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Ruby Meetup Group - Saint Louis, USA

Curt Hibbs

2/16/2005 9:12:00 PM

From another ruby-talk post I just learned about http://www.... --
very nice site. If anyone is interested in starting a local Ruby user's
group, this would be an excellent way to start it.

If you already have such a group, using meetup.com would be a great way to
help you organize and advertise it (we can then easily see each others

So I just went ahead and setup a Saint Louis Ruby meetup group. Go here to
see all of the Ruby meetup groups:


The Saint Louis one is the first on one the list (I guess because its the
newest). If you're in the Saint Louis area, please go add yourself to the
list, and we can set up a time to get together.


19 Answers

James Gray

2/16/2005 9:42:00 PM


On Feb 16, 2005, at 3:12 PM, Curt Hibbs wrote:

> From another ruby-talk post I just learned about http://www....
> --
> very nice site. If anyone is interested in starting a local Ruby user's
> group, this would be an excellent way to start it.

I don't know if there's many of us in Oklahoma City, but I made a group
for it. Shout if you're hiding out there.


James Edward Gray II

The Simplicity

1/25/2008 3:07:00 AM


Gen 12:3

I will bless those who bless you (Israel),
And I will curse him who curses you;

This still apply today

And In you (Israel) all the families of the earth shall be blessed

This is a prophecy yet to be fulfil.

Matthew 24:37. As were the days of Noah, so will be the coming of the Son of

For a more insightful understanding of the above topic I suggest that you
read a book entitled " Thy Kingdom Come, Thy will be done, by Ron Graft and
Lambert Dolphin, available FREE in Internet version,

