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Re: newbie question re: variable assignment

Peña, Botp

4/14/2005 1:41:00 AM

Jacob Fugal [mailto:lukfugl@gmail.com] wrote:

#Just to show one more way to do it (probably not the best
#depending on your usage), the following works:
# "0123456789".each_byte { |c| puts c }

indeed. better. much closer to ascii concept :-)

kind regards -botp

#Don't want to type "0123456789"? Try:
# (0..9).to_a.join.each_byte { |c| puts c }
#Like I said, roundabout and not very efficient. But,
#nonetheless, another "valid" approach :)
#Jacob Fugal

5 Answers

Dan Christensen

2/9/2010 5:31:00 PM


On Feb 8, 5:00 pm, PL <pl.nos...@pandora.be> wrote:

[snipping portions of PL's posting already debunked here, or just too
lame to bother with]

> Dan Christensen wrote:
> > On Feb 8, 2:43 pm, PL <pl.nos...@pandora.be> wrote:
> >> The Norwegian Embassy in Cuba and the Cuban Ministry of Foreign Trade
> >> and Investment (MINCEX) signed an agreement on January 22 through which
> >> the European country donated five million Norwegian crowns
> >> (approximately US $885,000) as emergency aid to the Haitian people
> > That's "emergency aid to the Haitian people" (snip)
> Yep, a contract to provide aid

In this case, a cash donation to pay for medicines and equipment in
Haiti, as shown in my original posting here.

> Signed with the foreign TRADE, not aid ministry in Cuba

Poor, desperate lobbyist....

> >> Cuba and Norway Sign Agreement to Help Haití - International - Juventud
> >> Rebelde - The newspaper of Cuban Youth (8 February 2010)http://www.juventudrebelde.co.cu/international/2010-01-26/c......
> >> So an agreement with MINCEX, Cuban Ministry of Foreign Trade and
> >> Investment, kind of strange if there was no "trade" involved no?
> > Grasping at straws,
> (snip)
> Nope.
> If this is an aid operation, why sign a contract with a trade ministry?

There is an exchange of money between two national governments. And
Cuba will use the money to buy and have the goods shipped to Haiti.
Why not the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Investment??? You really are
getting desperate, aren't you, Mr. Lobbyist?

Really, if this is really the best you can do you might as well
concede the point -- you were lying, just making it all up as you
went, when you said the Norwegians were "paying Castro" for services
rendered, suggesting that Fidel or Raul were somehow lining their own
pockets, profiteering from the aid mission. It is easy to see why you
were voted SCC Loser of the Year for 2009!

Visit my CUBA: Issues & Answers website at http://tiny....
(Note new address. Please update your bookmarks and links.)

PS: As an antidote to PL's venomous personal attacks on me, and to his
lies and evasions on everything from his lobbying exploits to the
international condemnation of his beloved embargo, see: "PL's same
tired old lies and evasions EXPOSED" at

Dan Christensen

2/9/2010 6:48:00 PM


On Feb 9, 1:06 pm, PL <pl.nos...@pandora.be> wrote:

[snipping portions of PL's posting already debunked here, or just too
lame to bother with]

> In fact the "original" posting was mine from Xinhua.
> That said: 5 million cowns to "fund the mission in Haiti"
> Norway to support Cuban doctors working in Haiti
> HAVANA, Jan 24, 2010 (Xinhua via COMTEX) --
> Norway has committed itself to supporting Cuba's medical relief work in
> Haiti, where a 7.3-magnitude earthquake has claimed more than 100,000
> lives, a local daily reported on Sunday.
> Juventud Rebelde reported that the governments of Cuba and Norway signed
> an agreement on Friday, under which Norway will donate 5 million crowns
> (around 885,000 U.S. dollars) to fund the mission of Cuban doctors in Haiti.

The Radio Havana dispatch (the original posting in this thread)
actually quotes the Norwegian Environment and International
Development Minister Erik Solheim:

"Norwegian Environment and International Development Minister Erik
Solheim said 'Norway wants to support the lifesaving work Cuban
doctors are doing in Haiti under extreme conditions.' He said the
will be used to purchase much needed equipment and medicines for the
Cuban medical personnel."

Once again your lies and libellous claims have been exposed. Contrary
to your self-serving lies here, the Norwegian government is NOT
"paying Castro" for any "services rendered." And neither are Fidel or
Raul are lining their own pockets, profiteering from the aid mission
in Haiti. Desperate lobbyist that you are, you were simply making it
all up as you went. Admit it -- you have absolutely no proof to
support these outrageous claims of yours. Once again, we see what a
TRULY desperate liar you are!

