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Rexeg help

Matthew Margolis

3/7/2005 10:01:00 PM

I am trying to match everything inside of an HTML file that is located
between a
<!--H and H-->
Right now I have
thePage.sub!(/<!--H((.*)|(\n))+H-->/, stuff)
where thePage is a string that holds the HTML page and stuff is a string
I want to sub into thePage.
This does not seem to be working.

Any suggestions?

-Matthew Margolis

8 Answers

Simon Strandgaard

3/7/2005 10:13:00 PM


On Tue, 8 Mar 2005 07:00:52 +0900, MATTHEW REUBEN MARGOLIS
<mrmargolis@wisc.edu> wrote:
> I am trying to match everything inside of an HTML file that is located
> between a
> <!--H and H-->
> Right now I have
> thePage.sub!(/<!--H((.*)|(\n))+H-->/, stuff)

try this

thePage.gsub!(/(<!--H)(.*?)(H-->)/, $1 + stuff + $3)

> where thePage is a string that holds the HTML page and stuff is a string
> I want to sub into thePage.
> This does not seem to be working.

Simon Strandgaard

Simon Strandgaard

3/7/2005 10:14:00 PM


On Mon, 7 Mar 2005 23:12:18 +0100, Simon Strandgaard <neoneye@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, 8 Mar 2005 07:00:52 +0900, MATTHEW REUBEN MARGOLIS
> <mrmargolis@wisc.edu> wrote:
> > I am trying to match everything inside of an HTML file that is located
> > between a
> > <!--H and H-->
> > Right now I have
> > thePage.sub!(/<!--H((.*)|(\n))+H-->/, stuff)
> try this

Sorry too fast.. forgot the multiline flag

thePage.gsub!(/(<!--H)(.*?)(H-->)/m, $1 + stuff + $3)

> --
> Simon Strandgaard

Martin Traverso

3/7/2005 10:15:00 PM


On Monday 07 March 2005 4:00 pm, MATTHEW REUBEN MARGOLIS wrote:
> I am trying to match everything inside of an HTML file that is located
> between a
> <!--H and H-->
> Right now I have
> thePage.sub!(/<!--H((.*)|(\n))+H-->/, stuff)

Try with:

thePage.sub!(/<!--H.*H-->/m, stuff)

The "m" enables multi-line mode. Otherwise, the \n is treated as end of line
and the substitution works on a per-line basis.



