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2/6/2005 7:05:00 PM


I try to install "rubydevelop" (
http://rub.../projects/ru... ).

It does not include any install procedure or setup.rb. So I simply run
the "rubydevelop" file directly, but it reports an error.

$ cd ~/ruby/rubydevelop
$ ./rubydevelop

"Building Dependency Tree... Done
E: Couldn't find package gnome2"


1) Where to find this gnome2 (and gtk2 if it's required too)?

This PC has "gems" but it does not know about "gnome" or "gtk".
( http://rubygems.rubyforge.org/wiki/wiki.pl?Quick_In... )

# gem q -r -n "gnome|gtk"


2) Where do you download missing ruby-libraries ?
- gems install package
- http://rub...
- Other places ?


3) Where to put library files such as ruby-gtk and ruby-gnome. Do they
need to be in a standard, fixed location ?

4) Why INSTALL and README files are missing in many cases? ;)


This pc:

Linux customer.alfanett.no 2.6.9-1.724_FC3 #1 Sun Jan 2 15:43:49 EST

100.times { p "TIA" }
// moma

1 Answer

Tom Lavedas

6/29/2010 1:06:00 PM


On Jun 29, 8:15 am, Tom Lavedas <tglba...@verizon.net> wrote:
> On Jun 28, 10:27 pm, MarceepooNu <mbh2...@aol.com> wrote:
> > Dear Tom:
> > Here's the error message I get when I try to do what you suggested:
> > strTitle = "Date String"
> > MsgBox GetIEWindowText(strTitle)
> > ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
> > Function GetIEWindowText(sTitle)
> > Dim IE, stype
> > For Each IE In CreateObject("Shell.Application").windows
> > sType = typename(IE.document)
> > if instr(sType,"htmldocument", 1, vbTextCompare) <> 0 then
> >         ' the next line triggers the following error message:
> >         'Column: 1;  Error:     Object doesn't support this property or method:
> > 'IE.document.title'
> >         'Code:  800A01B6 ;  Source:     Microsoft VBScript runtime error
> >         if instr(IE.document.title, sTitle, 1, vbTextCompare) = 1 then
> >                 GetIEWindowText = IE.document.innerText
> >                 exit function
> >         end if
> > end if
> > Next
> > end function ' GetIEWindowText
> > I apologize for not being able to find the fix.  I spent almost two hours
> > trying, before I imposed on your time again by asking for more help.  (I
> > mention this so that you won't feel that I'm imposing on your time
> > whimsically, i.e., I did try.)
> > 1.  When you post the fix, could you include some info about where I could
> > learn why the solution works?
> > 2.  Is there a good book or url you can suggest where I could learn more
> > about scripting Internet Explorer and how to use the DOM?  I find IE
> > scripting extraordinarily obscure, as compared with filesystemobject
> > scripting, for which the documentation and tutorials seem much more
> > accessible .... to me.  I don't know where to go to learn that stuff.
> > Thanks again,
> >                              MarceepooNu
> > --
> > MarceepooNu
> > "Tom Lavedas" wrote:
> > > On Jun 28, 2:35 pm, MarceepooNu <mbh2...@aol.com> wrote:
> > > > I sometimes use the Sub (shown below) named: "subShowInHtmlWindow(strTexte)"
> > > > to
> > > >   report the output from a script to an html window.
> > > > I'd love to send an argument from script A to script B, and have Sript A
> > > > harvest
> > > >    the output from Script B, and assign the output to a variable, for further
> > > >    computation.
> > > > I came across the Sub (shown below) named: "subListTheContentsOfaWebPage",
> > > > which
> > > >    would serve as a way to harvest Script B's output, if I could make Script B
> > > >    work properly where the Window has a "phony" url, i.e.,  "about:blank"
> > > > If anyone has any ideas about how to "harvest" the contents of a hidden or
> > > > "about blank" webpage, I'd appreciate it very much.
> > > > Thank you for your time, consideration and effort,
> > > >                    MarceepooNu
> > > > {snip}
> > > Try something like this instead ...
> > > Function GetIEWindowText(sTitle)
> > > Dim IE, stype
> > >   For Each IE In CreateObject("Shell.Application").windows
> > >     sType = typename(IE.document)
> > >     if instr(sType,"htmldocument", 1, vbTextCompare) <> 0 then
> > >       if instr(IE.document.title, sTitle, 1, vbTextCompare) = 1 then
> > >         GetIEWindowText = IE.document.innerText
> > >         exit function
> > >       end if
> > >     end if
> > >   Next
> > > end function ' GetIEWindowText
> > > Just supply the title of IE window B, as created by Script B and it
> > > will return the text found in that window at the time the request is
> > > issued.  For example, ...
> > >  sText_B = GetIEWindowText("about:blank")
> > > It will return the contents of the first window it finds.  If the
> > > result is empty, the second window was not found.  The window does NOT
> > > have to be visible.
> > > _____________________
> > > Tom Lavedas
> Sorry.  As Mayayana said, it was 'air code' and the error in the
> InStr() syntax is probably the whole problem with the routine.  That
> is because it causes lines of code that should not be executed to be
> executed.  Try the correct syntax and see if that fixes the
> problem ...
> Function GetIEWindowText(sTitle)
> Dim IE, stype
>   For Each IE In CreateObject("Shell.Application").windows
>     sType = typename(IE.document)
>     if instr(1, sType,"htmldocument", vbTextCompare) <> 0 then
>       if instr(1, IE.document.title, sTitle, vbTextCompare) = 1 then
>         GetIEWindowText = IE.document.innerText
>         exit function
>       end if
>     end if
>   Next
> end function ' GetIEWindowText
> Regarding information on using IE DOM, this is the reference I use,
> though it is not particularly tutorial, it is useful, sometimes:http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/librar...(VS.85).aspx
> ________________________
> Tom Lavedas

Sorry, there's still one more error. This line ...

GetIEWindowText = IE.document.innerText

should read ...

GetIEWindowText = IE.document.body.innerText
Tom Lavedas