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Re: Welcome to our (ruby-talk ML) You are added automatically

GK. Sezhian

4/9/2005 8:52:00 AM

Hi all
This is GK.Sezhian working for BPL Telecom . If guys u can find some
time to answer some of my basic doubts it will be more helpful.as Iam
just bit confused to select among groovy (Java )/python /Ruby for my
future assignments

1.Has anyone of you tried rubyonrails web app in your
protyping/production ?

2.What is the adv Ruby gives over python
...on googling I found an article stating just they are
philosophically different??

3.OO becomes a overhead in some cases
when a small coding stuff can achieve that .

4.I have just gone thro some perfomance results which rendered Ruby to
be very slow is it ?

5.Does Ruby have strong user groups in term of count like python?

6.Can I get some reference where ruby has Been used in large /criical

7.How is Ruby's performance with huge DB resultsets..

8.How about the DB features supported by
Ruby..like Rowsets I java ...Transactional settings ...etc

9.What is the newest release in Ruby world like library,new language
features,tools ...

10. the end statement in ruby is bit tricky will it be changed ???

11.Template driven programming can reduces the developing time right ?
Then what is the need of Ruby creating a whole set of new language form
scratch ..i heard there are more than 200 odd languages available
(programming languages) ..
Here I mean to say what is the advantage of Ruby over grrovy/template

These are my inner quest questions...and iam looking for a compulsary
reason to switch to Ruby..


-----Original Message-----
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To: GK. Sezhian
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7 Answers

Austin Ziegler

4/9/2005 1:40:00 PM


On Apr 9, 2005 4:52 AM, GK. Sezhian <g_sezhian@thuraya.com> wrote:
> 1. Has anyone of you tried rubyonrails web app in your
> protyping/production?

Dozens -- if not hundreds -- of people have done this. Check out the
Rails website.

> 2. What is the adv Ruby gives over python ...on googling I found
> an article stating just they are philosophically different??

Essentially. That philosophical difference leads to a number of
practical differences, though, which will matter for your own

> 3. OO becomes a overhead in some cases when a small coding stuff
> can achieve that.

Clarify. Ruby doesn't force you to code in an OO style. Don't think
in terms of Java-OO, because it's not remotely the same. Ruby's OO
is truly transparent and fully integrated.

> 4. I have just gone thro some perfomance results which rendered
> Ruby to be very slow is it?

There are lies, damn lies, statistics, and then there are
benchmarks. Ruby is slower than other languages for some tasks,
faster than other languages for some tasks. Generally, it is more
pleasant to develop in than other languages, and is faster for

> 5. Does Ruby have strong user groups in term of count like python?

There are more Python users than Ruby. But the number of Ruby users
is increasing.

> 6. Can I get some reference where ruby has Been used in large
> /criical projects?

Look on RubyGarden for RealWorldRuby.

> 7. How is Ruby's performance with huge DB resultsets..

Probably very good.

> 8. How about the DB features supported by Ruby..like Rowsets I
> java ...Transactional settings ...etc

Sorry, I'm not clear on what you're after.

> 9. What is the newest release in Ruby world like library, new
> language features,tools ...


> 10. the end statement in ruby is bit tricky will it be changed ???

There's nothing tricky about the end statement. It will not be

> 11.Template driven programming can reduces the developing time
> right? Then what is the need of Ruby creating a whole set of
> new language form scratch ..i heard there are more than 200 odd
> languages available (programming languages) .. Here I mean to
> say what is the advantage of Ruby over grrovy/template
> programming..

Sorry, but I don't know what you're talking about here. (1) Ruby is
over ten years old (it was first released in '93). (2) Ruby has its
place. (3) What do you mean by "template-driven programming." (4)
Ruby reduces development time, too, by being a higher level language
without the artificial restrictions of statically typed languages,
which is where templates (C++ style) make sense.

Austin Ziegler * halostatue@gmail.com
* Alternate: austin@halostatue.ca


4/9/2005 1:47:00 PM


GK. Sezhian wrote:
> Hi all
> This is GK.Sezhian working for BPL Telecom . If guys u can find some
> time to answer some of my basic doubts it will be more helpful.as Iam
> just bit confused to select among groovy (Java )/python /Ruby for my
> future assignments
> 1.Has anyone of you tried rubyonrails web app in your
> protyping/production ?


> 2.What is the adv Ruby gives over python
> ...on googling I found an article stating just they are
> philosophically different??

