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10/4/2002 1:37:00 AM

i did the following:
string s = double.MaxValue.ToString()
double d = double.parse(s, NumberStyles.Any)
the above failed to convert back to a double. the
exception essially stated that the number is to large for
the lvalue.
I thought conversion of MinValue & MaxValue to string and
back to double should work.

Thanks in advance...
1 Answer


10/4/2002 9:37:00 AM


> I thought conversion of MinValue & MaxValue to string and
> back to double should work.

In theory yes, but:
- 'Double' stores values as !binary! floating point numbers,
- the conversion ToString does a !conversion! to decimal.

Now, there is NO exact/precise 1:1 representation
of decimal and binary/floating point numbers.

This is (simplified) comparable to the problem you have to write
2/3 in decimal 0.666667 or 0.66666666666_...
You have to do either some rounding or limit the number of digits.

Please try for Double.MaxValue as string:
double dex = double.Parse( "1.79769313486232E+308" );
=> exception as you know ...

and now, do change the lowest digit 2 => 1
double dok = double.Parse( "1.79769313486231E+308" );
=> it works!

Thus, the decimal number
was rounded up and is larger then Double.MaxValue!

All this is according the IEEE-754 standard on most OS and CPUs:

never use 'Double.MaxValue' as a string for
ANY calculations / conversions / comparisons.

also try:
double dok = double.Parse( "1.79769313486231580999999999999999E+308" );
double dex = double.Parse( "1.79769313486231581E+308" );
'dok' is currently the largest number you can parse.
(likely to be implementation depending!)

NETMaster (Thomas Scheidegger)