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Fwd: Please Forward: Ruby Quiz Subumission

James Gray

4/17/2005 11:47:00 PM

Begin forwarded message:

> From: "Wai-Ming S. Li" <WLi@thoughtworks.com>
> Date: April 17, 2005 6:51:43 PM CDT
> To: submission@rubyquiz.com
> Subject: Please Forward: Ruby Quiz Subumission
> This is my solution to the Madlabs Quiz and the unit tests.
> Best Regards,
> Steve Li.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------
> Madlibs.rb
> class Story
>   attr_accessor :placeholders
>   def initialize(base)
>     @placeholders = []
>     story_parts = []
>     match = Placeholder.getPattern().match(base)
>     reuseMap = {}
>     while(match != nil)
>       story_parts << match.pre_match
>       placeholderString = match[1]
>       placeholder = Placeholder.new(placeholderString,
> story_parts.size)
>       # if name is reused
>       if reuseMap[placeholder.name] == nil
>         @placeholders << placeholder
>         # if the name is reusable, add it to the reuse table
>         if placeholder.reusable()
>           reuseMap[placeholder.name] = placeholder
>         end
>         # replace the placeholder with the system generated position
> string
>         story_parts << get_position_string(story_parts.size.to_s)
>       else
>         # for reuse placeholder,
>         # replace the placeholder with the system generated position
> string for the referenced placeholder
>         story_parts <<
> get_position_string(reuseMap[placeholder.name].position.to_s)
>       end
>       remaind = match.post_match
>       match = Placeholder.getPattern().match(match.post_match)
>       if (match == nil)
>         story_parts << remaind
>       end
>     end
>     @base = story_parts.join("")
>   end
>   def to_s
>     result = @base
>     @placeholders.each do |placeholder|
> result.gsub!
> (Regexp.new(get_position_string(placeholder.position.to_s)),
> placeholder.value)
>     end
>     return result
>   end
>   def get_position_string(position)
>     "%%" + position.to_s + "%%"
>   end
> end
> class Placeholder
>   attr_accessor :name, :display_name, :position, :value
>   def initialize(placeholderString, position)
>     @value = ""
>     @position = position
>     if placeholderString.include?(":")
>       @name = placeholderString.split(":")[0]
>       @display_name = placeholderString.split(":")[1]
>     else
>       @name = placeholderString
>       @display_name = placeholderString
>     end
>   end
>   def getTemplate()
> Regexp.new("\\(\\(\\s*(#{name}|#{name}\\s*:
> \\s*#{display_name})\\s*\\)\\)")
>   end
>   def Placeholder.getPattern()
>     /\(\(([^)]*)\)\)/
>   end
>   def getValueQuestion()
>     "Give me #{display_name}: "
>   end
>   def reusable()
>     name != display_name
>   end
> end
> if $0 == __FILE__
>   # read story from standard input
>   story_string = ""
>   ARGF.each_line do |line|
>     story_string += line
>   end
>   # create story
>   story = Story.new(story_string)
>   # request uesr to enter the corresponding value for each placeholder
>   print "There are #{story.placeholders.size} placeholders.\n"
>   story.placeholders.each do |placeholder|
>     print placeholder.getValueQuestion()
>     placeholder.value = gets().chop()
>   end
>   # display the story
>   print story.to_s, "\n"
> end
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------
> UnitTest;
> MadlibsTest.rb
> require 'runit/testcase'
> require 'Madlibs'
> class TestMadlibs < RUNIT::TestCase
>   def testStoryTemplate()
>     # parse simple story
>     # e.g. "Our favorite language is ((a gemstone))."
>     template = "Our favorite language is ((a gemstone))."
>     story = Story.new(template)
>     # should return a Story with  a symbol name='a gemstome' and
> alias=nil
>     assert_equals(1, story.placeholders.size)
>     assert_not_nil(story.placeholders[0])
>     assert_equals("a gemstone", story.placeholders[0].display_name)
>   end
>   def testStoryTemplateWithAlias()
>     # parse story with name alias
>     # e.g. "Our favorite language is ((gem:a gemstone)). We think
> ((gem)) is
>     #         better than ((a gemstone))."
>     template = "Our favorite language is ((gem:a gemstone)). "
>     template += "We think ((gem)) is better then ((a gemstone))."
>     story = Story.new(template)
>     # should return a Story with 2 symbole
>     # Symbol 1: name = 'gem' alias='a gemstome'
>     # Symbol 2: name = 'a gemstome'
>     assert_equals(2, story.placeholders.size)
>     assert_not_nil(story.placeholders[0])
>     assert_equals("gem", story.placeholders[0].name)
>     assert_equals("a gemstone", story.placeholders[0].display_name)
>     assert_not_nil(story.placeholders[1])
>     assert_equals("a gemstone", story.placeholders[1].name)
>     assert_equals("a gemstone", story.placeholders[1].display_name)
>   end
>   def testStoryGeneration()
>     # give:    "Our favorite language is ((a gemstone))."
>     # input:   gemstone = Ruby
>     # result:  Our favorite language is Ruby."
>     String template = "Our favorite language is ((a gemstone))."
>     story = Story.new(template)
>     story.placeholders[0].value = "Ruby"
>     assert_equals("Our favorite language is Ruby.", story.to_s())
>   end
>   def testStoryGenerationWithAlias()
>     # given:    "Our favorite language is ((gem:a gemstone)).
>     #                  We think ((gem)) is better than ((a
> gemstone))."              
>     # input:    a gemstone = Ruby, a genstone = Emerald
>     # given:    "Our favorite language is Ruby.
>     #                  We think Ruby is better than Emerald."
>     template = "Our favorite language is ((gem:a gemstone)). "
>     template += "We think ((gem)) is better then ((a gemstone))."
>     story = Story.new(template)
>     story.placeholders[0].value = "Ruby"
>     story.placeholders[1].value = "Emerald"
>     assert_equals("Our favorite language is Ruby. We think Ruby is
> better then Emerald.", story.to_s())
>   end
> end
> if $0 == __FILE__
>   require 'runit/cui/testrunner'
>   RUNIT::CUI::TestRunner.run(TestMadlibs.suite)
> end