Saying these two are "just" philosophically different is perhaps not
completely accurate. More important, while there are many languages
that , technically, can help you achieve the same goals, you may prefer
to use a language that maps well to your own particular style of thinking.

See also

> 3.OO becomes a overhead in some cases
> when a small coding stuff can achieve that .

Ruby is OO, but you can ignore it if you choose. If you think the
situation is best handled using procedural programming, Ruby gives you
the choice.
> 4.I have just gone thro some perfomance results which rendered Ruby to
> be very slow is it ?

No. It compares favorable with other interpreted languages.

> 5.Does Ruby have strong user groups in term of count like python?

Oh yes.
> 6.Can I get some reference where ruby has Been used in large /criical
> projects?


> 7.How is Ruby's performance with huge DB resultsets..

Don't personally know.
> 8.How about the DB features supported by
> Ruby..like Rowsets I java ...Transactional settings ...etc

Don't personally know, though I think that depends on the DB, not Ruby
per se.

> 9.What is the newest release in Ruby world like library,new language
> features,tools ...

There are new things all the time:


(And a Ruby 1.8.3 preview should be coming along soon, too.)
> 10. the end statement in ruby is bit tricky will it be changed ???

Tricky in what way?

> 11.Template driven programming can reduces the developing time right ?

Maybe. Depends on what your are developing, right? And what other
tools a language offers.

> Then what is the need of Ruby creating a whole set of new language form
> scratch ..i heard there are more than 200 odd languages available
> (programming languages) ..
> Here I mean to say what is the advantage of Ruby over grrovy/template
> programming..

Tough question, as it may depend on any number of factors. Do you need
to run on the JVM? Are there specific libraries you require?
> These are my inner quest questions...and iam looking for a compulsary
> reason to switch to Ruby.

I am unaware of any *compulsory* reason to use Ruby, but it is a fun,
expressive language with a minimum of syntax surprises and arbitrary rules.

The best argument is experience. If you haven't already done so, try
reading the free version of Programming Ruby


and try writing some code, and see for yourself.

Please feel free to ask more questions, and best of luck whatever you




Florian Groß

4/9/2005 2:17:00 PM


Most of your question have already been answered better than I could so
I will just give answers for the ones where I have anything to add.

GK. Sezhian wrote:

> 1.Has anyone of you tried rubyonrails web app in your
> protyping/production ?

I have tried RubyOnRails and I am quite happy with it. There's lots of
more users doing this and both the RubyOnRails mailing list and the IRC
channel are experiencing steadily increases of activity.

> 3.OO becomes a overhead in some cases
> when a small coding stuff can achieve that .

It is not like that in Ruby. Ruby isn't Java and doesn't *force* you to
use classes where a simple function would do.

While Ruby lets you do things in a procedural manner it still is a
heavily OOP language under the hood. For example the following is a
valid Ruby program and I'm not defining any classes there:

5.times { puts "Hello World!" }
puts Time.now.utc

puts "Please enter something:"
user_input = STDIN.gets.chomp
puts "In reverse: #{user_input.reverse}"

puts 2 ** 16

And so on. Everything you see there is still a method call, but you can
ignore that aspect.

> 4.I have just gone thro some perfomance results which rendered Ruby to
> be very slow is it ?

Ruby is not as fast as it would like to be in all areas. There's quite a
few implementations of faster and optimized interpreters going on (Just
like in the Python world) and one of those projects is planned to be
merged back into Ruby itself before the end of this year.

In other areas like web development Ruby and its frameworks already seem
to be well enough to compete with Java.

In any case, it is usually easy to rewrite slow parts of Ruby in C.
(Ruby's C interface is easier to use than that of other languages.)

For the RubyOnRails guys there's also the important point of scaling
well -- if you add another server will the performance effect be close
to doubling? With Rails this is the case.

> 5.Does Ruby have strong user groups in term of count like python?

This mailing list is one of them, but you're likely also interested in
the Rails one.

Have a look at


> 6.Can I get some reference where ruby has Been used in large /criical
> projects?

The wiki page on RubyGarden others mentioned already has quite a few of
those, but here's more Rails-based use cases:


> 7.How is Ruby's performance with huge DB resultsets..

I don't think there is a bottleneck there, but you probably ought to re
ask this question on the Rails mailing list as well.

