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curses - how to use unicode

Simon Strandgaard

12/21/2004 7:31:00 AM

Yesterday I got xterm working with UTF-8. I had made an oneliner that
outputted a small box.

puts [0x250c, 0x2510, 10, 0x2514, 0x2518].pack("U*")

When I try the same through curses.. then no unicode.
I don't see the small box.

require 'curses'
window = Curses.stdscr
window.setpos(0, 0)
window.addstr([0x250c, 0x2510].pack("U*"))
window.setpos(1, 0)
window.addstr([0x2514, 0x2518].pack("U*"))

What am I doing wrong?

ruby 1.8.1 (2004-04-24) [i386-linux-gnu]
/* $Id: curses.h.in,v 1.148 2004/01/14 23:50:12 tom Exp $ */

btw: I did the following to enable UTF-8 in an xterm:
> xset +fp ~/local/lib/X11/fonts
> setenv LANG dk.UTF-8
> xterm +u8 -fa '-misc-*-*-*-*-*-20-*-*-*-*-*-iso10646-1' &

Simon Strandgaard

13 Answers

Thomas Dickey

12/21/2004 11:50:00 AM


Simon Strandgaard <neoneye@gmail.com> wrote:
> Yesterday I got xterm working with UTF-8. I had made an oneliner that
> outputted a small box.

> puts [0x250c, 0x2510, 10, 0x2514, 0x2518].pack("U*")

> When I try the same through curses.. then no unicode.
> I don't see the small box.

very likely ruby's package for curses doesn't link with the wide-character
variation (libncursesw for ncurses versus libncurses). That's needed to
build up the contents of each cell on the screen (internally Unicode).

Thomas E. Dickey

Simon Strandgaard

12/21/2004 8:40:00 PM


On Tue, 21 Dec 2004 20:52:02 +0900, Thomas Dickey
<dickey@saltmine.radix.net> wrote:
> Simon Strandgaard <neoneye@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Yesterday I got xterm working with UTF-8. I had made an oneliner that
> > outputted a small box.
> > puts [0x250c, 0x2510, 10, 0x2514, 0x2518].pack("U*")
> > When I try the same through curses.. then no unicode.
> > I don't see the small box.
> very likely ruby's package for curses doesn't link with the wide-character
> variation (libncursesw for ncurses versus libncurses). That's needed to
> build up the contents of each cell on the screen (internally Unicode).

Ok.. I have now tried to use the lib directly from ruby.
It still outputs garbage. I am unsure if im using the right calls
for outputting ?

require 'dl/import'
module Curses
extend DL::Importable
dlload "libcurses.so"
typealias "WINDOW", "void*"
typealias "attr_t", "unsigned long"
extern "WINDOW initscr()"
extern "int endwin()"
extern "int getch()"
extern "int cbreak()"
extern "int noecho()"
extern "int refresh()"
extern "int addstr(const char *)"
s = [0x250c, 0x2510, 10, 0x2514, 0x2518].pack("U*")+0.chr

Im now trying to install ncurses-5.4 to see if it makes a difference.
btw: Thomas E. Dickey you amaze me everytime you find xterm/ncurses
related stuff in different newsgroups.. how do you do?

Simon Strandgaard

Simon Strandgaard

12/21/2004 8:51:00 PM


On Tue, 21 Dec 2004 21:39:31 +0100, Simon Strandgaard <neoneye@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, 21 Dec 2004 20:52:02 +0900, Thomas Dickey
> <dickey@saltmine.radix.net> wrote:
> > Simon Strandgaard <neoneye@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Yesterday I got xterm working with UTF-8. I had made an oneliner that
> > > outputted a small box.
> >
> > > puts [0x250c, 0x2510, 10, 0x2514, 0x2518].pack("U*")
> >
> > > When I try the same through curses.. then no unicode.
> > > I don't see the small box.
> >
> > very likely ruby's package for curses doesn't link with the wide-character
> > variation (libncursesw for ncurses versus libncurses). That's needed to
> > build up the contents of each cell on the screen (internally Unicode).

Ah.. I overlooked the 'w'.. I added --enable-widec when duing ./configure,
and now its much better. Thanks
Is widec still experimental ?

Simon Strandgaard

Thomas Dickey

12/21/2004 10:33:00 PM


Simon Strandgaard <neoneye@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > very likely ruby's package for curses doesn't link with the wide-character
>> > variation (libncursesw for ncurses versus libncurses). That's needed to
>> > build up the contents of each cell on the screen (internally Unicode).

> Ah.. I overlooked the 'w'.. I added --enable-widec when duing ./configure,
> and now its much better. Thanks
> Is widec still experimental ?

no - the "experimental" in the configure --help was something I overlooked
removing for 5.4. Not that there aren't remaining issues, but they take
longer to find and longer to fix.

Thomas E. Dickey

Thomas Dickey

12/21/2004 10:37:00 PM


Simon Strandgaard <neoneye@gmail.com> wrote:

> Im now trying to install ncurses-5.4 to see if it makes a difference.
> btw: Thomas E. Dickey you amaze me everytime you find xterm/ncurses
> related stuff in different newsgroups.. how do you do?

google of course (even with the new format). That's how I noticed your
response today.

