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[ANN] HtmlClipping 0.1.0

Francis Hwang

5/15/2005 4:36:00 AM

Hi all,

I've just released the first version of HtmlClipping.

== What's HtmlClipping?

HtmlClipping is a library for reading an HTML page that has a link
pointing to a particular URI. It removes most HTML markup, bolds the
link text, and trims the resulting text to a fixed number of
characters. I developed it to help me track referers to my website,
though I suppose it might have other uses.

For example, the following script gets the HTML at
rubyforge.org/credits/, and forms an excerpt around the link to

require 'htmlclipping'
require 'net/http'

contents = ''
Net::HTTP.start( 'rubyforge.org' ) do |http|
response = http.get '/credits/'
contents = response.body
clipping = HtmlClipping.new(
contents, 'http://www.rubycentral.org/pl..., 500
puts clipping.to_s

=> "… RubyForge takes time, effort, and money. Many thanks to
folks listed below who are making it possible! <br /> If RubyForge
been helpful to you, and you want to give something back to the
community, please consider supporting <strong>RubyCentral</strong>.
Thanks! <br /> InfoEther, Inc purchased the RubyForge hardware and
provides system administration support. <br /> Several folks
file mirrors to help share the bandwidth load: <br /> Evan Webb
<br />
Dennis Oelkers <br /> Austin &#8230;"


Francis Hwang

2 Answers


2/26/2011 8:01:00 PM


Errol wrote about his belief in something pointless and useless:
> John Baker wrote nothing of interest:
> I actually believe that an invisible, weight-less, mass-less, heat-
> less spaghetti monster lives on my roof but I just can't prove it.

So why do you believe it? Does the belief have any measurable impact
on the world? if not, we can just leave you to your delusion.
For example, has it's teachings inspired great and enduring
civilisations, masterpieces of art, most of the great scientists and
mathematicians, physicists, architects, musicians, poets, painters and
chemists in history?

Does it teach an ethical system which billions of people through
countless centuries will find efficacious in running their lives?

In other words, does it have ANY USE or is it just like every atheist
regime in history, a failure to provide any legacy to humanity, a
hindrance rather than a help, a catastrophe killing over 70,000,000.

For example, if a belief system produces free open progressive
secular democracies, which majority religious societies have done,
then it is clearly of benefit to mankind, but if it has produced no
secular democracies, just a series of totalitarian tyrannies, as
EVERY atheist regime in history has demonstrated, then it is clearly not
only useless but dangerous.

Now if the first belief system (theism) also produces some societies
which are not secular democracies then you need to look at how those
PARTICULAR societies, or groups have understood the teaching, is their
interpretation sound? Are we talking about early stages in the evolution
of understanding (ie pre-literate societies) Have political interests
perverted the teachings?
The belief system clearly CAN produce a civilised society, unlike
atheism, so what has prevented it from doing so in these aberrations?

In the case of Terrorism the answer is simple and clear, the tiny
minority who pursue it are simply apostates, they are acting in
DEFIANCE and OPPOSITION to the belief system, and are rejected by the
vast majority of adherents.

Your particular belief appears to fall in the category of
Idiosyncratic Fantasy, not really of much use, or interest, to

But at least it stops you from building another atheist tyranny!



alt.atheism FAQ:



"Atheism is the natural and inseparable part of Communism."
-Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)

"We must combat religion"
-Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)

?Down with religion and long live atheism;
the dissemination of atheist views is our chief task!?
- Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)

"Our program necessarily includes the propaganda of atheism."
- Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)





"How can you make a revolution without firing squads?"
- Lenin





2/26/2011 9:11:00 PM


On 3/02/2011 3:48 AM, Les Hellawell wrote:
> On Wed, 2 Feb 2011 03:35:28 -0800 (PST), Richo
> <m.richardson61@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Feb 2, 10:00 pm, fasgnadh<fasgn...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>>> Atheist Schism - PZ Myers demolishes idiotic atheist arguments

None of those arguments has been left for discussion by the
succession of Dictionary Atheists who have snipped, ignored
buried and bypassed that debate by a single thinking atheist!

It's pathetic really.

>>> http://tinyurl.c...
>>> "Once again, I have proven my ability to drive people
>>> into a frothing rage against me. ... I have this time
>>> managed to antagonize a bunch of atheists. Feel my pain.
>>> All right, to be honest, it really doesn't sting that much.
>> I like PZ he is an anti- bullshit guy first and foremost.

YOu just don't engage with a single thing he said, and neither
does Les or any of your flock, at all! 8^o

What an indictment of your doctrinaire, dictionary atheist

>> I get what he is saying - I largely agree with the spirit of his
>> message -

empty rhetoric, none of you show any signs of understanding
what he said, let alone discussing it. You snip and run...

> but technically he makes a couple of blunders in this one.