5/13/2008 5:17:00 AM


Aviroce wrote:
> ElParedon wrote:
>> "Aviroce" <dudaraster@gmail.com> wrote in message
>> news:ceb25341-9938-4054-ab26-22f33dff8ea8@m44g2000hsc.googlegroups.com...
>>> If you wonder what these sons of bitches are doing to my name, feel
>>> free to read the profile. If it is written by me you will find that
>>> I
>>> have about thirty thousand articles written so far and they are
>>> consistent that Israel, Jews, and Zionists are the Evil people on
>>> planet earth and need to be burnt in Hell. You will also notice that
>>> Muslims are the highest quality of people compared to any group of
>>> people. When Muslims are compared to Jews, you will find that Jews
>>> are the people who eat, breathe and live in human sewers. The only
>>> good Jew is a dead Jew. Let us hope all Jews become good. Amen.
>>> http://groups.google.com/group/Imperialism_Zionism/browse_frm/thread/7e237d...
>> You are correrct in analysing the nature of the beast. Unfortunately,
>> you ain't
>> Desertpeace
>> May 11, 2008
>> Does a man who adores his wife and children plan a suicide so
>> as to never see them again?
>> Does a man who is so involved in causes to help Palestinian
>> children plan a suicide at a time when his services are needed more
>> than ever?
>> Federal authorities this year authorized a search warrant of his
>> home as well as a safe deposit box and storage unit. Authorities said
>> that he received $633,965 in donations and that he sent some of the
>> money - about $527,000 - to the Middle East. But according to an
>> affidavit, authorities "can not determine the ultimate disposition of
>> these funds at this time."
>> Is that reason to plan a suicide rather than prove his innocence
>> in any underhanded activity?
>> Is the State of Israel capable of killing anyone involved in
>> helping the cause of the Palestinian people?
>> Is the Federal Bureau of Investigation capable of collaborating
>> in such a vile act to assist their most trusted, loyal friend in the
>> Middle East, despite the discovery of a spy ring working against their
>> own country?
>> Riad Hamad was tormented by Federal agencies the last part of
>> his life. Riad was a strong, dedicated man with a mission.. would he
>> give that up on his own?
>> Despite what the press reports claim, despite what the local
>> police authorities claim, I am positive that Riad was murdered. there
>> is no doubt in my mind about that.
>> Below is a somewhat biased report of the memorial service that
>> was held yesterday.
>> Memorial service for Palestinian activist reveals more layers
>> Family, friends remember activist and teacher
>> By Eileen E. Flynn
>> Ever since Riad Hamad's body was found bound in Lady Bird Lake
>> last month, the Palestinian activist whose charity was being
>> investigated by the FBI has been either glorified on the Web as a
>> martyr for the cause or vilified as a leftist zealot who intentionally
>> staged a suspicious suicide. The picture that emerged at Hamad's
>> memorial service Saturday reflected a far more complex man who was at
>> turns goofy, passionate, mischievous, abrasive and loving but whose
>> final weeks were marked by agitation and fear.
>> Dozens of Hamad's family, friends and co-workers gathered at St.
>> James' Episcopal Church on Webberville Road on a hot afternoon to
>> share memories and photos and pledge to continue helping Palestinian
>> children through the Palestine Children's Welfare Fund that Hamad ran.
>> A few people wore kaffiyehs, the checkered Palestinian scarf, and
>> spoke strongly against the Israeli government.
>> But the service explored many facets of Hamad's personality and
>> steered clear of the conspiracy theories surrounding his death that
>> have grown on pro-Palestinian Web sites and e-mail strings since
>> Hamad's body was found April 16. Already known internationally for his
>> relief work, in death, Hamad has become a global cause célèbre among
>> those who supported his cause.
>> On Saturday, mourners paid tribute to the father who would sign
>> e-mails "always remember daddy loves you" to his two adult children,
>> Rita and Abdullah. The Clint Small Jr. Middle School technology
>> teacher who teased boys with long hair by calling them hippies. The
>> chef who loved to whip up babaghanouj and baklava for his friends. The
>> man who would sacrifice his comfort to help others, sometimes forgoing
>> a hotel and sleeping in his car to save money for Palestinian children.
>> Hamad's widow, Diana HajAli Hamad, a petite woman in a long
>> maroon tunic with gold trimming, recalled their courtship in Beirut,
>> Lebanon, almost 30 years ago. Every time they dined at their favorite
>> cafe, she said, Riad would hand her the bill just to annoy the male
>> chauvinist waiter. Twenty years ago, Riad persuaded her to move to
>> Austin, the city he fell in love with as a University of Texas student.
>> Diana Hamad's voice never broke as she said, "I stand before you
>> in the house of God feeling like my heart has been ripped out of my
>> chest."
>> A slide show depicted a joyful man who adored his wife, children
>> and cats and enjoyed mugging for the camera.
>> His death came as a shock, Hamad's son Abdullah said. When the
>> 55-year-old Hamad's body was discovered, his ankles and feet were
>> bound, and his eyes were covered with duct tape. Police said they
>> believed it was a suicide, saying it appeared Hamad could have tied
>> his own hands and that evidence suggested he had walked from his car
>> to the lake. The cause of death from the Travis County medical
>> examiner's office isn't expected for a couple of weeks.
>> Police also reported after his body was found that family
>> members had said he'd been showing suicidal tendencies. A colleague
>> who might have been the last to speak with Hamad has since said he
>> believes it was suicide.
>> But Hamad's brother-in-law denied Saturday that the family had
>> described him as suicidal. And the circumstances have fueled online
>> theories that Hamad was killed by the U.S. government or Israeli
>> operatives.
>> Roberta Clark, a spokeswoman for the Austin chapter of the
>> Anti-Defamation League, referred to Hamad's death as a tragedy but
>> said that rumors pointing the finger at Israel "are hateful and
>> hurtful and they fuel the flames of those who are anti-Semitic and/or
>> anti-Israel."
>> In a telephone interview Saturday night, she said Israel, which
>> marks its 60th anniversary this month, is committed to peace with its
>> neighbors but cannot be "partners in peace" with leaders who support
>> suicide bombers.
>> Before Saturday's service, Diana Hamad said the family did not
>> want to make a statement about her husband's death. But during her
>> talk, she did allude to her husband's distress over the FBI's seizure
>> of his computers in February. She said he was working on a paper for a
>> professor and was upset that he would not make the deadline.
>> Hamad also spoke with his middle school co-worker Mark Kelly
>> about his anguish over the suspicion that surrounded his charity work.
>> "(He) was tormented by the defamation of being labeled a
>> terrorist," Kelly said. He said Hamad would ask him, "What have I done?"
>> Federal authorities this year authorized a search warrant of his
>> home as well as a safe deposit box and storage unit. Authorities said
>> that he received $633,965 in donations and that he sent some of the
>> money - about $527,000 - to the Middle East. But according to an
>> affidavit, authorities "can not determine the ultimate disposition of
>> these funds at this time."
>> The affidavit filed in U.S. District Court in Austin in February
>> said authorities think Hamad was using the donated money for personal
>> use and not paying federal income tax on it, that he failed to file
>> several income tax returns from 2000 to 2006 and did not pay any taxes
>> on earned income during those years. Hamad filed a document with the
>> IRS titled "Redirect TAX Money AWAY from Israel," the affidavit said.
>> Friends said Hamad might have been a sloppy bookkeeper, but he
>> lived frugally and gave everything he raised back to Palestinian
>> families. Anna Baltzer, a friend, said Hamad purchased Palestinian
>> hand-made goods such as olive wood carvings and embroideries, sold
>> them and returned the profits to Palestinian families.
>> "He was sort of a one-man wonder," Baltzer said. "Whenever I
>> would see him, he would be working from the minute he woke up to the
>> minute he went to sleep."
>> But the lingering suspicions and pressure from the government,
>> she said, took a toll.
>> Hamad had assigned his charity to an umbrella group in
>> California, the Association for Investment in Popular Action
>> Committees. Paul Larudee, who ran the organization, said Hamad
>> wondered whether his involvement with the Free Gaza Movement, an
>> organization that opposes Israeli policies in the Gaza Strip, prompted
>> the investigations.
>> "He felt . (federal authorities) were closing in on him,"
>> Larudee said.
>> Israel withdrew its troops from Gaza and evacuated Jewish
>> settlements there nearly three years ago but has made several military
>> incursions since then in response to rocket attacks from the
>> Hamas-controlled region.
>> Larudee believes he was the last person to speak to Hamad before
>> he died. His position, he said, is that Hamad "did take his own life
>> but he took it with a view of fueling the speculation that has in fact
>> accompanied his death." Bloggers who have been critical of Hamad's
>> work have offered the same suggestion.
>> At Saturday's service, no one addressed the conspiracy theories.
>> seen nothing yet, these people will styoop at nothing, even killing:
HOW TO BECOME A SHITSKIN MOSLEM - this is how: fuck goats, fuck your
mother (nikomak), molest children, wear a beekeepers outfit all the
time, never shower or bath, beat your wives, learn terrorist activities
at a maddrassa, wipe your ass with stones, sell the donkey you fucked to
a nearby village, marry a nine year-old , send your child off to an
indoctrination camp, practice thighing with little kids, ............
Practice all those and you too could become a prophet !!

Elif air ab tizak mohammad !!!!

info@muslimmatch.com or apache@muslimmatch.com or


moslem cartoon character mohammad and his bumchum allaah were child
molesting goat fuckers and nikomaks

,/_ /
/ /
/'_'/' '/'__'7,
/'/ / / /" /_ ('( ' /' ')
\ /
'\' _.7'
\ (
Up your ass mohammad - Elif air ab tizak!!!

