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[EVALUATION] - E04 - Mr. Yukihiro Matsumoto (Ruby's Weakest Point

Ilias Lazaridis

4/23/2005 2:10:00 PM

[EVALUATION] - E03e - The Ruby Object Model (Summary)


The above thread has shown the direct responsible for the defective "ri
Class" documentation:

It's the language designer, Mr. Yukihiro Matsumoto.


Mr. Matsumoto had not the decency to publically confirm this - and to
apologize for the caused inconvenience.

He had not the courage to say "Hey, lovely folks of ruby-talk, this guy
is right, with all his points - and I'm the responsible".

He had not the strength to say "Behave like analysts, like scientists -
and stop throwing stones to an researching individual".


Mr. Matsumoto has silently admitted point b)

"Horizontal arrows do not represent inheritance"


He has _not_ admitted point a)

the faulty and missleading usage of the term "metaclass"

But in past, he heas clearly confirmed what is reality:

"In Ruby, the Class class is the class of all classes, no metaclass."

but he uses the term "metaclass" in source-code:

"metaclass = rb_make_metaclass(rb_cObject, rb_cClass);"

setting the foundation for many missunderstandings.

Fact is: the "exclusive class" of an ruby object is not a "metaclass".


He has not admitted point c)

An language future, which is not accessible via the standard object
mechanisms is not a part of its object model. It's an implementation detail.

Mr. Matsumoto should have either:
* admitted the validity of point "c", or
* confirmed that his _refusal_ to make this directly accessible was a

btw: what he "considered abuse" is irrelevant:



"Sorry for being a Vapoware for Long Time"
"Too Much Ideas popping in my Brain"

This is nothing worse.

Worse is the inability to admit and the inability to accept analytic
input from the community.

Worse is the inability to couple the development process to the own
understanding processes.


I've read somewhere, that Mr. Matsumoto is working on Version 2 of ruby.

He will most possibly understand, why I have intensive doubts about ruby
and its future.

"Human Factor" - "Character of Designer".

Yes, this is very important.

His ability to admit failure.

His ability to apologize.

His ability to protect those in a weaker position.

But most of all:

his ability to "spiritually lead" a community, thus it becomes
efficient, and it does not behave publically like herd of savages in the
middle ages.


"Human Factor" - "Developing Community" "User Community".

I thought the "savages of comp.lang.lisp" would never be topped by
another community.

I was wrong.

The major/minor parts of this community are as ridiculous as inefficient.

A few positive exceptions, which act like scientists and analysts.


Ruby [context of comp.lang.ruby], the summary is:

Weak puppets with a weak leader.


....possibly I'm wrong.

And all this was just a missunderstanding.


My subconscious has signaled yesterday that this was my last public

I've not expected this would take so many years.

I'm happy.

It's so exhausting to assimilate the weaknesses and strenghts of systems
which have an high amount of human factors:



I will soon publish an updated version of The Ruby Object Model, which
will contain the "exclusive class" or "xclass":


This should help evaluators to look at ruby, without getting confused
from this [unnecessary] insider-terminology.


Have a good time.


27 Answers


4/23/2005 2:13:00 PM


Funny. I sometimes get frustrated with the lack of responses to some of
my questiosn/explorations. But this guy gets an endless stream of
responses, and it culminates with smack like this? Oh dear. Lord knows
I too can get a little "over the top" on occasion. But this? Give me a
break. This is simply numb-nuts.

Mr. Ilias Lazaridis please take some time to learn Humility.



4/23/2005 2:30:00 PM


All of you are responsible for feeding this troll. You were ALL warned
this was a troll. From the first time he posted here the group was
warned about this troll.

But no. You had to feed it. You had to defend it. You had to help
turn threads into inane "movie" discussions with or without the mad man
himself. You had to attack the people warning you this was a troll.
Even people like Florian and matz participated in the feeding of Ilias.

So please Trans and others, don't act surprised or stupid now.


4/23/2005 2:52:00 PM


No, not surprised or stupid about trolling --I still think it is good
to answer trolls as if they are not trolls. That's only fair. But I am
suprised at just how far it can actually go.