Brother In Jesus the Messiah


"Topaz" <mars1933@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> The Germans removed the Jews from ruling over them. That is what
> America needs to do:
> Here are some quotes from a German pamphlet titled "Why the Aryan
> Law?":
> "In 1793 the famous philosopher Johann Gottlieb Fichte, author of
> "Speeches to the German Nation," wrote a pamphlet titled "A
> Contribution to Correcting Judgments about the French Revolution." It
> contained the following significant sentence:
> "In nearly all the nations of Europe, a powerful, hostile government
> is growing, and is at war with all the others, and sometimes oppresses
> the people in dreadful ways: It is Jewry!"
> The French Revolution, with its "ideas for the improvement of
> humanity" thundered past, and in the noise the people who had believed
> in world brotherhood entirely missed this serious warning. What Fichte
> warned the word about then has today become fact in nearly all the
> nations of the world. The Jewish people, once only tolerated, knew how
> to raise a hue and cry about discrimination and persecution, winning
> the sympathy of the world for the "poor Jews." They increasingly
> infiltrated deep within our national organism, growing to have power
> over every single area of our national life. The old saga, the "Edda,"
> observes that one blocks a river at its source. The failure to do that
> was the great mistake of the German people. Thank God, it is not too
> late. Our Fuehrer Adolf Hitler recognized the importance of the
> problem for Germany's rebirth, and outlined its solution in his
> program.
> Martin Luther wrote this of the Jews in his book "The Jews and their
> Lies": "They hold we Christians captive in our own land. They have
> seized our goods by their cursed usury, they mock and insult us
> because we work. They are our lords, and we and our goods belong to
> them." If in the coming days the Jewish race is driven out of the
> non-Jewish world, it will have at least this consolation: It has made
> clear to them for all time the value of maintaining the purity of race
> and blood in clear, understandable and unforgettable ways.
> National Socialist racial legislation has reduced the influence of
> Jewry in all professions, and above all excluded them from the leading
> offices of the nation. That is an important step in the relationship
> between Germans and Jews, but one cannot ignore the fact that we have
> not yet fully eliminated the influence of the Jewish foreign body in
> German national life. It is not a question of German-Jewish
> coexistence, rather of making as great as possible a separation
> between blood and blood.
> Three things are involved here:
> A knowledge of the basic principles of National Socialist racial
> thinking,
> An understanding of the growth and expansion of Jewry,
> The dominant sociological position of Jewry, to show how it dominated
> the German people economically, intellectually and politically..."
> "In discussing the Jewish Question, even today one encounters
> resistance and misunderstandings, especially in intellectual circles.
> This can only be explained by the intellectual education of the
> political past. This is especially evident when one discusses the
> fundamental issues.
> Whenever a new thought arises in the world and calls people to
> practical action, the old world resists because it feels its
> foundations threatened. Its old standpoint has ruled for decades, and
> it looks uncomprehendingly at a new idea that does not fit into the
> accustomed patterns of thinking. That is natural. When the new idea
> and worldview are truly revolutionary, they are on a different level
> of human thought and feeling, and there can be no compromise. Its
> realization depends on people who support it, and who are ready to
> fight to transform the life of the individual and of the nation in
> every way..."
> "In the long run, no idea is better suited to guarantee peace between
> nations than National Socialist racial thinking, which calls for the
> furtherance and maintenance of one's own race and one's own people,
> and supports similar efforts on the part of other nations..."
> "The new Germany that views its own race and ethnicity positively must
> therefore distinguish within its territory between one race and
> another, between one people and another. Mixing of blood harms both
> sides. Race is an issue for every people if they are to live according
> to their nature. The German people is not so arrogant as to believe
> that is is the chosen people. The familiar quotation from Geibel, "The
> world should enjoy German ways," should be understood in the context
> of the dreams of world betterment of those past days.
> The National Socialist racial viewpoint has clear consequences for the
> relationship between Germans and Jews. People have often said that
> National Socialism's approach to the racial question is purely
> negative and destructive, and that its essential characteristic is
> radical anti-Semitism. One must grant that we made the Jewish question
> clearer than anyone else, and taught an entire generation that had
> been taught to see all people the same to recognize the importance of
> the Jewish question not only for our people, but for the entire world.
> Our treatment of the Jewish problem in the years before we took power
> must be seen as the political education of the German people, which
> had lost its racial instincts to a dangerous degree.
> The question took on its own nature in Germany, Many citizens had
> their eyes opened, and the simultaneous appeal to all the heroic and
> manly virtues of the German man resulted in a racial selection of
> political fighters who today stand at the head of the new state.
> Formerly, the Jewish question, as seen by the state, was a matter of
> complete equality and the unhindered immigration of Jews from the
> East. This is the best proof of how racial feeling and consciousness
> had been lost. Our tone was not purely negative or the simple
> rejection of others, rather the emphasis was on the positive values of
> our own people. This does require noting that Jewry through its
> Marxist class struggle leadership role and its international financial
> measures aimed at Germany supported every kind of anti-national action
> in the cultural and political fields. Jewry should not complain if its
> anti-German activities, which have no counterpart in any other
> country, call forth from the people the defensive reaction of
> anti-Semitism.
> The starting point of the discussion is the scientific fact that the
> Jew is different than the German. This is neither arrogant nor
> boastful, it simply is the way things are. For us, the Jewish question
> is a question between two peoples. Its characteristics are determined
> by the racially determined differences between the two, and through
> the unusual sociological and numerical development of Jewry in the
> course of its history, developments that are particularly evident in
> the last decades through a constantly growing process of foreign
> infiltration that has reached an intolerable level for the German
> people.
> More than once over its history, the German people has absorbed
> foreign elements, but they were racially identical or similar
> population groups, as for example was the case with the Huguenots.
> With the Jews, things are fundamentally different. They are seen
> everywhere as foreigners, and see themselves that way as well. Walter
> Rathenau said it most clearly as early as 1897: "How strange! In the
> middle of German life there is a separate, foreign tribe that stands
> out in every way with its hot-tempered behavior. An Asiatic horde has
> settled on the sands of Mark Brandenburg." Einstein said something in
> 1931: "I have to laugh when I hear the phrase 'German citizen of the
> Jewish faith.' These citizens first of all want nothing to do with my
> poor Eastern European brothers, and second do not want to be sons of
> my (Jewish) people, but only members of the Jewish cultural community.
> Is that honest? Can a non-Jew respect such people? I am not a German
> citizen. I am a Jew, and am happy to belong to the Jewish people."
> The most remarkable thing about Jewry is that it has not disappeared
> over the millennia, even though it lacks its own territory and
> language. Even more remarkable is that it lacks the main
> characteristic of a minority population, its own pockets of settlement
> to which it could if necessary retreat. Only time will tell if
> Palestine will someday fill this gap. That question is made more
> difficult by the fact that the Arabs maintain their claim on
> Palestine. Whatever the twists of history, the Jew has always remained
> the same, whether as a grain speculator in ancient Rome or as a bank
> or stock exchange potentate in the modern era. They were always able
> to control the wealth of whole nations. Nations and peoples once their
> contemporaries have vanished, leaving only words and crumbled
> monuments behind; only the Jew remains. In ancient days we see him
> carrying on his business in the trading centers of the Mediterranean.
> In the Middle Ages he provided money for German nobles and free
> cities. Today he rules the banks and stock exchanges of the whole
> world, forcing the nations under the yoke of financial capitalism. The
> power of this people of 15 million rests on these international
> relations. This is how they seem to fulfill the commandment of Jehovah
> - the world domination of the chosen people.
> The secret of the Jewish people, which has enabled them to survive
> through all of history's twists and turns, is that it has always
> recognized the laws of blood, even anchoring them in the laws of its
> religion. The consciousness of blood and family that believing Jews
> have has been stronger than all the other forces of history, giving us
> a unique example of a people without its own land and language, which
> still meets the criteria for being a people, and which has outlasted
> many other peoples.
> This historic manifestation of Jewry, which is unique, brings to the
> fore the question of the relationship between the host and guest
> peoples. It has been answered in differing ways throughout history,
> depending on the worldview and thinking then predominant.
> Since the Jews were dispersed they have been held together by the laws
> of their religion and their faith that they were the chosen people.
> Until the middle of the 18th Century, Germans and Jews lived apart
> from each other. The Jews had no opportunity to become involved in the
> religious of political-intellectual life of their host people. On the
> other hand, they could practice their own customs without
> interference. They had their own religion and their own laws. During
> the Middle Ages, the Ghetto was the way Jewry could maintain itself in
> the midst of other peoples and fulfill its Jewish duties, which grew
> out of its race, origins and laws. The values and ideals of other
> peoples were not affected. This separation was only possible because
> the views of the host people were as strong as those of the Jews.
> According to the writer Grau: "There was no racial defilement or
> baptism, no attempt to join a nation that one could never be a member
> of, and no attempt to intellectually silence the host people." In the
> Ghetto of the Middle Ages, the Jew developed his nature and
> characteristics, which were later to become significant, while
> maintaining the community of blood and race. The latter is
> particularly important, since the strict physical separation between
> the host and guest peoples maintained the foreign nature that we daily
> see so clearly, now that the barriers between have long since fallen.