info@muslimmatch.com or apache@muslimmatch.com or


5/13/2008 11:57:00 PM


Aviroce wrote:
> ElParedon wrote:
>> "Aviroce" <dudaraster@gmail.com> wrote in message
>> news:ceb25341-9938-4054-ab26-22f33dff8ea8@m44g2000hsc.googlegroups.com...
>>> If you wonder what these sons of bitches are doing to my name, feel
>>> free to read the profile. If it is written by me you will find that
>>> I
>>> have about thirty thousand articles written so far and they are
>>> consistent that Israel, Jews, and Zionists are the Evil people on
>>> planet earth and need to be burnt in Hell. You will also notice that
>>> Muslims are the highest quality of people compared to any group of
>>> people. When Muslims are compared to Jews, you will find that Jews
>>> are the people who eat, breathe and live in human sewers. The only
>>> good Jew is a dead Jew. Let us hope all Jews become good. Amen.
>>> http://groups.google.com/group/Imperialism_Zionism/browse_frm/thread/7e237d...
>> You are correrct in analysing the nature of the beast. Unfortunately,
>> you ain't
>> Desertpeace
>> May 11, 2008
>> Does a man who adores his wife and children plan a suicide so
>> as to never see them again?
>> Does a man who is so involved in causes to help Palestinian
>> children plan a suicide at a time when his services are needed more
>> than ever?
>> Federal authorities this year authorized a search warrant of his
>> home as well as a safe deposit box and storage unit. Authorities said
>> that he received $633,965 in donations and that he sent some of the
>> money - about $527,000 - to the Middle East. But according to an
>> affidavit, authorities "can not determine the ultimate disposition of
>> these funds at this time."
>> Is that reason to plan a suicide rather than prove his innocence
>> in any underhanded activity?
>> Is the State of Israel capable of killing anyone involved in
>> helping the cause of the Palestinian people?
>> Is the Federal Bureau of Investigation capable of collaborating
>> in such a vile act to assist their most trusted, loyal friend in the
>> Middle East, despite the discovery of a spy ring working against their
>> own country?
>> Riad Hamad was tormented by Federal agencies the last part of
>> his life. Riad was a strong, dedicated man with a mission.. would he
>> give that up on his own?
>> Despite what the press reports claim, despite what the local
>> police authorities claim, I am positive that Riad was murdered. there
>> is no doubt in my mind about that.
>> Below is a somewhat biased report of the memorial service that
>> was held yesterday.
>> Memorial service for Palestinian activist reveals more layers
>> Family, friends remember activist and teacher
>> By Eileen E. Flynn
>> Ever since Riad Hamad's body was found bound in Lady Bird Lake
>> last month, the Palestinian activist whose charity was being
>> investigated by the FBI has been either glorified on the Web as a
>> martyr for the cause or vilified as a leftist zealot who intentionally
>> staged a suspicious suicide. The picture that emerged at Hamad's
>> memorial service Saturday reflected a far more complex man who was at
>> turns goofy, passionate, mischievous, abrasive and loving but whose
>> final weeks were marked by agitation and fear.
>> Dozens of Hamad's family, friends and co-workers gathered at St.
>> James' Episcopal Church on Webberville Road on a hot afternoon to
>> share memories and photos and pledge to continue helping Palestinian
>> children through the Palestine Children's Welfare Fund that Hamad ran.
>> A few people wore kaffiyehs, the checkered Palestinian scarf, and
>> spoke strongly against the Israeli government.
>> But the service explored many facets of Hamad's personality and
>> steered clear of the conspiracy theories surrounding his death that
>> have grown on pro-Palestinian Web sites and e-mail strings since
>> Hamad's body was found April 16. Already known internationally for his
>> relief work, in death, Hamad has become a global cause célèbre among
>> those who supported his cause.
>> On Saturday, mourners paid tribute to the father who would sign
>> e-mails "always remember daddy loves you" to his two adult children,
>> Rita and Abdullah. The Clint Small Jr. Middle School technology
>> teacher who teased boys with long hair by calling them hippies. The
>> chef who loved to whip up babaghanouj and baklava for his friends. The
>> man who would sacrifice his comfort to help others, sometimes forgoing
>> a hotel and sleeping in his car to save money for Palestinian children.
>> Hamad's widow, Diana HajAli Hamad, a petite woman in a long
>> maroon tunic with gold trimming, recalled their courtship in Beirut,
>> Lebanon, almost 30 years ago. Every time they dined at their favorite
>> cafe, she said, Riad would hand her the bill just to annoy the male
>> chauvinist waiter. Twenty years ago, Riad persuaded her to move to
>> Austin, the city he fell in love with as a University of Texas student.
>> Diana Hamad's voice never broke as she said, "I stand before you
>> in the house of God feeling like my heart has been ripped out of my
>> chest."
>> A slide show depicted a joyful man who adored his wife, children
>> and cats and enjoyed mugging for the camera.
>> His death came as a shock, Hamad's son Abdullah said. When the
>> 55-year-old Hamad's body was discovered, his ankles and feet were
>> bound, and his eyes were covered with duct tape. Police said they
>> believed it was a suicide, saying it appeared Hamad could have tied
>> his own hands and that evidence suggested he had walked from his car
>> to the lake. The cause of death from the Travis County medical
>> examiner's office isn't expected for a couple of weeks.
>> Police also reported after his body was found that family
>> members had said he'd been showing suicidal tendencies. A colleague
>> who might have been the last to speak with Hamad has since said he
>> believes it was suicide.
>> But Hamad's brother-in-law denied Saturday that the family had
>> described him as suicidal. And the circumstances have fueled online
>> theories that Hamad was killed by the U.S. government or Israeli
>> operatives.
>> Roberta Clark, a spokeswoman for the Austin chapter of the
>> Anti-Defamation League, referred to Hamad's death as a tragedy but
>> said that rumors pointing the finger at Israel "are hateful and
>> hurtful and they fuel the flames of those who are anti-Semitic and/or
>> anti-Israel."
>> In a telephone interview Saturday night, she said Israel, which
>> marks its 60th anniversary this month, is committed to peace with its
>> neighbors but cannot be "partners in peace" with leaders who support
>> suicide bombers.
>> Before Saturday's service, Diana Hamad said the family did not
>> want to make a statement about her husband's death. But during her
>> talk, she did allude to her husband's distress over the FBI's seizure
>> of his computers in February. She said he was working on a paper for a
>> professor and was upset that he would not make the deadline.
>> Hamad also spoke with his middle school co-worker Mark Kelly
>> about his anguish over the suspicion that surrounded his charity work.
>> "(He) was tormented by the defamation of being labeled a
>> terrorist," Kelly said. He said Hamad would ask him, "What have I done?"
>> Federal authorities this year authorized a search warrant of his
>> home as well as a safe deposit box and storage unit. Authorities said
>> that he received $633,965 in donations and that he sent some of the
>> money - about $527,000 - to the Middle East. But according to an
>> affidavit, authorities "can not determine the ultimate disposition of
>> these funds at this time."
>> The affidavit filed in U.S. District Court in Austin in February
>> said authorities think Hamad was using the donated money for personal
>> use and not paying federal income tax on it, that he failed to file
>> several income tax returns from 2000 to 2006 and did not pay any taxes
>> on earned income during those years. Hamad filed a document with the
>> IRS titled "Redirect TAX Money AWAY from Israel," the affidavit said.
>> Friends said Hamad might have been a sloppy bookkeeper, but he
>> lived frugally and gave everything he raised back to Palestinian
>> families. Anna Baltzer, a friend, said Hamad purchased Palestinian
>> hand-made goods such as olive wood carvings and embroideries, sold
>> them and returned the profits to Palestinian families.
>> "He was sort of a one-man wonder," Baltzer said. "Whenever I
>> would see him, he would be working from the minute he woke up to the
>> minute he went to sleep."
>> But the lingering suspicions and pressure from the government,
>> she said, took a toll.
>> Hamad had assigned his charity to an umbrella group in
>> California, the Association for Investment in Popular Action
>> Committees. Paul Larudee, who ran the organization, said Hamad
>> wondered whether his involvement with the Free Gaza Movement, an
>> organization that opposes Israeli policies in the Gaza Strip, prompted
>> the investigations.
>> "He felt . (federal authorities) were closing in on him,"
>> Larudee said.
>> Israel withdrew its troops from Gaza and evacuated Jewish
>> settlements there nearly three years ago but has made several military
>> incursions since then in response to rocket attacks from the
>> Hamas-controlled region.
>> Larudee believes he was the last person to speak to Hamad before
>> he died. His position, he said, is that Hamad "did take his own life
>> but he took it with a view of fueling the speculation that has in fact
>> accompanied his death." Bloggers who have been critical of Hamad's
>> work have offered the same suggestion.
>> At Saturday's service, no one addressed the conspiracy theories.
>> seen nothing yet, these people will styoop at nothing, even killing:
HOW TO BECOME A SHITSKIN MOSLEM - this is how: fuck goats, fuck your
mother (nikomak), molest children, wear a beekeepers outfit all the
time, never shower or bath, beat your wives, learn terrorist activities
at a maddrassa, wipe your ass with stones, sell the donkey you fucked to
a nearby village, marry a nine year-old , send your child off to an
indoctrination camp, practice thighing with little kids, ............
Practice all those and you too could become a prophet !!