Nikolai Weibull

4/23/2005 3:25:00 PM


This response was written solely to make sure that no one that reads
Ilias Lazaridis message will get the wrong idea about Ruby and its

Ilias Lazaridis, April 23:

[A load of misinformation and lies has been cut out of this response]

> I will soon publish an updated version of The Ruby Object Model, which
> will contain the "exclusive class" or "xclass":
> http://lazaridis.com/case...
> This should help evaluators to look at ruby, without getting confused
> from this [unnecessary] insider-terminology.

For the record, this guy is not an authority on Ruby and his
â??evalutationsâ? of Ruby are riddled with errors and misinformation.
Please disregard anything that Ilias Lazaridis has to say about Ruby (or
any other programming language for that matter).

Please do not judge the merits of the Ruby programming language or the
goodwill of the Ruby community. We are a friendly community and we make
every effort to make everyone feel at home. Sadly, Ilias Lazaridis has
failed to see this and has therefore, kicking and screaming, finally
decided to leave us. We will not miss him. We will miss you, however,
if you decide to reject Ruby or its community based on anything that
Ilias Lazaridis has stated; in this thread or in any of his previous

Ilias Lazaridis misdoings and misbehavior has not been limited to this
mailing-list/USENET group. He has been active on many language-related
mailing-list and USENET groups over the years, always with the same
horrendous attitude and behavior towards other people on those lists and
in those groups. An example is the comp.lang.lisp group, where he
during the autumn of 2002 flooded the group with questions while
ignoring the answers that he was provided with; see
http://www.tfeb.org/lisp/mad-p... for more information.

Again, please do not consider anything Ilias Lazaridis has to say about
Ruby or its community as valid. Instead, you might consider giving
Ruby a try. It's a wonderful programming language, written by a very
humble and helpful person and we in the community try our best to
follow his example.

For authoritative information on Ruby, you may visit pages like

The Ruby home page

A wiki full of relevant information for new users

The Ruby documentation project
(a very good book on Ruby can be found online here)

A good introduction to programming, using Ruby

A very special introduction to programming in Ruby

One of the many blogs that discuss Ruby-related issues

I hope you will enjoy programming in Ruby as much as I do,

Nikolai Weibull: now available free of charge at http:/...!
Born in Chicago, IL USA; currently residing in Gothenburg, Sweden.

Ilias Lazaridis

4/23/2005 3:53:00 PM


Silence yields a quiet mind.

Lyndon Samson

4/23/2005 4:00:00 PM


On 4/24/05, Seppuku <fscker2000@yahoo.com> wrote:
> All of you are responsible for feeding this troll. You were ALL warned
> this was a troll. From the first time he posted here the group was
> warned about this troll.
> But no. You had to feed it. You had to defend it. You had to help
> turn threads into inane "movie" discussions with or without the mad man
> himself. You had to attack the people warning you this was a troll.
> Even people like Florian and matz participated in the feeding of Ilias.
> So please Trans and others, don't act surprised or stupid now.

Forgive us if we dont just assume your omniscience and take anything
you say to be the biblical truth, some of us prefer to give people a
chance first before judging them.

Gawd, the mental image of the smug look of satisfaction on your face
as you typed the above ruins my good mood completly.

Yes you were right, a class act wouldn't rub our faces in it, it was
bad enough anyway.


Into RFID? www.rfidnewsupdate.com Simple, fast, news.

Jon A. Lambert

4/23/2005 4:16:00 PM


Seppuku wrote:
> All of you are responsible for feeding this troll. You were ALL
> warned this was a troll. From the first time he posted here the
> group was warned about this troll.
> But no. You had to feed it. You had to defend it. You had to help
> turn threads into inane "movie" discussions with or without the mad
> man himself. You had to attack the people warning you this was a
> troll. Even people like Florian and matz participated in the feeding
> of Ilias.
> So please Trans and others, don't act surprised or stupid now.