> Even in the Middle Ages, the most important thing was not the
> difference between the Christian and Mosaic faiths. Rather, there was
> on the one hand the natural sense that the Jew was of a foreign race,
> and on the other hand the strict law of blood which demanded a clear
> separation if the Jews were to fulfill Jehovah's mission, which had
> guided them from the beginning. Just this has always been kept in the
> background by historians, who present the Ghetto as a tolerated asylum
> for Jewish martyrs persecuted on account of their faith. There is a
> gap to be filled here. The task of historians writing from our new
> viewpoint will be to examine the portrait of the Ghetto of the Middle
> Ages to discover its importance for the development of Jewry and the
> relationship between the guest and host peoples. Even the Jewish side
> is demanding that. O. Karbach criticizes historical writing because it
> "in significant ways conceals the historical fact that the Jews in the
> centuries before their emancipation possessed a legal standing that
> was better than the greater part of the rest of the population, namely
> complete or partial agricultural freedom. (Ordnung in der Judenfrage,
> edited by E. Czermak, Reinhold, Vienna, 1933).
> The barriers between Germans and Jews fell as a result of the
> Enlightenment and the French Revolution. The path to Jewish world
> domination would take a different direction than pious, observant Jews
> had expected. Emancipation made it possible to build Jewish dominance
> through secular means. With the disappearance of racial consciousness,
> only religious differences seemed to remain. It seemed at the time
> unjust to give someone a preferred position only because of his
> religious beliefs, which are an entirely personal matter. At the time,
> this was tied to a belief in human equality and freedom. It was
> revolutionary. It shattered the church dogmas that had ruled for
> centuries and was the foundation of liberal thinking during the last
> two hundred years. The new goal was humanity itself, and nothing stood
> in the way of racial mixing. Some had the quiet hope that assimilation
> would mean the absorption of Jewry. Jewry itself, however, was more
> than willing to use the opportunities of religious assimilation, which
> opened the path to all important positions, even to political
> leadership. As H. Heine said, "baptism was the ticket to European
> culture." Gradually, an intermixing with the German people developed,
> particularly in its cultural elite. Foreign blood infiltrated to a
> degree that we realize only today now that the "Law to Reestablish a
> Professional Bureaucracy" has exposed numerous sources of foreign
> blood. This process has greatly accelerated during the last fourteen
> years.
> Today the age of raceless thinking is being displaced by the ideals of
> human variability. Values are rooted in origin and territory, and each
> group has a historic mission based on its own unique and eternal
> values. Such new racial thinking will of course secure the opposition
> of those who either through faith or reason still believe in the unity
> of humanity in culture, social order and organization. The Jews will
> naturally oppose any discussion of race, since the denial of any
> significant differences between people is the foundation of his
> infiltration of Western European society. The Jew finds any mention of
> the racial question as an attack on his current existence. His leading
> role in every anti-national area is characteristic of his mimicry, and
> is necessary for his continued existence. That explains the phrase
> "German citizen of the Jewish faith."
> The recognition that the Jew is of a foreign and different race along
> with the reawakening of German racial consciousness must necessarily
> lead to a change in the relations between Germans and Jews.
> There is one point to keep in mind before examining the statistics.
> Only those people who claimed to be Jews and were members of the
> Mosaic faith were counted as Jews, not those who for internal or
> external reasons belonged to another religion, or those who claimed to
> be dissident Jews and therefore did not belong to the standard groups.
> This is regrettable for our purposes, since we are interested not in
> the influence of those who still claimed the Jewish religion, rather
> those who belonged to the Jewish race! That includes all Jews, whether
> of the Mosaic faith or baptized Christians. That is just what the
> supporters of the Talmud and the Old Testament always said. They
> complained that the state opened all offices to those "without
> character," to "Christmas Jews," even admitting them to the officer
> corps! The statistics given here must therefore be increased
> significantly. The Jews are a race, and baptism does not in any way
> change the foreign characteristics that are hostile to the German
> people..."
> Of course, the intellectual atmosphere that enabled the Jew to
> infiltrate the German body politic quickly led the Jew himself to see
> that conditions for his advancement were favorable, and that the way
> to the top was open. He also realized what the population statistics
> meant, indeed they were particularly clear to him, since 2/3 of his
> kind lived in the big cities, the centers of the liberal worldview..."
> "Nothing shows the differences between our people and the Jews more
> clearly than their likes and dislikes for certain occupations. In some
> occupations, particularly those that are most important for the nation
> as a whole, the foreign influence on German life has reached an
> intolerable extent not seen elsewhere in Europe. The preference for
> certain occupations also gives us an interesting insight into the
> spiritual nature of Jewry.
> The following figures show how much critical occupations in Germany
> have been infiltrated.
> 112,188 Jews, or 58.8%, far more than half, are employed in the area
> of "commerce and transportation, including restaurants and taverns,"
> but only 17.11% (3,248,145) of the population as a whole. In the area
> of "industry and craft work, including mining and construction,"
> 19,318 Jews (25.85%) were employed, including 31.82% of foreigners.
> For the population as a whole, the figure was 40.94% (7,771,799).
> The figures in the field of "public administration, the judiciary, the
> army and navy, churches, legal professionals and the independent
> professions." 11,324 Jews were employed there, or 5.94% , over against
> 921,048 (4.85%) in the general population..."
> In 1925, 0.81% of Jews were active as civil servants and the army and
> navy, as opposed to 2.3% of the general population. In the church,
> religious occupations, the legal system and the other independent
> professions, the Jewish percentage is 4.3% as opposed to 2% of the
> general population. This shows that the Jews are over-represented when
> compared to the general population, particularly in the independent
> professions.
> The percentage of the Jewish population in government positions may
> seem less than that of the general population, but the difference is
> not as great as the figures first suggest. The most recent figures,
> not yet entirely complete, suggest that a not insignificant number of
> them are baptized Jews or dissidents formerly of the Jewish faith who
> denied their Jewishness to gain an official position.
> 4.35% of Jews are employed in the medical and health care system,
> including welfare, and 2.0% of foreign Jews. The figure for the
> general population is 1.88%. The Jewish percentage is thus 2 1/2 times
> as high as that of the general population.
> In summary, Jewish occupational patterns differ from those of the rest
> of the population. Jewry seems to have an aversion to agricultural
> work, industrial labor and crafts. They are greatly over-represented
> in commerce and transportation, including the entire banking system.
> They are also over-represented in the independent professions and the
> health care system. These figures alone demonstrate a clear difference
> between the native German population and alien Jewry.
> Very similar conditions prevail in all Western European nations and
> also in North America, since Jews have spread throughout the world in
> areas with growing industry and in cities that are centers of economic
> and financial power. It is not true, as is often claimed, that the Jew
> was systematically forced into commerce by the laws of the various
> nations; rather, commerce particularly suits the Jew's nature. This is
> supported by Dr. Arthur Ruppin, a scholar respected by the Jews. He
> writes in his book The Jews of the Present (2nd edition, Cologne and
> Leipzig, 1911, p. 45):
> "Thanks to their significant commercial gifts (!), the Jews soon
> enjoyed great success in commerce and industry. For 2000 years they
> have seemed predestined to work in commerce. It is false to claim, as
> some do, that Jews became merchants primarily because the Christians
> denied them other occupations during the Middle Ages. The Jews did not
> become merchants in Europe, rather they entered the profession in
> growing numbers ever since the Babylonian Captivity in Syria, Egypt
> and Babylon [because they dislike labor and prefer to have others work
> for them! The Editor]. In Palestine until the dispersion they did live
> primarily by agriculture. In the Diaspora, there was hardly anywhere
> that the Jews lived by agriculture. The Middle Ages did not make them
> into merchants. It only affirmed legally that which history had
> already established. It is after all the rule that economic laws
> generally do not create new conditions, but only legalize and regulate
> that which already exists. The law would never have limited the Jews
> to commerce in Europe if they had not already immigrated primarily as
> merchants..."
> Nearly all national economists agree that the Jews owe their role as
> merchants not to chance, but to their excellent abilities as
> merchants. As W. Sombart wrote: "The Jewish race is by nature the
> incarnation of the capitalism-mercantile spirit." (Der moderne
> Kapitalismus, Vol. 2, p. 349. Leipzig, 1902). Many others agree..."
> "Similarly differences in the relative proportion of Jews by the
> self-employed are evident in the medical field, which employs 0.5% of
> the general population but 2.8% of the Jews, nearly six times as many.
> Similar statistics are found in the cultural area (theater, film,
> radio, education, teaching, etc.). The 0.4% of the general population
> are employed there, 2.6% of the Jews, also about six times as many.
> In the area of public administration and the judiciary, the percentage
> of Jews in high positions is 2.0%, over against 1.3% of the general
> population, nearly twice as high. The significance of these figures
> becomes clear that when one realizes that the 2.3% of professional
> Jews in public administration and the judiciary are in a branch where
> the Jewish percentage of employees is only 0.81%. That means that the
> Jews are especially represented in the important positions that
> influence the whole government and leading branches of the economy.."
> "The statistics may be interesting. The Jewish workers included 11,406
> in industry, 2,220 in commerce and transportation, and 726 in
> agriculture.
> The following figures show most clearly the different social structure
> of Jewry in Prussia over against the general population, and reveal
> clearly Jewry's leading role in public life:.."
> "On 19 May 1933 Reich Chancellor Adolf Hitler gave an interview to
> Bernard Ridder, an American journalist for the New York State
> Newspaper. Discussing the Jewish Question in Germany, he said: "Should
> I allow thousands of German-blooded people to be destroyed so that the
