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[ANN] Rake 0.5.0 Release

Jim Weirich

3/25/2005 11:19:00 PM

= Rake 0.5.0 Released

It has been a long time in coming, but we finally have a new version
of Rake available.

== Changes

* Fixed bug where missing intermediate file dependencies could cause
an abort with --trace or --dry-run. (Brian Chandler)

* Recursive rules are now supported (Tilman Sauerbeck).

* Added tar.gz and tar.bz2 support to package task (Tilman Sauerbeck).

* Added warning option for the Test Task (requested by Eric Hodel).

* The jamis rdoc template is only used if it exists.

* Added fix for Ruby 1.8.2 test/unit and rails problem.

* Added contributed rake man file. (Jani Monoses)

* Fixed documentation that was lacking the Rake module name (Tilman

== What is Rake

Rake is a build tool similar to the make program in many ways. But
instead of cryptic make recipes, Rake uses standard Ruby code to
declare tasks and dependencies. You have the full power of a modern
scripting language built right into your build tool.

== Availability

The easiest way to get and install rake is via RubyGems ...

gem install rake (you may need root/admin privileges)

Otherwise, you can get it from the more traditional places:

Home Page:: http://rake.ruby...
Download:: http://rubyforge.org/project/showfiles.php?g...

== Thanks

Lots of people provided input to this release. Thanks to Tilman
Sauerbeck for numerous patches, documentation fixes and suggestions.
And for also pushing me to get this release out. Also, thanks to
Brian Chandler for the finding and fixing --trace/dry-run fix. That
was an obscure bug. Also to Eric Hodel for some good suggestions.

-- Jim Weirich

-- Jim Weirich jim@weirichhouse.org http://onest...
"Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only proved it correct,
not tried it." -- Donald Knuth (in a memo to Peter van Emde Boas)

13 Answers


3/25/2005 11:30:00 PM


Jim Weirich wrote:

> = Rake 0.5.0 Released
> It has been a long time in coming, but we finally have a new version
> of Rake available.

Did you improve the introductory documentation?

I tried to use Rake once, and I could not get it to execute a command if a
file had changed. That could just be me.


Jim Weirich

3/25/2005 11:39:00 PM


On Friday 25 March 2005 06:34 pm, Phlip wrote:

Hi Phlip!

> Jim Weirich wrote:
> > It has been a long time in coming, but we finally have a new version
> > of Rake available.
> Did you improve the introductory documentation?

Only minor tweaks to the docs this time around.

> I tried to use Rake once, and I could not get it to execute a command if a
> file had changed. That could just be me.

Hmmm ... where did you have problems? I'm always looking for ways to improve
rake, including the documentation.

-- Jim Weirich jim@weirichhouse.org http://onest...
"Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only proved it correct,
not tried it." -- Donald Knuth (in a memo to Peter van Emde Boas)

Florian Gross

3/25/2005 11:45:00 PM


Jim Weirich wrote:

> = Rake 0.5.0 Released
> It has been a long time in coming, but we finally have a new version
> of Rake available.

Thanks a lot for this wonderful tool.

I have code in my Rakefile for uploading releases to RubyForge so that
they will correctly appear under the project's file release page.
(E.g. http://rubyforge.org/frs/?gr...)

I've however not factored this out into a separate task. Would you still
be interested in this?

Ryan Davis

3/26/2005 2:53:00 AM


On Mar 25, 2005, at 3:49 PM, Florian Gross wrote:

> I have code in my Rakefile for uploading releases to RubyForge so that
> they will correctly appear under the project's file release page.
> (E.g. http://rubyforge.org/frs/?gr...)
> I've however not factored this out into a separate task. Would you
> still be interested in this?

I am!!! I was just gonna write this soon.


Florian Gross

3/26/2005 3:18:00 AM


Ryan Davis wrote:

> On Mar 25, 2005, at 3:49 PM, Florian Gross wrote:
>> I have code in my Rakefile for uploading releases to RubyForge so that
>> they will correctly appear under the project's file release page.
>> (E.g. http://rubyforge.org/frs/?gr...)
>> I've however not factored this out into a separate task. Would you
>> still be interested in this?
> I am!!! I was just gonna write this soon.
> GIMME! :)

I've attached the whole file (used for ruby-breakpoint, BTW) as that
particular task depends on the presence of a few constants and other
data. You'll probably want to refactor that a bit so that it works in
your Rakefile as well, but the basic logic should still apply.

