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Praca: Specjalista ds. technicznych


7/5/2007 7:52:00 AM

Prê¿na i dynamiczna firma dzia³aj±ca w bran¿y reklamowej od 2001 roku,
leader audiomarketingu i videomarketingu w Polsce, poszukuje kandydatów na

Specjalista ds. technicznych

Miejsce pracy:


Opis stanowiska:

a.. Bie¿±ca obs³uga od strony technicznej oraz informatycznej klientów
b.. Zarz±dzanie oraz nadzór pracy serwerów muzycznych ulokowanych u
c.. Przygotowanie aktualizacji baz muzycznych oraz video
d.. Wykorzystywanie istniej±cych kana³ów komunikacji z serwerami oraz
tworzenie nowych rozwi±zañ wspomagaj±cych pracê dzia³u
e.. Diagnoza awarii sprzêtu i oprogramowania instalowanych u klientów
f.. Kontakt z klientem, ustalanie warunków technicznych instalacji

a.. wykszta³cenie minimum ¶rednie
b.. mile widziani studenci zaoczni kierunku informatyka
c.. podstawowa znajomo¶æ zagadnieñ zwi±zanych z kompresj± audio oraz video
d.. dobra znajomo¶æ ¶rodowiska Linux
e.. znajomo¶æ dowolnego jêzyka programowania
f.. znajomo¶æ budowy oraz dzia³ania sieci komputerowych
g.. posiadanie obszernej wiedzy ogólnej z zakresu informatyki
h.. kreatywno¶æ, komunikatywno¶æ i zaanga¿owanie
i.. umiejêtno¶æ organizacji czasu pracy, operatywno¶æ
j.. prawo jazdy kat. B
k.. dobra znajomo¶æ jêzyka angielskiego

a.. Mo¿liwo¶æ zdobycia do¶wiadczenia
b.. Pracê w dynamicznie rozwijaj±cej siê firmie
c.. Udzia³ w projektach realizowanych przez firmê

Zainteresowanych prosimy o przesy³anie aplikacji (CV, list motywacyjny,
zdjêcie, mo¿liwy
termin rozpoczêcia pracy)
z podaniem w tytule korespondencji: Pracownik DT wy³±cznie na adres poczty


Prosimy o dopisanie nastêpuj±cej klauzuli:"Wyra¿am zgodê na przetwarzanie
moich danych osobowych zawartych w mojej ofercie pracy dla potrzeb
niezbêdnych do realizacji procesu rekrutacji (zgodnie z Ustaw± z dn.
29.08.97 o Ochronie danych Osobowych Dz. U. nr 133 poz. 883 z pó¿n. zm.)".

18 Answers


7/11/2007 7:19:00 PM


> Wymagania:
> a.. wykszta3cenie minimum ?rednie
> b.. mile widziani studenci zaoczni kierunku informatyka
> c.. podstawowa znajomo?a zagadnien zwi?zanych z kompresj? audio oraz
oki wymagania sa!!

> Oferujemy:
> a.. Mo?liwo?a zdobycia do?wiadczenia
> b.. Prace w dynamicznie rozwijaj?cej sie firmie
> c.. Udzia3 w projektach realizowanych przez firme

a teraz zobacz jak to wyglada za granica i tu wroc, jak podasz jedna malutka
informacje ktorej tu brakuje:

OFERTA!! bo to co podaliscie to raczej nie jest oferta a ..............
powietrze jest najwazniejsze


Archiwum grupy: http://niusy.onet.pl/pl.comp.p...


7/18/2007 2:38:00 PM


news.tpi.pl pisze:
> Pre?na i dynamiczna firma


> dzia3aj?ca w bran?y reklamowej od 2001 roku,

czyt. roznoszenie ulotek

B'enjamin C'ramer

12/11/2007 9:04:00 AM


<dsharavi@gmail.com> wrote in message

Fuck orf, slime.