Elif air ab tizak mohammad !!!!

info@muslimmatch.com or apache@muslimmatch.com or


moslem cartoon character mohammad and his bumchum allaah were child
molesting goat fuckers and nikomaks

,/_ /
/ /
/'_'/' '/'__'7,
/'/ / / /" /_ ('( ' /' ')
\ /
'\' _.7'
\ (
Up your ass mohammad - Elif air ab tizak!!!

info@muslimmatch.com or apache@muslimmatch.com or


5/13/2008 11:57:00 PM


Aviroce wrote:
> Aviroce wrote:
>> ElParedon wrote:
>>> "Aviroce" <dudaraster@gmail.com> wrote in message
>>> news:ceb25341-9938-4054-ab26-22f33dff8ea8@m44g2000hsc.googlegroups.com...
>>>> If you wonder what these sons of bitches are doing to my name, feel
>>>> free to read the profile. If it is written by me you will find that
>>>> I
>>>> have about thirty thousand articles written so far and they are
>>>> consistent that Israel, Jews, and Zionists are the Evil people on
>>>> planet earth and need to be burnt in Hell. You will also notice that
>>>> Muslims are the highest quality of people compared to any group of
>>>> people. When Muslims are compared to Jews, you will find that Jews
>>>> are the people who eat, breathe and live in human sewers. The only
>>>> good Jew is a dead Jew. Let us hope all Jews become good. Amen.
>>>> http://groups.google.com/group/Imperialism_Zionism/browse_frm/thread/7e237d...
>>> You are correrct in analysing the nature of the beast. Unfortunately,
>>> you ain't
>>> Desertpeace
>>> May 11, 2008
>>> Does a man who adores his wife and children plan a suicide so
>>> as to never see them again?
>>> Does a man who is so involved in causes to help Palestinian
>>> children plan a suicide at a time when his services are needed more
>>> than ever?
>>> Federal authorities this year authorized a search warrant of
>>> his home as well as a safe deposit box and storage unit. Authorities
>>> said that he received $633,965 in donations and that he sent some of
>>> the money - about $527,000 - to the Middle East. But according to an
>>> affidavit, authorities "can not determine the ultimate disposition of
>>> these funds at this time."
>>> Is that reason to plan a suicide rather than prove his
>>> innocence in any underhanded activity?
>>> Is the State of Israel capable of killing anyone involved in
>>> helping the cause of the Palestinian people?
>>> Is the Federal Bureau of Investigation capable of collaborating
>>> in such a vile act to assist their most trusted, loyal friend in the
>>> Middle East, despite the discovery of a spy ring working against
>>> their own country?
>>> Riad Hamad was tormented by Federal agencies the last part of
>>> his life. Riad was a strong, dedicated man with a mission.. would he
>>> give that up on his own?
>>> Despite what the press reports claim, despite what the local
>>> police authorities claim, I am positive that Riad was murdered. there
>>> is no doubt in my mind about that.
>>> Below is a somewhat biased report of the memorial service that
>>> was held yesterday.
>>> Memorial service for Palestinian activist reveals more layers
>>> Family, friends remember activist and teacher
>>> By Eileen E. Flynn
>>> Ever since Riad Hamad's body was found bound in Lady Bird Lake
>>> last month, the Palestinian activist whose charity was being
>>> investigated by the FBI has been either glorified on the Web as a
>>> martyr for the cause or vilified as a leftist zealot who
>>> intentionally staged a suspicious suicide. The picture that emerged
>>> at Hamad's memorial service Saturday reflected a far more complex man
>>> who was at turns goofy, passionate, mischievous, abrasive and loving
>>> but whose final weeks were marked by agitation and fear.
>>> Dozens of Hamad's family, friends and co-workers gathered at
>>> St. James' Episcopal Church on Webberville Road on a hot afternoon to
>>> share memories and photos and pledge to continue helping Palestinian
>>> children through the Palestine Children's Welfare Fund that Hamad
>>> ran. A few people wore kaffiyehs, the checkered Palestinian scarf,
>>> and spoke strongly against the Israeli government.
>>> But the service explored many facets of Hamad's personality and
>>> steered clear of the conspiracy theories surrounding his death that
>>> have grown on pro-Palestinian Web sites and e-mail strings since
>>> Hamad's body was found April 16. Already known internationally for
>>> his relief work, in death, Hamad has become a global cause célèbre
>>> among those who supported his cause.
>>> On Saturday, mourners paid tribute to the father who would sign
>>> e-mails "always remember daddy loves you" to his two adult children,
>>> Rita and Abdullah. The Clint Small Jr. Middle School technology
>>> teacher who teased boys with long hair by calling them hippies. The
>>> chef who loved to whip up babaghanouj and baklava for his friends.
>>> The man who would sacrifice his comfort to help others, sometimes
>>> forgoing a hotel and sleeping in his car to save money for
>>> Palestinian children.
>>> Hamad's widow, Diana HajAli Hamad, a petite woman in a long
>>> maroon tunic with gold trimming, recalled their courtship in Beirut,
>>> Lebanon, almost 30 years ago. Every time they dined at their favorite
>>> cafe, she said, Riad would hand her the bill just to annoy the male
>>> chauvinist waiter. Twenty years ago, Riad persuaded her to move to
>>> Austin, the city he fell in love with as a University of Texas student.
>>> Diana Hamad's voice never broke as she said, "I stand before
>>> you in the house of God feeling like my heart has been ripped out of
>>> my chest."
>>> A slide show depicted a joyful man who adored his wife,
>>> children and cats and enjoyed mugging for the camera.
>>> His death came as a shock, Hamad's son Abdullah said. When the
>>> 55-year-old Hamad's body was discovered, his ankles and feet were
>>> bound, and his eyes were covered with duct tape. Police said they
>>> believed it was a suicide, saying it appeared Hamad could have tied
>>> his own hands and that evidence suggested he had walked from his car
>>> to the lake. The cause of death from the Travis County medical
>>> examiner's office isn't expected for a couple of weeks.
>>> Police also reported after his body was found that family
>>> members had said he'd been showing suicidal tendencies. A colleague
>>> who might have been the last to speak with Hamad has since said he
>>> believes it was suicide.
>>> But Hamad's brother-in-law denied Saturday that the family had
>>> described him as suicidal. And the circumstances have fueled online
>>> theories that Hamad was killed by the U.S. government or Israeli
>>> operatives.
>>> Roberta Clark, a spokeswoman for the Austin chapter of the
>>> Anti-Defamation League, referred to Hamad's death as a tragedy but
>>> said that rumors pointing the finger at Israel "are hateful and
>>> hurtful and they fuel the flames of those who are anti-Semitic and/or
>>> anti-Israel."
>>> In a telephone interview Saturday night, she said Israel, which
>>> marks its 60th anniversary this month, is committed to peace with its
>>> neighbors but cannot be "partners in peace" with leaders who support
>>> suicide bombers.
>>> Before Saturday's service, Diana Hamad said the family did not
>>> want to make a statement about her husband's death. But during her
>>> talk, she did allude to her husband's distress over the FBI's seizure
>>> of his computers in February. She said he was working on a paper for
>>> a professor and was upset that he would not make the deadline.
>>> Hamad also spoke with his middle school co-worker Mark Kelly
>>> about his anguish over the suspicion that surrounded his charity work.
>>> "(He) was tormented by the defamation of being labeled a
>>> terrorist," Kelly said. He said Hamad would ask him, "What have I done?"
>>> Federal authorities this year authorized a search warrant of
>>> his home as well as a safe deposit box and storage unit. Authorities
>>> said that he received $633,965 in donations and that he sent some of
>>> the money - about $527,000 - to the Middle East. But according to an
>>> affidavit, authorities "can not determine the ultimate disposition of
>>> these funds at this time."
>>> The affidavit filed in U.S. District Court in Austin in
>>> February said authorities think Hamad was using the donated money for
>>> personal use and not paying federal income tax on it, that he failed
>>> to file several income tax returns from 2000 to 2006 and did not pay
>>> any taxes on earned income during those years. Hamad filed a document
>>> with the IRS titled "Redirect TAX Money AWAY from Israel," the
>>> affidavit said.
>>> Friends said Hamad might have been a sloppy bookkeeper, but he
>>> lived frugally and gave everything he raised back to Palestinian
>>> families. Anna Baltzer, a friend, said Hamad purchased Palestinian
>>> hand-made goods such as olive wood carvings and embroideries, sold
>>> them and returned the profits to Palestinian families.
>>> "He was sort of a one-man wonder," Baltzer said. "Whenever I
>>> would see him, he would be working from the minute he woke up to the
>>> minute he went to sleep."
>>> But the lingering suspicions and pressure from the government,
>>> she said, took a toll.
>>> Hamad had assigned his charity to an umbrella group in
>>> California, the Association for Investment in Popular Action
>>> Committees. Paul Larudee, who ran the organization, said Hamad
>>> wondered whether his involvement with the Free Gaza Movement, an
>>> organization that opposes Israeli policies in the Gaza Strip,
>>> prompted the investigations.
>>> "He felt . (federal authorities) were closing in on him,"
>>> Larudee said.
>>> Israel withdrew its troops from Gaza and evacuated Jewish
>>> settlements there nearly three years ago but has made several
>>> military incursions since then in response to rocket attacks from the
>>> Hamas-controlled region.
>>> Larudee believes he was the last person to speak to Hamad
>>> before he died. His position, he said, is that Hamad "did take his
>>> own life but he took it with a view of fueling the speculation that
>>> has in fact accompanied his death." Bloggers who have been critical
>>> of Hamad's work have offered the same suggestion.
>>> At Saturday's service, no one addressed the conspiracy theories.
>>> seen nothing yet, these people will styoop at nothing, even killing:
> HOW TO BECOME A SHITSKIN MOSLEM - this is how: fuck goats, fuck your
> mother (nikomak), molest children, wear a beekeepers outfit all the
> time, never shower or bath, beat your wives, learn terrorist activities
> at a maddrassa, wipe your ass with stones, sell the donkey you fucked to
> a nearby village, marry a nine year-old , send your child off to an
> indoctrination camp, practice thighing with little kids, ............
> Practice all those and you too could become a prophet !!
> Elif air ab tizak mohammad !!!!
> info@muslimmatch.com or apache@muslimmatch.com or
> politicsIranian@googlegroups.com
> jamiat@islamsa.org.za
> dsirc@mweb.co.za
> jamiatmp@lantic.co.za
> sanha-kzn@sanha.org.za
> sanha-gp@sanha.org.za
> sanha-cpt@sanha.org.za
> helpline@sanha.org.za


