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Re: [rails][ruby talk] Localization woes

Dan Bikle

12/11/2005 5:22:00 PM

People,I fixed the problem.The method which loads the .yaml files which contain the translationsis located here:lib/localization.rbHere is some syntax from the method: def self.load_localized_strings # Load language files Dir[RAILS_ROOT + '/lang/*.yaml'].each do |filename| filename =~ /(([a-z]+_?)+)\.yaml$/ hash = YAML::load(File.read(filename)) file_charset = hash['file_charset'] || 'ascii'I made a small change and my problems evaporated: def self.load_localized_strings # Load language files Dir[RAILS_ROOT + '/lang/*.yaml'].each do |filename| filename =~ /(([a-z]+_?)+)\.yaml$/ hash = YAML::load(File.read(filename)) file_charset = hash['file_charset'] || 'utf-8'-DanOn 12/5/05, Dan Bikle <dan.bikle@gmail.com> wrote:> People,>> I'm trying to use the Localization Generator written by Joe Hosteny:> http://rubyforge.org/projects/localizatio... The idea behind it is simple.>> For example, for Spanish, create a file named sp.yaml and fill it with> key value pairs:>> hello: hola> here: aquí> Spanish: Español>> Then when I need to translate a key into a value I do something like this:>> @msg = l(:Spanish)>> So everything seems to work okay if I put plain characters in sp.yaml.>> Webrick, however, spazzes out if I put non-English characters in sp.yaml:>>> script/server> => Booting WEBrick...> ./script/../config/../lib/localization.rb:62:in `iconv': "? aqu? como"> (Iconv::IllegalSequence)> from ./script/../config/../lib/localization.rb:62:in `load_localized_strings'> from ./script/../config/../lib/localization.rb:61:in `each'> from ./script/../config/../lib/localization.rb:61:in `load_localized_strings'> from ./script/../config/../lib/localization.rb:60:in `open'> from ./script/../config/../lib/localization.rb:60:in `load_localized_strings'> from ./script/../config/../lib/localization.rb:52:in `each'> from ./script/../config/../lib/localization.rb:52:in `load_localized_strings'> from ./script/../config/../config/environment.rb:59> ... 8 levels...> from /opt/local/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:21:in> `require__'> from /opt/local/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:21:in> `require'> from /opt/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-1.2.3/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:214:in> `require'> from script/server:3> zmac11:~/pt/TThier/Languages/ruby/j413 oracle$>> Notice the msg:> ./script/../config/../lib/localization.rb:62:in `iconv': "? aqu? como"> (Iconv::IllegalSequence)>> It was caused by this line in my sp.yaml:> you_are_here_as: usted está aquí como>> Obviously it had problems with> está> and> aquí>>> I used emacs to create sp.yaml and emacs asked me which character set> encoding I want to use.>> I told it utf-8 and emacs saved sp.yaml just fine.>> I pulled the actual characters from google and used my mouse to copy> them into emacs:>> http://translate.google.com/translate... I checked the encoding my browser was using on the google page and it> told me it was using: UTF8> which I'll assume is the same as the utf-8 I'm using in emacs.>> Do any of you have some sample localization yaml files which you'd be> willing to share with me?>> How about some general troubleshooting ideas?>> Thanks,> -Dan>