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Adding check list box inside master detail web grid


2/9/2004 6:41:00 PM

Hello all
I have nested a datagrid within a datagrid to display detail records. It kinda works but what I need to do is draw out a check list box I think as this is a dataentry application and I may need to trap what is selected and I need to do that by row. As I think when the user presses the submit button I will need to iterate through the grid, determine if the user selected details and if they did collect that information. Does anyone know how to do this? I am copying the code I have so far that seems to work except when the user clicks on the details button I get a datagrid displayed that shows two columns, row error and Has errors. With the latter column all set to false.......please forgive any ignorance as I am new to asp.net and vb.ne

vb cod
Private Sub dgDefects_ItemCommand(ByVal source As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGridCommandEventArgs) Handles dgDefects.ItemComman

Dim iValue As Intege

iValue = Integer.Parse(CType(e.Item.Controls(5), TableCell).Text
'handle defects on dgDefects Gri
If e.CommandName = "Increase" The
CType(e.Item.Controls(5), TableCell).Text = (iValue + 1).ToString(
ElseIf e.CommandName = "Decrease" The
If Not CType(e.Item.Controls(5), TableCell).Text <= "0" The
CType(e.Item.Controls(5), TableCell).Text = (iValue - 1).ToString(
End I
End I

If CType(e.CommandSource, Button).Text = "Show Details" The
dgDefects.Columns(7).Visible = Tru
Dim dgi As DataGridItem = CType(e.Item, DataGridItem
Dim c As Contro
For Each c In dgi.Cells(7).Control
c.Visible = Tru
CType(e.CommandSource, Button).Text = "Hide Details
ElseIf CType(e.CommandSource, Button).Text = "Hide Details" The
dgDefects.Columns(7).Visible = Fals
Dim dgi As DataGridItem = CType(e.Item, DataGridItem
Dim c As Contro
For Each c In dgi.Cells(7).Control
c.Visible = Fals
CType(e.CommandSource, Button).Text = "Show Details
End I

End Sub 'dgDefects_ItemCommand

Private Sub dgDefects_ItemDataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGridItemEventArgs) Handles dgDefects.ItemDataBoun
Dim dgi As DataGridItem = e.Ite
If dgi.ItemType = ListItemType.Item Or dgi.ItemType = ListItemType.AlternatingItem The
Dim c As Contro
For Each c In dgi.Cells(7).Control
If TypeOf (c) Is System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGrid The
Dim id As Int32 = Int32.Parse(dgi.Cells(0).Text
Dim dg As DataGrid = CType(c, DataGrid
Dim dr As DataRow(
dr = m_dsDefects.Tables("Defect_Details").Select("Defect_ID=" & id
If dr.Length > 0 The
dg.DataSource = d
Dim dt As DataTable = New DataTabl
Dim dr2 As DataRo
Dim dtCol As DataColumn = New DataColum
With dtCo
.ColumnName = "Detail Disposition
.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.String"
.DefaultValue = "NO DETAILS
End Wit
' Add one row. Since it has default values, no need to set values
dr2 = dt.NewRo
dg.DataSource = d
End I
End I
End I
End Su

