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Re: etc win32utils is case sensitive

Berger, Daniel

3/22/2005 3:50:00 PM

> -----Original Message-----
> From: "Peña, Botp" [mailto:botp@delmonte-phil.com]
> Sent: Monday, March 21, 2005 11:25 PM
> To: ruby-talk ML
> Subject: etc win32utils is case sensitive
> Hi Win32 Team,
> 1. The getpwnam is case sensitive. This is windows, so it
> should _not_.
> 2. Also, the msg error says ": can't find user for
> patchlink". Shouldn't that be ":can't find user patchlink for
> host bgpatch"?
> thanks and kind regards -botp


That's odd. I'll check it out.

However, I plan on deprecating win32-etc this week in favor of the sys-admin package. I just tested the Admin.get_user function and it appears to ignore case.



1 Answer


6/20/2008 6:12:00 AM


"MioMyo" <USA_Patriot@Somewhere.com> wrote in message
> "tenjets" <doh@nowhere.net> wrote in message
> news:FlG5k.12896$Ri.12805@flpi146.ffdc.sbc.com...
>> Thanks for posting from this most thoughtfully balance right-wing circle
>> jerk of a blog!
> In other words, if the below information wasn't the truthful facts
> regarding the democrats causing high gas prices, you could refute them.
Quoting George Will editorials as fact? Ha. Ha. I refute the illogical
conclusion in the harebrained blog you quote. Why do you think the oil
companies would sell ANWR oil for US consumption? They don't think they are
bound to sell it to anyone but the highest bidder. And this is after they
get US tax dollars to underwrite their adventure, in both real costs (road
building, etc) and tax credits.
>> "MioMyo" <USA_Patriot@Somewhere.com> wrote in message
>> news:HDD5k.8451$jI5.3986@flpi148.ffdc.sbc.com...
>>> Just the Ten TOP REASONS btw. There are more....
>>> http://www.americanthinker.com/2008/06/top_10_reasons_to_blame_dem...
>>> This started out as an attempt to create a light and humorous,
>>> Letterman-esque Top 10 list. But the items on the list, and the drain
>>> Americans are seeing in their pocketbooks because of Democrats' actions
>>> (sometimes inaction) are just too tragic for that.
>>> 10) ANWR If Bill Clinton had signed into law the Republican Congress's
>>> 1995 bill to allow drilling of ANWR instead of vetoing it, ANWR could be
>>> producing a million barrels of (non-Opec) oil a day--5% of the nation's
>>> consumption. Although speaking in another context, even Democrat Senator
>>> Charles Schumer, no proponent of ANWR drilling, admits that "one million
>>> barrels per day," would cause the price of gasoline to fall "50 cents a
>>> gallon almost immediately," according to a recent George Will column.
>>> 9) Coastal Drilling (i.e., not in my backyard) Democrats have
>>> consistently fought efforts to drill off the U.S. coast, as evidenced by
>>> Florida Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz's preotestation against a failed
>>> 2005 bill: "Not only does this legislation dismantle the bi-partisan ban
>>> on offshore drilling, but it provides a financial incentive for states
>>> to do so."
>>> A financial incentive? With the Chinese now slant drilling for oil just
>>> 50 miles off the Florida coast, wouldn't that have been a good thing?
>>> 8) Insistence on alternative fuels One of the first acts of the new
>>> Democrat-controlled congress in 2007 was an energy bill that "calls for
>>> a huge increase in the use of ethanol as a motor fuel and requires new
>>> appliance efficiency standards." By focusing on alternative fuels such
>>> as ethanol, and not more drilling, Democrats have added to the cost of
>>> food, worsening starvation problems around the word and increasing
>>> inflationary pressures in the U.S., including prices at the pump.
>>> 7) Nuclear power Even the French, who sometimes seem to lack the
>>> backbone to stand up for anything other than soft cheese, faced down
>>> their environmentalists over the need for nuclear power. France now
>>> generates 79% of its electricity from nuclear plants, mitigating the
>>> need for imported oil. The French have so much cheap energy that France
>>> has become the world's largest exporter of electric power. They have
>>> plans in place to build more reactors, including an experimental fusion
>>> reactor.
>>> The last nuclear reactor built in the United States, according to the US
>>> Dept of Energy, was the "River Bend" plant in Louisiana. Its
>>> construction began in March of 1977.
>>> Need I say more?
>>> 6) Coal "The liquid hydrocarbon fuel available from American coal
>>> reserves exceeds the crude oil reserves of the entire world," writes Dr.
>>> Arthur Robinson in an article on humanevents.com. The U.S. has
>>> approximately one-fourth of the world's known, proven coal reserves.
>>> Coal would be a proven, and increasingly clean, source of electric power
>>> and--at current prices--a liquified fuel that would reduce our
>>> dependence on foreign oil. Yet Dems and their enviro friends have
>>> fought, and continue to fight, both coal-mining and coal plants.
>>> 5) Refinery capacity "High oil prices are still being propped up by a
>>> shortage of refinery capacity and there is little sign of the bottleneck
>>> easing until 2010," according to Peak Oil News. And, while voters in
>>> South Dakota have approved zoning for what could become the first new
>>> oil refinery in the United States in 30 years, the Dems'
>>> environmentalist constituency vows to oppose it, just like
>>> environmentalists opposed the floodgates that could have saved New
>>> Orleans from Hurricane Katrina.
>>> 4) Reduced competition With consolidation in the oil industry, has come
>>> reduced competition. Remember, most of the major oil company mergers --
>>> Shell-Texaco, BP-Amoco, Exxon-Mobil, BP-ARCO, and Chevron-Texaco --
>>> happened on Clinton's watch. The number of oil refiners dropped from 28
>>> to 19 companies during Clinton's two terms.
>>> 3) The Global Warming Myth At a Group of 8 meeting this week, host and
>>> Japanese Economy, Trade and Industry Minister Akira Amari "described the
>>> issues of climate change and energy as two sides of the same coin and
>>> proposed united solutions ... to address both issues simultaneously". As
>>> a result of Global Warming hysteria, the Al Gore-negotiated Kyoto
>>> Protocol created a worldwide market in carbon-emissions trading. Both
>>> 2005 --the year that trading was initiated--and this year --when the
>>> trading expanded dramatically -- saw substantial and unexpected price
>>> spikes in the cost of oil, leading us to reason Number...
>>> 2) Speculation "Given the unchanged equilibrium in global oil supply
>>> and demand over recent months amid the explosive rise in oil futures
>>> prices ... it is more likely that as much as 60% of the today oil price
>>> is pure speculation," writes F. William Engdahl, an Associate of the
>>> Centre for Research on Globalization. According to a June 2006 US
>>> Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations report, US energy
>>> futures historically "were traded exclusively on regulated exchanges
>>> within the United States... The trading of energy commodities by large
>>> firms on OTC electronic exchanges was exempted from (federal) oversight
>>> by a provision inserted at the behest of Enron and other large energy
>>> traders into the Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000." The bill
>>> was signed into law by Bill Clinton, in one of his last acts in office.
>>> 1) Defeat of President Bush's 2001 energy package According to the
>>> BBC, "Key points of Bush('s 2001) plan were to: