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[SOT]Signatures and one liners

Brian Mitchell

12/6/2004 5:37:00 AM

readers.each{|x| puts "Hi #{x},"}

As per request, I have created a thread for small programs that do
neat things (we are all true geeks at heart :) ). This all started
with my less than perfect Sierpinski Triangle generator:

ruby -e'32.times{|y|print" "*(31-y);(y+1).times{|x|print"

I originally build the sig for my /. account but I use it from time to
time on other things. This was greatly improved to:

ruby -le'32.times{|y|print" "*(31-y),(0..y).map{|x|~y&x>0?" .":" A"}}'

from input by the community. Now as for readability... ;) The code was
not intentionally obfuscated but ended up that ways as I compressed my
original script.

As I had said before in another thread (Ruby 2.0), I am experimenting
with some other one liners. One was my 1d cellular automata (see
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cellular... for more info). I went
ahead and coded a small version that was originally 2d then changed to
1d because of size. This might explain the ugly code (my lack of sleep
would be the other ;) ). Here is a version (not my most compact but
the most interesting):

# So long it might as well be four of five lines not one...
# Don't try too hard to understand this one as it isn't worth it ;)

This one has a random rule set and a randomized initial generation.
Not very good at all. I posted to IRC to see what could get shortened
and got this from Christian Neukirchen (chris2 on freenode):

# no random and using rule 110
# This is probably better suited for a sig
t="."*60<<?#;loop{s,t,c=t,'',-1;s.each_byte{t<<(%'### #..
...'.include?((".#{s}..")[c+=1,3])?'.':'#')};puts t;sleep 0.1}

Quite impressive regrading readability :)

Do you guys have any neat one liners? Can you improve on this one?

cat /dev/random | ruby,
Brian Mitchell
ruby -e'puts [84,46,66,46,68,46].pack("c*")' # or
ruby -rbase64 -e'puts Base64.decode64("TG9uZyBsaXZlIFJ1Ynkh")'

22 Answers

Jamis Buck

12/6/2004 5:48:00 AM


On 14:37 Mon 06 Dec , Brian Mitchell wrote:
> Do you guys have any neat one liners? Can you improve on this one?

Mine was discussed previously a few times on this list:

ruby -h | ruby -e 'a=[];readlines.join.scan(/-(.)\[e|Kk(\S*)|le.l(..)e|#!(\S*)/) {|r| a << r.compact.first };puts "\n>#{a.join(%q/ /)}<\n\n"'

(It should all be on one line.) It's a bit verbose. I remember others found
more compact ways of doing similar things. (Can't remember the thread, and I'm
too tired to do any serious looking right now anyway...)

- Jamis

Jamis Buck

T. Onoma

12/6/2004 6:53:00 AM


On Monday 06 December 2004 12:37 am, Brian Mitchell wrote:
| Do you guys have any neat one liners? Can you improve on this one?

I like this one by Tadayoshi Funaba, mostly because it says "Begin landing
your troops" :)

each_with_index{|x,i| $><<(x^'Begin landing your troops'[i]).chr}

Tassilo Horn

12/6/2004 12:22:00 PM



here's mine. It's not really tricky but it's fits into christmas time.

def t(h) h.times{|l|(h-l+2*(l/3.to_i)).times{print " "}
((2*(l/3.to_i)+1)+2*(l%3)).times{print "*"};puts""};h.times{
print " "};puts '#' end;print "Height: ";t(gets.to_i)


12/6/2004 12:46:00 PM


"RAD in Ruby"

I didn't know KDevelop had Ruby support.



12/6/2004 2:40:00 PM


I like this one:

d=13;x=Hash.new{|h,n|n<d ?[n]:h[n/d]+[n%d]};p x[3*0x58615c45*
0x8f5b008bc632a394816c3].map{|i|' ABEGLNORSTUY'[i]}.pack('C*')



12/6/2004 2:41:00 PM


I like this one:

d=13;x=Hash.new{|h,n|n<d ?[n]:h[n/d]+[n%d]};p x[3*0x58615c45*
0x8f5b008bc632a394816c3].map{|i|' ABEGLNORSTUY'[i]}.pack('C*')


Christian Neukirchen

12/6/2004 5:55:00 PM


On Mon, 6 Dec 2004 14:37:26 +0900, Brian Mitchell <binary42@gmail.com> wrote:
> This one has a random rule set and a randomized initial generation.
> Not very good at all. I posted to IRC to see what could get shortened
> and got this from Christian Neukirchen (chris2 on freenode):
> # no random and using rule 110
> # This is probably better suited for a sig
> t="."*60<<?#;loop{s,t,c=t,'',-1;s.each_byte{t<<(%'### #..
> ...'.include?((".#{s}..")[c+=1,3])?'.':'#')};puts t;sleep 0.1}
> Quite impressive regrading readability :)

Come on, this is really readable compared some some Perl around...
and did you already see my dc(1) hack? :)

> Do you guys have any neat one liners? Can you improve on this one?

How about this nice, 134 bytes CGI blog?:

puts"Content-type: text/html\n\n<h1>Blog",Dir["*.entry"].sort_by{|f|-File.

Happy hacking,
Christian Neukirchen

Christian Neukirchen

12/6/2004 6:16:00 PM


On Mon, 6 Dec 2004 18:54:29 +0100, Christian Neukirchen
<chneukirchen@gmail.com> wrote:
> How about this nice, 134 bytes CGI blog?:
> puts"Content-type: text/html\n\n<h1>Blog",Dir["*.entry"].sort_by{|f|-File.
> mtime(f).to_i}.first(9).map{|f|'<h2>'+File.read(f)+'<hr>'}

126 bytes now:

puts"Content-type: text/html\n\n<h1>Blog",Dir["*.entry"].sort_by{|f|-File.
mtime(f).to_i}[0,9].map{|f|"<h2>#{IO.read f}<hr>"}

> Happy hacking,
> Christian Neukirchen

gabriele renzi

12/6/2004 8:28:00 PM


Christian Neukirchen ha scritto:
> On Mon, 6 Dec 2004 18:54:29 +0100, Christian Neukirchen
> <chneukirchen@gmail.com> wrote:
>>How about this nice, 134 bytes CGI blog?:
>>puts"Content-type: text/html\n\n<h1>Blog",Dir["*.entry"].sort_by{|f|-File.
> 126 bytes now:
> puts"Content-type: text/html\n\n<h1>Blog",Dir["*.entry"].sort_by{|f|-File.
> mtime(f).to_i}[0,9].map{|f|"<h2>#{IO.read f}<hr>"}

I had some fun playing the shortest wiki contest:
#!/path/per/ruby -r cgi
d=p['d'][0];t=IO.read(n)rescue '';open(n,'w').puts(t=CGI.escapeHTML(d))
if d c.out{c.h1{n}+c.a(B%H){H}+c.pre{ t.gsub(/([A-Z]\w+){2}/){|w|

the final version with hacks from Mauricio Fernandez was a 3 liner but I
can't find it :/

David Ross

12/7/2004 12:52:00 AM


CT wrote:

>"RAD in Ruby"
>I didn't know KDevelop had Ruby support.
KDevelop uses Kate by default. Its even better in this recent
release because the regex engine. The past releases engine
was not too great, so it was difficult to implement a few
specifications. The syntax highlighting uses regexes to identify
keywords. :)

David Ross