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Any Tools/Libraries for Replaying IP Packets?

Sven C. Koehler

3/27/2005 5:04:00 PM


I have captured the TCP/IP traffic of an application with tcpdump -w, and
now I would like to read in the file to replay the traffic, can you
advise any tools/libraries to do this? (preferably Ruby ones.) I work on
a Linux box, the dump contains both TCP and UDP packets. I want to use
Ruby here because I need to adjust some data of the dump when replaying.

Best regards,

Sven C. Koehler

3 Answers

Joel VanderWerf

3/27/2005 9:01:00 PM


Sven C. Koehler wrote:
> Hello!
> I have captured the TCP/IP traffic of an application with tcpdump -w, and
> now I would like to read in the file to replay the traffic, can you
> advise any tools/libraries to do this? (preferably Ruby ones.) I work on
> a Linux box, the dump contains both TCP and UDP packets. I want to use
> Ruby here because I need to adjust some data of the dump when replaying.

I guess tcpdump -w writes raw packets, so you will need to send out the
same data as raw packets.

Here are some files to do that. Start with send.rb. Take out the
readline code. Add code to read each packet data as a string, and call
IP.new on it to get a packet, and then call send with the packet. The IP
methods will help with manipulating the packet data (in particular, you
can treat the whole packet as a string). The send-recv.rb file is nice
for debugging. Of course, all have to be run as root.

BTW, these three files are ruby prototypes for a library I am working on
to generate C code (and ruby wrappers) for doing similar things with raw
IP packets and packet options, esp. DSRC wireless options. I'll make it
available in a few weeks, probably.

require 'scanf'

# based on icmp.rb Copyright (C) 2000 GOTOU YUUZOU <gotoyuzo@notwork.org>
class IP < String
def self.new(s=nil); s ? super(s) : super("\0" * 20); end

def ip_v; (self[0] >> 4) & 0x0f; end
def ip_v=(v); self[0] = (v << 4) | (self[0] & 0x0f); end

def ip_hl; self[0] & 0xf end
def ip_hl=(v); self[0] = (self[0] & 0xf0) | (v & 0x0f); end

def ip_tos; self[1]; end
def ip_tos=(v); self[1] = v; end

def ip_len; self[2..3].unpack("n")[0]; end
def ip_len=(v); self[2..3]=[v].pack("n"); end

def ip_id; self[4..5].unpack("n")[0]; end
def ip_id=(v); self[4..5]=[v].pack("n"); end

def ip_off; self[6..7].unpack("n")[0]; end
def ip_off=(v); self[6..7]=[v].pack("n"); end

def ip_ttl; self[8]; end
def ip_ttl=(v); self[8]=v; end

def ip_p; self[9]; end
def ip_p=(v); self[9]=v; end

def ip_sum; self[10..11].unpack("n")[0]; end
def ip_sum=(v); self[10..11]=[v].pack("n"); end

def ip_src; "%d.%d.%d.%d" % [self[12], self[13], self[14], self[15]]; end
def ip_src=(s); self[12..15] = s.scanf("%d.%d.%d.%d").pack("c*"); end

def ip_dst; "%d.%d.%d.%d" % [self[16], self[17], self[18], self[19]]; end
def ip_dst=(s); self[16..19] = s.scanf("%d.%d.%d.%d").pack("c*"); end

def body; self[(ip_hl*4)..-1]; end
def body=(s); self[(ip_hl*4)..-1] = s; end

# def inspect; "<IP: size=#{size} src=#{ip_src} dst=#{ip_dst}>"; end

["Version", :ip_v ],
["Header length", :ip_hl ],
["TOS", :ip_tos ],
["Length", :ip_len ],
["ID", :ip_id ],
["Frag offset", :ip_off ],
["TTL", :ip_ttl ],
["Protocol", :ip_p ],
["Checksum", :ip_sum ],
["Source addr", :ip_src ],
["Dest addr", :ip_dst ]

def details
IP_FIELDS.map do |name, meth|
sprintf("%20s = %s\n", name, send(meth))
end <<
sprintf("%20s = %s\n", "Body", body.inspect)

if __FILE__ == $0
ip = IP.new
ip.ip_v = 4
ip.ip_hl = 5 ## ?
ip.ip_tos = 0
ip.ip_len = 0
ip.ip_id = 0
ip.ip_off = 0
ip.ip_ttl = 255
ip.ip_p = 255
ip.ip_sum = 0
ip.ip_src = ""
ip.ip_dst = ""

print ip.details

require "socket"
require "ip"
require "readline"

rsock = Socket.open(Socket::PF_INET, Socket::SOCK_RAW, Socket::IPPROTO_RAW)
rescue Errno::EPERM => e
raise e, "You must be root to run this program."

rsock.setsockopt(Socket::SOL_SOCKET, Socket::SO_BROADCAST, true)

listener = Thread.new do
loop do
data, sender = rsock.recvfrom(8192)
port, host = Socket.unpack_sockaddr_in(sender)
puts "-"*80
puts "packet received from #{host}:#{port}:"
puts IP.new(data).details

sockaddr = Socket.pack_sockaddr_in(1024, "")
#dst_port, dst_host = Socket.unpack_sockaddr_in(sockaddr)
#src_port, src_host = Socket.unpack_sockaddr_in(rsock.getsockname)

ip = IP.new
ip.ip_v = 4
ip.ip_hl = 5
ip.ip_tos = 0
ip.ip_len = 0
ip.ip_id = 0
ip.ip_off = 0
ip.ip_ttl = 255
ip.ip_p = Socket::IPPROTO_RAW
ip.ip_sum = 0
# ip.ip_src = src_host <-- filled in by socket
# ip.ip_dst = dst_host

loop do
line = Readline.readline("input> ", true)
break unless line
ip.body = line
rsock.send(ip, 0, sockaddr)


require "socket"
require "ip"
require "readline"

rsock = Socket.open(Socket::PF_INET, Socket::SOCK_RAW, Socket::IPPROTO_RAW)
sockaddr = Socket.pack_sockaddr_in(1024, "localhost")

ip = IP.new
ip.ip_v = 4
ip.ip_hl = 5
ip.ip_tos = 0
ip.ip_len = 0
ip.ip_id = 0
ip.ip_off = 0
ip.ip_ttl = 255
ip.ip_p = 255
ip.ip_sum = 0
ip.ip_src = ""
ip.ip_dst = ""

loop do
line = Readline.readline("input> ", true)
break unless line
ip.body = line
rsock.send(ip, 0, sockaddr)


Michael Neumann

3/28/2005 11:29:00 AM


Am Sonntag 27 März 2005 19:04 schrieb Sven C. Koehler:
> Hello!
> I have captured the TCP/IP traffic of an application with tcpdump -w, and
> now I would like to read in the file to replay the traffic, can you
> advise any tools/libraries to do this? (preferably Ruby ones.) I work on
> a Linux box, the dump contains both TCP and UDP packets. I want to use
> Ruby here because I need to adjust some data of the dump when replaying.

This might be of interest:


But, I'm not sure if you can read a tcpdump file with it.



Sven C. Koehler

3/28/2005 8:01:00 PM


On Mon, Mar 28, 2005 at 06:00:41AM +0900, Joel VanderWerf wrote:
> Here are some files to do that. Start with send.rb. Take out the
> readline code. Add code to read each packet data as a string, and call
> IP.new on it to get a packet, and then call send with the packet. The IP
> methods will help with manipulating the packet data (in particular, you
> can treat the whole packet as a string). The send-recv.rb file is nice
> for debugging. Of course, all have to be run as root.

Thanks for the code! I will try it out later. Thanks also to the other
