn't exactly helpful.

You want File.expand_path like in

>> File.expand_path('.')
=> "/home/Robert"


working_dir = File.expand_path( Dir.getwd )
script_dir = File.expand_path( File.dirname(__FILE__) )

> Problem: this only works if the script is invoked from the command
> line as "ruby this.rb". Trying to invoke it by double-clicking on the
> script in the windows explorer makes the above function return an
> empty string. Is there any way, short of embedding the call to ruby
> in a bat file, to make ruby read its currrent working directory even
> if invokend by double-clicking?

See above.

> 2) MD5 hashes and file handles:
> I currently use something like
> Dir['*'].each {|f| print Digest::MD5.hexdigest(open(f, 'rb').read), '
> ', f, "\n"}
> I tried stuff like
> Dir['*'].each {|f|print f, " "; puts
> Digest::MD5.hexdigest(File.read(f))}
> or
> dig=Digest::MD5.new
> dig.update(file)
> and they both seem to suffer from some sort of buffer on the directory
> reading; that is, they'll produce the same hash for several files when
> scanning a large directory. The first line above bypasses this, I
> suppose by the 'rb' reading mode on the file handle. Is there any way
> to unbuffer the directory file handle stream (akin to Perl's $|=1)?

Your code in the first line has at least these problems:

1) You don't check for directories, i.e., you'll try to create MD5 of
directories as well.

2) You don't close files properly. You should use the block form of
File.open - that way file handles are always closed properly and timely.


Dir['*'].each {|f| File.open(f,'rb') {|io| print f, " ",
Digest::MD5.hexdigest(io.read), "\n" } if File.file? f}

Dir['*'].each {|f| print f, " ", Digest::MD5.hexdigest(File.open(f,'rb')
{|io| io.read}), "\n" if File.file? f}

I can't reproduce the problem you state (identical digests) with the other
lines of code. I tried

Dir['*'].each {|f|print f, " "; puts Digest::MD5.hexdigest(File.read(f)) if
File.file? f}

But the problem here is that the file is not opened in binary mode which is
a must for this to work.

> 3) Finally, I submit for very first ruby script for merciless
> criticism. What here could have been done otherwise? What screams for
> a better ruby solution? I'm aware of that I should probably look into
> split instead of relying so much on regexps for splitting and I was
> trying to set up a structure like hash[key]=[a,b], but I found I could
> not access hash.each_pair { |key,value] puts key, value(0), value (1)
> }.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> require 'Digest/md5'
> require 'fileutils'
> # Variables to set manually
> global_digest_index='C:/srfctrl/indexfile/globalindex.txt'
> global_temp_directory='C:/srfctrl/tempstore/'
> global_collide_directory='C:/srfctrl/collide/'
> # Begin program
> f = __FILE__
> len = -f.length
> my_dir = File::expand_path(f)[0...len]
> my_dirname = my_dir.sub(/^.+\/(\w+?)\/$/,'\1')
> puts my_dir
> puts my_dirname
> digest_map_name={}
> digest_map_directory={}
> IO.foreach(global_digest_index) { |line|
> th_dige=line.sub(/^.+?\:(.+?)\:.+?$/,'\1').chomp
> th_fnam=line.sub(/^.+?\:.+?\:(.+?)$/,'\1').chomp
> th_dir=line.sub(/^(.+?)\:.+?\:.+?$/,'\1').chomp
> digest_map_name[th_dige] = th_fnam
> digest_map_directory[th_dige] = th_dir
> }
> filecnt = filesuc = 0
> outfile = File.new(global_digest_index, "a")
> Dir['*'].each do |file_name|
> next unless (file_name =~ /\.mp3$|\.ogg$/i)
> filecnt += 1
> hex = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(open(file_name, 'rb').read)
> if digest_map_name.has_key?(hex) then
> collfilestrip = digest_map_name[hex].sub(/\.mp3$|\.ogg$/i,'')
> id_name = global_collide_directory + digest_map_directory[hex].to_s
> + '_' + collfilestrip + '_' + file_name
> FileUtils.cp(file_name,id_name)
> else
> filesuc +=1
> digest_map_name[hex] = file_name
> digest_map_directory[hex] = my_dirname
> outfile.puts my_dirname + ':' + hex + ':' + file_name
> id_name = global_temp_directory + file_name
> FileUtils.cp(digest_map_name[hex],id_name)
> end
> end
> outfile.close
> puts "Processed " + filecnt.to_s + " files, out of which " +
> filesuc.to_s + " were not duplicates."
> ----------------------------------------------