moslem cartoon character mohammad and his bumchum allaah were child
molesting goat fuckers and nikomaks

,/_ /
/ /
/'_'/' '/'__'7,
/'/ / / /" /_ ('( ' /' ')
\ /
'\' _.7'
\ (
Up your ass mohammad - Elif air ab tizak!!!

info@muslimmatch.com or apache@muslimmatch.com or


5/14/2008 5:17:00 AM


Aviroce wrote:
> Aviroce wrote:
>> ElParedon wrote:
>>> "Aviroce" <dudaraster@gmail.com> wrote in message
>>> news:ceb25341-9938-4054-ab26-22f33dff8ea8@m44g2000hsc.googlegroups.com...
>>>> If you wonder what these sons of bitches are doing to my name, feel
>>>> free to read the profile. If it is written by me you will find that
>>>> I
>>>> have about thirty thousand articles written so far and they are
>>>> consistent that Israel, Jews, and Zionists are the Evil people on
>>>> planet earth and need to be burnt in Hell. You will also notice that
>>>> Muslims are the highest quality of people compared to any group of
>>>> people. When Muslims are compared to Jews, you will find that Jews
>>>> are the people who eat, breathe and live in human sewers. The only
>>>> good Jew is a dead Jew. Let us hope all Jews become good. Amen.
>>>> http://groups.google.com/group/Imperialism_Zionism/browse_frm/thread/7e237d...
>>> You are correrct in analysing the nature of the beast. Unfortunately,
>>> you ain't
>>> Desertpeace
>>> May 11, 2008
>>> Does a man who adores his wife and children plan a suicide so
>>> as to never see them again?
>>> Does a man who is so involved in causes to help Palestinian
>>> children plan a suicide at a time when his services are needed more
>>> than ever?
>>> Federal authorities this year authorized a search warrant of
>>> his home as well as a safe deposit box and storage unit. Authorities
>>> said that he received $633,965 in donations and that he sent some of
>>> the money - about $527,000 - to the Middle East. But according to an
>>> affidavit, authorities "can not determine the ultimate disposition of
>>> these funds at this time."
>>> Is that reason to plan a suicide rather than prove his
>>> innocence in any underhanded activity?
>>> Is the State of Israel capable of killing anyone involved in
>>> helping the cause of the Palestinian people?
>>> Is the Federal Bureau of Investigation capable of collaborating
>>> in such a vile act to assist their most trusted, loyal friend in the
>>> Middle East, despite the discovery of a spy ring working against
>>> their own country?
>>> Riad Hamad was tormented by Federal agencies the last part of
>>> his life. Riad was a strong, dedicated man with a mission.. would he
>>> give that up on his own?
>>> Despite what the press reports claim, despite what the local
>>> police authorities claim, I am positive that Riad was murdered. there
>>> is no doubt in my mind about that.
>>> Below is a somewhat biased report of the memorial service that
>>> was held yesterday.
>>> Memorial service for Palestinian activist reveals more layers
>>> Family, friends remember activist and teacher
>>> By Eileen E. Flynn
>>> Ever since Riad Hamad's body was found bound in Lady Bird Lake
>>> last month, the Palestinian activist whose charity was being
>>> investigated by the FBI has been either glorified on the Web as a
>>> martyr for the cause or vilified as a leftist zealot who
>>> intentionally staged a suspicious suicide. The picture that emerged
>>> at Hamad's memorial service Saturday reflected a far more complex man
>>> who was at turns goofy, passionate, mischievous, abrasive and loving
>>> but whose final weeks were marked by agitation and fear.
>>> Dozens of Hamad's family, friends and co-workers gathered at
>>> St. James' Episcopal Church on Webberville Road on a hot afternoon to
>>> share memories and photos and pledge to continue helping Palestinian
>>> children through the Palestine Children's Welfare Fund that Hamad
>>> ran. A few people wore kaffiyehs, the checkered Palestinian scarf,
>>> and spoke strongly against the Israeli government.
>>> But the service explored many facets of Hamad's personality and
>>> steered clear of the conspiracy theories surrounding his death that
>>> have grown on pro-Palestinian Web sites and e-mail strings since
>>> Hamad's body was found April 16. Already known internationally for
>>> his relief work, in death, Hamad has become a global cause célèbre
>>> among those who supported his cause.
>>> On Saturday, mourners paid tribute to the father who would sign
>>> e-mails "always remember daddy loves you" to his two adult children,
>>> Rita and Abdullah. The Clint Small Jr. Middle School technology
>>> teacher who teased boys with long hair by calling them hippies. The
>>> chef who loved to whip up babaghanouj and baklava for his friends.
>>> The man who would sacrifice his comfort to help others, sometimes
>>> forgoing a hotel and sleeping in his car to save money for
>>> Palestinian children.
>>> Hamad's widow, Diana HajAli Hamad, a petite woman in a long
>>> maroon tunic with gold trimming, recalled their courtship in Beirut,
>>> Lebanon, almost 30 years ago. Every time they dined at their favorite
>>> cafe, she said, Riad would hand her the bill just to annoy the male
>>> chauvinist waiter. Twenty years ago, Riad persuaded her to move to
>>> Austin, the city he fell in love with as a University of Texas student.
>>> Diana Hamad's voice never broke as she said, "I stand before
>>> you in the house of God feeling like my heart has been ripped out of
>>> my chest."
>>> A slide show depicted a joyful man who adored his wife,
>>> children and cats and enjoyed mugging for the camera.
>>> His death came as a shock, Hamad's son Abdullah said. When the
>>> 55-year-old Hamad's body was discovered, his ankles and feet were
>>> bound, and his eyes were covered with duct tape. Police said they
