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Re: RAA down?

Berger, Daniel

5/16/2005 2:31:00 PM

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Phil Tomson [mailto:ptkwt@aracnet.com]
> Sent: Saturday, May 14, 2005 6:15 PM
> To: ruby-talk ML
> Subject: Re: RAA down?
> In article <a67aadf805051416081334971f@mail.gmail.com>,
> NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <nakahiro@gmail.com> wrote:
> >Hi Dan,
> >
> >Thank you.
> >
> >2005/5/15, Daniel Berger <djberg96@hotmail.com>:
> >> It appears that the RAA is down. I'm not sure if this was
> planned or
> >> not, so I thought I should mention it.
> >
> >Not planned. WEBrick httpd process has been crashed. I've just
> >restarted = it.
> >
> So RAA is powered by WEBrick? I've used WEBrick for my small, low
> hit-volume site for many months now. I'm pleasantly
> surprised that it
> works well for higher-volume sites as well.
> Phil

Yes, that is interesting. I'd be interested to know what made it crash,
too. Overload? Bug? Overall, I'd say WEBrick has done pretty well,
though. :)



30 Answers


5/29/2005 2:42:00 PM


Hash: SHA1


Berger, Daniel wrote:
>>So RAA is powered by WEBrick? I've used WEBrick for my small, low
>>hit-volume site for many months now. I'm pleasantly
>>surprised that it
>>works well for higher-volume sites as well.

> Yes, that is interesting. I'd be interested to know what made it crash,
> too. Overload? Bug? Overall, I'd say WEBrick has done pretty well,
> though. :)

ruby 1.9.0 (2005-04-06) [i686-linux] crashed and I didn't have core.
Maybe I didn't set limit correctly...

// NaHi
Version: GnuPG v1.4.0 (Cygwin)


Insane Ranter

8/12/2013 10:40:00 PM


On Monday, August 12, 2013 4:41:55 PM UTC-4, Erik Setzer wrote:
> On Sunday, August 11, 2013 9:10:06 PM UTC-4, Blackheart wrote:
> > I don't believe that anyone that is sane or reasonable expected anyone to go away. Not even Black Templars.
> The only reason I can see it being a "surprise" is that they're on the supplement kick. But seriously, why bother with basic Marines? Save it for the very special chapters.
> > I had not heard of the Centurions getting LR's. I'm not entirely surprised that they would. There's no real reason not to. That said, the Centurions will not be a big deal on the table.
> As someone who remembers Rhinos being able to carry Dreadnoughts, I'm not too thrown off by that. I'm not sure if the Centurions are as big as people think. They also sound like something I'd just throw a bunch of small shots at so see how many saves they can fail. I'm mainly just pissed off they ripped off Killer Kanz.
> > The big deal is the two AA tanks. The bitter part of me is quite happy that almost everyone has gotten a "fuck your space planes" option.
> Orks still feel unloved. But really, I'm used to the idea GW hates Orks and wishes they would all just go away.
> I get the sentiment with the flyers, though. They're annoying as hell and I just resign myself to throwing a ton of shots at them and hoping for just enough of a result to knock them down.
> - Erik

They hate dwarves aka Squats not Orks!!!!


8/12/2013 11:16:00 PM


On Monday, August 12, 2013 4:41:55 PM UTC-4, Erik Setzer wrote:
> On Sunday, August 11, 2013 9:10:06 PM UTC-4, Blackheart wrote:
> > I don't believe that anyone that is sane or reasonable expected anyone to go away. Not even Black Templars.
> The only reason I can see it being a "surprise" is that they're on the supplement kick. But seriously, why bother with basic Marines? Save it for the very special chapters.
> > I had not heard of the Centurions getting LR's. I'm not entirely surprised that they would. There's no real reason not to. That said, the Centurions will not be a big deal on the table.
> As someone who remembers Rhinos being able to carry Dreadnoughts, I'm not too thrown off by that. I'm not sure if the Centurions are as big as people think. They also sound like something I'd just throw a bunch of small shots at so see how many saves they can fail. I'm mainly just pissed off they ripped off Killer Kanz.
> > The big deal is the two AA tanks. The bitter part of me is quite happy that almost everyone has gotten a "fuck your space planes" option.
> Orks still feel unloved. But really, I'm used to the idea GW hates Orks and wishes they would all just go away.

