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[ASM+FPU] Skad wartosc NaN?

Damian Sobota

4/2/2007 10:26:00 PM


Pisze program na pracownie. Mam napisaa m.in. funkcje, która konwertuje liczbe
zespolon? w postaci z=a+bi do postaci z=|z|(cos(arg(z))+isin(arg(z))). Oto kod
w C:

extern void c_alg2try(complex a, double *cosarg, double *sinarg, double *r);

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
double cosarg=0, sinarg=0, r=0;
complex a={1.3, 2.6};
c_alg2try(a, &cosarg, &sinarg, &r);
printf("a=%f(%f+i%f)\n", r, cosarg, sinarg);
return 0;

A oto kod funkcji w assemblerze:

fld qword [esp+4] ; laduj a.re
fmul st0, st0
fld qword [esp+12] ; laduj a.im
fmul st0, st0
faddp st1, st0
fsqrt ; w st0 mamy |z|

fld qword [esp+4]
fdiv st0, st1 ; w st0 mamy cosargz

fld qword [esp+12]
fdiv st0, st2 ; w st0 mamy sinargz

mov eax, [esp+24]
fstp qword [eax]
mov eax, [esp+20]
fstp qword [eax]
mov eax, [esp+28]
fstp qword [eax]

xor eax, eax

Niestety powy?sze nie dzia3a... Oto co mi wypisuje program:


Sk?d to nan? Nie mam pomys3u kompletnie, jak poprawia program (próbowa3em
ró?ne rzeczy, ci?gle dostaje podobne wyniki).

Kompiluje za pomoc? NASM+GCC. System to Ubuntu 6.06. U kolegi pod Windows XP
dzia3a3o wszystko bez zarzutu. Ma kto? jaki? pomys3?

Damian Sobota.

Wys3ano z serwisu Usenet w portalu Gazeta.pl -> http://www.gazeta....
2 Answers

Damian Sobota

4/2/2007 10:54:00 PM


Damian Sobota <damsob.WYTNIJ@gazeta.pl> napisa3(a):
> [ciecie]

Kod jest dobry, problem byl gdzie indziej.


Wys3ano z serwisu Usenet w portalu Gazeta.pl -> http://www.gazeta....

Winston Smith, American Patriot

7/1/2010 5:53:00 AM


"D. Stussy" <spam+newsgroups@bde-arc.ampr.org> wrote in

> "SOCIALISM SUCKS" <progressive_libertarian@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> news:e7efd786-89ad-4711-b9e6-a183c236acba@l25g2000prn.googlegroups.com.
> ..
>> If both sides of the aisle decide after all the mudslinging and silly
>> nonsense, that unemployment is going to be extended yet again, then
>> let's change the benefit structure completely - so that unemployment
>> payments SHRINK over time from 100% the first month straight line -
>> down to zero year 3.
>> At which point they're gone.
>> THAT is the way to find the balance, between help, and enabling.
>> Someone getting 100% initially, will be helped when they need it
>> most.
>> Next week - their check is a bit smaller. Noticing that, our
>> protagonist will consider what that means - and think to himself or
>> herself; maybe I should look a bit harder for that next job. This
>> unemployment gig clearly isn't an end in itself.
>> Next week - a bit smaller still. Still 99% of the original, enough
>> surely, for printing resumes, and maybe a haircut. To look for a ...
>> new job. But each week, that check shrinks just a bit, until after 3
>> years - it's gone. Zip. No more handouts - go find another job.
>> 2 years is plenty long enough to find a job. By 2 years it's not
>> assistance with unemployment. It's welfare.
>> Expecting people to pull their own weight, is not heartless.
>> It is the American way.
> They're lucky to get 99 weeks. When I was last unemployed, the limit
> was 26 weeks (6 months) - of which I only needed 2 weeks worth.

I am sure that even you would learn that it is no longer easy to get that
job for which you barely qualify---super-sizing fries---within two weeks.
Bush's Great Recession has been that disastrous, as was predicted in posts
to the Usenet well before it happened.

> 3 years, even with diminishing payments, is way too long.

99 weeks is three years to you??

That explains a lot about you now.

Estimate the worth of a man by how sincerely he greets you.
Arrive at the worth of a man by how he opens himself to you.
Know the worth of a man by how conscientiously he listens to you.
Verify the worth of a man by how warmly he takes his leave of you.