>>> believed it was a suicide, saying it appeared Hamad could have tied
>>> his own hands and that evidence suggested he had walked from his car
>>> to the lake. The cause of death from the Travis County medical
>>> examiner's office isn't expected for a couple of weeks.
>>> Police also reported after his body was found that family
>>> members had said he'd been showing suicidal tendencies. A colleague
>>> who might have been the last to speak with Hamad has since said he
>>> believes it was suicide.
>>> But Hamad's brother-in-law denied Saturday that the family had
>>> described him as suicidal. And the circumstances have fueled online
>>> theories that Hamad was killed by the U.S. government or Israeli
>>> operatives.
>>> Roberta Clark, a spokeswoman for the Austin chapter of the
>>> Anti-Defamation League, referred to Hamad's death as a tragedy but
>>> said that rumors pointing the finger at Israel "are hateful and
>>> hurtful and they fuel the flames of those who are anti-Semitic and/or
>>> anti-Israel."
>>> In a telephone interview Saturday night, she said Israel, which
>>> marks its 60th anniversary this month, is committed to peace with its
>>> neighbors but cannot be "partners in peace" with leaders who support
>>> suicide bombers.
>>> Before Saturday's service, Diana Hamad said the family did not
>>> want to make a statement about her husband's death. But during her
>>> talk, she did allude to her husband's distress over the FBI's seizure
>>> of his computers in February. She said he was working on a paper for
>>> a professor and was upset that he would not make the deadline.
>>> Hamad also spoke with his middle school co-worker Mark Kelly
>>> about his anguish over the suspicion that surrounded his charity work.
>>> "(He) was tormented by the defamation of being labeled a
>>> terrorist," Kelly said. He said Hamad would ask him, "What have I done?"
>>> Federal authorities this year authorized a search warrant of
>>> his home as well as a safe deposit box and storage unit. Authorities
>>> said that he received $633,965 in donations and that he sent some of
>>> the money - about $527,000 - to the Middle East. But according to an
>>> affidavit, authorities "can not determine the ultimate disposition of
>>> these funds at this time."
>>> The affidavit filed in U.S. District Court in Austin in
>>> February said authorities think Hamad was using the donated money for
>>> personal use and not paying federal income tax on it, that he failed
>>> to file several income tax returns from 2000 to 2006 and did not pay
>>> any taxes on earned income during those years. Hamad filed a document
>>> with the IRS titled "Redirect TAX Money AWAY from Israel," the
>>> affidavit said.
>>> Friends said Hamad might have been a sloppy bookkeeper, but he
>>> lived frugally and gave everything he raised back to Palestinian
>>> families. Anna Baltzer, a friend, said Hamad purchased Palestinian
>>> hand-made goods such as olive wood carvings and embroideries, sold
>>> them and returned the profits to Palestinian families.
>>> "He was sort of a one-man wonder," Baltzer said. "Whenever I
>>> would see him, he would be working from the minute he woke up to the
>>> minute he went to sleep."
>>> But the lingering suspicions and pressure from the government,
>>> she said, took a toll.
>>> Hamad had assigned his charity to an umbrella group in
>>> California, the Association for Investment in Popular Action
>>> Committees. Paul Larudee, who ran the organization, said Hamad
>>> wondered whether his involvement with the Free Gaza Movement, an
>>> organization that opposes Israeli policies in the Gaza Strip,
>>> prompted the investigations.
>>> "He felt . (federal authorities) were closing in on him,"
>>> Larudee said.
>>> Israel withdrew its troops from Gaza and evacuated Jewish
>>> settlements there nearly three years ago but has made several
>>> military incursions since then in response to rocket attacks from the
>>> Hamas-controlled region.
>>> Larudee believes he was the last person to speak to Hamad
>>> before he died. His position, he said, is that Hamad "did take his
>>> own life but he took it with a view of fueling the speculation that
>>> has in fact accompanied his death." Bloggers who have been critical
>>> of Hamad's work have offered the same suggestion.
>>> At Saturday's service, no one addressed the conspiracy theories.
>>> seen nothing yet, these people will styoop at nothing, even killing:
> HOW TO BECOME A SHITSKIN MOSLEM - this is how: fuck goats, fuck your
> mother (nikomak), molest children, wear a beekeepers outfit all the
> time, never shower or bath, beat your wives, learn terrorist activities
> at a maddrassa, wipe your ass with stones, sell the donkey you fucked to
> a nearby village, marry a nine year-old , send your child off to an
> indoctrination camp, practice thighing with little kids, ............
> Practice all those and you too could become a prophet !!
> Elif air ab tizak mohammad !!!!
> info@muslimmatch.com or apache@muslimmatch.com or
> politicsIranian@googlegroups.com
> jamiat@islamsa.org.za
> dsirc@mweb.co.za
> jamiatmp@lantic.co.za
> sanha-kzn@sanha.org.za
> sanha-gp@sanha.org.za
> sanha-cpt@sanha.org.za
> helpline@sanha.org.za
HOW TO BECOME A SHITSKIN MOSLEM - this is how: fuck goats, fuck your
mother (nikomak), molest children, wear a beekeepers outfit all the
time, never shower or bath, beat your wives, learn terrorist activities
at a maddrassa, wipe your ass with stones, sell the donkey you fucked to
a nearby village, marry a nine year-old , send your child off to an
indoctrination camp, practice thighing with little kids, ............
Practice all those and you too could become a prophet !!