I know, why don't you LOBBY Mr. Solheim himself? He is just a few
hours drive from you. Or phone him. Tell him why funding medicines and
equipment for the Cuban aid mission in Haiti is a "mistake," as you
said here. Get him to impose genocidal trade sanctions on the Cuban
people instead! Maybe even take him to Club Med so he can, ahem...
"see things for himself?" HA, HA, HA! What a loser!

Visit my CUBA: Issues & Answers website at http://tiny....
(Note new address. Please update your bookmarks and links.)

PS: As an antidote to PL's venomous personal attacks on me, and to his
lies and evasions on everything from his lobbying exploits to the
international condemnation of his beloved embargo, see: "PL's same
tired old lies and evasions EXPOSED" at

Dan Christensen

2/9/2010 7:41:00 PM


PL goes down in flames, AGAIN! Reduced to mindlessly repeating his
failed lies and arguments here, and his usual cowardly snip-and-run
tactics, he can't seem to get around the fact that the Norwegian
government minister in charge actually exposed him for the truly
desperate liar that he is!

On Feb 9, 1:54 pm, PL <pl.nos...@pandora.be> wrote:

[snipping portions of PL's posting already debunked here, or just too
lame to bother with]

> >> In fact the "original" posting was mine from Xinhua.
> >> That said: 5 million cowns to "fund the mission in Haiti"
> >> Norway to support Cuban doctors working in Haiti
> >> HAVANA, Jan 24, 2010 (Xinhua via COMTEX) --
> >> Norway has committed itself to supporting Cuba's medical relief work in
> >> Haiti, where a 7.3-magnitude earthquake has claimed more than 100,000
> >> lives, a local daily reported on Sunday.
> >> Juventud Rebelde reported that the governments of Cuba and Norway signed
> >> an agreement on Friday, under which Norway will donate 5 million crowns
> >> (around 885,000 U.S. dollars) to fund the mission of Cuban doctors in Haiti.
> > [snip]
> > The Radio Havana dispatch (the original posting in this thread)
> (snip)

What the cowardly PL snipped for all too obvious reasons:

The Radio Havana dispatch (the original posting in this thread)
actually quotes the Norwegian Environment and International
Development Minister Erik Solheim:

"Norwegian Environment and International Development Minister Erik
Solheim said 'Norway wants to support the lifesaving work Cuban
doctors are doing in Haiti under extreme conditions.' He said the
will be used to purchase much needed equipment and medicines for the
Cuban medical personnel."

> the one you posted you mean.

The only one that actually quotes the Norwegian government minster
involved. Deal with it, Mr. Lobbyist.

Once again your lies and libellous claims have been exposed. Contrary
to your self-serving lies here, the Norwegian government is NOT
"paying Castro" for any "services rendered." And neither are Fidel or
Raul are lining their own pockets, profiteering from the aid mission
in Haiti. Desperate lobbyist that you are, you were simply making it
all up as you went. Admit it -- you have absolutely no proof to
support these outrageous claims of yours. Once again, we see what a
TRULY desperate liar you are!

Again, why don't you LOBBY Mr. Solheim yourself? He is just a few
hours drive from you. Or phone him. Tell him why funding medicines and
equipment for the Cuban aid mission in Haiti is a "mistake," as you
said here. Get him to impose genocidal trade sanctions on the Cuban
people instead! Maybe even take him to Club Med so he can, ahem...
"see things for himself?" HA, HA, HA! What a loser!

Any way, it seems you have once again been reduced to mindlessly
repeating your failed lies and arguments here, desperately hoping that
no one has noticed. If you can't win the debate, you can at least have
the last word, right, Mr. Lobbyist?

If you are simply going to keep repeating yourself like this, and have
nothing new and relevant to add, do not expect a reply from me on
this matter.

Visit my CUBA: Issues & Answers website at http://tiny....
(Note new address. Please update your bookmarks and links.)

