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Wczesne wykrywanie performance bottleneck


2/20/2007 12:52:00 PM


zastanawiam sie czy znacie moze jakies metody wczesnego wykrywania
problemów wydajnosciowych / memory leaków w fazie developmentu. Jedyne
co przychodzi mi do glowy to metody manualne: code review, pair
programming ale szukam czegos zautomatyzowanego, jakiegos analizatora
czy innego narzedzia do wykorzystania w fazie programowania zanim
rozpoczna sie porzadne testy.

Znacie moze cos takiego? Piszemy w Javie.


5 Answers


2/21/2007 9:20:00 AM


On Feb 20, 1:51 pm, michal.slocin...@gmail.com wrote:
> zastanawiam sie czy znacie moze jakies metody wczesnego wykrywania
> problemów wydajnosciowych / memory leaków w fazie developmentu.

Moze potrzeba Ci jakiegos programu typu profiler? Niestety nie mam
zbyt duzych doswiadczen z profilerami do javy, wiec zadnego
konkretnego nie polece. Ale pamietaj: "premature optimization is the
root of evil" ;-)

Jacek Czerwinski

2/21/2007 12:47:00 PM


Dnia 20 Feb 2007 04:51:55 -0800, michal.slocinski@gmail.com napisa3(a):

> Hej,
> zastanawiam sie czy znacie mo?e jakies metody wczesnego wykrywania
> problemów wydajno?ciowych / memory leaków w fazie developmentu. Jedyne
> co przychodzi mi do g3owy to metody manualne: code review, pair
> programming ale szukam czego? zautomatyzowanego, jakiego? analizatora
> czy innego narzedzia do wykorzystania w fazie programowania zanim
> rozpoczn? sie porz?dne testy.
Zamin rozpoczn? sie testy i programowanie, jest projektowanie.


2/21/2007 10:18:00 PM


<michal.slocinski@gmail.com> wrote
>zastanawiam siê czy znacie mo¿e jakies metody wczesnego wykrywania
>problemów wydajno¶ciowych / memory leaków w fazie developmentu. Jedyne
>co przychodzi mi do g³owy to metody manualne: code review, pair
>programming ale szukam czego¶ zautomatyzowanego, jakiego¶ analizatora
>czy innego narzêdzia do wykorzystania w fazie programowania zanim
>rozpoczn± siê porz±dne testy.

>Znacie mo¿e co¶ takiego? Piszemy w Javie.

Jak piszecie w Javie to o wycieki pamieci zbytnio bym sie nie martwil. Do
wydajnosci musisz poszukac jakiegos profilera. Nie polece zadnego bo nie
znam (nie zwyklem uzywac slow Java i wydajnosc w jednym zdaniu). Goraco
polecam niedoceniane Code Review, ale pytanie czy macie na to czas
(przypominam czas == pieniadz) i czy uda sie Wam podejsc do tego powaznie.
Mozesz sie zainteresowac tool'ami do statycznej analizy kodu. Dla Javy mozna
uzyc Klockwork, ale on tani nie jest...



2/23/2007 3:05:00 AM


On 20 Lut, 13:51, michal.slocin...@gmail.com wrote:
> Hej,
> zastanawiam sie czy znacie moze jakies metody wczesnego wykrywania
> problemów wydajnosciowych / memory leaków w fazie developmentu. Jedyne
> co przychodzi mi do glowy to metody manualne: code review, pair
> programming ale szukam czegos zautomatyzowanego, jakiegos analizatora
> czy innego narzedzia do wykorzystania w fazie programowania zanim
> rozpoczna sie porzadne testy.
> Znacie moze cos takiego? Piszemy w Javie.
> Michal

Netbeans IDE + Profiler Plugin?


2/13/2012 3:27:00 PM


"Kickboxer ®T" <greeceisgettingricher@gmail.com> wrote in message
>> You are happy because you have a job and don't think you're going to lose
>> it
>> or face a massive pay cut and huge bills to pay. What about the 50% of
>> people between 16 and 24 and the 21% of people as a whole who don't? What
>> about the majority of the populatation which faces losing their jobs or
>> having to have to take a cut in their wages? What about the majority of
>> the
>> populations that can barley afford to pay their bills?
> You are confusing the situation with reactions to the situation.
> The situation is a constant because it affects large numbers of people
> uniformly. But how these people react to the situation is a variable
> due to character and choice.
> Two people get laid off. Circumstances are identical. One gets
> overwhelmed with feelings of anger and revenge and uses his IQ for
> destruction. The other loses no time to improve his situation as much
> as possible.
> Conclusion:
> The first will fail. The second will succeed. Life always works like
> this.

Complete and utter nonsense.

Two identical people get laid off. Both will fail because they have bills to
pay and mouths to feed and there's no one to take them on no matter what
they do, with 1000 people applying for every job. The two people have
identical skills so neither of them has an advantage over the other. It's
just pot luck which determines who gets the vacancy, a 1 in 1000 chance.

The man who campaigns to remove the political elite that are selling out
Greece has more chance of changing things for the better than anyone else.

>> The criminals that need to be indicted are George Papandreou, Antonis
>> Samaras, Lukas Papademos and the other traitors serving the 4th Reich who
>> voted to bail out the crooked banks and Germany at Greece's expense
>> instead
>> of defaulting an making them pay their price for their loan shark
>> practices
>> which caused the financial crisis and is destroying Greece's economy.
> There is no 4th Reich. This is a racist thought. Today's Germans are
> good people. There are also a lot of Germans who are below the poverty
> line and who are suffering.

This isn't about Germans and it isn't racist. The 4th Reich is the troika of
the EU, IMF and private creditors who are dictating their terms to Greece
and destroying all vestiges of democracy so that Germany and a whole load of
American and French banks don't have to take any losses.

If the price of Greece's recovery is Germany going down instead, then what
does it make to Greece if Germany goes down. Let it take America, France and
the rest down as well if it has to. What did they do for Greece? Where is
the bailout the promised? I don't see Greece being bailed out. I see it
being put more and more into debt and eventually destroyed.

Greece should look after it's own interests first and not those of others
like the traitorous political elite have always done at Greece's expense.