I can see the Orks getting a pretty good book when they get around to them. The big kit pieces they've put out this year have showed that they can now finally do something people have wanted for decades. A Squiggoth.

> I get the sentiment with the flyers, though. They're annoying as hell and I just resign myself to throwing a ton of shots at them and hoping for just enough of a result to knock them down.

Lootas are good for that.


8/13/2013 1:54:00 PM


On Monday, August 12, 2013 4:41:55 PM UTC-4, Erik Setzer wrote:
> On Sunday, August 11, 2013 9:10:06 PM UTC-4, Blackheart wrote:
> > I don't believe that anyone that is sane or reasonable expected anyone to go away. Not even Black Templars.
> The only reason I can see it being a "surprise" is that they're on the supplement kick. But seriously, why bother with basic Marines? Save it for the very special chapters.
> > I had not heard of the Centurions getting LR's. I'm not entirely surprised that they would. There's no real reason not to. That said, the Centurions will not be a big deal on the table.
> As someone who remembers Rhinos being able to carry Dreadnoughts, I'm not too thrown off by that. I'm not sure if the Centurions are as big as people think. They also sound like something I'd just throw a bunch of small shots at so see how many saves they can fail. I'm mainly just pissed off they ripped off Killer Kanz.
> > The big deal is the two AA tanks. The bitter part of me is quite happy that almost everyone has gotten a "fuck your space planes" option.
> Orks still feel unloved. But really, I'm used to the idea GW hates Orks and wishes they would all just go away.
> I get the sentiment with the flyers, though. They're annoying as hell and I just resign myself to throwing a ton of shots at them and hoping for just enough of a result to knock them down.
Space Marines is the ideal book to make supplements for. 1st they recycle all the Index Astartes info. Then make up some other random stuff. Give advice on how to make a themed list. Wrap it up with some painted models and old John Blanche art. BOOM! $39.99.

Blood Ravens - stars of many PC video games.
Ultramarines -Stars of DVD & Console gaming.
Crimson Fists - cool -yet tragic- story. Rynn's World book did well.
Just to name a few. I could be whatever color marine the studio felt like painting that day. For earth day they could do Salamanders, it's not easy being green! The possibilities are endless. Thus keeping such content out of White Dwarf so it can stay as content free as possible.

Sell Space Marine Painting guide for another $15.99
that seems rather cheap. Maybe just do each chapter for 7.99 like the did with ultramarines.

How could they possibly go wrong?!

Erik Setzer

8/13/2013 6:29:00 PM


On Monday, August 12, 2013 7:15:47 PM UTC-4, Blackheart wrote:

> > Orks still feel unloved. But really, I'm used to the idea GW hates Orks and wishes they would all just go away.
> I can see the Orks getting a pretty good book when they get around to them. The big kit pieces they've put out this year have showed that they can now finally do something people have wanted for decades. A Squiggoth.

I'm holding out hope for a few things. And seriously, if Marines get these vehicles, we should get our Flakwagons finally. (And a super lifta-droppa, because it's funny as well.)

> > I get the sentiment with the flyers, though. They're annoying as hell and I just resign myself to throwing a ton of shots at them and hoping for just enough of a result to knock them down.
> Lootas are good for that.

Yeah, I just need to actually assemble the ones I have. I'm just not sure about what to do with the gobs of Orks I have to assemble, though, because there's been so much talk that a new book will be out soon and I'd hate to assemble and paint units that won't be usable in that form with the next codex. It happened with this past one, I used to run mobs of 16 Orks with a Nob and three big shootas, but you can't do that any more (which is just annoying as hell, as well as the inability to use burnaz in any mob except Burna Boyz and Kommandos).

- Erik

Erik Setzer

8/13/2013 6:35:00 PM


On Tuesday, August 13, 2013 9:53:55 AM UTC-4, Desert Lurker wrote:

> > The only reason I can see it being a "surprise" is that they're on the supplement kick. But seriously, why bother with basic Marines? Save it for the very special chapters.

> Space Marines is the ideal book to make supplements for. 1st they recycle all the Index Astartes info. Then make up some other random stuff. Give advice on how to make a themed list. Wrap it up with some painted models and old John Blanche art. BOOM! $39.99.
> How could they possibly go wrong?!

