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WebService and timeout


4/30/2008 2:44:00 PM


I'm dealing with scenario when call to any web method ends up with timeout
and I try to add the user a chance to retry (wait a little bit)
My service proxy code looks like this:

AsyncCallback cb = new AsyncCallback(ServiceCallback);
IAsyncResult result1 = BeginInvoke(methodName, parameters, cb, this);
if(result1.IsCompleted == false)
bTO = result1.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(Timeout, true);
if(bTO == false)//time out occured
//display window and ask the user to wait a moment, user press
OK when it sure that web method finished
object[] ret = EndInvoke(result1);// error every time when time out
occured (bTO = false)
My scenario is following:
1. BeginInvoke initialize asynch web method call
2. WaitOne waits for Timeout miliseconds
3. WaitOne returns false because timeout occured, and wait screen is
displayed. When user close it the web methos is finished.
4. result1.IsCompleted is true so I expect that EndInvoke shall return the
results but it throws excpetion "timeout" !!!. Why?
Everything works fine if timeout doesn't occure.

Thanks for any advise