The task that does the RubyForge file publishing is :publish_files.

If you're going to refactor this into a general task it would be
wonderful if you could contribute it to Jim, by the way.
require 'rake'
require 'find'

readme = File.read("README")
Release = (readme[/^= (.+) README$/, 1] || "unknown").tr(" ", "-")
Name = Release[/\D+/].sub(/\-+$/, "") || "unknown"
Version = Release[/[\d.]+/] || "unknown"

author_string = readme[/== Author\s+(.+)/, 1] || "unknown, unknown@unknown.tld"
AuthorName, AuthorMail = author_string.split(", ")
RubyVersion = readme[/== Requirements.+?\* Ruby (.+?)$/m, 1] || "0.0.0"

Description = (readme[/README\s+(.+?)\n\n/m, 1] || "unknown").gsub(/\s+/, " ")
Summary = Description[/^.+?\./] || "unknown"

RDocFiles = DocFiles - %w(GPL)
RDocOpts = ["--inline-source", "--line-numbers",
"--title", Name
AdditionalFiles = DocFiles + %w(setup.rb)
VersionFile = MainFile = File.join("lib", Name.sub("ruby-", "") + ".rb")

RubyForgeProject = Name
RubyForgeUser = "flgr"
Homepage = "http://#{RubyForgeProject}.rubyforge.org/"

task :none

if File.exist?("test") then
task :default => [:unit_test]

desc "Run all the unit tests"
task :unit_test do
ruby "test/tc_all.rb"

desc "Run the unit tests and create a coverage report"
task :coverage => ["test/coverage"]
directory "test/coverage"
file "test/coverage" => ["lib", "test"] do
sh "rcov.bat test/tc_all.rb -o test/coverage"
task :unit_test do

task :test do

task :coverage do

unless File.exist?("bin") then
task :bin do

desc "Publish a new release."
task :publish => ["upload", "publish_files"]

desc "Upload everything to the web."
task :upload => ["upload_doc", "upload_pages", "upload_release"]

desc "Upload the documentation to the web."
task :upload_doc => ["doc"] do
if RubyForgeProject then
path = "/var/www/gforge-projects/#{RubyForgeProject}"
sh "pscp -scp -r -C -q doc #{RubyForgeUser}@rubyforge.org:#{path}"

desc "Upload the release to the web."
task :upload_release => "release/#{Release}" do
if RubyForgeProject then
path = "/var/www/gforge-projects/#{RubyForgeProject}/release/#{Release}/"
sh "pscp -scp -r -C -q release/#{Release}/ #{RubyForgeUser}@rubyforge.org:#{path}"

desc "Upload the web pages to the web."
task :upload_pages => ["web"] do
if RubyForgeProject then
path = "/var/www/gforge-projects/#{RubyForgeProject}"
sh "pscp -scp -r -C -q web/* #{RubyForgeUser}@rubyforge.org:#{path}"

desc "Publish the release files to RubyForge."
task :publish_files => [:release] do
files = ["md5sum", "gem", "tgz", "zip"].map { |ext| "release/#{Release}.#{ext}" }

if RubyForgeProject then
require 'net/http'
require 'open-uri'

changes = ""
if File.exist?("NEWS") then
changes_re = /^== \s+ #{Regexp.quote(Name)} \s+ #{Regexp.quote(Version)} \s*
(.+?) (?:==|\Z)/mx
changes = File.read("NEWS")[changes_re, 1] || ""

project_uri = "http://rubyforge.org/...{RubyForgeProject}/"
project_data = open(project_uri) { |data| data.read }
group_id = project_data[/[?&]group_id=(\d+)/, 1]
raise "Couldn't get group id" unless group_id

# This echos password to shell which is a bit sucky
print "#{RubyForgeUser}@rubyforge.org's password: "
password = STDIN.gets.chomp

login_response = Net::HTTP.start("rubyforge.org", 80) do |http|
data = [
http.post("/account/login.php", data)

cookie = login_response["set-cookie"]
raise "Login failed" unless cookie
headers = { "Cookie" => cookie }

release_uri = "http://rubyforge.org/frs/admin/?...{group_id}"
release_data = open(release_uri, headers) { |data| data.read }
package_id = release_data[/[?&]package_id=(\d+)/, 1]
raise "Couldn't get package id" unless package_id

first_file = true
release_id = ""

files.each do |filename|
basename = File.basename(filename)
file_ext = File.extname(filename)
file_data = File.open(filename, "rb") { |file| file.read }

puts "Releasing #{basename}..."