PS: As an antidote to PL's venomous personal attacks on me, and to his
lies and evasions on everything from his lobbying exploits to the
international condemnation of his beloved embargo, see: "PL's same
tired old lies and evasions EXPOSED" at

Dan Christensen

2/10/2010 4:46:00 AM


On Feb 9, 1:54 pm, PL <pl.nos...@pandora.be> wrote:

[snipping portions of PL's posting already debunked here, or just too
lame to bother with]

> >> In fact the "original" posting was mine from Xinhua.
> >> That said: 5 million cowns to "fund the mission in Haiti"
> >> Norway to support Cuban doctors working in Haiti
> >> HAVANA, Jan 24, 2010 (Xinhua via COMTEX) --
> >> Norway has committed itself to supporting Cuba's medical relief work in
> >> Haiti, where a 7.3-magnitude earthquake has claimed more than 100,000
> >> lives, a local daily reported on Sunday.
> >> Juventud Rebelde reported that the governments of Cuba and Norway signed
> >> an agreement on Friday, under which Norway will donate 5 million crowns
> >> (around 885,000 U.S. dollars) to fund the mission of Cuban doctors in Haiti.
> > [snip]
> > The Radio Havana dispatch (the original posting in this thread)
> (snip)
> the one you posted you mean.

The only one that actually quotes any government officials -- the
Norwegian Environment and International Development Minister, Erik
Solheim, in this case.

> deal with it, Dan, the "originals" are the posts I gave quoting Xinhua,
> Juventud rebelde and Demajagua.
> The original is from January 25. Before your "damage control"
> The facts reported therein are again confirmed by the details given by
> Juventud Rebelde.
> As I said:
> In fact the "original" posting was mine from Xinhua.
> That said: 5 million cowns to "fund the mission in Haiti"

From the original posting here, we have about the same thing.:

"Norwegian Environment and International Development Minister Erik
Solheim said 'Norway wants to SUPPORT the lifesaving work Cuban
doctors are doing in Haiti under extreme conditions.' "

And how was that money going to be be spent? Your other reports don't
say. In my original posting here, however, the report continues:

"[Solheim] said the money will be used to purchase much needed
equipment and medicines for the Cuban medical personnel."

And who would know better? Contrary to your lies then, there is
nothing here about "paying Castro" for any "services rendered" -- just
donations to "purchase much needed equipment and medicines for the
Cuban medical personnel." And nothing about Cuba "profiteering" from
their aid mission, or of Fidel or Raul somehow lining their own
pockets with donations. You simply made all of this up as you went
along, desperate propagandist that you are.

> Norway to support Cuban doctors working in Haiti
> HAVANA, Jan 24, 2010 (Xinhua via COMTEX) --
> Norway has committed itself to supporting Cuba's medical relief work in
> Haiti, where a 7.3-magnitude earthquake has claimed more than 100,000
> lives, a local daily reported on Sunday.
> Juventud Rebelde reported that the governments of Cuba and Norway signed
> an agreement on Friday, under which Norway will donate 5 million crowns
> (around 885,000 U.S. dollars) to fund the mission of Cuban doctors in Haiti.

As I said, there is nothing here about how the money was to be spent.
Thanks for confirming I was right.

> Individual.com (25 January 2010)http://www.individual.com/storyrss.php?story=113481726&hash......
> Cuba Verdad: Norway to support Cuban doctors working in Haitihttp://cubadata.blogspot.com/2010/01/norway-to-support-cuba......
> De Juventud rebelde:http://prensacubana.e-datalink.net/cuba-y-noruega-firman-acuerdo-para...http://www.juventudrebelde.cu/internacionales/2010-01-24/cu......
> German Aid to Cuba in Haiti
> Written by Prensa Latina
> Tuesday, 02 February 2010 13:23
> German Aid to Cuba in Haiti (3 February 2010)http://www.lademajagua.co.cu/ingles/index.php/component/con......
> If this is an aid operation, why sign a contract with a trade ministry?

Desperately grasping at straws, your entire "argument" -- if it can
even be called that -- hangs on the name of the Cuban ministry
involved??? Get real! The Norwegian government official quoted here
has shot you down in flames, exposing you for the TRULY desperate liar
that you are! Seems to happen a lot, eh, Mr. Lobbyist?

Again, maybe you should LOBBY Mr. Solheim yourself? E-mail him at
tviklingsminister@mfa.no (from his official webpage). Tell him why
funding medicines and equipment for the Cuban aid mission in Haiti is
a "mistake," as you said in another thread here. Get him to impose
genocidal trade sanctions on the Cuban people instead! Do let us know
what he says.

Any way, it seems you have once again been reduced to mindlessly
repeating your failed lies and arguments here, desperately hoping that
no one has noticed. If you can't win the debate, you can at least have
the last word, right, Mr. Lobbyist? What a loser!

If you are simply going to keep repeating yourself like this, and have
nothing new and relevant to add, do not expect a reply from me on
this matter.