> Jews can live and work in luxury while millions starve, falling victim
> to Bolshevism out of desperation?"
> Can the justice of his words be doubted when one recalls that,
> according to the Prussian census of 16 June 1925 6.9% of all
> independent pharmacists, 17.9% of all independent physicians, 4.8% of
> all independent artists, 27% of all independent attorneys, 4.6% of
> editors, 11% of theater directors, 7.5% of actors, and 14.8% of all
> independent dentists were Jews! And these huge figures when the Jews
> were only 1% of the population! Is that anything other than a
> Jewdification of our entire cultural system?! And what would these
> figures look like if one had had the ability to include baptized Jews
> and dissidents?..."
> "Berlin is the Jewish metropolis in Germany. The process of
> Jewdification is considerably further along. That is understandable,
> since one is in the immediate vicinity of the protective arms of
> democracy and social democracy, where developments can occur
> unhindered. Thus in Berlin on 16 June 1925 32.2% of the pharmacists
> were Jews, as were 49.9% of the physicians, 7.5 of the graphic
> artists, 50.2% of the attorneys, 8.5% of the editors, 14.2% of the
> directors and theater heads, 12.3% of the actors and 37.5% of the
> dentists.
> These figures cry out for legal limitations on Jewry, and it is
> surprising that former governments did not take the appropriate action
> to tell the Jews "this far and no further."
> The Jewish influence gave the rest of the world an entirely false
> impression of the nature of the German people. Inside the Reich, they
> poisoned the soul of the people, and all social and political
> relationships. Until the national uprising, the leaders of the
> National Socialist movement were persecuted, defamed and suppressed by
> a system that was a willing tool in the hands of a foreign and
> different race. The national revolution freed the German people from
> this foreign influence, which had also dominated and ruined the German
> press and public life in significant ways.
> He who wants to understand the German revolution of 1933 must
> understand that it had this goal: 'Germany must be governed by Germans
> for Germans.' The central idea of the National Socialist revolution
> was the longing of the German people to once more be master in every
> area of its own life. As a great, confident people, we demand only
> this of the other peoples: that they permit us, as their equals, to
> govern ourselves as we wish and find our own way to happiness (Reich
> Minister of the Interior Dr. Frick)..."
> "The Jewdification of our colleges and universities over the years has
> reached almost frightening proportions. We begin with a publication
> from 1931. Karl Hoppmann, in his volume "On the State of Jewdification
> in the Academic professions" found the following figures:
> 1. University of Berlin:
> Medical faculty . . . . over 50%
> Philosophical faculty . . . . 25%
> 2. University of G?ttingen, 32% of the professors were Jewish:
> Legal Faculty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47.0%
> Medical faculty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34.0%
> Philosophical faculty . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40.0%
> Mathematics and Natural Sciences . . . 23.0%
> 3. University of Breslau
> Legal Faculty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30.0%
> Medical faculty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37.0%
> Philosophical faculty . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25.0%
> 4. University of Frankfurt (Main)
> Legal Faculty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55.0%
> Philosophical faculty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.0%
> Mathematics and Natural Sciences . . . 28.0%
> Medical faculty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21.0%
> Economics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28.0%
> Jewry has a dominating role on the stock exchange. The board of the
> Berlin stock exchange is almost exclusively Jewish. In the various
> committees, the percentage of the Jewish race is sometimes many times
> as high as the Aryan. The committees include:
> That means that 117 or 147 members are Jews, or nearly 80%.
> The extent of the Jewdification of German theater and film is evident
> from 1931 figures. Of 234 theater directors, 118 (50.4%) were Jews, 92
> (39.3%) were non-Jewish.
> Berlin led in this area as well, with 23 of 29 theater directors (80%)
> Jewish.
> The situation in film is similar. The Viennese Catholic periodical
> "Sch?nere Zukunft," which certainly cannot be accused of
> anti-Semitism, wrote the following in its 3 February 1929 issue:
> "The percentage of Jewry in today's film industry is so high, at least
> by us in Germany, that there is only a tiny part left for Christian
> firms."
> Jewry has long sought political influence as well. This formerly
> happened in covert ways, mostly through direct or indirect control of
> money matters. Nearly every noble once had his financial Jew. Since
> 1848, the birth of political parties in Germany, Jewry has openly
> sought to become a political power. The Jew Marx was the founder of
> Marxist doctrine, the Jew Lassalle was the founder of the Social
> Democratic Party. The founders of the Independent Social Democratic
> Party of Germany were the Jews Bernstein, Haase, Kautsky, Hilferding,
> Cohn, Davidsohn, Simon, Rosenfeld, Eisner, Levi, etc. Carl Liebknecht
> and Rosa Luxemberg were the leaders of the Communist Party, and
> recently the Jews Rosenfeld and Seydewitz founded the Socialist
> Workers Party. Jews sat in the press offices and the various editorial
> offices of party newspapers, and above all in the various
> parliamentary factions..."
> "We think it necessary to mention that the Communist wave that
> threatened to destroy Germany politically, economically and
> intellectually can primarily be traced back to Jewry.
> Is it any wonder that the Jew is arrogant? The greater the Jewish
> influence the more secure they feel, and the more ominously and
> clearly their character and goals becomes clear: Pride, intolerance
> and superiority on the one hand, a drive for world domination on the
> other. Several pointed Jewish statements are examples:
> Hochmut: The familiar "Dorfgeschichte"-Auerbach says: "We Jews are the
> most intelligent race." "We are the chosen ones," says Dr. Berhard
> Cohn (J?disch-Politische Streitfragen, 20, 22). He continues: "We may
> carry our head high and demand particular respect. We must not only be
> treated equally, but better. We deserve the particular respect of
> other peoples."
> Rabbi Dr. Rulf wrote a book ("Aruchas bar-Ammni," Israel's Healing,
> Frankfurt a. M. 1883) in which he says: "The Jewish people is a
> blessing for all peoples. The blessing has followed on the heels of
> the Jews. A whole world lives from the Jews, who feed everyone, and
> everywhere spread wealth and pleasure, comfort and prosperity. Only
> the commerce of the Jews creates value. Work alone does not do that.
> Half of the world's population would starve without the Jews."
> The Jew Dr. Duschak wrote: "The world could not exist without the
> Jews." The well-known Jew Sacher-Masoch explained the hatred of
> anti-Semites against the Jews in this way: It is the same hatred a
> Negro feels against the whites because of their superiority.
> That the Jews even went so far as to suggest to Bismark that he make
> the Jewish Day of Atonement a national holiday is certainly no sign of
> modesty.
> Intolerance: The Jew Klausner (Society, edited by Conrad, Volume 12)
> wrote: "Anti-Semitism and criminality are nearly the same thing. There
> are criminals who were not anti-Semites, but no anti-Semites who were
> not criminals."
> The work by Dr. E. Fuchs. "The Future of the Jews," (Berlin,
> Philo-Verlag, 1924) judges our greatest historians, Hartmann and
> Treitschke, who see the Jews as our misfortune: "Men blinded by
> prejudice and hatred. Small, tiny men."
> World Domination: The Jewish attorney Maurthner in Vienna said back in
> the 1880's: "It is not just a matter of fighting anti-Semitism. We
> want to oppose it with Jewish domination!"
> They made the attempt. If the German people had not recovered their
> senses at the last moment, and if they had not had a Fuehrer and
> Chancellor named Adolf Hitler who recognized the danger and woke the
> German people, we would have fallen into slavery. As we have already
> noted, the Jew has always known how to rouse sympathy when things were
> rough for him. Consider this report from the meeting of the PEN Club
> in Ragusa at the end of May of last year: "Schalom Asch in his keynote
> address noted that the suffering of the Jews in Germany had aroused
> the sympathy of the entire world. Only the German government remained
> untouched. He claimed the Jews has given Germany its deepest thoughts,
> its most beautiful songs, its greatest poets, artists and
> philosophers. Today one had crucified them in Germany and covered them
> with their own blood." Mr. Schalom Asch began crying in the midst of
> these outrageous lies. He spoke in the hope that his words would be
> heard for the sake of justice and humanity throughout the world.
> The Jew Asch cries! The German people are not moved. They want no
> torture or persecution, but also no unjustified sympathy, only
> justice! Remember always the worlds of Field Marshall Moltke: "The Jew
> is a state within the state." Remember also the works of our great
> historian Mommsen: "In antiquity too the Jew was the ferment of
> cosmopolitanism and national decomposition." And remember Goethe: "The
> Israelites have never done much; they possess few virtues, and most of
> the deficiencies of other peoples!"
> The Racial Question has an important role in the laws of other
> nations, though other peoples and races are affected than in the
> German Reich. It is in no way new or unusual that the German Reich is
> active in this area. Contrary to opinions that surface here and there,
> our laws are in no way directed against the Jewish religion, its
> practice, or the freedom of the Jewish faith.
> The German Reich has done nothing but introduce constitutional
> legislation to provide the kind of civil service necessary to
> guarantee the secure administration of the Reich. The laws do not
> render it impossible for a citizen of a foreign state to become a
> civil servant. Indeed, if he is appointed to such a position, he
> receives full citizenship in the Reich. German civil servants should
> however be of Aryan descent. The so-called Aryan Law requires that
> each civil servant be of German blood. Since the vast majority of
> non-Aryan civil servants were Jews, the first guidelines to the law
> paid particular attention to those who were members of the Jewish
> race. But we did not simply throw out the non-Aryan civil servants,
> but retired them with honor and a pension. The people's state could
> hardly proceed in a more legal and mild manner. Germany did not want
> to attack Jewry wildly, rather only deal with its results, is clear
> from the fact that the Law of 7 April 1933 left untouched all
> non-Aryan civil servants who had been appointed before 1 August 1914,
> and by the fact that the private sphere not affected. Some complain
> that the law extends to half and quarter Aryans. The answer is that
> the foreign influence in the civil service had grown to such a
> dangerous extent that it was almost impossible for young Germans to
> enter these professions." (Reich Minister of the Interior Dr.
> Frick..."
> http://ww... http://www....
> http://www.theb... http://www....
> http://wsi.matriots.com...
> ---
> avast! Antivirus: Inbound message clean.
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Christopher A. Lee