It's not completely clear to me what you want to do here. Apparently you
check a number of audio files and shove them somewhere else based on some
criterion. What's the aim of doing this?

Kind regards


Sven Johansson

12/30/2005 2:34:00 PM


Robert Klemme wrote:

Thank you for your response! Quick and clarifying at the same time.

> Sven Johansson <sven_u_johansson@spray.se> wrote:

> No, you get the script's path - although this will incidetally match with
> the working directory when run in Windows (because the working directory
> defaults to the script directory).
> You want File.expand_path like in
> >> File.expand_path('.')
> => "/home/Robert"
> Now:
> working_dir = File.expand_path( Dir.getwd )
> script_dir = File.expand_path( File.dirname(__FILE__) )

Yes, indeed. All those work as advertised, even from the explorer
shell. Thanks!

> Your code in the first line has at least these problems:
> 1) You don't check for directories, i.e., you'll try to create MD5 of
> directories as well.
> 2) You don't close files properly. You should use the block form of
> File.open - that way file handles are always closed properly and timely.
> Alternatives
> Dir['*'].each {|f| File.open(f,'rb') {|io| print f, " ",
> Digest::MD5.hexdigest(io.read), "\n" } if File.file? f}
> Dir['*'].each {|f| print f, " ", Digest::MD5.hexdigest(File.open(f,'rb')
> {|io| io.read}), "\n" if File.file? f}
> I can't reproduce the problem you state (identical digests) with the other
> lines of code. I tried
> Dir['*'].each {|f|print f, " "; puts Digest::MD5.hexdigest(File.read(f)) if
> File.file? f}

require 'Digest/mp5'
Dir['*'].each {|f|print f, " "; puts
Digest::MD5.hexdigest(File.read(f)) if File.file? f}


001.mp3 6ce4ad47bfa79b6c0e48636040c1dfb9
002.mp3 6ce4ad47bfa79b6c0e48636040c1dfb9
0022-042.ogg 4cac5ea5e666942920aff937aa9b3ee5
0022-043.ogg 5947035093bbfa22a9e7cf6e69b82a4e
0022-044.ogg 4cac5ea5e666942920aff937aa9b3ee5
0022-045.ogg 4cac5ea5e666942920aff937aa9b3ee5
0022-046.ogg 4cac5ea5e666942920aff937aa9b3ee5
0022-047.ogg 4cac5ea5e666942920aff937aa9b3ee5
0022-048.ogg 4cac5ea5e666942920aff937aa9b3ee5
0022-049.ogg 4cac5ea5e666942920aff937aa9b3ee5
0022-050.ogg 5947035093bbfa22a9e7cf6e69b82a4e
0022-057.ogg 4cac5ea5e666942920aff937aa9b3ee5
0022-058.ogg 4cac5ea5e666942920aff937aa9b3ee5
0022-059.ogg 4cac5ea5e666942920aff937aa9b3ee5
0022-061.ogg a7d6f03e275d69b363b9771c9d88e681
0022-062.ogg 4cac5ea5e666942920aff937aa9b3ee5
0022-069.ogg 4cac5ea5e666942920aff937aa9b3ee5
0022-070.ogg 4cac5ea5e666942920aff937aa9b3ee5
0022-071.ogg 4cac5ea5e666942920aff937aa9b3ee5
0022-072.ogg 4cac5ea5e666942920aff937aa9b3ee5
0022-073.ogg 4cac5ea5e666942920aff937aa9b3ee5
0022-074.ogg 4cac5ea5e666942920aff937aa9b3ee5
0022-077.ogg 4cac5ea5e666942920aff937aa9b3ee5
0022-078.ogg 5947035093bbfa22a9e7cf6e69b82a4e

which clearly isn't good. However, both your suggestested alternatives
above work just fine. It would seem that binary mode really is a must
on Win32 - exhanging 'rb' for 'r' in those suggestions gives me the
hash repeat problem again. Good to know.