The stupid "Codex Astartes" is what could go wrong. They painted themselves into something of a corner on it. The Iyanden supplement features an Eldar army that significantly differs from the normal makeup of Eldar armies. Note that Alaitoc isn't out there yet because right now you can play an Alaitoc army, just toss out Aspect Warriors only. You can do Ulthwe, just run a bunch of Farseers, Warlocks, and Guardians. With the Chaos Legions, they're all rather different from each other, with their own flavor.

But Space Marines? The Imperial Fists and Ultramarines both follow the same guidelines, so how do you justify a different army list for IF? Ditto Crimson Fists. Sure, they did it with Black Templars and Salamanders before, but if you just give all Space Marines the options that made them unique (like, say, a certain Land Raider variant), then what's the point? It has to be different enough that you don't just feel like you're playing the same army with slightly different colors.

I can see them doing some with Space Marines, just not a huge number.

- Erik


8/13/2013 7:25:00 PM



On Tuesday, August 13, 2013 9:53:55 AM UTC-4, Desert Lurker wrote:
> they ripped off Killer Kanz

IG "contributed" Leman Russes too:
The new Hunter/ Stalker tanks are S7 AP2 H1 Armourbane/ S7 AP2 H4.

> How could they possibly go wrong?

You decide -
JP Vanguard dropped *8ppm*. Sternguard, Honourguard, Devs, Tacs,
Bikes, Scouts, certain Special characters - all cheaper. There are six
new Chapter Relics and some HQ changes: Chaplain HQs (W2 A2) grant
Zealot; Master of the Forge gains Not Die. Bike Commanders make a Bike
unit Scoring. Note that Command squads may take Bikes. One can choose
3-6 Centurions (WS4 BS4 S5 T5 W2 I4 Ld8/9 Sv2. Note that Grav weapons
are Concussive. Calgar got pricier, but may take 3 Warlord Traits.
Also, new UM lost their "fall-back and act as normal" ability, but the
devs' self-insert faction was rebalanced a *smidgen* to become the
go-to cheap-Allies-for-everybody option. UM players may choose:

Tactical Doctrine
Army re-rolls ones, Tac squads re-roll failed Shooting to-hits.

Assault Doctrine
Army re-rolls Charges, Assault squads get Fleet.

Devastator Doctrine
Army re-rolls snap/overwatch shots, disembarked Devs gain Relentless.
Other chapters have hard-wired tactics:

BT re-roll to-hits (Crusader) and Rend in challenges (Accept Any).
Zeal and Vows are gone and the Allies matrix did *not* change. May not
take Librarians. Emperor's Champ is an HQ choice and may choose either
(reroll failed to-hits plus rending in challenges) or (Adamantium
Will plus Crusader). His sword is AP2, armor 2+/4++. Helbrecht grants
Hatred and Fleet (to BT) in one Assault phase once per game. Crusaders
may take 2 power weapons per squad (max 10 Initiates and 10 Neophytes).

IF get Drill (re-roll 1s, does not work with Special rounds). Devs and
Centurion Devs get Tank Hunter and +1 to building damage. Lysander is
30pts more costly but has EW plus, IF units within 12in re-roll Morale
and Pin tests.

Sallies re-roll failed Armour saves from flame-based weapons and their
own flame weapons re-roll failed Wounds or failed Pen/Glances.
Sally characters may master-craft one weapon for free.

WS have +1 to Jink, auto-pass Dangerous terrain, get +1 to Wrath
attacks and H&R for all except Termis and Centurions. Khan gives bikes
and transports Scout and inflicts d3 Wrath hits. RG get Stealth and
the ability to use their jump packs in the movement *and* assault
phases. Shrike may Infiltrate with JP units, IH get 6+ FNP and Not Die
for vehicles and characters, Kantor makes CF Sternguard Scoring, etc.