1/25/2008 3:16:00 AM


On Thu, 24 Jan 2008 22:07:22 -0500, John Baker <nunya@bizniz.net>

>On Thu, 24 Jan 2008 20:45:39 -0600, Topaz <mars1933@hotmail.com>
>> The Germans removed the Jews from ruling over them. That is what
>>America needs to do:
>Do you get some sort of kick out of being a complete fucking idiot, or
>can you just not help yourself?



1/26/2008 2:15:00 AM


The Old Testament does say that God likes one race of people more than
others. It calls this race the Israelites. Nature wants the most
advanced and evolved race to take over. This is obviously the White
race. Compare Europe to Africa.

This is the definition of the word "adam" in Strong's Concordance:

"to show blood (in the face), i.e. flush or turn rosy:- be
(dyed, made) red (ruddy)."

This can only be describing a White man. Look at people today
and see which ones have rosy red cheeks. They are light skinned White

The Bible says David was ruddy. This is the definition of the
Hebrew word "ruddy":

"reddish (of the hair or of the complexion):-red, ruddy."

David had rosy cheeks (or red hair) and did not look like a
typical Jew.

The original Israelites were White people.

Jews are people who came along later and adopted the religion of
the Israelites and claimed to be the Israelites. There were the
Khazars for example:

The New Jewish Encyclopedia, edited by David Bridger, PH.D in
association with Samual Wolk, Rabbi, J.S.D, copyright 1962, Published
by Behrman House, inc.,1261 Broadway, New York 1, N.Y., Library of
Congress Catalog Card Number: 62-17079, says on page 266:

"Bulan, the pagan ruler of the Khazars, in his desire to embrace the
'true religion' had summoned representatives of Christian, Moslem, and
Jewish faiths to expound their views on the superiority of their
respective religions. Bulan thus became convinced of the truth of the
Jewish faith, and he, as well as many of his noblemen, embraced
Judaism, which later spread widely among the common people of the
Khazar kingdom."

Jews are like the American Indians of today. These people say they
are Indians but the original Indians were clearly described as having
red skin. Today Indians may look brown or white, but not red. Neither
are Jews like the original Israelites.

Jesus said in Matthew 15:24 "I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of
the house of Israel." The Whites became Christians but the Jews did
not. If the Jews liked Jesus they and their descendants would be
called Christians today but they are not. This is what Jesus said to
the Jews:

John 10:26+27 "But ye believe not, because ye are not of my sheep, as
I said unto you. My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they
follow me"

Revelation 2:9 "I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews,
and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan."

John 7:1 "After these things Jesus walked in Galilee; for he would
not walk in Judea, because the Jews sought to kill him."

The religious leaders of the Jews were the Pharisees. Jesus
condemned them in the harshest words.

Matthew 23:33 "Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye
escape the damnation of hell?"

The New Jewish Encyclopedia, edited by David Bridger, PH.D in
association with Samual Wolk, Rabbi, J.S.D, copyright 1962, Published
by Behrman House, inc.,1261 Broadway, New York 1, N.Y., Library of
Congress Catalog Card Number: 62-17079, says on page 376:

"The Pharisees are therefore regarded as those authorities who helped
develop and preserve traditional Judaism as it is known today."

The old drawing of Jesus were probably correct. He probably had blond
hair and blue eyes.

http://ww... http://www....

http://www.theb... http://www....



1/26/2008 2:16:00 AM


Dürkheimerstrasse 14,
August 7th, 1933.
Dear Ken:
Don't think that I am going to be taken to an insane asylum nor
that the world is coming to an end. This is not so, and I must object
very sincerely if the fact of my sitting down again after only several
months write a letter to you gives you such impressions. The reason
for this outstanding event is much rather the hotheaded criticism
about Hitler and his Government which you gave us in your recent
letter to Ruth, and which indeed surprised me very much. However,
before giving you my point of view on the new turn that has taken
place in Germany I should like to ask you to in the first place do me
the favor of keeping your shirt on, otherwise it is you who is making
"an ass of himself". One should never speak the language of a truck
driver, no matter how much one likes it. Now, don't be mad, but calm
down. You did not hurt Ruth's or my feelings at all, but there are two
reasons why I feel I should answer you. The first reason is that your
remarks are very unfair to Hitler and his new Government, and the
other is that I intend to do my share in preventing the American
generation to which you belong to be equally as ignorant as the
generation of the whole world was which tumbled into the last war.

What makes you believe and in such a definite way state that we
are unable to see the things as they are, since, as you write, we are
hypnotized by Hitler. It is not true, that you and all those of your
friends who you claim take the same viewpoint as you are taking are
basing your opinion upon reports and comments of American newspapers
and perhaps upon interviews of American visitors who recently have
been in Germany, and while you are willing to disregard certain
exaggerations you readily accept the rest as the truth? Is it not
possible that thus you are receiving but one side of the story?

You know that the American Press endeavoring to please the so
called taste for sensational news of the American Public is working
according to the countrywide newspaper principal: All the news that's
fit to print, and be it even lies. I do not belong to those who claim
that it is the American people who have such taste, but instead it is
the American Press which in order to obtain the attention of the
reader considers any means good enough to beat competition. You will
never find such crookedness among decent business. Such business
spirit is identified all over the world with the jewish business
spirit. You must not misunderstand me. Such spirit can be found among
Christian Jews as well as among Jewish Christians, if you get what I
mean. Nevertheless it is all over the world condemned as the jewish
spirit. You will not doubt this, I suppose? Perhaps in this connection
you will find it interesting to recall that the inventor of the most
unchivalrous means to fight the enemy, namely the father of all
newspaper liars, Lord Northcliffe was a Jew. When comparing the basis
of your knowledge about present day Germany with the basis of our
knowledge, don't you think that ours at least is a broader basis?
Don't you think that the possibility of witnessing present
developments in Germany combined with the ability of reading and
understanding American newspapers can represent an ideal basis of
knowledge for such person who - and this is the important thing - is
free of all feelings of hatred against either one of the two

The Berlin Correspondents of the American newspapers are not such
persons. Many of them are jews and many have taken a hostile attitude
towards Germany long before Hitler ever appeared on the stage of
German Public Life. This includes also Mr. Mowrer of the Chicago
Herald Tribune who, as I saw from the New York Times received this
years Pulitzer Prize of Journalism for his "excellent" articles on the
German development. A year ago a German Democrat, mind you, not a
Nazi, expressed astonishment that I should like to call upon Mr.
Mowrer, since this "excellent" American reporter has long enjoyed the
reputation even among German Democrats of being a German hater. This
hostility towards Germany on the part of American Correspondents in
Berlin indeed could much more entitle me to claim that it is you who
is hypnotized namely by the American Press in general.

Dear Kenneth, not until today in August 23rd could I find time to
continue this letter. When rereading what I so far have said above I
doubt if it is of any use to speak to you the way I did. I know you
are not anti-German, and yet while having received your school
education at a time of outright hostility towards Germany your mind is
only to readily inclined to accept any piece of news about Germany as
true and the correct version as long as this piece of news is
presented in such form which is free from obvious sensational
exaggeration. Since, however no piece of news published in the
American papers is reporting favorably on the German National
Socialistic Revolution your mind is systematically kept from turning
pro-German. This is the work of jewish influence in the American
Press. In face of such mental attitude of yours you naturally hesitate
to accept as the correct version anything which is told you by someone
who on one hand is not even a 100% American Citizen and on the other
hand is, as you know pro-German. For this reason I doubt if I can
change anything of your attitude towards Hitlerite Germany and of the
attitude of those of our friends who, as you claim take the same
viewpoint as you are taking. When, however, after reconsideration I
continue this letter it is, because even if I should not convince you
I wish to do my share in trying to destroy this hostile spirit of the
American People towards Germany and especially to contribute to making
the young Americans a more broadminded generation.