And there is is, the unfounded opinion. No evidence no
support not reasoned argument just assertion, and then
the next atheist asserts HIS opinion and you all act as if
it becomes truth just becasue you all chant in unison! B^D

>> Atheist schism

Yes, and none of you sheep in alt.atheism will discuss it!

>> Atheists violently disagreeing amongst themselves is nothing new - its
>> to be expected.

Sure, after killing millions of theists Stalin turned on fellow atheists
as well, just ask Trotsky.


> The only disagreement I know of is that some atheist claim
> gods do not exist whilst I and others just regard the god claim
> as unfounded.

So you claim to agree with these atheists, who are the
most well known(infamous) atheist achievers in history,
Mao, Lenin, Stalin, Pol Pot;

"Atheism is the natural and inseparable part of Communism."
-Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)

"We must combat religion"
-Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)

?Down with religion and long live atheism;
the dissemination of atheist views is our chief task!?
- Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)

"Our program necessarily includes the propaganda of atheism."
- Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)

And this one, who has always had universal support in alt.atheism;

# From: Steve Knight <sknight51@cox.net>
# Newsgroups: alt.atheism
# Subject: A.A. BAAWA - FAQ
# Message-ID: <p8mrb5lvaf0cj5bp1e4jbmlsqebu9j9b0a@4ax.com>
# Date: Sat, 26 Sep 2009 02:46:34 -0700
# We kill theists and shit down their throats and
# not in a girly way.
# Warlord Steve

Not satisfied with murder, Steve favours GENOCIDE

# From: Steve Knight <sknight51@cox.net>
# Newsgroups: alt.atheism,alt.religion.islam
# Subject: Re: Islam: the perfect religion and way of life for all
# Message-ID: <8t6ve5hs41qn3a2rv57fjcg60tufoa47pf@4ax.com>
# Date: Mon, 02 Nov 2009 18:58:18 -0800
# On Mon, 2 Nov 2009 21:22:32 +0200, "Katrina"
# <blondes_gaulloises@yahoo.com> wrote:
# >Islam: the perfect religion and way of life for all
# It is the most foul, disgusting filth on Earth.
# The sooner we nuke you fuckers, the better.
# Warlord Steve

> But surely all atheist agree the latter?

Well all the one's in Pol Pot's atheist regime did,
they carried out an actual genocide, beginning with Theicide

and everytime I discuss it atheists in USENET
attack me for criticising it!

>> We tend to be very opinionated and argumentative people.
> PK opens an interesting debate that merits consideration
> by atheists.

But he has been attacked by the militant atheist fanatics
and you don't address his argument or give it any
consideration whatsoever.. you have IGNORED it!!!! 8^o

> I think we can ignore the snarling hatred from the sidelines.

He doesn't, his article, which you militant atheist apologists
have snipped and are now SELECTIVELY quoting from was a powerful
critique of the elements in atheism which are irrational and dogmatic.

> PK writes:

"The godless raged at me on youtube and twitter, thanks
to the recent broadcast of my talk in Montreal. I have
a tangent in that talk where I deplore Dictionary
Atheists, going so far as to say I hate those guys,
because they're so superficial. Apparently some people
identify with shallow atheism, because they took it
personally and got rather upset."

The shallow USENET atheists took it that way, they can't
deal with any self-analysis ort self-criticism and they
snipped all of Myers critique and replaced it with selected
quotes which merely re-inforce their prejudices and dogmatic
beliefs about themselves

> He says it right there atheism, 'is based on' (scientific
> attitudes..etc)

What is scientific about an 'attitude'? Especially one that
not only has no proof, but cannot logically ever have proof?
and when put into practice has produced catastrophic tyrannies
which have killed over 70,000,000 people! 8^o

That looks like a FAILED hypothesis to most scientific thinkers!

> In other words he is atheist *because* of his outlook on life
> and set of values

rather than any evidence, or proof?

Yet the implementation of that 'set of values' (just what are they?
the ones Lenin Stalin and Mao demonstrated were pretty repugnant!)
has been, in EVERY atheist state, terror, torture, tyranny and death..
why don't atheists consider the evidence?

> This is why I, and many others, argue that atheism is simply the absence
> of belief and nothing more.

And that is why you snip what Myers ACTUALLY said, criticising that view
as Dictionary Atheism, lets put it back so people can see that you and
richo PRETEND to agree with Myers, PRETEND there is no schism, but
actually you DIAMETRICALLY oppose his view of atheism;

"Dictionary Atheists. Boy, I really do hate these guys.
You've got a discussion going, talking about why you're
an atheist, or what atheism should mean to the community,
or some such topic that is dealing with our ideas and
society, and some smug wanker comes along and announces
that "Atheism means you lack a belief in gods. Nothing more.
Quit trying to add meaning to the term."


And the "smug wanker" for today is.. Les Miserable!

