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Rails on JRuby?

John Wells

4/27/2005 1:38:00 PM


I'm fairly new to the ruby world...one of those being lured over by the
RoR framework.

As I've mentioned in past posts, my company is primarily a Java shop.
While we really like RoR's speed of development, we'd actually prefer to
be able to use it in our existing servlet containers.

With Jython, you can indeed run python scripts as servlets. We have, in
fact, used this functionality in the past, but mainly for prototyping
applications that would later become Java-based.

With RoR and JRuby, however, we'd be interested in writing full-fledged
applications in ruby, and then running them within the container. I've
searched the web for information on how to do this or whether it's even
possible, yet haven't run across a good resource yet.

Can anyone tell me A. if it's possible, and B. if not, what remains to be
done with JRuby to make it possible? If it may be possible in the future,
but work remains to be done, I'd like to get involved and help out.

Thanks for your time.


3 Answers

Thomas E Enebo

4/27/2005 1:55:00 PM


On Wed, 27 Apr 2005, John Wells defenestrated me:
> Can anyone tell me A. if it's possible, and B. if not, what remains to be
> done with JRuby to make it possible? If it may be possible in the future,
> but work remains to be done, I'd like to get involved and help out.

As far as I know, no one has looked at this yet. I am guessing making
RoR run within Java could work in one of two ways (and I know little about
RoR so anyone can jump in here -- I plan on learning more soon though :)):

1. Change request evaluation code in RoR to work in a servlets environment
2. Run apps in a full ruby way and run webrick as the server

I have no idea how close RoR evaluation is to the servlets model for 1,
and though we have some very new and very rudimentary sockets support we are
a ways from 2 (because of lacking pieces of socket support).

Also if RoR uses continuations, then this will be a non-starter since
we do not support them yet.

We would welcome any help with JRuby. Investigating how to integrate RoR
into a J2EE environment would be pretty cool. Working on socket support
would also be welcome.

If you want to get your hands dirty, you can join one of our JRuby-specific
mailing lists:


+ http://www.tc.umn.... +---- mailto:enebo@acm.org ----+
| Thomas E Enebo, Protagonist | "Luck favors the prepared |
| | mind." -Louis Pasteur |

Lyndon Samson

4/27/2005 4:17:00 PM


Would you believe... Rails on DotNet???

Something I just tried was using http://www.ikvm.net/... to
convert jruby jar to a dotnet CLR exe. Seems to work without problems
for my learningruby.rb source.

It's all getting a little Lewis Carrol for me now :-)

David Corbin

5/1/2005 10:12:00 AM


On Wednesday 27 April 2005 09:37 am, John Wells wrote:
> Guys,
> I'm fairly new to the ruby world...one of those being lured over by the
> RoR framework.
> As I've mentioned in past posts, my company is primarily a Java shop.
> While we really like RoR's speed of development, we'd actually prefer to
> be able to use it in our existing servlet containers.
> With Jython, you can indeed run python scripts as servlets. We have, in
> fact, used this functionality in the past, but mainly for prototyping
> applications that would later become Java-based.
> With RoR and JRuby, however, we'd be interested in writing full-fledged
> applications in ruby, and then running them within the container. I've
> searched the web for information on how to do this or whether it's even
> possible, yet haven't run across a good resource yet.
> Can anyone tell me A. if it's possible, and B. if not, what remains to be
> done with JRuby to make it possible? If it may be possible in the future,
> but work remains to be done, I'd like to get involved and help out.

That would be cool. It would also make migrating Java web apps much easier.

The best stategy that i can see, would to be write a Java Servlet that calls
RoR scripts.

Based on my experience, there are probably half-a-dozen bugs/missing features
in JRuby that would need to fixed/implmented based on the size of Rails.
This could easily take several full days of work, or more if they're really
bad cases... I certainly look forward to your help, and hope to see you on
the jruby-devel list.