Elif air ab tizak mohammad !!!!

info@muslimmatch.com or apache@muslimmatch.com or


moslem cartoon character mohammad and his bumchum allaah were child
molesting goat fuckers and nikomaks

,/_ /
/ /
/'_'/' '/'__'7,
/'/ / / /" /_ ('( ' /' ')
\ /
'\' _.7'
\ (
Up your ass mohammad - Elif air ab tizak!!!

info@muslimmatch.com or apache@muslimmatch.com or


5/14/2008 11:37:00 PM


Aviroce wrote:
> Aviroce wrote:
>> ElParedon wrote:
>>> "Aviroce" <dudaraster@gmail.com> wrote in message
>>> news:ceb25341-9938-4054-ab26-22f33dff8ea8@m44g2000hsc.googlegroups.com...
>>>> If you wonder what these sons of bitches are doing to my name, feel
>>>> free to read the profile. If it is written by me you will find that
>>>> I
>>>> have about thirty thousand articles written so far and they are
>>>> consistent that Israel, Jews, and Zionists are the Evil people on
>>>> planet earth and need to be burnt in Hell. You will also notice that
>>>> Muslims are the highest quality of people compared to any group of
>>>> people. When Muslims are compared to Jews, you will find that Jews
>>>> are the people who eat, breathe and live in human sewers. The only
>>>> good Jew is a dead Jew. Let us hope all Jews become good. Amen.
>>>> http://groups.google.com/group/Imperialism_Zionism/browse_frm/thread/7e237d...
>>> You are correrct in analysing the nature of the beast. Unfortunately,
>>> you ain't
>>> Desertpeace
>>> May 11, 2008
>>> Does a man who adores his wife and children plan a suicide so
>>> as to never see them again?
>>> Does a man who is so involved in causes to help Palestinian
>>> children plan a suicide at a time when his services are needed more
>>> than ever?
>>> Federal authorities this year authorized a search warrant of
>>> his home as well as a safe deposit box and storage unit. Authorities
>>> said that he received $633,965 in donations and that he sent some of
>>> the money - about $527,000 - to the Middle East. But according to an
>>> affidavit, authorities "can not determine the ultimate disposition of
>>> these funds at this time."
>>> Is that reason to plan a suicide rather than prove his
>>> innocence in any underhanded activity?
>>> Is the State of Israel capable of killing anyone involved in
>>> helping the cause of the Palestinian people?
>>> Is the Federal Bureau of Investigation capable of collaborating
>>> in such a vile act to assist their most trusted, loyal friend in the
>>> Middle East, despite the discovery of a spy ring working against
>>> their own country?
>>> Riad Hamad was tormented by Federal agencies the last part of
>>> his life. Riad was a strong, dedicated man with a mission.. would he
>>> give that up on his own?
>>> Despite what the press reports claim, despite what the local
>>> police authorities claim, I am positive that Riad was murdered. there
>>> is no doubt in my mind about that.
>>> Below is a somewhat biased report of the memorial service that
>>> was held yesterday.
>>> Memorial service for Palestinian activist reveals more layers
>>> Family, friends remember activist and teacher
>>> By Eileen E. Flynn
>>> Ever since Riad Hamad's body was found bound in Lady Bird Lake
>>> last month, the Palestinian activist whose charity was being
>>> investigated by the FBI has been either glorified on the Web as a
>>> martyr for the cause or vilified as a leftist zealot who
>>> intentionally staged a suspicious suicide. The picture that emerged
>>> at Hamad's memorial service Saturday reflected a far more complex man
>>> who was at turns goofy, passionate, mischievous, abrasive and loving
>>> but whose final weeks were marked by agitation and fear.
>>> Dozens of Hamad's family, friends and co-workers gathered at
>>> St. James' Episcopal Church on Webberville Road on a hot afternoon to
>>> share memories and photos and pledge to continue helping Palestinian
>>> children through the Palestine Children's Welfare Fund that Hamad
>>> ran. A few people wore kaffiyehs, the checkered Palestinian scarf,
>>> and spoke strongly against the Israeli government.
>>> But the service explored many facets of Hamad's personality and
>>> steered clear of the conspiracy theories surrounding his death that
>>> have grown on pro-Palestinian Web sites and e-mail strings since
>>> Hamad's body was found April 16. Already known internationally for
>>> his relief work, in death, Hamad has become a global cause célèbre
>>> among those who supported his cause.
>>> On Saturday, mourners paid tribute to the father who would sign
>>> e-mails "always remember daddy loves you" to his two adult children,
>>> Rita and Abdullah. The Clint Small Jr. Middle School technology
>>> teacher who teased boys with long hair by calling them hippies. The
>>> chef who loved to whip up babaghanouj and baklava for his friends.
>>> The man who would sacrifice his comfort to help others, sometimes
>>> forgoing a hotel and sleeping in his car to save money for
>>> Palestinian children.
>>> Hamad's widow, Diana HajAli Hamad, a petite woman in a long
>>> maroon tunic with gold trimming, recalled their courtship in Beirut,
>>> Lebanon, almost 30 years ago. Every time they dined at their favorite
>>> cafe, she said, Riad would hand her the bill just to annoy the male
>>> chauvinist waiter. Twenty years ago, Riad persuaded her to move to
>>> Austin, the city he fell in love with as a University of Texas student.
>>> Diana Hamad's voice never broke as she said, "I stand before
>>> you in the house of God feeling like my heart has been ripped out of
>>> my chest."
>>> A slide show depicted a joyful man who adored his wife,
>>> children and cats and enjoyed mugging for the camera.
>>> His death came as a shock, Hamad's son Abdullah said. When the
>>> 55-year-old Hamad's body was discovered, his ankles and feet were
>>> bound, and his eyes were covered with duct tape. Police said they
>>> believed it was a suicide, saying it appeared Hamad could have tied
>>> his own hands and that evidence suggested he had walked from his car