release_response = Net::HTTP.start("rubyforge.org", 80) do |http|
release_date = Time.now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
type_map = {
".zip" => "3000",
".tgz" => "3110",
".gz" => "3110",
".gem" => "1400",
".md5sum" => "8100"
}; type_map.default = "9999"
type = type_map[file_ext]
boundary = "rubyqMY6QN9bp6e4kS21H4y0zxcvoor"

query_hash = if first_file then
"group_id" => group_id,
"package_id" => package_id,
"release_name" => Release,
"release_date" => release_date,
"type_id" => type,
"processor_id" => "8000", # Any
"release_notes" => "",
"release_changes" => changes,
"preformatted" => "1",
"submit" => "1"
"group_id" => group_id,
"release_id" => release_id,
"package_id" => package_id,
"step2" => "1",
"type_id" => type,
"processor_id" => "8000", # Any
"submit" => "Add This File"

query = "?" + query_hash.map do |(name, value)|
[name, URI.encode(value)].join("=")

data = [
"--" + boundary,
"Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"userfile\"; filename=\"#{basename}\"",
"Content-Type: application/octet-stream",
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary",
"", file_data, ""

release_headers = headers.merge(
"Content-Type" => "multipart/form-data; boundary=#{boundary}"

target = first_file ? "/frs/admin/qrs.php" : "/frs/admin/editrelease.php"
http.post(target + query, data, release_headers)

if first_file then
release_id = release_response.body[/release_id=(\d+)/, 1]
raise("Couldn't get release id") unless release_id

first_file = false

desc "Make release for #{Release} (adjust in README)"
task :release => ["clean", "coverage", "signatures"]

desc "Delete generated data"
task :clean do
rm_r "test/coverage" if File.exist?("test/coverage")
rm_r "doc" if File.exist?("doc")

desc "Generate the documentation"
task "doc" do
args = RDocOpts.join(" ")
sh "rdoc.bat #{args} #{RDocFiles.join(" ")} lib"

task :signatures => "release/#{Release}.md5sum"
directory "release"
file "release/#{Release}.md5sum" => ["release/#{Release}.zip",
"release/#{Release}.tgz", "gem"] do
target = "#{Release}.md5sum"
rm target if File.exist?(target)
Dir.chdir("release") do
files = Dir.glob("#{Release}.*")
sh "md5sum #{files.join(" ")} > #{target}"
sh "unix2dos #{target}"

directory "release"
file "release/#{Release}.zip" => ["release/#{Release}"] do
target = "release/#{Release}.zip"
rm target if File.exist?(target)
Dir.chdir("release") do
sh "zip -9 -r #{Release}.zip #{Release}"

directory "release"
file "release/#{Release}.tgz" => ["release/#{Release}"] do
target = "release/#{Release}.tgz"
rm target if File.exist?(target)
Dir.chdir("release") do
sh "tar -czvf #{Release}.tgz #{Release}"

task :gem => ["release/#{Release}.gem"]
directory "release"
file "release/#{Release}.gem" => ["release/#{Release}"] do
target = "release/#{Release}.gem"
rm target if File.exist?(target)
Dir.chdir("release/#{Release}") do
require "rubygems"
require "rubygems/builder"

spec = Gem::Specification.new do |s|
s.name = Name
s.version = Version
s.platform = Gem::Platform::RUBY
s.required_ruby_version = RubyVersion
s.summary = Summary
s.description = Description

s.files = Dir.glob("**/*")
s.require_path = "lib"
s.autorequire = File.basename(MainFile)
s.executables += Dir.entries("bin").find_all { |f| File.file? "bin/#{f}" }
s.test_file = "test/tc_all.rb" if File.exist?("test")
s.has_rdoc = true
s.extra_rdoc_files = RDocFiles
s.rdoc_options = RDocOpts

s.author = AuthorName
s.email = AuthorMail
s.homepage = Homepage if Homepage
s.rubyforge_project = RubyForgeProject if RubyForgeProject


mv "release/#{Release}/#{Release}.gem", "release/#{Release}.gem"

directory "release/#{Release}"
file "release/#{Release}" => ["lib", "bin", "test", "doc"] do
target = "release/#{Release}"
rm_r target if File.exist?(target)
mkdir target

