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Re: methods/constants/classes available in context


1/30/2005 12:49:00 AM

Jeff Davis wrote:

> I am learning Ruby and one thing I sometimes find difficult is knowing
> what methods, constants, and classes are available in a given context.
> One example was I required a module, but I didn't know everything that
> the module contained. Is there a way to know everything that you can
> call in a given context? All the symbols that are available?

If you want to know what a unit contains, www.ruby-doc.org is a good
resource (or you can use ri, or line completion in irb). If you want
your *code* to know what's available, try these:


See ruby-doc for details on their usage and other methods.

> Regards,
> Jeff Davis


3 Answers

Jeff Davis

1/30/2005 2:09:00 AM


E S wrote:

>Jeff Davis wrote:
>>I am learning Ruby and one thing I sometimes find difficult is knowing
>>what methods, constants, and classes are available in a given context.
>>One example was I required a module, but I didn't know everything that
>>the module contained. Is there a way to know everything that you can
>>call in a given context? All the symbols that are available?
>If you want to know what a unit contains, www.ruby-doc.org is a good
>resource (or you can use ri, or line completion in irb). If you want
>your *code* to know what's available, try these:
Thanks, that's exactly what I was looking for. And thanks for the help
on the other question also.

Jeff Davis

Robert Klemme

1/30/2005 2:33:00 PM


"Jeff Davis" <jdavis-list@empires.org> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
>E S wrote:
>>Jeff Davis wrote:
>>>I am learning Ruby and one thing I sometimes find difficult is knowing
>>>what methods, constants, and classes are available in a given context.
>>>One example was I required a module, but I didn't know everything that
>>>the module contained. Is there a way to know everything that you can call
>>>in a given context? All the symbols that are available?
>>If you want to know what a unit contains, www.ruby-doc.org is a good
>>resource (or you can use ri, or line completion in irb). If you want your
>>*code* to know what's available, try these:
> Thanks, that's exactly what I was looking for. And thanks for the help on
> the other question also.

I use IRB a lot with this shell alias:
irb is aliased to `irb -r irb/completion'

That way you can hit tab with an instance and get all available methods:

$ irb
irb(main):001:0> a=%w{a bc d}
=> ["a", "bc", "d"]
irb(main):002:0> a.
Display all 107 possibilities? (y or n)
a.each_index a.indices
a.nitems a.size
a.__id__ a.each_with_index a.inject
a.object_id a.slice
a.__send__ a.empty? a.insert
a.pack a.slice!
a.all? a.entries a.inspect
a.partition a.sort
a.any? a.eql? a.instance_eval
a.pop a.sort!
a.assoc a.equal? a.instance_of?
a.private_methods a.sort_by
a.at a.extend a.instance_variable_get
a.protected_methods a.taint
a.class a.fetch a.instance_variable_set
a.public_methods a.tainted?
a.clear a.fill a.instance_variables
a.push a.to_a
a.clone a.find a.is_a?
a.rassoc a.to_ary
a.collect a.find_all a.join
a.reject a.to_s
a.collect! a.first a.kind_of?
a.reject! a.transpose
a.compact a.flatten a.last
a.replace a.type
a.compact! a.flatten! a.length
a.respond_to? a.uniq
a.concat a.freeze a.map
a.reverse a.uniq!
a.delete a.frozen? a.map!
a.reverse! a.unshift
a.delete_at a.grep a.max
a.reverse_each a.untaint
a.delete_if a.hash a.member?
a.rindex a.values_at
a.detect a.id a.method
a.select a.zip
a.display a.include? a.methods
a.dup a.index a.min
a.each a.indexes a.nil?
irb(main):002:0> a.

Kind regards



1/31/2005 9:05:00 PM


simply 'irb' offers tab completion by default with Ruby 1.8.2 (at least
on windows)