Rails is not the only web development framework, of course, so you might
also want to look into the performance of the other choices available.

Richard Cole

4/10/2005 3:38:00 AM


>> 7.How is Ruby's performance with huge DB resultsets..
> I don't think there is a bottleneck there, but you probably ought to
> re ask this question on the Rails mailing list as well.
> Rails is not the only web development framework, of course, so you
> might also want to look into the performance of the other choices
> available.

I agree with this answer, but would add:

In my experience Ruby is pretty slow if you have to iterate through lots
of data[1], correspondingly you wouldn't want to implement a database in
Ruby due to performance considerations. Therefore when you use ruby with
a database backend, you have to make the backend do all iteration, and
you use Ruby to coorindate actions of the database[2]. In this mode
languages like Ruby are fine.

Ruby is a very nice language, but it has its own idioms, so it takes a
while to learn them (I'm still learning them). One that I like very much is:

File.open("input.txt", "r") do |file|
@context = load_context_from_file(file)

What do I like about that? I like that you don't leak the file
descriptor if an exception is thrown by the load_from_file function.
This is a really neat way to avoid leaking system resources and it is
concise and straightforward. In C++ I used to do stuff like:

ifstream input("input.txt");
context = load_context_from_file(input);

This won't leak a system resource either because _input_ has static
scope and so gets free'd, even if an exception is thrown. I missed this
"resouce bound to a static scope ideom" in other languages, e.g. java
and ocaml, until I found it in the Ruby standard library. Finding it in
the standard library gave me a lot of confidence in Ruby because I
figured, hey these guys really know what they're doing.

In modern systems there are all sorts of system resources that need to
be accounted for and so this idiom often gets resued. I haven't looked
into how multithreading works in ruby yet, but this idiom would also
work quite nicely for mutexes and condition variables I imagine.

Lastly let me say I've looked around at quite a few languages and
invested some time in learning to use many of them and my favorite is
Ruby. Sometimes I have to use Ocaml for speed, and Ocaml has its own
charms, but I always wish I was programming in Ruby.

One final warning in regards to Ruby. Since it is dynamically typed, you
absolutely have to invest in writing and maintaining software design and
interface documentation. But maybe that is a good thing, and since the
language is so concise maybe you have time to do it.

Well that was my two bits worth.



[1] I had some programs that generated large datastructures all in ruby
without pushing the computation down into either a database backend or a
custom C backend, and it was quite slow compared to a similar program
written in Ocaml.

[2] This is kind of what you're supposed to do with databases anyway,
but maybe a language like Java, and a big processor, lets you get away
with iterating though big results sets to filter them or whatever, when
you should be pushing that computation down into the SQL expressions
maybe even using stored proceedures.

Bill Kelly

4/10/2005 4:32:00 AM


From: "Richard Cole" <rcole@itee.uq.edu.au>
> In modern systems there are all sorts of system resources that need to
> be accounted for and so this idiom often gets resued. I haven't looked
> into how multithreading works in ruby yet, but this idiom would also
> work quite nicely for mutexes and condition variables I imagine.

Indeed, @mutex.synchronize { do; stuff; here }



Richard Cole

4/11/2005 1:05:00 AM


Ara.T.Howard@noaa.gov wrote:

> On Sun, 10 Apr 2005, Richard Cole wrote:
> <snip summary>
> nice summary. can you comment on ocaml further? specifically why you
> wish
> you were programming in ruby while using it? i've recently started
> learning
> it and am curious as to others' experiences.

There's a really nice quote by Matz that sums it up for me:

But if I look at the code, I need to apply the rule with my brain too.

This was taken from an interview: http://www.artima.com/intv/...
(A good read, I recommend it if you haven't). I'm taking the quote out
of context, but for me that sums up the difficulty that I have with
Ocaml, and what I like about Ruby. Let me demonstrate this with a little
bit of code.

This is some ocaml, don't read it too carefully:

let sibling_sym_metric_one
(lattice: ('a,'b) concept_lattice)
(pos: int -> (float * float))
let count_sib_sym parent children =
let points =
fold_left (fun x z -> insert (pos x) z) empty children
let (parent_x,parent_y) = pos parent in
let count =
(fun x z ->
let (pos_x,pos_y) = pos x in
if is_member ((2.*.parent_x) -. pos_x,pos_y) points then
z - 1
(fun (x,v) z -> z + (count_sib_sym x (lattice#lower_covers x)))

What does it do? Basically it iterates over a lattice (think of it as a
DAG or a tree) and for each element the algorithm counts the number of
children that have a symetric sibling, that is: children who have a
sibling whose x-position relative to the parent is -1 times the parent
relative x-position of the child.

