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increasing ri's searching capibilities and some handy snippets

Gabriel Horner

2/25/2005 4:58:00 AM

Hi rubyheads,
I'm new to the ruby community and am fascinated with its power,simplicity and clean syntax!
Coming from the perl world where there never seemed to be a standard for documentation subroutines,
I'm amazed with the ri command for providing such fine-grained searching of classes and their
methods. Being a search freak, there are still more ways I'd like to be able to search
ruby classes,files ,methods and variables. Since I got a lot of questions about rdoc/ri is this
something I should take to the ruby-core mailing list? If so skip to question 2.

1. Extending ri search functions

- Display code for a subroutine by extracting it from its file.
I've seen this functionally in html form at http://www.ruby-doc.o...
but I don't know how long it'll take to extract the relevant subroutines to do
this from the commandline.
- Display documentation for all instance methods of a class at once.
I do this so I can quickly flip and search through to learn how to use a class. Currently
this one-liner works for classes loaded by default. But it would be much handier
if I knew how to map any class to its file (from rdoc generated info) to require the
relevant file.

ri `ruby -e 'print Object.const_get(ARGV[0].to_s).instance_methods(nil).sort.collect! {|x| ARGV[0]+"."
+x }.join(" ")' Array`

- See modules and classes and their methods defined by filename.
See the sample ruby_file_parser.rb code I've pasted at the end of this email.

-Backending ri's searching functions to a database for speed and flexibility in searching.
Any such efforts to import

2. If I want to contribute handy snippets of code is the rubyforge.org snippet section the place to
Doesn't seem that it gets much traffic. If I think some snippet is really handy and should come
distributed with ruby in its sample/ directory who do I mention this to?

For example, at the end there's a handy snippet, path.rb, I use daily to locate ruby files matching a given regular


require 'find'
require 'optparse'
OPT = {

def parseARGV
ARGV.options do |opts|
script_name = File.basename($0)
opts.banner = "Usage: #{script_name} [options] search_term"

opts.separator ""

opts.on("-g",'--gemdir',"Include gemdir"
) {|OPT[:gemdir] |}
opts.on("-v", "--verbose", "Verbose output","Default: false"
) { |OPT[:verbose] |}

opts.on("-h", "--help",
"Show this help message.") { puts opts; exit }


files =[]
file = ARGV.shift or raise "No file given"
GEMDIR = '/usr/local/lib/ruby/gems'
#or generate with `gem environment gempath`
searchdir = $:
searchdir.push(GEMDIR) if OPT[:gemdir]
i = 0

Find.find(*searchdir) do |f|
puts "#{i}:#{f}" if OPT[:verbose]
files.push(f) if f =~ /\/#{file}\.(so|rb)$/
puts files.uniq

require 'rdoc/options.rb'
require 'rdoc/rdoc.rb'
require 'rdoc/code_objects.rb'
require 'rdoc/parsers/parse_rb.rb'
require 'yaml'

#redefined this subroutine cause the commented out section was throwing a bizarre '*' not defined
class RubyLex
class BufferedReader
def initialize(content)
if /\t/ =~ content
tab_width = Options.instance.tab_width
#content = content.split(/\n/).map do |line|
# 1 while line.gsub!(/\t+/) { ' ' * (tab_width*$&.length - $`.length %
tab_width)} && $~ #`
# line
# end .join("\n")
@content = content
@content << "\n" unless @content[-1,1] == "\n"
@size = @content.size
@offset = 0
@hwm = 0
@line_num = 1
@read_back_offset = 0
@last_newline = 0
@newline_pending = false

$final = {}
def index_class(cls)
class_name = cls.full_name
$final[class_name] = cls.method_list.map {|x| x.name } if ! $final[class_name]
cls.each_classmodule { |x| index_class(x) }

file = ARGV.shift or raise "no file given"
content = File.open(file, "r") {|f| f.read}
#P = RDoc::RubyParser.new(RDoc::TopLevel.new(file),file,content,Options.instance,RDoc::Stats.new)
P =
rclasses = RDoc::TopLevel.all_classes_and_modules
classes = rclasses.map {|x| x.full_name }

for rc in rclasses

puts YAML::dump($final)

my looovely website -- http://www....
BTW, IF chwhat.com goes down email me at gabriel.horner@cern.ch