Of course google has noticable bias - if I change the keywords slightly, it
frowns and says "Do you mean" and lists the keys I use more often.

Thomas E. Dickey

Simon Strandgaard

12/21/2004 10:41:00 PM



I have compiled ncurses-5.4 with --enable-widec --with-shared.
I now have a "libncursesw.so" file..

I am still unsure what function I should use in order to output UTF-8
encoded strings.. or if I should output with another unicode encoding?

require 'dl/import'
module Curses
extend DL::Importable
dlload "libncursesw.so"
typealias "WINDOW", "void*"
typealias "wchar_t", "unsigned long"
extern "int add_wch(const char *)"
extern "int addstr(const char *)"
extern "int cbreak()"
extern "int curs_set(int)"
extern "int endwin()"
extern "int getch()"
extern "WINDOW initscr()"
extern "int noecho()"
extern "int refresh()"

# is const char * correct here ?
extern "int add_wchstr(const char *)"
extern "int add_wchnstr(const char *, int)"

str = [0x250c, 0x2510, 10, 0x2514, 0x2518].pack("U*") + "\000"
p str # -> "\342\224\214\342\224\220\n\342\224\224\342\224\230\000"
puts str # this renders a nice box

Curses.add_wchstr(str) # no box..

Simon Strandgaard


12/22/2004 2:58:00 AM


[Simon Strandgaard <neoneye@gmail.com>, 2004-12-21 23.41 CET]

Hi, Simon:

> # is const char * correct here ?
> extern "int add_wchstr(const char *)"
> extern "int add_wchnstr(const char *, int)"

Probably you want "addwstr" and "addnwstr". The "wch" of "add_wchn?str"
seems to be a struct that encodes both character and attribute.

> str = [0x250c, 0x2510, 10, 0x2514, 0x2518].pack("U*") + "\000"

On the other hand, the parameters to "addn?wstr" are wchar_t *, which I
think are defined as 32 bit integers. So I guess you should either use
"pack('L*')", or change the function declaration.

(Nothing tested :).

Good luck.

Simon Strandgaard

12/22/2004 7:30:00 AM


On Wed, 22 Dec 2004 11:58:29 +0900, Carlos <angus@quovadis.com.ar> wrote:
> On the other hand, the parameters to "addn?wstr" are wchar_t *, which I
> think are defined as 32 bit integers. So I guess you should either use
> "pack('L*')", or change the function declaration.

Using addwstr with pack("L*") doesn't seem to work for me either.
How would a good representation of wchar_t string be like?

# Using ncurses-5.4 with --enable-widec --with-shared
require 'dl/import'
module Curses
extend DL::Importable
dlload "libncursesw.so"
typealias "WINDOW", "void*"
extern "int addstr(const char *)"
extern "int cbreak()"
extern "int endwin()"
extern "int getch()"
extern "WINDOW initscr()"
extern "int noecho()"
extern "int refresh()"
extern "int addwstr(const unsigned long *)"
extern "int addnwstr(const unsigned long *, int)"

str = [0x250c, 0x2510, 10, 0x2514, 0x2518].pack("L*")
Curses.addnwstr(str, str.size) # no box..

Simon Strandgaard


12/22/2004 12:18:00 PM


[Simon Strandgaard <neoneye@gmail.com>, 2004-12-22 08.29 CET]
> > On the other hand, the parameters to "addn?wstr" are wchar_t *, which I
> > think are defined as 32 bit integers. So I guess you should either use
> > "pack('L*')", or change the function declaration.
> Using addwstr with pack("L*") doesn't seem to work for me either.
> How would a good representation of wchar_t string be like?

On the other other hand, I've found that if you use the functions without
"w", you can output UTF-8 strings directly :). It's more easy so...

And I've also found the secret to make ncursesw print non-ascii characters:
set the locale LC_ALL to "".

This works:

# Using ncurses-5.4 with --enable-widec --with-shared
require 'dl/import'
module Curses
extend DL::Importable
dlload "libncursesw.so"
typealias "WINDOW", "void*"
extern "int addstr(const char *)"
extern "int cbreak()"
extern "int endwin()"
extern "int getch()"
extern "WINDOW initscr()"
extern "int noecho()"
extern "int refresh()"
extern "int addstr(const char *)"
extern "int addnstr(const char *, int)"

module LibC
extend DL::Importable
dlload "libc.so.6"
extern "void setlocale(int, const char *)"

LibC.setlocale(6, "") # LC_ALL == 6
str = [0x250c, 0x2510, 10, 0x2514, 0x2518, 0].pack("U*")
Curses.addstr(str) # a box..
Curses.addstr("simple UTF-8 string ¿â?â??â??â??? ¡â??!\000")

Good luck.

Thomas Dickey

12/22/2004 1:29:00 PM


Simon Strandgaard <neoneye@gmail.com> wrote:
> Curses.add_wchstr(str) # no box..

Curses.addstr() should give a box.

Thomas E. Dickey