I'm practiced at writing stuff in this style (for good or bad), and also
I wrote the function, so I know what it does, but I haven't found very
many other people who understand that code. Maybe I'm just bad at
writing Ocaml code, but in Ruby it becomes

def sibling_sym_metric_one(lattice, position)
count = 0
for parent in lattice do
points = Set.new
for a in lattice do
parent_relative_point = [pos[a][0] - pos[parent][0], pos[a][1] -
for child in lattice.lower_covers[parent] do
sym_rel_child_pos = [pos[child][0] - pos[parent][0], pos[child][1]
- pos[parent][1]]
sym_rel_child_pos[0] *= -1
if points.include?(sym_rel_child_pos) then
count = count + 1

I find the Ruby version so much easier to understand. (I haven't
compiled or tested it, so maybe it contains errors). It also begs some
refactoring (there's a repeated function for instance). When I program
in Ocaml I find myself constantly using fold_left instead of for loops
and that is just hard work on my poor brain.

Ocaml type checks the code which catches very many errors before the
program is ever run even once. I'm constantly suprised by bugs that I
get in my ocaml code that somehow make it through the type checker,
they're usually on of two sorts, (i) some sort of variant of loosing a
minus sign in algerba, e.g. folding in the wrong direction in a case
when it matters, or (ii) the algorithm was totally wrong to begin with
(when it was concieved in my mind).

In Ruby I write a lot of unit tests because I expect errors. Also you
can't ask the interpreter what the return type of a function is, or what
the types of the arguments are, its all implicit so you need to invest
more time documenting the code. But that's a good thing right?

I'd like to have interfaces in Ruby so I can specify type constraints on
arguments and return values, the are constraints there implicitly
already, I want to make them explicit. Problem is that getting the
addition of interfaces to Ruby right, and finding out how to use them
properly, is hard.

What I like about both Ruby and Ocaml is that you are not bound to a
brain dead static type system, e.g. Java. You have quite a lot of freedom.

One warning in respect of Ocaml objects --- generic methods are a bit of
pain and require quite a bit of work. I also can never make up my mind
between the functional half of Ocaml or the OO half, and so I ended up
wraping the functional half in an OO half which was quite a lot of
donkey work.

Ocaml encourages abstraction. The more abstraction you use the smaller
your programs becomes and the more repeated code is removed, but at the
same time the program can become harder to understand because they end
up being the composition of a lot of abstractions. Which goes back to
the quote I started this message with.

The other thing about abstractions is: If you write a library of
functions on demand, as you need the functions, then over your
implemented functions there's a kind of logic which enables you to
refactor it, to abstract it, the thing is, one single counter example
(i.e. one new function) can totally change your logic and invalidate a
lot of refactoring or design. This is kind of a problem with XP driven
design, but I don't have a solution for it.

One last thing, let me have a go at translating that ruby code back in
Ocaml (sans types):

method sibling_sym_metric_one lattice position =
count <- 0
lattice.each (fun parent ->
let points = new Set in
let parent_point = pos parent in
lattice#each (fun a ->
let a_point = pos a in
let parent_relative_point = Point.minus a_point parent_point in
(lattice#lower_covers parent).each (fun child ->
let rel_child_pos = Point.minus (pos a) (pos child) in
let sym_rel_child_pos = { rel_child_pos with x=rel_child_pos.x *.
-1 } in
if points#is_member sym_rel_child_pos then
count <- count + 1

That's better, having been informed by the Ruby code, but I still prefer
the ruby version :)

That's two more bits worth.



Florian Groß

4/11/2005 1:34:00 PM


Richard Cole wrote:

> In Ruby I write a lot of unit tests because I expect errors. Also you
> can't ask the interpreter what the return type of a function is, or what
> the types of the arguments are, its all implicit so you need to invest
> more time documenting the code. But that's a good thing right?
> I'd like to have interfaces in Ruby so I can specify type constraints on
> arguments and return values, the are constraints there implicitly
> already, I want to make them explicit. Problem is that getting the
> addition of interfaces to Ruby right, and finding out how to use them
> properly, is hard.

I agree and would be interested in your views about