David G

12/12/2007 1:35:00 AM


<dsharavi@gmail.com> wrote in message
> On Dec 10, 3:35 pm, "David G" <d...@nospam.com> wrote:
>> <dshar...@gmail.com> wrote in message
>> news:deec2410-4071-4daf-aac6-fa1338a9fb7a@s12g2000prg.googlegroups.com...
>> > On Dec 9, 5:19 pm, "David G" <d...@nospam.com> wrote:
>> >> From Ben-Gurion's diary on 1-1-48:
>> >> (He was involved at the time in a series of important
>> >> meetings with other Zionists about how to deal with
>> >> Palestinians):
>> >> "There is a need now for strong and brutal reaction. We need
>> >> to be accurate about timing, place and those we hit. If we accuse
>> >> a family--we need to harm them without mercy, women and
>> >> children included. Otherwise, this is not an effective reaction...
>> >> There is no need to distinguish between guilty and not guilty."
>> >> From Pappe, _Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine_, 69.
>> > Bollocks. The only source for this is a blog entry
>> Mearsheimer and Walt, _The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy,
>> p.96.
> Pappe was the source, according to your original post. To refresh your
> memory:
> From: "David G" <d...@nospam.com>
> Subject: A nibblet of Zionist hate--tip of iceberg of course
> Message-ID: <su07j.25463$mb.12773@bignews9.bellsouth.net>
> Date: Sun, 9 Dec 2007 20:19:25 -0500
> From Ben-Gurion's diary on 1-1-48:
> (He was involved at the time in a series of important
> meetings with other Zionists about how to deal with
> Palestinians):
> "There is a need now for strong and brutal reaction. We need
> to be accurate about timing, place and those we hit. If we accuse
> a family--we need to harm them without mercy, women and
> children included. Otherwise, this is not an effective reaction...
> There is no need to distinguish between guilty and not guilty."
> From Pappe, _Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine_, 69.
> Got that part "FROM PAPPE"? Not Waltsheimer. Pappe.
>> -- subject of which
>> > is Ahmadinutjob of Iran -- which claims the quote is in pappe's crappe
>> > pile. If so, it's merely another of pappe's multitudinous lies.
>> > On 1st January 1949, Ben-Gurion was involved in a long meeting between
>> > Hagana and Palmach commanders regarding one of the latter's
>> > operations. Ben Gurion's viewpoint, as expressed in LEGITIMATE
>> > accounts, is directly opposed to that claimed by the proven liar
>> > pappe.
>> So, where's your proof? Or is proof that YOU SAY SO?
> Pretty funny comment from one who doesn't know what he's quoting from.

No proof presented I see, just a pointless reply.

>> Mearsheimer and Walt do not use questionable sources.
>> Try not to look so uneducated.
> Pappe's crappe was the alleged source you pretended to quote, sonny,
> not waltsheimer. It's not to be expected that you've read either, but
> the least you might do is try to keep your lies straight.

You are trying desperately to make a pointless point. I have told no lies.
Mearsheimer and Walt do not use questionable sources.


12/12/2007 2:11:00 AM


"David G" <dg@nospam.com> wrote in message

> You are trying desperately to make a pointless point. I have told no
> lies.
> Mearsheimer and Walt do not use questionable sources.

Yes they do.... just because another anti-Jew (you) says otherwise doesn't
make it so.

B'enjamin C'ramer

12/12/2007 6:31:00 AM


<dsharavi@gmail.com> wrote in message

Fuck orf, lying slime.