> But the problem here is that the file is not opened in binary mode which is
> a must for this to work.

Yes, so it would seem.

> It's not completely clear to me what you want to do here. Apparently you
> check a number of audio files and shove them somewhere else based on some
> criterion. What's the aim of doing this?

Oh, it works as it's supposed to do, so I'm not really trying to debug
it. It takes the hashes of all the files in a directory, compares them
to a global list of hashes, appends the new unique hashes to that list
and moves the corresponding files someplace, moves files that already
have "their" hashes in the list someplace else. The rest is just
morphing file names.

I was looking for more input along the line of "that's not how we do it
in ruby - this is how we would express this particular sort of

I realise that the first thing I should do is probably to read the
files by block instead of slurping them in wholesale, and that I would
be far better off maintainging the global list of hashes in a DB
instead of in a text file. I'll try my hands at the first, now that
I've gotten the hash and filehandle issue resolved above... as for the
second, taking a peek at this group reveals that making ruby talk with
mysql on Win32 isn't for the faint of heart, so I'll let that be for

Thanks again!

Robert Klemme

12/30/2005 4:31:00 PM


Sven Johansson <sven_u_johansson@spray.se> wrote:
> Robert Klemme wrote:
> Thank you for your response! Quick and clarifying at the same time.

You're welcome!


> which clearly isn't good. However, both your suggestested alternatives
> above work just fine. It would seem that binary mode really is a must
> on Win32 - exhanging 'rb' for 'r' in those suggestions gives me the
> hash repeat problem again. Good to know.

When calculating the hash digest of a file binary mode is really the only
reasonable thing to do it. Guess you just found another reason. :-)

>> It's not completely clear to me what you want to do here.
>> Apparently you check a number of audio files and shove them
>> somewhere else based on some criterion. What's the aim of doing
>> this?
> Oh, it works as it's supposed to do, so I'm not really trying to debug
> it. It takes the hashes of all the files in a directory, compares them
> to a global list of hashes, appends the new unique hashes to that list
> and moves the corresponding files someplace, moves files that already
> have "their" hashes in the list someplace else. The rest is just
> morphing file names.
> I was looking for more input along the line of "that's not how we do
> it in ruby - this is how we would express this particular sort of
> statement".

Yes, I was aware of that. I just wanted to know the purpose of the code so
I might be able to make more appropriate statements. :-)

> I realise that the first thing I should do is probably to read the
> files by block instead of slurping them in wholesale, and that I would
> be far better off maintainging the global list of hashes in a DB
> instead of in a text file. I'll try my hands at the first, now that
> I've gotten the hash and filehandle issue resolved above... as for the
> second, taking a peek at this group reveals that making ruby talk with
> mysql on Win32 isn't for the faint of heart, so I'll let that be for
> now.

The easiest way to store some arbitrary Ruby structure is to use YAML or
Marshal. I'd probably do something like this:

REPO_FILE = "repo.bin".freeze

class Repository
attr_accessor :main_dir, :duplicate_dir, :extensions

def initialize(extensions = %w{mp3 ogg})
@extension = extensions
@repository = {}

def process_dir(dir)
# find all files with the extensions we support
Dir[File.join(dir, "*.{#{extensions.join(',')}}")].each do |f|
process_file( File.join(dir, f) )

def process_file(file)
digest = digest(file)
name = @repository[digest]

if name
target = duplicate_dir
# ...
target = main_dir
# ...

