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[ANN] RubyGems Release 0.8.7

Jim Weirich

3/14/2005 12:24:00 PM

= Announce: RubyGems Release 0.8.7

Time passes quickly, and so does software development. Release 0.8.7
of RubyGems is availble for public release. Although another point
release, you will find a number of very nice new features.

First the numbers, 220 different gems available, over 25,000
downloads of RubyGems, and nearly 190,000 gems downloads. Thanks to
everyone for their support.

== What's New

Even though it has only been a few weeks since that last release,
there are quite a number of new features in 0.8.7. A complete list of
new features will be given below, but here is a summary of the hot

* The bug that prevented some users from installing rails has been
squashed. A big thanks to Bill Guindon (aGorilla) for helping track
that one down.

There are several new commands available on the gem command:

* gem cleanup GEMNAME -- Cleanup (uninstall) all the old versions of
gem. If the gem name is omitted, the entire repository is cleaned.

* gem dependency GEMNAME -- Show the dependencies for the named gems.
This is really helpful when trying to figure out what gem needs what
other gem.

There changes to the existing commands as well.

* gem uninstall is much smarter about removing gems from the
repository. Lists of gems are now uninstalled in proper dependency
order (ie. if A depends on B, A is uninstalled first). Also,
warnings about broken dependencies occur only when removing the
*last* gem that supports a dependency is removed.

Both gem install and gem uninstall support some new command line
options that can reduce the amount of yes/no queries given the user.
For install we have:

* --ignore-dependencies -- Only install requests gems, no
dependendecies are automatically installed.
* --include-dependencies -- Automatically install dependencies,
without confirmation.

For gem uninstall, the new options are:

* --all -- Uninstall all matching gems without confirmation.
* --ignore-dependencies -- Uninstall, even if dependencies are broken.
* --executables -- Remove executables without confirmation

Under general cleanup, gems will not, by default, run RDoc on packages
that do not have the RDoc flag set.

And finally there is a new library file 'gemconfigure' to aid in
writing version sensitive applications (without undue dependencies on
RubyGems); and 'gemwhich', a short script to locate libraries in the
file system. You can read more about them here:

* gemconfigure: http://docs.rubygems.org/read/chapte...
* gemwhich: http://docs.rubygems.org/read/...

== What is RubyGems?

RubyGems is a package management system for Ruby applications and
libraries. RubyGems one command download makes installing Ruby software
fun and enjoyable again. (Ok, not really.)

Many gems are available for download from the RubyForge site. Browse
the list of gems with a "gem list --remote" command and download what
you need with a simple "gem install <name-of-gem>". RubyGems takes care
of the details of installing, not only the gem you requested, but also
any gems needed by the software you selected.

== How can I get all this great stuff?

Well, here's how ...

To download and install:

1. DOWNLOAD FROM: http://rubyforge.org/frs/?gr...
3. INSTALL WITH: ruby setup.rb all (you may need admin/root privilege)

... or, if you have RubyGems version 0.8.5 or later ....

$ gem update --system (again, might need to be admin/root)

... If you don't have a recent RubyGems, you can still do the two-step ....

$ gem install rubygems-update (again, might need to be admin/root)
$ update_rubygems (... here too)

== Detailed Change List

This list touches on most of the user visible changes in the RubyGems
change log. See the change log file for even more details.

* Fixed bug in cache manager that caused the cache to be reread every
time on Windows.

* Removed annoying message about not finding .gemrc.

* Uninstall command will now accept the following options:
* --all (uninstall all matches without query),
* --ignore-dependencies (ignore dependency constraints while
* --executables (remove the executables without querying).

* New command: "gem cleanup" will remove all old versions of the list
gems (or the entire repository).

* Uninstalling now will only query if removing a gem actually will
cause a dependency to be unfulfilled.

* A new library file "gemconfigure.rb" makes is easy to take advantage
of dynamic versioning without becoming tied to using RubyGems.

* Source URIs given to the --source option will now assume an
"http://" prefix if one is not given.

* New Command: "gem dependency" will show the dependency requirements
of any installed gem. Reverse dependencies are also supported.

== Thanks

Thanks to David Heinemeier Hansson for a number of suggestions that
made it into this release. Also thanks go to Bill Guindon (aGorilla)
and Jim Freeze for feedback and testing of intermediate versions.

Keep those gems coming!

-- Jim & Chad (for the RubyGems team)

4 Answers

Andreas Schwarz

3/14/2005 12:39:00 PM


Jim Weirich wrote:

> ... or, if you have RubyGems version 0.8.5 or later ....
> $ gem update --system (again, might need to be admin/root)

# gem -v
Config file /var/root/.gemrc does not exist
# gem update --system
Config file /var/root/.gemrc does not exist
Upgrading RubyGems...
Attempting remote upgrade of rubygems-update
Attempting remote installation of 'rubygems-update'
Successfully installed rubygems-update, version 0.8.6
Installing RDoc documentation for rubygems-update-0.8.6...
Updating version of RubyGems
Installing RubyGems 0.8.6

Chad Fowler

3/14/2005 1:16:00 PM


On Mon, 14 Mar 2005 21:24:28 +0900, Jim Weirich <jim@weirichhouse.org> wrote:
> = Announce: RubyGems Release 0.8.7
> Time passes quickly, and so does software development. Release 0.8.7
> of RubyGems is availble for public release. Although another point
> release, you will find a number of very nice new features.

For those of you trying to use "gem update --system", it looks like
this gem hasn't propagated to the repository yet, so you might want to
either wait (I assume it's just bad timing with the batch processing
on RubyForge) or download the package and install it manually.


Chad Fowler
http://rubygems.rub... (over 100,000 gems served!)

Chad Fowler

3/14/2005 3:35:00 PM


On Mon, 14 Mar 2005 08:15:27 -0500, Chad Fowler <chadfowler@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, 14 Mar 2005 21:24:28 +0900, Jim Weirich <jim@weirichhouse.org> wrote:
> > = Announce: RubyGems Release 0.8.7
> >
> > Time passes quickly, and so does software development. Release 0.8.7
> > of RubyGems is availble for public release. Although another point
> > release, you will find a number of very nice new features.
> >
> For those of you trying to use "gem update --system", it looks like
> this gem hasn't propagated to the repository yet, so you might want to
> either wait (I assume it's just bad timing with the batch processing
> on RubyForge) or download the package and install it manually.

We've discovered a significant problem that will prevent installation
from working right for this release. Please stay tuned until this
evening when we'll hopefully have a fix.


Chad Fowler
http://rubygems.rub... (over 100,000 gems served!)

Jim Weirich

3/15/2005 3:45:00 PM


Andreas Schwarz said:
> Jim Weirich wrote:
>> ... or, if you have RubyGems version 0.8.5 or later ....
>> $ gem update --system (again, might need to be admin/root)
> # gem -v
> Config file /var/root/.gemrc does not exist
> 0.8.6
> # gem update --system
> Installing RubyGems 0.8.6

There was a problem with the 0.8.7 gem file such that it was never
deployed on the RubyForge gem server. RubyGems 0.8.8 fixes that issue.
We recommend that everyone who managed to successfully install 0.8.7, go
ahead and upgrade to 0.8.8.

In case anyone missed the announcements, here is Chad's post about the

Here is the 0.8.8 announcement:

I offer apologies for the confusion.

-- Jim Weirich jim@weirichhouse.org http://onest...
"Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only proved it correct,
not tried it." -- Donald Knuth (in a memo to Peter van Emde Boas)