Ruby is fun. :-)

Glenn Smith

4/23/2005 4:53:00 PM


Has Ilias gone?
Perhaps Ruby's garbage collection process removed him...

On 4/23/05, Lyndon Samson <lyndon.samson@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 4/24/05, Seppuku <fscker2000@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > All of you are responsible for feeding this troll. You were ALL warned
> > this was a troll. From the first time he posted here the group was
> > warned about this troll.
> >
> > But no. You had to feed it. You had to defend it. You had to help
> > turn threads into inane "movie" discussions with or without the mad man
> > himself. You had to attack the people warning you this was a troll.
> > Even people like Florian and matz participated in the feeding of Ilias.
> >
> > So please Trans and others, don't act surprised or stupid now.
> Forgive us if we dont just assume your omniscience and take anything
> you say to be the biblical truth, some of us prefer to give people a
> chance first before judging them.
> Gawd, the mental image of the smug look of satisfaction on your face
> as you typed the above ruins my good mood completly.
> Yes you were right, a class act wouldn't rub our faces in it, it was
> bad enough anyway.
> >
> >
> --
> Into RFID? www.rfidnewsupdate.com Simple, fast, news.


All the best
Aylesbury, UK

Jon A. Lambert

4/23/2005 5:19:00 PM


Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
> Behave like analysts, like scientists
> and stop throwing stones to an researching individual.

Ruby is a stone. You are more like small bladder, not researching analyst.

> but he uses the term "metaclass" in source-code:

the_class_class_is_the_class_of_all_classes is surely a meta_class

I use little variables like 'id' and 'it',
and sometimes big variables too
like 'constantinople' and 'timbuktu'

> Fact is: the "exclusive class" of an ruby object is not a "metaclass".

a meta-banana is a changed banana, a transformational banana, a banana
standing behind a banana, a temporal banana, an alternating banana, a
trancendental banana, a higher banana state, or something related to a
banana. Facts and meta facts can be infinitely wrapped in many layers
around a banana into russian doll bananas.

> An language future, which is not accessible via the standard object
> mechanisms is not a part of its object model. It's an implementation
> detail.

correction - "A feature"...not "an future".
Neither C nor C++ have a stack nor a meta-stack.

> Mr. Matsumoto should have either:

Error: "should" implies some as yet undefined shared morality or as yet
undefined common goal.
Logo has turtle graphics, therefore Ruby "ought" to have turtle graphics?
(or did I miss it)

> it does not behave publically like herd of savages in
> the middle ages.

A frightening thought. I suspect most who are in their savage middle ages
and of sound mind do not seek out parental-child relationships with language
designers. I've "savagedly" satired that you really ought to have that LD
abuse co-dependency complex thing checked out. It cannot be healthy nor
very happy for you.

Ruby is fun. Ruby is not official national socialist workers party
language. Ruby will not make trains run on time. Ruby will not turn
savages into sheep. Maybe cartoon foxes or star monkeys but not sheep.

> But...
> ....possibly I'm wrong.
> And all this was just a missunderstanding.

It really was all a dream. You really don't own a bed and breakfast in

> My subconscious has signaled yesterday that this was my last public
> analysis.
> I've not expected this would take so many years.
> I'm happy.

Me too.

> Have a good time.

Ruby is fun.

J. Lambert

Lyndon Samson

4/23/2005 6:27:00 PM


On 4/24/05, Jon A. Lambert <jlsysinc@alltel.net> wrote:
> Seppuku wrote:
> > All of you are responsible for feeding this troll. You were ALL
> > warned this was a troll. From the first time he posted here the
> > group was warned about this troll.
> >
> > But no. You had to feed it. You had to defend it. You had to help
> > turn threads into inane "movie" discussions with or without the mad
> > man himself. You had to attack the people warning you this was a
> > troll. Even people like Florian and matz participated in the feeding
> > of Ilias.
> >
> > So please Trans and others, don't act surprised or stupid now.
> Ruby is fun. :-)
Yep, and these little 'incidents' dont happen all that often and most
of us will be better prepared with the dont-feed-the-troll tee-shirts
next time :-)


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