FileUtils.cp( file, File.join( target, File.basename( file ) ) )

def digest(file)
Digest::MD5.hexdigest( File.open(file, 'rb') {|io| io.read})

def self.load(file)
File.open(file, 'rb') {|io| Marshal.load(io)}

def save(file)
File.open(file, 'wb') {|io| Marshal.dump(self, io)}

repo = begin
Repository.load( REPO_FILE )
rescue Exception => e
# not there => create
r = Repository.new
r.main_dir = "foo"
r.duplicate_dir = "bar"

ARGV.each {|dir| repo.process_dir(dir)}

repo.save( REPO_FILE )

The main point being here to encapsulate certain functionality into methods
of their own. This greatly increases readability and reusability.

Kind regards


Sven Johansson

12/31/2005 11:17:00 AM


Robert Klemme wrote:

> The easiest way to store some arbitrary Ruby structure is to use YAML or
> Marshal. I'd probably do something like this:
> REPO_FILE = "repo.bin".freeze
> class Repository
> attr_accessor :main_dir, :duplicate_dir, :extensions
> def initialize(extensions = %w{mp3 ogg})
> @extension = extensions
> @repository = {}
> end
> def process_dir(dir)
> # find all files with the extensions we support
> Dir[File.join(dir, "*.{#{extensions.join(',')}}")].each do |f|
> process_file( File.join(dir, f) )
> end
> end
> def process_file(file)
> digest = digest(file)
> name = @repository[digest]
> if name
> target = duplicate_dir
> # ...
> else
> target = main_dir
> # ...
> end
> FileUtils.cp( file, File.join( target, File.basename( file ) ) )
> end
> def digest(file)
> Digest::MD5.hexdigest( File.open(file, 'rb') {|io| io.read})
> end
> def self.load(file)
> File.open(file, 'rb') {|io| Marshal.load(io)}
> end
> def save(file)
> File.open(file, 'wb') {|io| Marshal.dump(self, io)}
> end
> end
> repo = begin
> Repository.load( REPO_FILE )
> rescue Exception => e
> # not there => create
> r = Repository.new
> r.main_dir = "foo"
> r.duplicate_dir = "bar"
> r
> end
> ARGV.each {|dir| repo.process_dir(dir)}
> repo.save( REPO_FILE )
> The main point being here to encapsulate certain functionality into methods
> of their own. This greatly increases readability and reusability.

Very informative indeed, if perhaps more than a bit humbling! Thank you

One last question, then - while the style above is easily more readable
and quite... enjoyable, for lack of a better word, to read, how does
Ruby measure up when it comes to passing all those variables around to
functions (method calls) all the time? Do I lose significant
performance by having method calls in inner loops? And no, I can hear
it already; "Dude, you traverse big directories, do calculations on a
big number of big files and push the filesystem to it's limits copying
them like there was no tomorrow already..." Obviously, it doesn't
matter here. But would it matter if one was wrtiting, say, a port
listener or some other reasonably performance critical application?

Robert Klemme

12/31/2005 12:29:00 PM


Sven Johansson <sven_u_johansson@spray.se> wrote:


> One last question, then - while the style above is easily more
> readable and quite... enjoyable, for lack of a better word, to read,
> how does Ruby measure up when it comes to passing all those variables
> around to functions (method calls) all the time? Do I lose significant
> performance by having method calls in inner loops? And no, I can hear
> it already; "Dude, you traverse big directories, do calculations on a
> big number of big files and push the filesystem to it's limits copying
> them like there was no tomorrow already..." Obviously, it doesn't
> matter here. But would it matter if one was wrtiting, say, a port
> listener or some other reasonably performance critical application?

There are two ways to answer this: reasoning and testing. You'll get the
definitive answer only by measuring performance of a real application. On
the theoretical side we can state this: first, Ruby uses call by value but
values are object references (i.e. objects are not copied as they are with
call by value in C++ and there are two references so assignment does not
affect the calling environment); this has rather low overhead compared to a
real call by value where objects must be copied. Second, every method call
has a certain overhead attached to it (unless a runtime system as the Java
VM inlines it at run time).

A simple test shows that there is indeed significant overhead attached to
method invocations - if methods perform simple tasks. The relative overhead
of course depends on the work the method performs. I for my part would
always start with a modularized version and only inline methods if this is
actually a cure for a performance problem. There is a famous quote about
premature optimization...

