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[ANN] ri2ref 0.0.1 - reference manual genarator based on ri


6/20/2005 10:54:00 PM

I am pleased to release ri2ref, reference manual genarator based on ri.
I don't think RDoc's HTML frame is preferable. ri2ref generates
HTML pages without frame and has some features.

You can see the demo here, http://radio.s14.xrea.com/x/ri2ref/...

You can get the archive

! Waht is ri2ref

ri2ref is a reference manual genaerator. It has three executable scripts.

: ri2ref : a generator for static HTML(very slow)
: ri2ref.cgi : CGI script
: ri2ref.rb : HTTP Server(WEBrick)

Because ri2ref creates HTML pages which are independent to Javascript or
HTML frame, you can easily read the reference manual generated by ri2ref
with your favorite browser, for example, FireFox, IE, safari, w3m and so
on. But, I recommend FireFox. I test ri2ref with Gecko-based

! Requirement

* Ruby-1.8.2 or lator
* ri
* CGIKit-2.0.0-preview1 or lator

CGIKit is included in ri2ref. RDoc and ri is usually installed when you
install Ruby. If you use Ruby One-Click Installer for Windows, you don't
have to install extra library.

It is good idea to confirm that you properly install ri. Please type like
this on your terminal or command prompt.

ri Array#push

------------------------------------------------------------- Array#push
array.push(obj, ... ) -> array
Append---Pushes the given object(s) on to the end of this array.
This expression returns the array itself, so several appends may be
chained together.

a = [ "a", "b", "c" ]
a.push("d", "e", "f")
#=> ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"]

This shows the above message. If you can see this, you installed Ruby and
ri properly.

! ri2ref Installation
Follow these steps.

* Download ri2ref-x.x.x.tgz(x.x.x is version)
* untar ri2ref-x.x.x.tgz
* move to ri2ref-x.x.x directory

!! HTTP Server
* just type '''ruby ri2ref.rb'''
* access http://localhost:8080/ with your browser.

!! static HTML generator
Currently, this script is very slow and ad-hoc. I don't recommend to use
it. But, maybe this script is usable. If you try it, type '''ruby
ri2ref'''. This creates all reference pages which you can refer to with
ri. The created pages are located in `html` directory.

If you have your own ri data in ~/.rdoc/, try the below.

ruby ri2ref ~/.rdoc

!! CGI script
* modify the shebang line of ri2ref.cgi
* change tha path of ri data. You must specify it as the argument of

In default configuration, ri2ref uses system-installed ri data.
If you would like to use your own ri data, you can set it by


This tells ri2ref to use ri data under, './rdoc'.

! License

! Thanks
* Matz for Ruby
* Dave Thomas for RDoc and ri
* SUZUKI Tetsuya for CGIKit2

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