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I have updated my Efficient Threadpool engine


11/15/2015 9:36:00 PM


I have updated my Efficient Threadpool engine with priorities and
my Efficient Threadpool to version 2.3, now the concurrent FIFO queue
is more efficient under high contention.

You can download them from:


and from:



Efficient Thread Pool Engine.

The following have been added:

- You can give the following priorities to jobs:


- Uses a fast concurrent FIFO queue that satisfies many requirements: it
is FIFO fair, it minimizes efficiently the cache-coherence traffic and
it is energy efficient on the pop(): when there is no items in the queue
it will not spin-wait , but it will wait on a portable manual event object..

- Enters in a wait state when there is no job in the queue - for more
efficiency -

- You can distribute your jobs to the workers threads and call any
method with the threadpool's execute() method.

- You can wait for the jobs to finish with the wait() method.

- Uses O(1) complexity on enqueue and O(3) worst case complexity on dequeue.

I have updated my efficient Threadpool engine with priorities
and my Threadpool engine to version 2.3, i have come up with
a new algorithm that is more optimized, in this new algorithm i have
reduced and minimized the cache-line transfers so that the serial part
of the Amdahl law has been reduced by 2 times, hope that you will be
happy with this new efficient algorithm... i have also changed the
concurrent FIFO queue of my efficient Threadpool engine with priorities,
now the concurrent FIFO queue is waitfree on the push() and lockfree on
the pop(), so it's really fast, so as you have noticed that designing
and implementing an efficient Threadpool engine as my efficient
Threadpool engine with priorities is somewhat a hard job, so to
facilitate the reasonning about concurrent programming i have also used
my scalable AMLock around a small portion of the
TPThreadPoolThread.Execute() method of my efficient Threadpool engine
with priorities to facilitate the reasonning about "correctness", and i
think that now that my new algorithm has facilitated the reasonning
about correctness and now that i have tested it thoroughly , you can be
more confident cause i think that my new algorithm of my efficient
Threadpool engine with priorities is correct and stable now and it is
also very fast.

And look at the ThreadPoolExecutor Class of Java, look for example at
the awaitTermination() method, it says:

boolean awaitTermination(long timeout, TimeUnit unit)

Blocks until all tasks have completed execution after a shutdown
request, or the timeout occurs, or the current thread is interrupted,
whichever happens first.

read more here:


Did you notice ?

In Java when you wait for the tasks you have to wait for "ALL" the
tasks, and that's not efficient , and if you want to use the object from
multiple threads i think it will have the same effect, you can avoid
some of the problems by using many objects of the ThreadPoolExecutor
class but this will take ressources and this will cause more and more
context switches and that's bad, i think C# has the same problem, other
than that Java and C# don't support priorities, it means that you can
not give priorities to tasks/jobs, like high or normal or low, and
that's not good for games and other applications where you have to use
priorities even if the system is not a realtime system, this is why i
have decided to implement my efficient Threadpool engine version 2.3
that supports those characteristics, so that you can create a child
object of the Threadpool class that will use the same worker threads and
that will wait only for the tasks that you will add with the execute()
method , and also my efficient Threadpool engine supports 3 priorities,
High and normal and low, that's where my efficient Threadpool engine
comes in hand and that's where it's efficient. Hope you will like it.

I will talk about an important subject that is software "reliability",
you have seen me explaining to you what is that it's efficient and
reliable with my efficient Threadpool engine, and you have seen me
talking to you about the automaton of my efficient Threadpool engine ,
this automaton takes care of software "reliability", like in design by
contracts that takes care of realiability, i have finally been able to
render my efficient Threadpool engine a reliable software by using an
automaton that "guides" you by helping you to avoid forbidden
transitions that can cause problems like deadlocks and dangerous
problems, my automaton has made my efficient threadpool engine a
reliable software, i explain more: since i am using 3 methods called
execute() that distributes the jobs to the worker threads and i am using
also setCounter() method and using also wait() method that waits for the
jobs to finish (this look like a join()) with one parameters, but what i
have noticed is that you can call those methods by combining them in a
different ways , but this can cause some combinations that are forbidden
to be called and that can cause deadlock or dangerous problems, this is
why i have wrote an automaton that help you and guide you by using also
exception handling to use the right combinations of those methods and
there parameters, so like in design by contracts, my automaton has made
my efficient Threadpool engine a reliable software. Please read the HTML
tutorial inside the zip file to understand how to use the execute() and
setCounter() and wait() methods etc.

Look into defines.inc there is many options:

CPU32: for 32 bits architecture
CPU64: for 64 bits architecture

Please read the HTML tutorial inside the zip.

Look at test.pas demo inside the zip file...

You can download them from:


and from:


Language: FPC Pascal v2.2.0+ / Delphi 5+: http://www.freep...

Operating Systems: Win , Linux and Mac (x86).

Required FPC switches: -O3 -Sd -dFPC -dWin32 -dFreePascal

-Sd for delphi mode....

Required Delphi switches: -DDelphi -DMSWINDOWS -$H+

For Delphi XE-XE7 use the -DXE switch

{$DEFINE CPU32} and {$DEFINE Windows32} for 32 bit systems

{$DEFINE CPU64} and {$DEFINE Windows64} for 64 bit systems

Note: testpool.pas is a parallel program of a Matrix multiply by a
vector that uses SSE+ and it requires Delphi 5+. test.pas and
test_thread.pas works with both FreePascal and Delphi.

Thank you,
Amine Moulay Ramdane.