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Lalr(n) parsing with reg


4/25/2005 4:14:00 AM

Yesterday, I introduced my the Ruby Extended Grammar, a pattern
matching library for ruby data. Astute readers may have noticed a
slight misnomer. Reg is not a grammar (parser), nor a tool for
grammars. It's really just a very fancy regular expression engine.
Regular expressions are equivalent to state machines. State machines
are not powerful enough by themselves to solve interesting parsing
problems -- that is, how to parse a language like ruby with infix
operators of different precedence and associativity. However, reg can
be easily augmented to be a real solve interesting parsing problems.

Handling precedence and associativity requires a lalr(1) parser. Let me
explain briefly the lalr algorithm:

The important lalr data structures are the stack and input. The input
is simply a stream of tokens fed into the parser, as it requests them.
The next token(s) waiting to be taken off the input is called the
The stack contains the results of partially parsed expressions. At each
step of the parse process, the parser decides (based on what's found at
the top of the stack and in the lookahead) whether to shift another
token off the input onto the stack or to reduce some of the tokens at
the top of the stack using the rules of the language's grammar. At the
end, we expect to see the input empty and on the stack a single token,
which represents the parse tree of the entire program.

Normal parsers (also called compiler compilers) use a big complicated
table to decide at runtime whether to shift or reduce and, if reducing,
which rule to reduce by. This table represents the compiled form of the
language grammar. That's why they're called compiler compilers. My
approach is rather different, and might best be described as an
interpreter interpreter. (Or, if it's to be used in a compiler, it
would be a compiler interpreter.)

Instead of shifting or choosing one rule to match at each step, each
rule is given a chance to match, and when none can, then the input is
shifted. Reg is used as the pattern matching engine, and a small
wrapper layer manages the parser data structures and invokes reg at
each step to do a match
attempt. I believe this approach is in general equivalent to the normal
lalr algorithm.

Yesterday's reg release contained a sketch of these ideas in the form
of a parser for a small, bc-like calculator language, in calc.reg.
I've also reproduced it below. Basically, it's a subset of ruby with
only local variables, numbers, a few operators (+, -, *, /, =, ;),
parentheses, and p as the sole function. Although small, parsing this
language is a representative problem because it requires solving
precedence and associativity.

The heart of the parser are its grammar rules, reproduced here:

#last element is always lookahead
-[ -[:p, '(', exp, ')'].sub {PrintExp.new BR[2]}, OB ] |
# p(exp)
-[ -['(', exp, ')'] .sub {BR[1]}, OB ] |
# (exp)
-[ -[exp, leftop, exp] .sub {OpExp.new *BR[0..2]},
regproc{lowerop(BR[1])} ] | # exp+exp
-[ exp, -[';'] .sub [], :EOI ] |
#elide final trailing ;
-[ -[name, '=', exp] .sub {AssignExp.new BR[0],BR[2]}, lowerop('=')
] #name=exp

Precedence is handled by the middle rule. This rule reduces infix
operator expressions (except =). It only matches if the lookahead does
not contain a higher precedence operator. This ensures that expressions
like '3+4*5' will parse correctly.

Associativity is handled by the last rule. = is the only
right-associative operator, so it's the only one that has to be handled
specially. Again, it allows a reduce only if the lookahead is not also
right-associative (and lower precedence...). This ensures that
expressions like 'a=b=c' will parse correctly.

The great advantage of the interpreter interpreter is flexibility. It
would be quite easy to extend this parser -- even at runtime -- by
adding things at the right place in Reduce. The disadvantage is
performance, which is likely to be very bad currently. The current
implementation of reg is not optimized to any great extent. Many
regexp-type optimizations could be applied to reg. Optimized regexp
engines can actually be quite fast, so, (aside from performance issues
with ruby itself) an optimized reg might actually be competitive with a
table-based parser in terms of performance. Keep in mind that
table-based parsers are not actually the fastest; the gold standard are
hand-coded or direct execution parsers.

Error detection is an area that might be troublesome. I haven't given
this a lot of thought yet, but I think it's approachable, without
causing too much pain. One way might be to wait until a synchronizing
token, then report errors.


require 'reg'

#warning: this code is untested
#currently, it will not work because it depends on
#features of reg which do not exist (backreferences
and substitutions). in addition,
#it is likely to contain serious bugs, as it has
#not been thoroughly tested or assured in any way.
#nevertheless, it should give you a good idea of
#how this sort of thing works.