#! /usr/bin/env ruby

require 'benchmark'

REP = 1_000_000

def foo(n) 0 + n end

Benchmark.bmbm(10) do |bm|
bm.report("direct") do
REP.times { x = 0 + 1 }

bm.report("method") do
REP.times { x = foo(1) }

Rehearsal ---------------------------------------------
direct 1.188000 0.000000 1.188000 ( 1.201000)
method 2.156000 0.000000 2.156000 ( 2.166000)
------------------------------------ total: 3.344000sec

user system total real
direct 1.187000 0.000000 1.187000 ( 1.217000)
method 2.172000 0.000000 2.172000 ( 2.234000)

$ ruby -e 'puts 2.172000 / 1.187000'

Happy new year!


Tim Hammerquist

12/31/2005 10:23:00 PM


Sven Johansson <sven_u_johansson@spray.se> wrote:
[ snip ]
> Using:
> require 'Digest/mp5'
> Dir['*'].each {|f|print f, " "; puts
> Digest::MD5.hexdigest(File.read(f)) if File.file? f}
> gives
> 001.mp3 6ce4ad47bfa79b6c0e48636040c1dfb9
> 002.mp3 6ce4ad47bfa79b6c0e48636040c1dfb9
> 0022-042.ogg 4cac5ea5e666942920aff937aa9b3ee5
> 0022-043.ogg 5947035093bbfa22a9e7cf6e69b82a4e
> 0022-044.ogg 4cac5ea5e666942920aff937aa9b3ee5
> 0022-045.ogg 4cac5ea5e666942920aff937aa9b3ee5
> 0022-046.ogg 4cac5ea5e666942920aff937aa9b3ee5
> 0022-047.ogg 4cac5ea5e666942920aff937aa9b3ee5
> [snip]
> which clearly isn't good. However, both your suggestested
> alternatives above work just fine. It would seem that binary
> mode really is a must on Win32 - exhanging 'rb' for 'r' in
> those suggestions gives me the hash repeat problem again. Good
> to know.

Just for our edification, would you run this following code on
those same files?

require 'digest/md5'

files = Dir['*'].select { |f| File.file?(f) }

files.each { |filename|
fs_size = File.size(filename) # get size of file from OS

data = File.read(filename) # read the file
data_size = data.length # get the size of the data read

hash = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(data) # calculate hash

# compare amount of data on filesystem
# with amount of data read
puts "#{hash} - #{filename}: #{data_size}/#{fs_size}"

If my guess is correct, you should get some strange results.
Please post these results, no matter the outcome, to the group
so we can preserve a real-world example.

Tim Hammerquist

Sven Johansson

1/1/2006 4:05:00 PM


Tim Hammerquist wrote:

> Just for our edification, would you run this following code on
> those same files?
> require 'digest/md5'
> files = Dir['*'].select { |f| File.file?(f) }
> files.each { |filename|
> fs_size = File.size(filename) # get size of file from OS
> data = File.read(filename) # read the file
> data_size = data.length # get the size of the data read
> hash = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(data) # calculate hash
> # compare amount of data on filesystem
> # with amount of data read
> puts "#{hash} - #{filename}: #{data_size}/#{fs_size}"
> }

Sure. Here it is:

