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[ANN] XDCC-Fetch 1.239


1/10/2005 8:45:00 PM

Hello all!

I am happy to announce the first release of XDCC-Fetch:

XDCC-Fetch is a tool for collecting, searching and downloading
broadcasted XDCC announcements within IRC channels. Its main features

* Search-on-typing for packs
* Multiple IRC server connections
* Resumable downloads
* Multiple downloads per bot (locally queued)
* Multiple simultanous downloads (one per bot)
* MD5 checksum comparison (if supported by bot)
* Recognizes minimal and full XDCC announcements
* Recognizes broken XDCC announcements
* Complies with RFC1459
* It is free!

You can download it here:

XDCC-Fetch is written by Christoph Heindl and me.
Have fun!


1 Answer


6/4/2011 3:57:00 AM


On 6/3/2011 7:52 AM, Bert wrote:
> On 6/3/2011 2:16 AM, PaxPerPoten wrote:
>> Is that why all the Kings men and all the Kings horses are resigning now
>> and have to be replaced? Because they don't want a highly paid secure
>> job for another 4 years? ;-p Also why is it so hard to get replacements?
>> On 6/2/2011 7:39 AM, Bob wrote:
>>> On a recent visit to London I was struck by how much faith many British
>>> politicians, journalists and political advisers have in Barack Obama
>>> being
>>> re-elected in 2012. In the aftermath of the hugely successful Special
>>> Forces
>>> operation that took out Osama Bin Laden and a modest spike in the
>>> polls for
>>> the president, the conventional wisdom among political elites in
>>> Britain is
>>> overwhelmingly that Obama will win another four years in the Oval
>>> Office.
>>> Add to this a widespread perception of continuing disarray in the
>>> Republican
>>> race, as well as a State Visit to London that had the chattering classes
>>> worshipping at the feet of the US president, and you can easily see why
>>> Obama's prospects look a lot rosier from across the Atlantic.
>>> But back in the United States, the reality looks a lot different. Many
>>> political leaders in Britain fail to understand the degree to which the
>>> American people are deeply unhappy with their president's poor
>>> handling of
>>> the economy. Nor have they grasped the epic scale of the defeat
>>> suffered by
>>> the president in the November mid-terms, and the emphatic rejection by a
>>> clear majority of Americans of the Big Government Obama agenda.
>>> Just seven months ago, the United States was swept by a conservative
>>> revolution that fundamentally transformed the political landscape on
>>> Capitol
>>> Hill, and gravely weakened the ability of the president to pass
>>> legislation.
>>> This revolution is not in retreat but gaining ground, led by charismatic
>>> figures such as Paul Ryan, the Reaganite chairman of the House Budget
>>> Committee, entrusted with reining in out of control government
>>> spending. And
>>> as a Gallup poll showed, America is unquestionably a conservative
>>> country
>>> ideologically, but one that is ironically led by the most left-wing
>>> president in the nation's history.
>>> http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/news/nilegardiner/100090356/why-barack-obama-may-be-heading-for-electoral-disaste...
>>> --
>>> If you voted for Obama in 2008 to prove you weren't a racist, you'd
>>> better
>>> vote for someone else in 2012 to prove you're not an idiot.
> RATS off a sinking ship?

Oh Yeah... ;-)

It is hardly too strong to say that the Constitution was made to guard
the people against the dangers of good intentions. There are men in all
ages who mean to govern well, but *They mean to govern*. They promise to
be good masters, *but they mean to be masters*. Daniel Webster