:'('=>10, :p=>10,
:* =>9, :/ =>9,
:+ =>8, :- =>8,
exp=name|PrintExp|OpExp|AssignExp|Number #definitions of the
expression classes ommitted for brevity
def lowerop opname
leftop & proceq(Symbol) {|v| precedence[opname] >= precedence[v] }

#last element is always lookahead
-[ -[:p, '(', exp, ')'].sub {PrintExp.new BR[2]}, OB ] |
# p(exp)
-[ -['(', exp, ')'] .sub {BR[1]}, OB ] |
# (exp)
-[ -[exp, leftop, exp] .sub {OpExp.new *BR[0..2]},
regproc{lowerop(BR[1])} ] | # exp+exp
-[ exp, -[';'] .sub [], :EOI ] |
#elide final trailing ;
-[ -[name, '=', exp] .sub {AssignExp.new BR[0],BR[2]}, lowerop('=')
] #name=exp

#last element of stack is always lookahead
def reduceloop(stack)
while stack.match +[OBS, Reduce]
stack.equal? old_stack or raise 'error'

#last element of stack is always lookahead
def parse(input)
until input.empty? and +[OB,:EOI]===stack
stack.push input.shift #shift
reduceloop stack
return stack.first

1 Answer

Florian Pflug

4/26/2005 3:21:00 PM


vikkous wrote:
> Yesterday, I introduced my the Ruby Extended Grammar, a pattern
> matching library for ruby data. Astute readers may have noticed a
> slight misnomer. Reg is not a grammar (parser), nor a tool for
> grammars. It's really just a very fancy regular expression engine.
> Regular expressions are equivalent to state machines. State machines
> are not powerful enough by themselves to solve interesting parsing
> problems -- that is, how to parse a language like ruby with infix
> operators of different precedence and associativity. However, reg can
> be easily augmented to be a real solve interesting parsing problems.
> Handling precedence and associativity requires a lalr(1) parser. Let me
> explain briefly the lalr algorithm:
> The important lalr data structures are the stack and input. The input
> is simply a stream of tokens fed into the parser, as it requests them.
> The next token(s) waiting to be taken off the input is called the
> lookahead.
> The stack contains the results of partially parsed expressions. At each
> step of the parse process, the parser decides (based on what's found at
> the top of the stack and in the lookahead) whether to shift another
> token off the input onto the stack or to reduce some of the tokens at
> the top of the stack using the rules of the language's grammar. At the
> end, we expect to see the input empty and on the stack a single token,
> which represents the parse tree of the entire program.

> Normal parsers (also called compiler compilers) use a big complicated
> table to decide at runtime whether to shift or reduce and, if reducing,
> which rule to reduce by. This table represents the compiled form of the
> language grammar. That's why they're called compiler compilers. My
> approach is rather different, and might best be described as an
> interpreter interpreter. (Or, if it's to be used in a compiler, it
> would be a compiler interpreter.)
Hm.. I belive it not that different. The tables of an LR(k) parser
specifiy for each input symbol, and each top-of-stack
a) An action (either shift, or "reduct p" where p is a rule
( a production) of your grammar
b) A "goto" - the new state the parser shall transition to.

Your represent the "action" table implicitly - you scan
the rules for every symbol you read, and decide to shift
or to reduce based on that, instead of looking into a predefined
table. Therefore, you just trade compiler-compile time for runtime -
but the mechanism is the same.

The goto table is entirely absent in your approach - but this
stems from the fact that you don't _need_ to remeber a state.
The state of a table-based LR(k) parser is just an "abbreviation"
for the current state of the stack. An table-based LR(k) parser
decided wether to shift or to reduce _soley_ based on the current
input symbol, and the top-of-the-stack. It therefore needs a state,
to "remeber" what it put on the stack previously. Each state
of a LR(k) parser represents a _single_ production (or rule) - but
a rule can be represented by more than one state.

> Instead of shifting or choosing one rule to match at each step, each
> rule is given a chance to match, and when none can, then the input is
> shifted. Reg is used as the pattern matching engine, and a small
> wrapper layer manages the parser data structures and invokes reg at
> each step to do a match
> attempt. I believe this approach is in general equivalent to the normal
> lalr algorithm.
I believe this too.

I believe that you could improve the performance of your parser by
just-in-time compiling of the action and goto tables, or some
äquivalent thing.

You could, for example, calculate the FOLLOW set (The set of symbols
which can follow a valid right-hand side of a given rule). Then,
you just have to try those rules which have the current top-of-stack
in their FOLLOW set.

This would give a sort of an half-table-based LR(k) parser.

Anyway, thanks for your cool work, and for getting me interested in
parsers again ;-)

greetings, Florian Pflug