In the following I am going to copy part of my last letter to Mr.
Houston. The article I sent him months ago interested him very much.
Unfortunately he told me it was not written in good enough English. I
naturally am rather disappointed that my English still is too poor.
But even if my English had been correct there would have been no
possibility to place my article, Mr. Houston wrote, not saying of
course that any favorable viewpoint is prevented from publication in
the American Press. Here is what I answered him.
" --- Whereas the American papers beyond doubt are carrying a
tremendous amount of material about Germany from their regular
correspondents, and no number of interviews from all kinds of people
who recently have been in Germany, all this material, and be it even
just a report, is skillfully presented in such form which seemingly
intentially aims at being equally offensive for Hitler and his new
Government through ridiculing his deeds as giving nourishment to
anti-German sentiment. Most of the recent American visitors in Germany
seem to be of the type of jews whose hatred towards Hitlerite Germany
is a fanatical one. They of course are not in a position to give a
true picture to their countrymen of what they have seen or heard. Mr.
Michael Williams, editor of The Commonweal, president of the Calvert
Association, and a member of the Committee appointed by the American
Committee on Religious Reports and Minorities to go to Germany and
investigate conditions published a report (New York Times of June
14th) of his own private visit, since the committees visit was
postponed. He claimed to have spent "nearly" two weeks in Berlin
interviewing members of the Hitler Government, leading business and
professional men, both German and American, as well as Protestant,
Catholic, and Jewish leaders. Not one single name is mentioned in his
report. "One of the most prominent German political leaders"(?) told
him that the outlawing of the Jews was a mistake comparable only to
the invasion of Belgium at the outbreak of the World War. It is plain
that such a remark, if it really was made, could be made only by a
person equally hostile towards Germany as Mr. Williams himself. Maybe
this interview took place at a concentration camp. When returning to
America these people cry: Democracy is at an end in Germany. But they
are anxiously concealing the truth that before Hitler came jewish
democratic corruption has brought Germany on the verge of Communism.
Such "Democracy" indeed is at an end now in Germany. All this
excitement about democracy being at an end and about "persecutions"
and outlawing of the German Jews who amount to but 1% of the total
German population seems very strange indeed when compared with the
calmness with which the world took the cruelty and terrorism of the
Russian Revolution which, as everyone knows, was prepared and created
by Jews and by jewish money.

Too bad that Mr. James G. McDonald, chairman of the Foreign Policy
Association, can find nothing better for him to do than to call upon
all American Christians to step into line with Rabbi Jonah B. Wise, as
I see from the New York Times of June 15th and July 11th. He too has
recently been in Germany, and on July 11th the New York Times
published his address in Chautauqua, N.Y. dealing with his visit in
Germany and with the situation there as it existed more than three
months ago, namely on April 1st, at the time of the (24 hours)
anti-Jews boycott. The report in the paper was headed by the remark:
Statements that Jews are not being cruelly treated in Germany were
termed "an insult to the intelligence" by James G. McDonald. Thus the
American Public is made to believe that Mr. McDonald is furnishing an
up-to-date denial for all new reports about improving conditions in
Germany. Such is the way matters about Germany are twisted in the
American Press. Senator Wagner too has stepped into line with Rabbi
Wise as I have noticed. I regret it, but I am convinced that many
people have done so because of absolute misinformation about present
day Germany. People trying to argue in favor of Hitlerite Germany, as
Mr. Bernard Ridder tried to do, are quickly being ridiculed as one may
see from the New York Times comment of June 14th, and I doubt if the
well known Radio announcer Douglas Brinkley who during his visit in
Germany in Berlin Talkies expressed his admiration for Hitler and this
new Germany ever again will be allowed to broadcast in America.

The Berlin correspondents of the American Press fall in line with
the above mentioned general attitude towards Germany. I suppose they
have to in order to keep their jobs. This might be easy for them,
since many of them are Jews and some are known to be hostile towards
Germany long before Hitler ever appeared in front of German Public
Life. Under such circumstances it seems plain to me that any viewpoint
favorable for Germany would today not be considered by the big
American papers, since jewish influence in the American Press is much
too strong.

Dear Mr. Houston, when in the above I have given you my opinion
about American Public Opinion it was done, because I feel confident
that you will not misunderstand me. When I am arguing for Hitler and
in favor of present day Germany it is not only because of the many
great deeds of Hitler (uniting the German people, crushing Communism,
successfully fighting unemployment) but also because I positively know
that the only way to serve the purpose of German American friendship
is to bring about mutual respect between the people of the two
countries. To accomplish this one must fight for mutual respect
between Opinion in America and in Germany. German Public Opinion and
the German People are showing this respect for America. Everyone here
is speaking of the courage and leadership of Franklin D. Roosevelt in
terms of admiration. It is up to American Public Opinion to give honor
where honor is due.

So much about my letter to Mr. Houston. Now I shall give you part of
my article which I sent to Mr. Houston and which he showed to Dr.
Wilbur Thomas, the Director of the Carl Schurz Foundation, and to Dr.
Carl Ackerman, the Dean of the School of Journalism at Columbia
University. Although, as I said above it is not written in good
English, Mr. Houston as well as the two other gentlemen found the
article very interesting. Here is what I said back in May 1933.

After a short introduction I wrote: "The world war was won not with
the sword but with the pen. This is a German opinion which is shared
also by a good many Americans. Apart from now one might think on this
subject nobody today would deny the fact that the pen, if used as a
weapon, can prove to be a mighty deadly sword. If now we wish to
liquidate the world war, if we seriously endeavor to promote world
peace, to promote good relationship between the nations of the world
it seems to be absolutely essential that we should stop using war
weapons and stop tolerating warlike propaganda. In other words, we
should do all we can to prevent endangering good relationship between
countries. Claiming to be well acquainted with German political
troubles of past years as well as with the mentality of the German
People I feel that the American newspaper reader is not at all put in
a position to get a clear and true conception about Germany. Above all
it is to my mind equally silly as it is preventing the education of
the American people if the American newspaper reader is left to
believe that the Germans are a barbaric nation. The absurdity of such
statements does not make them less dangerous to good relationship
between the American and the German people. If in the following I am
dealing with the fundamental achievement and the fundamental aim of
the German national socialistic revolution I am doing it for the
benefit of a better understanding between the American and the German
people. This better understanding is the more necessary the more we
wish to prevent that a few years of animosity between the two
countries should be permitted to destroy a century old friendship
between the American and the German people.

Contrary to political custom Hitler said in his address to the
masses on the Tempelhof field on May 1st that he is not going to tell
the workman how important for the Nation the labourman and his work
are, and turn around and speak to the intelligent class of people as
if to the cream of the Nation, and turn around again and speak to the
peasant telling him how valuable he is. On the contrary he is going to
demonstrate to one class of people the importance and the value of the
other. This attitude is not only wise, but it also reveals the mystery
of this sudden sense of unity that has come over the German people.
When I am going to apply the same methods while writing to America
about Germany, it is because making one people understand and respect
another people might equally well prove to be the best method to bring
about the much longed for mutual understanding between the nations of
the world.

The German national socialistic revolution beginning on January
30th, still in full swing today, and going to be carried out
furthermore for an indefinite time to come is a revolution of mind. It
is a revolution of the national mind as well as of the social mind of
the people. Only a short time ago American Correspondents and
traveling newspapermen used to report from Germany that the growing of
the Hitlerite Party was the outcome of general dissatisfaction and
hardship. If this had been the case, if Hitler had gained support
merely on the ground of promising the same bread and work with all of
(page missing)
possibility of such development before taking place in Germany, Hitler
succeeded in changing the minds of his followers from the Communist
rank and file. They no more are Communists, but National socialists.
They have killed in themselves that hatred they felt towards the rich
and towards the white-collar-man, in general to an equal extent as
this white-collar-man and this rich man have been made to no more look
down upon the workman or anybody doing manual labor. It is true, not
all of Germany has turned to national socialism. However while for
this very reason Hitler's revolution still is in full swing, and will
be carried out furthermore until such time when this final aim is
reached, a new election, if held today, might well show an increase of
the nationalsocialsit vote from 17.5 million on March 5th to close to
30 million out of a total electorate of about 44 million votes.

