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[ANN] Arachno Ruby IDE 0.4.0

Lothar Scholz

1/27/2005 4:15:00 PM


I'm am pleased to announce the next release of Arachno Ruby IDE, a
commerical Integrated Development Environment for Ruby.

You can download a 60 day trial version from the following URL:


This is the changelog:

---------------- Improved Search/Replace -------------------------------

If you group your files in hot file folders you can restrict
the search operation to some hot file folders.

The search operation can also include or ignore file content for
a search based on the selected syntax highlighter (before you could
only ignore).

There is an option that you can only search files in the current search result set.
This way you can narrow a previous search.

If you press the redo button in the "Searches" sidebar window the
last search is not repeated but instead the dialog is shown again
with the latest values, so that you can modifiy your search options
before a "redo".

The fileset list in the sidebar window has a context menu like the
file browser, you can also toggle between full path and file name only
display. Also changed the colors in this list to something that is more

You can modify the search result list in the sidebar window. This means you can
manually remove items from this list with the context menu. This is usefull if
you use the search results as a TODO list for example during some complex

You can keep multiple search result lists open. This works nice in combination
with the previous mentioned idea of using a search result as a TODO list.
The items can be colorized and the result can be saved across sessions.

From the sidebar window you can open a search buffer that displays the
matching line in a better way. The display button always splits your window
into 2 vertical views. The top shows the file and the bottom the search result
buffer. If you move the caret in the search result buffer the corresponding
file is automatically opened.
In this buffer you can also preview the result of a replace operation. This is
helpfull if you do a complex replace operation with regular expression
substitutions. If you press space on a line the replace on the caret line
or all lines that are in the current selection will be made. If you press
'Backspace' or 'Delete' the corresponding search hits are removed from the result set.
'R' replaces the item under the caret.

The "Searches" sidebar window that is shown while doing a replace operation does
have a "close changed files" checkbox. This avoids the situation that a lot of
files are open in the editor after a replace across files. Only files that are opened
by the replace are closed automatically if they are already open they stay open.

Fixed the focus handling when a search started. The focus is keept in the editor
buffer and does not move into the search result sidebar window.

Changed the "Whole words only" function a little bit. Previously it only checked if
the character before and after the match was not a letter or digit. Now if the
first/last character is already a word boundary, it will not check the letter before/after
this boundary character. For example search text like ".foo" will now match "obj.foo" but
not "obj.foobar" or "method foo". This does not work with regular expressions.

PCRE 5.0 Regular Expressions are now used inside the editor. Giving more features.

In the Regular Expression + Replace Mode you can change the case of backreferences.
\l2 \u2 \i2 will replace the match with the second captured group converted to lower,upper
and inverted case. Names groups are referenced with \<name>

Typing into the replace text field checks immediately if the backreferences (numbered and
named) are valid.

---------------------------------- Other features -------------------------------------------

There is a Column Mode (Alt-C or Toolbar icon) that allows you to modify multiple
lines at once and do a column cut/copy/paste. You can also align and numerate columns
with the context menu.

Control-D Control-M (Mnemonic: Display-Matching) shows matching 'end' lines and

Control-G Control-M (Mnemonic: Goto-Matching) moves to the matching line if the caret is
on a line with a corresponding token like if/while/until/end.

Control-G Space goes to the last modified editor position.

Control-Up | Control-Down scrolls one line up and down

Control-G 0 .. 9 move to the numbered Bookmark.
Control-G Control-Alt-0 .. Control-Alt-9 toggles a numbered Bookmark.

Auto de-indentation is triggered immediately after you typed the end/else/elsif/rescue

Debugger now works with the official 1.8.1 and 1.8.2 release

Debugger works with RubyGems version 1.8.4
Single stepping into a "require" gives strange results, so place a breakpoint behind the
require statement and then do a continue (F9 key)

Little improvements to the target dialog . Based on the ideas from Matt Mower.

Control-Space gives a context based completition.
Tokens are generated from the content of the current file (excluding comments, regexpr
and strings) and then presented in a list. Tokens are ordered by there distance from the
current caret line. You can use Control-Space or the cursor keys to move between different choices.

This feature is based on the same syntax parser that is used for the navigation sidebar.
It collapses methods, classes and modules. Folding also collapses the comment above an entity,
leaving the first comment line visible which should contain a summary of the method/class/module.

Indentation Lines:
Arachnos identation lines are not tab lines as they are in scintilla.
They are based on existing indentations, independent if the line is adjusted on a
tab position.