6ce4ad47bfa79b6c0e48636040c1dfb9 - 001.mp3: 52/50344
6ce4ad47bfa79b6c0e48636040c1dfb9 - 002.mp3: 52/52468
4cac5ea5e666942920aff937aa9b3ee5 - 0022-042.ogg: 335/141226
5947035093bbfa22a9e7cf6e69b82a4e - 0022-043.ogg: 335/118208
4cac5ea5e666942920aff937aa9b3ee5 - 0022-044.ogg: 335/178869
4cac5ea5e666942920aff937aa9b3ee5 - 0022-045.ogg: 335/181622
4cac5ea5e666942920aff937aa9b3ee5 - 0022-046.ogg: 335/154218
4cac5ea5e666942920aff937aa9b3ee5 - 0022-047.ogg: 335/161483
4cac5ea5e666942920aff937aa9b3ee5 - 0022-048.oog: 335/147162
4cac5ea5e666942920aff937aa9b3ee5 - 0022-049.ogg: 335/145142
5947035093bbfa22a9e7cf6e69b82a4e - 0022-050.ogg: 335/149968
4cac5ea5e666942920aff937aa9b3ee5 - 0022-057.ogg: 335/161358
4cac5ea5e666942920aff937aa9b3ee5 - 0022-058.ogg: 335/156026
4cac5ea5e666942920aff937aa9b3ee5 - 0022-059.ogg: 335/176575
a7d6f03e275d69b363b9771c9d88e681 - 0022-061.ogg: 335/148704
4cac5ea5e666942920aff937aa9b3ee5 - 0022-062.ogg: 335/186715
4cac5ea5e666942920aff937aa9b3ee5 - 0022-069.ogg: 335/173036
4cac5ea5e666942920aff937aa9b3ee5 - 0022-070.ogg: 335/173752
4cac5ea5e666942920aff937aa9b3ee5 - 0022-071.ogg: 335/173581

Which... hmm... does this mean that File.read(filename) will only read
as far as the first percieved end of line in the binary file? Here I
thought that would slurp up the entire file no matter what, even if it
played havoc with the "lines" of the file. Given that it seems to read
as much per file for each file type, it would seem it just reads and
hashes the file header before it encounters something that it considers
to be an end of line. But then again, shouldn't all the hashes be
identical for the same header - if they are not, you'd think it'd read
somewhat more or less of the file?

Sven Johansson

1/1/2006 4:09:00 PM


Robert Klemme wrote:

> A simple test shows that there is indeed significant overhead attached to
> method invocations - if methods perform simple tasks. The relative overhead
> of course depends on the work the method performs. I for my part would
> always start with a modularized version and only inline methods if this is
> actually a cure for a performance problem. There is a famous quote about
> premature optimization...

Heh. But how can we know if it premature unless we have an idea about
how inefficient method calls are? :) Nevertheless, you point is well

> #! /usr/bin/env ruby
> require 'benchmark'
> REP = 1_000_000
> def foo(n) 0 + n end
> Benchmark.bmbm(10) do |bm|
> bm.report("direct") do
> REP.times { x = 0 + 1 }
> end
> bm.report("method") do
> REP.times { x = foo(1) }
> end
> end
> Rehearsal ---------------------------------------------
> direct 1.188000 0.000000 1.188000 ( 1.201000)
> method 2.156000 0.000000 2.156000 ( 2.166000)
> ------------------------------------ total: 3.344000sec
> user system total real
> direct 1.187000 0.000000 1.187000 ( 1.217000)
> method 2.172000 0.000000 2.172000 ( 2.234000)
> $ ruby -e 'puts 2.172000 / 1.187000'
> 1.82982308340354

Ah, interesting. And a fine exemple of how to use the internal
benchmarking support for us Ruby newbies. More to the point, it shows
that it isn't so bad - I was thinking of order-of-magnitude losses, and
here is merely a factor two or so, and that's for essentially empty
method bodies... it will do. :)

> Happy new year!

To you as well!