Hitler's revolution of mind, as I have tried to explain it, in no
way is representing a danger to world peace, and again it seems
strange that Hitler's assurances to keep peace frequently are ignored
in reports printed in the foreign Press. As impressive as this German
revolution of mind might be to the foreign observer who knows Germany
and the German people it is only reasonable that it cannot be equally
impressive to those Americans who not yet have had a chance to visit
and get acquainted with Germany. After all, this new German spirit is
nothing new to us in America. Republicans and Democrats, both call it
the true democratic spirit. The workman in America always has been as
much respected as the white-collar-man, and our boys have long been
working their way through College through manual labor. However, for
this very reason it seems to me that no people is better equipped
mentally to understand this new Germany and its leader than the
American people.

If when writing about the Germany nationalsocialistic revolution I
would fail to touch the jewish problem in Germany the reader indeed
would miss an important explanation to a new German attitude which has
created worldwide interest and partly even new animosity. Endeavoring
to from and impartial point of view seek an explanation for this
change in Germany one must realize two outstanding facts. One is that
the percentage of Jews in Germany indeed is exceptionally small and
the other is that this small percentage in postwar years has enjoyed
an undue large share of public influence. While moreover a great many
Jewish names are connected with all kinds of affairs of administrative
corruption of postwar Germany thus making it all the easier for Hitler
and his followers to gain countrywide support when calling for a
radical reduction of the Jewish influence, it is wrong to regard this
attitude as an affront to the Jewish religion. This it is not. Instead
this attitude is directed against a postwar political system which has
discredited the Marxist parties in Germany and the Jews, since many of
them have played such prominent part in cooperation with those parties
and the many cases of disloyalty and dishonesty they have been
connected with. When I said above that the small percentage of Jews in
Germany in postwar years so far have enjoyed an undue large share of
public influence, this was possible because of their close cooperation
with the Marxist parties. In other words it was not superior ability
which entitled them to such share but political pull. Until recently
conditions in Germany indeed were of such kind that many a Christian
student would cease studying, since he had to realize that his road of
future was blocked by political interests, whereas the jewish student
would keep on studying knowing perfectly well that his father,
although perhaps a businessman and not a politician, nevertheless had
sufficient political pull to pave his way. In such development the new
Germany sees a controlling increase of the Jewish element in the field
of education which the Jewish population percentage in Germany does
not justify.

Hand in hand with this development the possibility of marrying has
thus been made so much easier for the young Jewish generation, which
fact in turning no doubt is contributing to increasing the population
percentage of the German Jews to the disadvantage of the other
confessions. Such developments are of no little importance for
Germany, and while today under the Hitler Government a radical change
is being made this radicalism is not directed against each single
Jewish citizen. On the contrary the form in which the new laws are
being applied show a liberal spirit and reveal the truth that the
attitude of Hitler Germany towards this Jewish problem ought to
correctly be regarded as directed against a political system of
corruption with which the German Jews unfortunately so impressively
have identified themselves."

So much from my article. I hope I have put it clear enough to
realize that the Jewish problem in Germany is a question of life or
death of the German race. If such development as was tolerated before
Hitler came should be permitted to continue it should be obvious for
everyone that in the course of time the face of the German population
would change considerably. Germany, as you know, has a population of
66 million people. Among these 66 million are but about 600,000 Jewish
citizen. Under those circumstances as described above this small
percentage in the course of time could increase rapidly because of
conditions of life being more protected against all hardship,
marriages being made easier because of professional and business
protection which safeguard in turn enables the Jewish woman to give
birth to children. Moreover it should be easy to realize that favoring
the Jewish element to such an extent as was done before Hitler came
necessarily leads to giving away the top positions in Government,
industry, and education to Jews, while on the other hand the German
race of Protestant and Catholic confession is being pushed back into
positions of no influence which in turn in the course of time will
make them unable to lead their own country because of being deprived
the necessary educational training in matters of administration, big
business, and education. At the same time their population percentage
of now 99% is rapidly decreasing because of the German woman through
hardship of life and uncertainty because of the German woman through
hardship of life and uncertainty of the husbands future being unable
to give birth to children.

Dear Kenneth, my English might be very poor, but I hope you get what
I am trying to explain. I hope you see that Hitler's anti-Semitism is
not directed against the Jewish religion nor against each single Jew.
No Jewish citizen here is being molested. News to the contrary are
lies and nonsense. Such news naturally are being spread by Jews, since
the Jews realize very well, as the newspaper "Jewish Chronicle"
published in South Africa recently admitted, that the Jewish fight for
world control through the Hitler Revolution in Germany has received a
setback of 100 years of strenuous work. The Jewish citizen in Germany
shall continue to enjoy a peaceful living as he did before Hitler came
with the only exception that he shall enjoy no influence beyond the
frame of his own population percentage. In the interest of the German
race I do not hesitate to call such attitude, as queer as it might
seem to you, a "democratic persecution" and I regard it as very sound.
The Jewish citizen who does not like such democratic persecution might
leave the country and immigrate somewhere else. And when I say
immigrate somewhere else you perhaps will realize how harmful it was
and still is that the USA for such a long time had kept its doors open
especially at times of business prosperity. In America the Jew saw a
vast country with tremendous resources and no end of business
possibilities. But he had no intention to go out and work. You will
find no Jew being busy as farmer. No, such common work is good enough
for the children and grandchildren of the Christian pilgrims of
German, French and English birth who alone have built up the country
which is called the United States. The Jew was doing the business of
his own race, namely lending out money and waiting in his armchair for
the return. Thus he gradually got hold of this and that business
undertaking, thus he gradually got hold of the entire country. There
is today no country in the whole world with a more powerful influence
of the Jewish element except perhaps England, than the USA. The fact
that such a powerful Christian businessman as Henry Fold is flatly
denying everything he said in his book against the Jews speaks for
itself. The German element among the American population used to have
a great influence in the country. And when I recall the name of
Steuben do you doubt that such influence was for the benefit of the
country? Where are the Steubens of today? Don't tell me there are
none. That is not correct. But it is true that in the course of time
the German American element has been degraded to the influence of a
butcher and grooceryshopowner. Where there are exceptions you will
possibly find that the exception is a Jew. The USA was not governed by
Washington but by Wall Street. Franklin D. Roosevelt is the first
President to challenge this. It remains to be seen if the power he has
been given is sufficient for the success. You may be absolutely sure
that Washington and Berlin are in perfect accord although this
sometimes does not seem so.

Washington is not fighting against Hitler, but instead is watching
Hitler's experiment with the Jewish problem with very keen interest
knowing perfectly well that this experiment might lead the whole
world. Watch Ireland, watch the increase of fascism in England, watch
the change in France that will come, remember the American Postmaster
Generals order forbidding anti-German boycott stamps on the back of
October 2nd 1933.

Dear Kenneth: Not until today could I find time to continue this
letter, and I must admit that since your last letter arrived which
again was full of insulting remarks about Adolf Hitler I feel little
inclined to do so. I must state that you have changed greatly. You
were much more grown-up when in May 1932 you left us. I don't know
whose influence it is and I don't care. I only know that while you
were with us you grew accustomed to argue in a serious way seeking
effect only through the sincerity of your argument and not through a
strong language. The letter method is used only by children and
hysteric women and men. If I wanted to argue with you on the basis of
your last letter I indeed could easily come back and picture a great
many Americans who have been making an ass of themselves and still are
making an ass of themselves, and I could speak much more convincing,
since I know America, whereas you in your highhatted ignorance are
adopting nothing but what jewish reporters publish and you fall for
any line of talk as long as the lies are presented in a somewhat
plausible form. You need not boast about not having Nationalsozialism
in America. It is quite doubtful if such is an advantage, and the fact
that the American Democratic system given to the country by men who
justfully can be called great Americans has grown into a system of
rotten corruption might bring about American Nationalsozialism quicker
than you think.

