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API do terminali POS - standardy, czy za ka¿dym razem rze¼ba indywidualna ?

Filip Sielimowicz

7/26/2007 8:15:00 AM

Marzê sobie o zabawie z pod³±czeniem mojego systemiku do terminala POS
wpiêtego w Ethernet (a wiêc ma w³asne IP). Pytanie: czego mogê siê
spodziewaæ po dostawcach terminali i oprogramowania do nich, a co bêdê
musia³ ustalaæ z nimi zupe³nie indywidualnie ?

Chodzi o obszar bezpo¶redniej komunikacji terminala z moj± aplikacj± np.
kasow± (nie o komunikacjê POS'a z centrum autoryzacyjnym). Czyli w obszarze
takim mniej wiêcej:
- klient podchodzi do okienka i przeci±ga kartê, a kasjer dostaje
bezpo¶rednio od terminala POS komunikaty typu "karta jest ok, jej numer to
xxx", "pin jest ok", "operacja wyp³aty YYY potwierdzona pinem", "B£¡D: brak
po³±czenia z systemem autoryzacji" itp.

Pytanie jest takie: czy s± jakie¶ standardy (dot. api) w tym obszarze
bezpo¶redniej komunikacji POS'ow ? Standardów siê nie spodziewam, ale mo¿e
jakie¶ "dobre praktyki", wiêcej ni¿ raz zastosowane rozwi±zania ? Marzy mi
siê komunikacja po HTTP/HTTPS, albo wrêcz SOAP. Mieli¶cie mo¿e z czym¶ takim
do czynienia i potraficie powiedzieæ, co bêdzie najmniej kosztowne dla
dostawcy ("statystycznego") - w sensie czasu odpowiedzi na nasze wymagania -
zale¿y mi na minimalnym czasie i koszcie dogadywania siê z dostawc± POS'a a
jednocze¶nie nie wi±zaniu siê zbytnim z kim¶ konkretnym za wcze¶nie.
Interesuj± mnie granice projektu interfejsu: jak daleko mo¿na go przygotowaæ
bez znajomo¶ci ostatecznego dostawcy. A tak¿e odpowied¼ na pytanie jak
odró¿niaæ propozycje dostawcy "powszechnie stosowane" od "w³asne".

Interesowa³yby mnie tak¿e standardy dot. samych tre¶ci komunikatów,
sekwencje czynno¶ci komunikacyjnych - je¶li takie ju¿ istniej±
lub siê klaruj± - znów: w obszarze bezpo¶redniej komunikacji terminala z
aplikacj± kasow± czy podobn±.

Jak kto¶ siê dobrze czuje w tych tematach, bêdê wdziêczny za

3 Answers


1/21/2011 12:22:00 AM


On Jan 21, 1:29 am, rst9 <rst9w...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> On Jan 20, 8:25 am, baldeagle <force....@gmail.com> wrote:
> >Student of Tsun Tze would know his teaching that...
> > "know your enemy and yourself, you will win all wars."...
> > and ........
> >
>  If the U.S. had learned something from Tsun Tze, we
> wouldn't have gotten into  our mess in Vietnam, Iraq, and
> Afghanistan.
Most US commanding officers have read Tsun Tze in
their military academy. However, the US generals look
down at teachings of Tsun Tze. They believe, the "shock
and awe" warfare, started by Nixon to force Ho Chee
Ming to the negotiating table, is far more superior.

The US has used it in the Balkan with success....but
it proved to be the US down fall in Iraq and Afghanistan...
against people who use Tsun Tze guerrilla warfare tactics
to prove to the USA that ...shock and awe is useless
against guerrillas.


1/21/2011 3:07:00 AM


On Jan 21, 2:46 am, "Albert K. Fung" <akwf...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> rst9:
> > Yeah, "I dare you.  I double dare you.  Come on out and fight like a
> > man".  Said "George Worthless Bush" Obama.
> As professor of Constitutional law ....
> And accomplished card player, the gentleman from Illinois is
> quite a bit more cerebral than that gentleman from Texas. He
> appears quite civil and sees no need to engage in pedestrian
> talks with China. But he did learn an important lesson about
> the Middle Kingdom on his first ever visit there.

Anyone who thinks a Chinese head of state is out to engage a US
president in pedestrian talk knows very little. Perhaps that's why
Albert Fung could come up with his theory that Chinese women select
submissive wimps over alpha males.


> He brought olive branch. It gained him embarrassing rebuffs.
> Afterward, he hired a renowned Chinese scholar and began in-
> tensive tutoring on Chinese history. He was struck by the G8
> saga during the late Qing dynasty, when the Celestial Empire
> was brought to its knees by the "barbarian" gunboats and bow
> -ed to every wimps, wishes and demands of the G8 alliance.

Anyone who learns about the West's gunboat diplomacy only when he
becomes president shouldn't have been a president in the first place.
But I think Obama did know about the Western imperialists and
colonialists throwing their weight around -- unlike how Albert Fung
put it.


> That, was the eureka moment, when he came to the realization
> that in his dealing with China he must carry a big stick and
> not flowers. The Middle Kingdom respects no olive branch but
> in-your-fact hard power.
> And concluded, as Commander-in-Chief of the American Empire,
> that he must make better use of the dozen or so 100,000 tons
> silent diplomatic persuaders at his service. He decided then
> they they would be the keystone of USA's China policy.
> When China unveiled her J-20 stealth jet, spread words about
> her flattop killer, and, access denial military doctrine, he
> immediately dispatched three ginormous battlegroups into the
> Chinese front, middle and back yards, with the fourth due to
> arrive in 2015. He ordered them to call China's bluff.
> Quietly, politely but firmly .... :)
> Regards,
> Albert K. Fung
> Emerald Terrace, Sai Kung, Hong Kong.

Obama called China's bluff (when the bluff made?) with his own
expensive bluff, which China then called? China has unsinkable
aircraft carriers lining its coast. Albert Fung loves to bluff



1/21/2011 3:23:00 AM


I have given up on "George Worthless Bush" Obama. I'm ready for the
next man (or woman) to be president.