2 serious bugfixes for the Debugger. One fixes the crashing bug when a hash or list contains
to much elements. The other a memory error when callocc is used a lot of times

---------------------------------- Experimental -------------------------------------------

There is an experimental feature. Something that is currently only implemented 80% but maybe still
usefull. So if you are willing to give a non perfect feature a try, then add to the file

"C:\Program Files\Arachno Ruby IDE\data\user\settings.ini"

the following two lines


This gives you an interactive console in an editor buffer.

Ctrl-E is the prefix key for all interactive evaluations.

Ctrl-E Ctrl-E evaluates the selected text in the shell.
Ctrl-Alt in the console buffer shows the history.

Theres also a "Tools" menu item

Inside the console buffer press Ctrl-E Ctrl-E instead of <Enter> as you do in irb.

For this feature please send only crash reports and no complaints about small errors/misbehaviours.
Restart/Abort of the console does not work at the moment you must restart AR.

Best regards, emailto: scholz at scriptolutions dot com
Lothar Scholz http://www.ru...
CTO Scriptolutions Ruby, PHP, Python IDE 's

6 Answers


1/27/2005 4:42:00 PM


I think your IDE looks cool, but what I really want is one which runs
on Mac OSX. Now that Fox is limping along some on OSX, have you tried
making a version which works on a mac?


Lothar Scholz

1/27/2005 4:50:00 PM


Hello jeem,

jhgc> I think your IDE looks cool, but what I really want is one which runs
jhgc> on Mac OSX. Now that Fox is limping along some on OSX, have you tried
jhgc> making a version which works on a mac?

I have. Some parts are working fine. But somebody must help Jeroen to fix the
problems with the Alt-Control-Command Keys that still not work
(last time i tried FOX in December when i got my new iMac G5).

Is it just my system or does your FOX on MacOSX work correctly ?

Best regards, emailto: scholz at scriptolutions dot com
Lothar Scholz http://www.ru...
CTO Scriptolutions Ruby, PHP, Python IDE 's


1/27/2005 5:14:00 PM


I haven't tried it. :) I was basing what I wrote on what I've read on
the web. I'd be happy to help you test though.


Ville Mattila

1/27/2005 5:15:00 PM


I have had opportunity to be a beta tester for this release.
Guys this is some fantastic piece of work that Lothar is doing!!
Don't be phobic and try arachno!

I appended some comments about added features.

Lothar Scholz <mailinglists@scriptolutions.com> writes:

> Control-D Control-M (Mnemonic: Display-Matching) shows matching 'end' lines and

This great helper when you got those annoyning parse errors in your
It first looks bit confusing, but in a second glance you are
starting see, where the bug is. When I showed this one to my
collague, he said that he will finally install arachno and starts
to use it instead of Eclipse.

> Auto de-indentation is triggered immediately after you typed the end/else/elsif/rescue
> keyword.

The auto identation works as well in emacs even better in some cases.
This way better than in eclipse.
> Debugger now works with the official 1.8.1 and 1.8.2 release
> Debugger works with RubyGems version 1.8.4
> Single stepping into a "require" gives strange results, so place a breakpoint behind the
> require statement and then do a continue (F9 key)

Arachno's debugger is very good and fast!

> Control-Space gives a context based completition.
> Tokens are generated from the content of the current file (excluding comments, regexpr
> and strings) and then presented in a list. Tokens are ordered by there distance from the
> current caret line. You can use Control-Space or the cursor keys to move between different choices.

This feature is absoute treasure. It saves typing about 80%. Try it out.
This feature is worth trying alone.

> Code-Folding:
> This feature is based on the same syntax parser that is used for the navigation sidebar.
> It collapses methods, classes and modules. Folding also collapses the comment above an entity,
> leaving the first comment line visible which should contain a summary of the method/class/module.
Code folding works great!

> Indentation Lines:
> Arachnos identation lines are not tab lines as they are in scintilla.
> They are based on existing indentations, independent if the line is adjusted on a
> tab position.

These lines are great help as well for helping understanding where parse
error might be!


1/28/2005 10:30:00 PM



I would like to try it, but....
does it run with FreeBSD?


Lothar Scholz wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm am pleased to announce the next release of Arachno Ruby IDE, a
> commerical Integrated Development Environment for Ruby.
> You can download a 60 day trial version from the following URL:
> http://www.scriptolutions.com/downloa...

Lothar Scholz

1/29/2005 4:08:00 AM


Hello benny,

b> hi,

b> I would like to try it, but....
b> does it run with FreeBSD?

Isn't there a compatibility layer for Linux programs ?

The Linux version is not ready but will follow until April together
with MacOSX.

Best regards, emailto: scholz at scriptolutions dot com
Lothar Scholz http://www.ru...
CTO Scriptolutions Ruby, PHP, Python IDE 's