["lib", "bin", "test", "doc"].each do |dir|
Find.find(dir) do |path|
if File.directory?(path) then
if File.split(path).last.downcase == ".svn" then
mkdir File.join(target, path)
cp path, File.join(target, path)

# Adjust Version
main_file = File.join(target, VersionFile)
data = File.read(main_file)
File.open(main_file, "w") do |file|
new_data = data.sub("Version = current_version", "Version = #{Version.inspect}")

AdditionalFiles.each do |file|
cp file, File.join(target, file)

# Convert bin/ files to unix line format
Dir[File.join(target, "bin", "*")].each do |file|
sh "dos2unix #{file}"

# Generate Manifest
File.open(File.join(target, "Manifest"), "w") do |file|
files = Dir.chdir(target) { Dir.glob("**/*") }


3/26/2005 6:11:00 AM


Jim Weirich wrote:

> > I tried to use Rake once, and I could not get it to execute a command if
> > file had changed. That could just be me.
> Hmmm ... where did you have problems? I'm always looking for ways to
> rake, including the documentation.


'file.exe' => ['file.cpp', 'file.h']
`cc file.cpp`

Run the cc line if .cpp or .h changed.

All documentation everywhere has this problem. The author takes something
for granted and the reader misses it.

I went with this:

if make('file.exe', ['file.cpp', 'file.h']) then
`cc file.cpp`

make() just reports true if any of its right arguments have a greater file
mod time than its first argument. The problem with that technique is it uses
no elaborate blocks or => marks, or Rake.


Jim Weirich

3/26/2005 7:16:00 AM


On Saturday 26 March 2005 01:14 am, Phlip wrote:
> Jim Weirich wrote:
> > Hmmm ... where did you have problems?
> Here:
> 'file.exe' => ['file.cpp', 'file.h']
> `cc file.cpp`
> Run the cc line if .cpp or .h changed.
> I went with this:
> if make('file.exe', ['file.cpp', 'file.h']) then
> `cc file.cpp`
> end
> make() just reports true if any of its right arguments have a greater file
> mod time than its first argument. The problem with that technique is it
> uses no elaborate blocks or => marks, or Rake.

If that's all you need, go for it. The original version of Rake was under 100
lines of code, so obviously plain old Ruby is very close to solving the
problem without using Rake.

But, your simple example can be rendered in Rake as ...

file "file.exe" => ['file.cpp', 'file.h'] do
sh %{cc file.cpp -o file.exe}

-- Jim Weirich jim@weirichhouse.org http://onest...
"Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only proved it correct,
not tried it." -- Donald Knuth (in a memo to Peter van Emde Boas)

Lyle Johnson

3/26/2005 12:23:00 PM


On Sat, 26 Mar 2005 12:19:50 +0900, Florian Gross <flgr@ccan.de> wrote:

> I've attached the whole file (used for ruby-breakpoint, BTW) as that
> particular task depends on the presence of a few constants and other
> data. You'll probably want to refactor that a bit so that it works in
> your Rakefile as well, but the basic logic should still apply.

Oh my. First of all, congratulations to Florian for figuring out how
to maneuver through all of the HTML forms to automate this task. ;)

Having said that, though, this seems to highlight the fact that we
could really use some kind of simple (and more direct) API for making
file releases at RubyForge. Here is one support request that addresses
the problem:


and there may be others.

Joel VanderWerf

3/26/2005 6:40:00 PM


Florian Gross wrote:
> The task that does the RubyForge file publishing is :publish_files.

Whee-oo! That's been on my list to do for sourceforge for a long time,
but now your code is one more reason to switch to the increasingly
superior RubyForge. Thanks!

Tom Copeland

3/26/2005 8:41:00 PM


On Sat, 2005-03-26 at 06:22 -0600, Lyle Johnson wrote:
> Having said that, though, this seems to highlight the fact that we
> could really use some kind of simple (and more direct) API for making
> file releases at RubyForge. Here is one support request that addresses
> the problem:
> http://rubyforge.org/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=531&group_id=5&am...
> and there may be others.

Very true, very true... XML-RPC or SOAP or something would be nice.

Hey, SFTP's working now (thx to Brian Candler), so anything can happen!