"atheism is simply the absence of belief and nothing more." - Les

"As if atheism can only be some platonic ideal floating
in virtual space with no connections to anything else;
as if atheists are people who have attained a zen-like
ideal, their minds a void, containing nothing but
atheism, which itself is nothing. Dumbasses."

The reason that atheists like richo and Les retreat into that false
minimalism is just to avoid any consideration of how atheism works IN
PRACTICE! They don't want to have to face the REALITY of atheism
in history, because the atheist regimes were ALL catastrophic shitholes!!

Their cognitive dissonance in realtion to historical facts is profoundly
anti- empirical, and thus anti scientific.. they are
then in the realm of belief/non-belief where rational, evidence
based argument becomes impossible, and no one can prove them wrong.
the criticism of religion. And that bias is also profoundly
unscientific! B^[

> Just a postion that we are in.

That's your excuse? pffffft! OVER 70,000,000 people died
in atheist shitholes!

That's what decent, thinking, rational human beings care about,
not your piddling semantics, you pathetic Dictionary Atheist!

> If somebody claims something, anything, I am going to ask
> for something to justify my believing the claim is likely
> to be true.

No you don't. If your friend says "I love her" you don't
demand they prove it! It's only in the area of personal
RELIGIOUS beliefs that the prejudices and interfering obsessions
of atheists come to the fore, and with tyrannical FORCE in
every historical case, EVERY atheist regime we could examine! 8^o

> If proof can be provided then belief will not
> be needed as I will know for certain.

Who gives a shit about your certainty about X's love for his
wife, belief in humanity or in God?

Only an infant pretends there can be any certainty in metaphysical

Are you an infant?

Once again we see the atheists TURNING THEIR BACK on *ANY*
critical analysis of ATHEISM ITSELF, they completely remove all
of Myers insights and observations and once again demonstrate
their FIXATION, by replacing a debate about atheism with the old
familiar script.. debate about THEISM;

> The god claim

It is the religious beliefs of OTHERS that atheists spend
their time criticising, they flee from any self-analysis,
even if it means snipping and ignoring a provocative
article by one of, perhaps the ONLY, thinking atheist! 8^o

> is only one of many such claims:

None of which obsess or even interest atheists to question
or discuss, even though some of them can be tested empiricly:

> "This river contains Brown Trout", "The next high tide at
> Scarborough will occur at 1545"

Atheists are not interested in the science which could empirically
resolve those questions, they want to debate intangible EPHEMERA
which science cannot resolve; beliefs.

> Every claim is treated in exactly the same way, ie requring of
> evidence to justify acceptance.

What a load of poppycock.. No atheist questions
the weather report advising the high tide day after day
in Usenet! B^D

Or threatens to kill meteorologists and shit down their throats:

It is THEISTS that atheists hate and pursue with dogmatic ferocity,
in the atheiost regimes which terrorised, tortured and killed tens
of millions of them, and in USENET where militant atheist scum
like this receive ongoing support encouragement and protection;

# From: Steve Knight <sknight51@cox.net>
# Newsgroups: alt.atheism
# Subject: A.A. BAAWA - FAQ
# Message-ID: <p8mrb5lvaf0cj5bp1e4jbmlsqebu9j9b0a@4ax.com>
# Date: Sat, 26 Sep 2009 02:46:34 -0700
# We kill theists and shit down their throats and
# not in a girly way.
# Warlord Steve

Not satisfied with murder, Steve favours GENOCIDE

# From: Steve Knight <sknight51@cox.net>
# Newsgroups: alt.atheism,alt.religion.islam
# Subject: Re: Islam: the perfect religion and way of life for all
# Message-ID: <8t6ve5hs41qn3a2rv57fjcg60tufoa47pf@4ax.com>
# Date: Mon, 02 Nov 2009 18:58:18 -0800
# On Mon, 2 Nov 2009 21:22:32 +0200, "Katrina"
# <blondes_gaulloises@yahoo.com> wrote:
# >Islam: the perfect religion and way of life for all
# It is the most foul, disgusting filth on Earth.
# The sooner we nuke you fuckers, the better.
# Warlord Steve

> I do not reject creationism and accept evolution because
> I am atheist

SO why raise it, neither have anything to do with atheism,
atheism is not science and in every atheist regime it replaced
the scientific method with forced indoctrination.

Once again you completely ignored what Myers, a thinking
atheist had to say about dictionary atheists such as yourself

> Les Hellawell
> Greetings from:
> Yorkshire -The White Rose County



alt.atheism FAQ:



"Atheism is the natural and inseparable part of Communism."
-Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)

"We must combat religion"
-Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)

?Down with religion and long live atheism;
the dissemination of atheist views is our chief task!?
- Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)

"Our program necessarily includes the propaganda of atheism."
- Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)





"How can you make a revolution without firing squads?"
- Lenin