B'enjamin C'ramer

12/12/2007 6:32:00 AM


"David G" <dg@nospam.com> wrote in message
> <dsharavi@gmail.com> wrote in message
> news:153b22dd-3dbe-4734-9835-204d83fe42ef@b40g2000prf.googlegroups.com...
>> On Dec 10, 3:35 pm, "David G" <d...@nospam.com> wrote:
>>> <dshar...@gmail.com> wrote in message
>>> news:deec2410-4071-4daf-aac6-fa1338a9fb7a@s12g2000prg.googlegroups.com...
>>> > On Dec 9, 5:19 pm, "David G" <d...@nospam.com> wrote:
>>> >> From Ben-Gurion's diary on 1-1-48:
>>> >> (He was involved at the time in a series of important
>>> >> meetings with other Zionists about how to deal with
>>> >> Palestinians):
>>> >> "There is a need now for strong and brutal reaction. We need
>>> >> to be accurate about timing, place and those we hit. If we accuse
>>> >> a family--we need to harm them without mercy, women and
>>> >> children included. Otherwise, this is not an effective reaction...
>>> >> There is no need to distinguish between guilty and not guilty."
>>> >> From Pappe, _Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine_, 69.
>>> > Bollocks. The only source for this is a blog entry
>>> Mearsheimer and Walt, _The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy,
>>> p.96.
>> Pappe was the source, according to your original post. To refresh your
>> memory:
>> From: "David G" <d...@nospam.com>
>> Subject: A nibblet of Zionist hate--tip of iceberg of course
>> Message-ID: <su07j.25463$mb.12773@bignews9.bellsouth.net>
>> Date: Sun, 9 Dec 2007 20:19:25 -0500
>> From Ben-Gurion's diary on 1-1-48:
>> (He was involved at the time in a series of important
>> meetings with other Zionists about how to deal with
>> Palestinians):
>> "There is a need now for strong and brutal reaction. We need
>> to be accurate about timing, place and those we hit. If we accuse
>> a family--we need to harm them without mercy, women and
>> children included. Otherwise, this is not an effective reaction...
>> There is no need to distinguish between guilty and not guilty."
>> From Pappe, _Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine_, 69.
>> Got that part "FROM PAPPE"? Not Waltsheimer. Pappe.
>>> -- subject of which
>>> > is Ahmadinutjob of Iran -- which claims the quote is in pappe's crappe
>>> > pile. If so, it's merely another of pappe's multitudinous lies.
>>> > On 1st January 1949, Ben-Gurion was involved in a long meeting between
>>> > Hagana and Palmach commanders regarding one of the latter's
>>> > operations. Ben Gurion's viewpoint, as expressed in LEGITIMATE
>>> > accounts, is directly opposed to that claimed by the proven liar
>>> > pappe.
>>> So, where's your proof? Or is proof that YOU SAY SO?
>> Pretty funny comment from one who doesn't know what he's quoting from.
> No proof presented I see, just a pointless reply.
>>> Mearsheimer and Walt do not use questionable sources.
>>> Try not to look so uneducated.
>> Pappe's crappe was the alleged source you pretended to quote, sonny,
>> not waltsheimer. It's not to be expected that you've read either, but
>> the least you might do is try to keep your lies straight.
> You are trying desperately to make a pointless point. I have told no
> lies.
> Mearsheimer and Walt do not use questionable sources.

This sharavi thing is a very accomplished liar and b'ullshitter, David.
You'll never get the last word in with her. She never shuts up.


B'enjamin C'ramer

12/12/2007 6:33:00 AM


"DoD" <danskisanjar@gmail.com> wrote in message
> "David G" <dg@nospam.com> wrote in message
> news:0VG7j.12785$k27.5194@bignews2.bellsouth.net..
>> You are trying desperately to make a pointless point. I have told no
>> lies.
>> Mearsheimer and Walt do not use questionable sources.
> Yes they do.... ++

Nope. You're lying, dopeydaveydumbkunt.

B'enjamin C'ramer

12/12/2007 6:33:00 AM


<dsharavi@gmail.com> wrote in message

Fuck orf, lying yid slime.

B'enjamin C'ramer

12/12/2007 6:33:00 AM


<dsharavi@gmail.com> wrote in message

Fuck orf, whining yid slime.