Any system of government stands and falls with its leaders. Are the
leaders rotten the system will turn to be rotten too. Such was the
case in Germany, and such might be the case in America too. Moreover
America some day might be happy to turn to Nationalsozialism instead
of turning to Communism. However as long as there are many of young
Americans thinking the way you do, namely from one moving picture to
another I see great trouble ahead for the country, trouble which will
be far more serious than the Russian revolution was. When in face of
your calling us being hypnotized I answer you that I am a great
admirer of Adolf Hitler I am doing so in order to warn you to remain
as narrow-minded as you now are. You never will hear the truth about
present day Germany, for America at present is a jewish country.
Jewish influence is dominating, and sooner or later the American
Aryans will realize what they shall have to fight for.
Nationalsozialism would never come to America from Germany but from
the Aryan population in America and such will bring about a rebirth of
Washington's United States.

Why cry about the poor little children who are called upon to join
Hitler's junior leagues, when they themselves are crazy to do so.
Little Jobi has joined and he is tickled to death about it. Why throw
out your chest and condemn militarism when there is no country on the
face of the earth more militaristic than the United States? Or do you
deny that American boys in their small years even are receiving
military training? Is such a sign that America intends to go to war?
You say: No. Well, I answer you, Germany won't either. A picture of
Hindenburg and Hitler published in an American paper was called: A
business conference between H. and H., whereas truly it was a picture
of the celebration of the battle of Tannenberg. Such shows how much
even in matters of minor importance American newspapers are making an
ass of themselves. Even if you don't like it, Adolf Hitler is one of
the greatest and at the same time one of the most modest men Germany
has ever had. Future will show that I am right. Goodbye now, and don't
think that I am sore, I am just a little disappointed in you.

Hearty greetings,

http://ww... http://www....

http://www.theb... http://www....


Charles & Mambo Duckman

1/26/2008 7:31:00 PM


TheZ wrote:

> 90% of them were probably Muslims.

No, 76% of them are Norveigans. And 3.4% are from Beta X Galaxy.

> If they went to the streets in a Muslim
> country they would have been murdered.
> Just another example of the democratic freedom Arabs have in Israel.

Praise Israel! Quick, let's send them another welfare check.

> "Topaz" <mars1933@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:4q5lp3dblkanll8lr7vbmi2vmmrh0u5fje@4ax.com...
>> Israel Line - Friday, June 10, 2005
>>Thousands Participate in Gay Pride Parade in Tel Aviv.

Come down off the cross
We can use the wood

Tom Waits, Come On Up To The House


1/27/2008 5:24:00 AM


Graciously accepted, because in Israel a welfare cheque goes to those on

"Charles & Mambo Duckman" <duckman@gfy.slf> wrote in message
> TheZ wrote:
>> 90% of them were probably Muslims.
> No, 76% of them are Norveigans. And 3.4% are from Beta X Galaxy.
> > If they went to the streets in a Muslim
>> country they would have been murdered.
>> Just another example of the democratic freedom Arabs have in Israel.
> Praise Israel! Quick, let's send them another welfare check.
>> "Topaz" <mars1933@hotmail.com> wrote in message
>> news:4q5lp3dblkanll8lr7vbmi2vmmrh0u5fje@4ax.com...
>>> Israel Line - Friday, June 10, 2005
>>>Thousands Participate in Gay Pride Parade in Tel Aviv.
> --
> Come down off the cross
> We can use the wood
> Tom Waits, Come On Up To The House

Charles & Mambo Duckman

1/27/2008 5:30:00 AM


TheZ wrote:
> Graciously accepted, because in Israel a welfare cheque goes to those on
> welfare.
> "Charles & Mambo Duckman" <duckman@gfy.slf> wrote in message
> news:7-idnQR78OvKFwbanZ2dnUVZ_sGvnZ2d@comcast.com...
>>TheZ wrote:
>>>90% of them were probably Muslims.
>>No, 76% of them are Norveigans. And 3.4% are from Beta X Galaxy.
>>>If they went to the streets in a Muslim
>>>country they would have been murdered.
>>>Just another example of the democratic freedom Arabs have in Israel.
>>Praise Israel! Quick, let's send them another welfare check.
>>>"Topaz" <mars1933@hotmail.com> wrote in message
>>>> Israel Line - Friday, June 10, 2005
>>>>Thousands Participate in Gay Pride Parade in Tel Aviv.

Even if this was true, and we all know it isn't, what's the fucking
difference? Israel still accepts a welfare handout from the US taxpayers.
What are they, starving? Fucking disgrace.

And what's with top-posting?

Come down off the cross
We can use the wood

Tom Waits, Come On Up To The House

Razzle Fratz

1/27/2008 2:31:00 PM


Top posting is REALLY irritating!!!

Charles & Mambo Duckman wrote:
> TheZ wrote:
>> Graciously accepted, because in Israel a welfare cheque goes to those
>> on welfare.
>> "Charles & Mambo Duckman" <duckman@gfy.slf> wrote in message
>> news:7-idnQR78OvKFwbanZ2dnUVZ_sGvnZ2d@comcast.com...
>>> TheZ wrote:
>>>> 90% of them were probably Muslims.
>>> No, 76% of them are Norveigans. And 3.4% are from Beta X Galaxy.
>>>> If they went to the streets in a Muslim
>>>> country they would have been murdered.
>>>> Just another example of the democratic freedom Arabs have in Israel.
>>> Praise Israel! Quick, let's send them another welfare check.
>>>> "Topaz" <mars1933@hotmail.com> wrote in message
>>>> news:4q5lp3dblkanll8lr7vbmi2vmmrh0u5fje@4ax.com...
>>>>> Israel Line - Friday, June 10, 2005
>>>>> Thousands Participate in Gay Pride Parade in Tel Aviv.
> Even if this was true, and we all know it isn't, what's the fucking
> difference? Israel still accepts a welfare handout from the US
> taxpayers. What are they, starving? Fucking disgrace.
> And what's with top-posting?


1/27/2008 6:24:00 PM


I always top post. Who needs to re-read the bullshit you Jew Haters Post.

"Charles & Mambo Duckman" <duckman@gfy.slf> wrote in message
> TheZ wrote:
>> Graciously accepted, because in Israel a welfare cheque goes to those on
>> welfare.
>> "Charles & Mambo Duckman" <duckman@gfy.slf> wrote in message
>> news:7-idnQR78OvKFwbanZ2dnUVZ_sGvnZ2d@comcast.com...
>>>TheZ wrote:
>>>>90% of them were probably Muslims.
>>>No, 76% of them are Norveigans. And 3.4% are from Beta X Galaxy.
>>>>If they went to the streets in a Muslim
>>>>country they would have been murdered.
>>>>Just another example of the democratic freedom Arabs have in Israel.
>>>Praise Israel! Quick, let's send them another welfare check.
>>>>"Topaz" <mars1933@hotmail.com> wrote in message
>>>>> Israel Line - Friday, June 10, 2005
>>>>>Thousands Participate in Gay Pride Parade in Tel Aviv.
> Even if this was true, and we all know it isn't, what's the fucking
> difference? Israel still accepts a welfare handout from the US taxpayers.
> What are they, starving? Fucking disgrace.
> And what's with top-posting?
> --
> Come down off the cross
> We can use the wood
> Tom Waits, Come On Up To The House