Visit my CUBA: Issues & Answers website at http://tiny....
(Note new address. Please update your bookmarks and links.)

PS: As an antidote to PL's venomous personal attacks on me, and to his
lies and evasions on everything from his lobbying exploits to the
international condemnation of his beloved embargo, see: "PL's same
tired old lies and evasions EXPOSED" at

Dan Christensen

2/10/2010 5:04:00 PM


The top Norwegian government official quoted here exposes PL for the
TRULY desperate liar that he is. Reduced to cowardly snip-and-run
tactics and mindlessly repeating his lies and failed arguments here,
PL has gone down in flames. What a loser!

On Feb 10, 3:19 am, PL <pl.nos...@pandora.be> wrote:

[snipping portions of PL's posting already debunked here, or just too
lame to bother with]

> >>> The Radio Havana dispatch (the original posting in this thread)
> >> (snip)
> >> the one you posted you mean.
> > The only one that actually quotes any government officials -- the Norwegian Environment and International Development Minister, Erik Solheim, in this case. (snip)
> The others reflect the facts very well and give the actual Cuban
> "contract party".


My original posting here gives more details about how the money is to
be spent on medicines and equipment for the Cuban mission in Haiti.
The Minister's own words expose you for the truly desperate liar that
you are. Deal with it, Mr. Lobbyist.

> >> As I said:
> >> In fact the "original" posting was mine from Xinhua.
> >> That said: 5 million crowns to "fund the mission in Haiti"
> > From the original posting here, we have about the same thing.:
> > "Norwegian Environment and International Development Minister Erik
> > Solheim said 'Norway wants to SUPPORT the lifesaving work Cuban
> > doctors are doing in Haiti under extreme conditions.' "
> (snip)

Cowardly snip and run....

What the cowardly PL snipped for all too obvious reasons:

And how was that money going to be be spent? Your other reports don't
say. In my original posting here, however, the report continues:

"[Solheim] said the money will be used to purchase much needed
equipment and medicines for the Cuban medical personnel."

And who would know better? Contrary to your lies then, there is
nothing here about "paying Castro" for any "services rendered" -- just
donations to "purchase much needed equipment and medicines for the
Cuban medical personnel." And nothing about Cuba "profiteering" from
their aid mission, or of Fidel or Raul somehow lining their own
pockets with donations. You simply made all of this up as you went
along, desperate propagandist that you are.

> Yep: support them by contracting for their work as the Juventud rebelde
> article says.


A blatant lie exposed by the very next sentence, which you snipped for
all too obvious reasons:

"[Solheim] said the money will be used to purchase much needed
equipment and medicines for the Cuban medical personnel."

> >> If this is an aid operation, why sign a contract with a trade ministry?
> > Desperately grasping at straws,
> (snip)

What the cowardly PL also snipped for obvious reasons:

Desperately grasping at straws, your entire "argument" -- if it can
even be called that -- hangs on the name of the Cuban ministry
involved??? Get real! The Norwegian government official quoted here
has shot you down in flames, exposing you for the TRULY desperate liar
that you are! Seems to happen a lot, eh, Mr. Lobbyist?

> Nope.
> Stating facts that expose your lies.
> The trade ministry signed a deal with Norway to fund operations in Haiti.

Specifically, to buy medicines and equipment for the Cuban aid mission
in Haiti.

> That is what the overwhelming evidence shows.

All the evidence shows what a coward and truly desperate liar you are,
Mr. Lobbyist. Again, you have utterly failed to prove your libellous
claims -- that the Cuban leadership is somehow profiteering from its
aid mission in Haiti, and that Fidel and Raul are lining their pockets
with donations. Yet another propaganda fiasco for you and your
political masters. Do they actually pay you for this????

Anyway, if you are simply going to keep repeating your failed lies and
arguments like this, do not expect a reply from on this matter.

Again, maybe you should "lobby" Mr. Solheim yourself. E-mail him at
tviklingsminis...@mfa.no (from his official webpage). Tell him why
funding medicines and equipment for the Cuban aid mission in Haiti is
a "mistake," as you said in another thread here. Get him to impose
genocidal trade sanctions on the Cuban people instead! Do let us know
what he says. HA, HA, HA!

Visit my CUBA: Issues & Answers website at http://tiny....
(Note new address. Please update your bookmarks and links.)

PS: As an antidote to PL's venomous personal attacks on me, and to his
lies and evasions on everything from his lobbying exploits to the
international condemnation of his beloved embargo, see: "PL's same
tired old lies and evasions EXPOSED" at