>>> to the lake. The cause of death from the Travis County medical
>>> examiner's office isn't expected for a couple of weeks.
>>> Police also reported after his body was found that family
>>> members had said he'd been showing suicidal tendencies. A colleague
>>> who might have been the last to speak with Hamad has since said he
>>> believes it was suicide.
>>> But Hamad's brother-in-law denied Saturday that the family had
>>> described him as suicidal. And the circumstances have fueled online
>>> theories that Hamad was killed by the U.S. government or Israeli
>>> operatives.
>>> Roberta Clark, a spokeswoman for the Austin chapter of the
>>> Anti-Defamation League, referred to Hamad's death as a tragedy but
>>> said that rumors pointing the finger at Israel "are hateful and
>>> hurtful and they fuel the flames of those who are anti-Semitic and/or
>>> anti-Israel."
>>> In a telephone interview Saturday night, she said Israel, which
>>> marks its 60th anniversary this month, is committed to peace with its
>>> neighbors but cannot be "partners in peace" with leaders who support
>>> suicide bombers.
>>> Before Saturday's service, Diana Hamad said the family did not
>>> want to make a statement about her husband's death. But during her
>>> talk, she did allude to her husband's distress over the FBI's seizure
>>> of his computers in February. She said he was working on a paper for
>>> a professor and was upset that he would not make the deadline.
>>> Hamad also spoke with his middle school co-worker Mark Kelly
>>> about his anguish over the suspicion that surrounded his charity work.
>>> "(He) was tormented by the defamation of being labeled a
>>> terrorist," Kelly said. He said Hamad would ask him, "What have I done?"
>>> Federal authorities this year authorized a search warrant of
>>> his home as well as a safe deposit box and storage unit. Authorities
>>> said that he received $633,965 in donations and that he sent some of
>>> the money - about $527,000 - to the Middle East. But according to an
>>> affidavit, authorities "can not determine the ultimate disposition of
>>> these funds at this time."
>>> The affidavit filed in U.S. District Court in Austin in
>>> February said authorities think Hamad was using the donated money for
>>> personal use and not paying federal income tax on it, that he failed
>>> to file several income tax returns from 2000 to 2006 and did not pay
>>> any taxes on earned income during those years. Hamad filed a document
>>> with the IRS titled "Redirect TAX Money AWAY from Israel," the
>>> affidavit said.
>>> Friends said Hamad might have been a sloppy bookkeeper, but he
>>> lived frugally and gave everything he raised back to Palestinian
>>> families. Anna Baltzer, a friend, said Hamad purchased Palestinian
>>> hand-made goods such as olive wood carvings and embroideries, sold
>>> them and returned the profits to Palestinian families.
>>> "He was sort of a one-man wonder," Baltzer said. "Whenever I
>>> would see him, he would be working from the minute he woke up to the
>>> minute he went to sleep."
>>> But the lingering suspicions and pressure from the government,
>>> she said, took a toll.
>>> Hamad had assigned his charity to an umbrella group in
>>> California, the Association for Investment in Popular Action
>>> Committees. Paul Larudee, who ran the organization, said Hamad
>>> wondered whether his involvement with the Free Gaza Movement, an
>>> organization that opposes Israeli policies in the Gaza Strip,
>>> prompted the investigations.
>>> "He felt . (federal authorities) were closing in on him,"
>>> Larudee said.
>>> Israel withdrew its troops from Gaza and evacuated Jewish
>>> settlements there nearly three years ago but has made several
>>> military incursions since then in response to rocket attacks from the
>>> Hamas-controlled region.
>>> Larudee believes he was the last person to speak to Hamad
>>> before he died. His position, he said, is that Hamad "did take his
>>> own life but he took it with a view of fueling the speculation that
>>> has in fact accompanied his death." Bloggers who have been critical
>>> of Hamad's work have offered the same suggestion.
>>> At Saturday's service, no one addressed the conspiracy theories.
>>> seen nothing yet, these people will styoop at nothing, even killing:
> HOW TO BECOME A SHITSKIN MOSLEM - this is how: fuck goats, fuck your
> mother (nikomak), molest children, wear a beekeepers outfit all the
> time, never shower or bath, beat your wives, learn terrorist activities
> at a maddrassa, wipe your ass with stones, sell the donkey you fucked to
> a nearby village, marry a nine year-old , send your child off to an
> indoctrination camp, practice thighing with little kids, ............
> Practice all those and you too could become a prophet !!
> Elif air ab tizak mohammad !!!!
> info@muslimmatch.com or apache@muslimmatch.com or
> politicsIranian@googlegroups.com
> jamiat@islamsa.org.za
> dsirc@mweb.co.za
> jamiatmp@lantic.co.za
> sanha-kzn@sanha.org.za
> sanha-gp@sanha.org.za
> sanha-cpt@sanha.org.za
> helpline@sanha.org.za
HOW TO BECOME A SHITSKIN MOSLEM - this is how: fuck goats, fuck your
mother (nikomak), molest children, wear a beekeepers outfit all the
time, never shower or bath, beat your wives, learn terrorist activities
at a maddrassa, wipe your ass with stones, sell the donkey you fucked to
a nearby village, marry a nine year-old , send your child off to an
indoctrination camp, practice thighing with little kids, ............
Practice all those and you too could become a prophet !!

Elif air ab tizak mohammad !!!!

info@muslimmatch.com or apache@muslimmatch.com or


moslem cartoon character mohammad and his bumchum allaah were child
molesting goat fuckers and nikomaks

,/_ /
/ /
/'_'/' '/'__'7,
/'/ / / /" /_ ('( ' /' ')
\ /
'\' _.7'
\ (
Up your ass mohammad - Elif air ab tizak!!!

info@muslimmatch.com or apache@muslimmatch.com or