8/13/2013 8:08:00 PM


On Tuesday, August 13, 2013 3:25:05 PM UTC-4, Playa wrote:
> Hey,
> On Tuesday, August 13, 2013 9:53:55 AM UTC-4, Desert Lurker wrote:
> > they ripped off Killer Kanz
> IG "contributed" Leman Russes too:
> The new Hunter/ Stalker tanks are S7 AP2 H1 Armourbane/ S7 AP2 H4.
> > How could they possibly go wrong?
> You decide -
> JP Vanguard dropped *8ppm*. Sternguard, Honourguard, Devs, Tacs,
> Bikes, Scouts, certain Special characters - all cheaper. There are six
> new Chapter Relics and some HQ changes: Chaplain HQs (W2 A2) grant
> Zealot; Master of the Forge gains Not Die. Bike Commanders make a Bike
> unit Scoring. Note that Command squads may take Bikes. One can choose
> 3-6 Centurions (WS4 BS4 S5 T5 W2 I4 Ld8/9 Sv2. Note that Grav weapons
> are Concussive. Calgar got pricier, but may take 3 Warlord Traits.
> Also, new UM lost their "fall-back and act as normal" ability, but the
> devs' self-insert faction was rebalanced a *smidgen* to become the
> go-to cheap-Allies-for-everybody option. UM players may choose:
> Tactical Doctrine
> Army re-rolls ones, Tac squads re-roll failed Shooting to-hits.
> Assault Doctrine
> Army re-rolls Charges, Assault squads get Fleet.
> Devastator Doctrine
> Army re-rolls snap/overwatch shots, disembarked Devs gain Relentless.
> Other chapters have hard-wired tactics:
> BT re-roll to-hits (Crusader) and Rend in challenges (Accept Any).
> Zeal and Vows are gone and the Allies matrix did *not* change. May not
> take Librarians. Emperor's Champ is an HQ choice and may choose either
> (reroll failed to-hits plus rending in challenges) or (Adamantium
> Will plus Crusader). His sword is AP2, armor 2+/4++. Helbrecht grants
> Hatred and Fleet (to BT) in one Assault phase once per game. Crusaders
> may take 2 power weapons per squad (max 10 Initiates and 10 Neophytes).
> IF get Drill (re-roll 1s, does not work with Special rounds). Devs and
> Centurion Devs get Tank Hunter and +1 to building damage. Lysander is
> 30pts more costly but has EW plus, IF units within 12in re-roll Morale
> and Pin tests.
> Sallies re-roll failed Armour saves from flame-based weapons and their
> own flame weapons re-roll failed Wounds or failed Pen/Glances.
> Sally characters may master-craft one weapon for free.
> WS have +1 to Jink, auto-pass Dangerous terrain, get +1 to Wrath
> attacks and H&R for all except Termis and Centurions. Khan gives bikes
> and transports Scout and inflicts d3 Wrath hits. RG get Stealth and
> the ability to use their jump packs in the movement *and* assault
> phases. Shrike may Infiltrate with JP units, IH get 6+ FNP and Not Die
> for vehicles and characters, Kantor makes CF Sternguard Scoring, etc.
> Playa

Hm. Well at least they won't be boring.
Joe- more special rules than your shake a purity seal covered stick at- boster.


8/14/2013 2:19:00 AM



On Tuesday, August 13, 2013 4:08:11 PM UTC-4, Desert Lurker wrote:
> at least they won't be boring

I wish we could say the same for most of the other armies.
Remember when the Legion rules were deemed "complex and confusing?"

Meh. Games that run themselves are boring.
Things may improve once the Lolrandumb Edition is behind us.



8/14/2013 9:16:00 PM


On Tuesday, August 13, 2013 2:29:28 PM UTC-4, Erik Setzer wrote:
> On Monday, August 12, 2013 7:15:47 PM UTC-4, Blackheart wrote:
> > > Orks still feel unloved. But really, I'm used to the idea GW hates Orks and wishes they would all just go away.
> >
> > I can see the Orks getting a pretty good book when they get around to them. The big kit pieces they've put out this year have showed that they can now finally do something people have wanted for decades. A Squiggoth.
> I'm holding out hope for a few things. And seriously, if Marines get these vehicles, we should get our Flakwagons finally. (And a super lifta-droppa, because it's funny as well.)

don't get your hopes up for anything that has appeared in a Forgeworld it. Just don't. They're not gonna do it anymore.

> > > I get the sentiment with the flyers, though. They're annoying as hell and I just resign myself to throwing a ton of shots at them and hoping for just enough of a result to knock them down.
> >
> > Lootas are good for that.
> Yeah, I just need to actually assemble the ones I have. I'm just not sure about what to do with the gobs of Orks I have to assemble, though, because there's been so much talk that a new book will be out soon and I'd hate to assemble and paint units that won't be usable in that form with the next codex. It happened with this past one, I used to run mobs of 16 Orks with a Nob and three big shootas, but you can't do that any more (which is just annoying as hell, as well as the inability to use burnaz in any mob except Burna Boyz and Kommandos).

There's really no way for Lootas to not stay usable. They're an Ork with a gun that gets a random number of shots.