Tim Hammerquist

1/1/2006 4:41:00 PM


Sven Johansson <sven_u_johansson@spray.se> wrote:
> Tim Hammerquist wrote:
> > Just for our edification, would you run this following code
> > on those same files?
> >
> > require 'digest/md5'
> >
> > files = Dir['*'].select { |f| File.file?(f) }
> >
> > files.each { |filename|
> > fs_size = File.size(filename) # get size of file from OS
> >
> > data = File.read(filename) # read the file
> > data_size = data.length # get the size of the data read
> >
> > hash = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(data) # calculate hash
> >
> > # compare amount of data on filesystem
> > # with amount of data read
> > puts "#{hash} - #{filename}: #{data_size}/#{fs_size}"
> > }
> >
> Sure. Here it is:
> 6ce4ad47bfa79b6c0e48636040c1dfb9 - 001.mp3: 52/50344
> 6ce4ad47bfa79b6c0e48636040c1dfb9 - 002.mp3: 52/52468
> 4cac5ea5e666942920aff937aa9b3ee5 - 0022-042.ogg: 335/141226
> 5947035093bbfa22a9e7cf6e69b82a4e - 0022-043.ogg: 335/118208
> 4cac5ea5e666942920aff937aa9b3ee5 - 0022-044.ogg: 335/178869
> 4cac5ea5e666942920aff937aa9b3ee5 - 0022-045.ogg: 335/181622
> 4cac5ea5e666942920aff937aa9b3ee5 - 0022-046.ogg: 335/154218
> 4cac5ea5e666942920aff937aa9b3ee5 - 0022-047.ogg: 335/161483
> 4cac5ea5e666942920aff937aa9b3ee5 - 0022-048.oog: 335/147162
> 4cac5ea5e666942920aff937aa9b3ee5 - 0022-049.ogg: 335/145142
> 5947035093bbfa22a9e7cf6e69b82a4e - 0022-050.ogg: 335/149968
> 4cac5ea5e666942920aff937aa9b3ee5 - 0022-057.ogg: 335/161358
> 4cac5ea5e666942920aff937aa9b3ee5 - 0022-058.ogg: 335/156026
> 4cac5ea5e666942920aff937aa9b3ee5 - 0022-059.ogg: 335/176575
> a7d6f03e275d69b363b9771c9d88e681 - 0022-061.ogg: 335/148704
> 4cac5ea5e666942920aff937aa9b3ee5 - 0022-062.ogg: 335/186715
> 4cac5ea5e666942920aff937aa9b3ee5 - 0022-069.ogg: 335/173036
> 4cac5ea5e666942920aff937aa9b3ee5 - 0022-070.ogg: 335/173752
> 4cac5ea5e666942920aff937aa9b3ee5 - 0022-071.ogg: 335/173581
> [snip]
> Which... hmm... does this mean that File.read(filename) will
> only read as far as the first percieved end of line in the
> binary file? Here I thought that would slurp up the entire
> file no matter what, even if it played havoc with the "lines"
> of the file.

You were right. It read the whole file, right up until the EOF.
But in DOS/Windows text mode, the ASCII 26 character (^Z) is the
EOF marker.

> Given that it seems to read as much per file for each file
> type, it would seem it just reads and hashes the file header
> before it encounters something that it considers to be anwend
> of line.

I'm not an mp3/ogg file format specialist, but it
looks like both your mp3 and ogg files contain that EOF marker
in their headers, and that the first several hundred bytes of
many of these ogg files are the same, hence the identical

This is a prime example of why binary read mode is necessary on
a DOS/Win platform. If you add the 'b' flag to that File read
operation and re-run the script, you should see matching file
sizes and differing hashes. (I don't have a Windows box at the

Tim Hammerquist

Ryan Davis

1/2/2006 9:13:00 AM


On Jan 1, 2006, at 8:12 AM, Sven Johansson wrote:

>> require 'benchmark'
>> REP = 1_000_000
>> def foo(n) 0 + n end
>> Benchmark.bmbm(10) do |bm|
>> bm.report("direct") do
>> REP.times { x = 0 + 1 }
>> end
>> bm.report("method") do
>> REP.times { x = foo(1) }
>> end
>> end
> Ah, interesting. And a fine exemple of how to use the internal
> benchmarking support for us Ruby newbies. More to the point, it shows
> that it isn't so bad - I was thinking of order-of-magnitude losses,
> and
> here is merely a factor two or so, and that's for essentially empty
> method bodies... it will do. :)

No, you discovered the difference between 1 method invocation (Fixnum.
+) and 2 (Kernel.foo and Fixnum.+). If you are worried about times,
I'd look at using a good profiler instead of the benchmarks so you
can get insight on where your time is actually being spent (it sure
isn't on Fixnum.+). Don't use the standard profiler, use zenprofiler
or shugo's profiler.

ryand-ruby@zenspider.com - http://blog.zens...