<form id="Form1" method="post" runat="server"><asp:label id="lblError" style="Z-INDEX: 101; LEFT: 24px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 528px" runat="server
Visible="False" Width="256px" Height="64px">Label</asp:label><asp:Button id="btnSaveAuditInfo" style="Z-INDEX: 125; LEFT: 632px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 488px
runat="server" Width="98px" Text="Complete Audit"></asp:Button><asp:Label id="lblAuditorId" style="Z-INDEX: 124; LEFT: 776px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 24px"
runat="server" Visible="False" Enabled="False"></asp:Label><asp:textbox id="txtLotNum" style="Z-INDEX: 123; LEFT: 776px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 136px"
runat="server" Width="184px" ForeColor="Black" BackColor="#E0E0E0"></asp:textbox><asp:textbox id="txtAuditType" style="Z-INDEX: 122; LEFT: 776px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 80px"
runat="server" Width="184px" ForeColor="Black" BackColor="#E0E0E0"></asp:textbox><asp:textbox id="txtAuditor" style="Z-INDEX: 121; LEFT: 776px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 192px"
runat="server" Width="184px" ForeColor="Black" BackColor="#E0E0E0"></asp:textbox><asp:label id="lblLotNumber" style="Z-INDEX: 120; LEFT: 776px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 112px"
runat="server" Height="24px" Width="80px" ForeColor="White">Lot Number</asp:label><asp:label id="lblSampleSize" style="Z-INDEX: 119; LEFT: 776px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 368px"
runat="server" Height="16px" Width="96px" ForeColor="White">Sample Size</asp:label><asp:textbox id="txtSampleSize" style="Z-INDEX: 116; LEFT: 776px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 392px"
runat="server" Width="184px" ForeColor="Black" BackColor="#E0E0E0"></asp:textbox><asp:label id="lblMisPackAql" style="Z-INDEX: 118; LEFT: 776px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 464px"
runat="server" Height="16px" Width="96px" ForeColor="White">MisPack AQL</asp:label><asp:textbox id="txtMisPackAQL" style="Z-INDEX: 117; LEFT: 776px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 488px"
runat="server" Width="184px" ForeColor="Black" BackColor="#E0E0E0"></asp:textbox><asp:textbox id="txtCosAql" style="Z-INDEX: 115; LEFT: 776px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 440px"
runat="server" Width="184px" ForeColor="Black" BackColor="#E0E0E0"></asp:textbox><asp:label id="lblAuditSize" style="Z-INDEX: 114; LEFT: 776px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 56px"
runat="server" Height="16px" Width="72px" ForeColor="White">Audit Type</asp:label><asp:label id="lblMfg" style="Z-INDEX: 113; LEFT: 776px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 320px" runat="server"
Height="16px" Width="40px" ForeColor="White">Supplier</asp:label><asp:textbox id="txtMfg" style="Z-INDEX: 110; LEFT: 776px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 344px" runat="server"
Width="184px" ForeColor="Black" BackColor="#E0E0E0"></asp:textbox><asp:label id="lblPrdType" style="Z-INDEX: 112; LEFT: 776px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 272px"
runat="server" Height="16px" Width="96px" ForeColor="White">Product Type</asp:label><asp:textbox id="txtPrdType" style="Z-INDEX: 109; LEFT: 776px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 296px"
runat="server" Width="184px" ForeColor="Black" BackColor="#E0E0E0"></asp:textbox><asp:label id="lblLotSize" style="Z-INDEX: 111; LEFT: 776px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 224px"
runat="server" Height="16px" Width="64px" ForeColor="White">Lot Size</asp:label><asp:textbox id="txtLotSize" style="Z-INDEX: 108; LEFT: 776px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 248px"
runat="server" Width="184px" ForeColor="Black" BackColor="#E0E0E0"></asp:textbox><asp:label id="lblCosmeticAql" style="Z-INDEX: 107; LEFT: 776px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 416px"
runat="server" Height="16px" Width="96px" ForeColor="White">Cosmetic AQL</asp:label><asp:label id="lblAuditors" style="Z-INDEX: 106; LEFT: 776px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 168px"
runat="server" Height="24px" Width="56px" ForeColor="White">Auditor</asp:label><asp:label id="lblCosDefects" style="Z-INDEX: 104; LEFT: 16px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 80px"
runat="server" Width="152px" Height="16px" Font-Size="Larger" ForeColor="White">Cosmetic Defects</asp:label><asp:label id="lblAudit" style="Z-INDEX: 103; LEFT: 392px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 80px" runat="server"
Width="152px" Height="16px" Font-Size="Larger" ForeColor="White">TOI Auditors Center</asp:label><asp:image id="Image1" style="Z-INDEX: 102; LEFT: 336px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 8px" runat="server"
Width="264px" Height="72px" ImageUrl="file:///C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\TOIAUDIT\Images\transitions-logo.gif"></asp:image>&nbsp;
<DIV style="OVERFLOW-Y: scroll; Z-INDEX: 105; LEFT: 16px; WIDTH: 525px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 104px; HEIGHT: 360px"><asp:datagrid id="dgDefects" runat="server" Width="400px" Height="200px" CellPadding="3" BackColor="White"
BorderWidth="2px" BorderStyle="Ridge" BorderColor="White" AutoGenerateColumns="False" CellSpacing="1" GridLines="None"><SelectedItemStyle Font-Bold="True" ForeColor="White" BackColor="#9471DE"></SelectedItemStyle><ItemStyle ForeColor="Black" BackColor="#DEDFDE"></ItemStyle><HeaderStyle Font-Bold="True" ForeColor="#E7E7FF" BackColor="#4A3C8C"></HeaderStyle><FooterStyle ForeColor="Black" BackColor="#C6C3C6"></FooterStyle><Columns><asp:BoundColumn Visible="False" DataField="Defect_ID" HeaderText="ID"></asp:BoundColumn><asp:ButtonColumn Text="Increase" ButtonType="PushButton" HeaderText="Add One" CommandName="Increase"></asp:ButtonColumn><asp:ButtonColumn Text="Decrease" ButtonType="PushButton" HeaderText="Subtract One" CommandName="Decrease"></asp:ButtonColumn><asp:BoundColumn DataField="Defect" HeaderText="Defect Description"></asp:BoundColumn><asp:BoundColumn DataField="Defect_Acronym" HeaderText="Defect Acronym"></asp:BoundColumn><asp:BoundColumn DataField="Defect_NumDefects" HeaderText="Number Found"></asp:BoundColumn><asp:ButtonColumn Text="Show Details" ButtonType="PushButton" HeaderText="Details">
12 Answers


2/10/2004 6:33:00 AM


Hi Pat,

Thank you for posting in the community!

I will continue assist you on your further issue in this post :-)

I have reviewd your post, there are some points I do not fully understand.
Please clarify them for me.

In your "what I need to do is draw out a check list box", what does your
"check list box" mean?

Based on your description, I see you want to use checkbox control to trap
the selection state of the row. I think you may add a template column to
your Master datagrid. Like this:
<asp:CheckBox ID="trapselection" Runat="server"></asp:CheckBox>

Then, in the "submit" button's click event, you can iterate through the
grid, and collect the selection information, like this:
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim dgi As DataGridItem
For Each dgi In Master.Items
Dim tc As TableCell = dgi.Cells(0)

Dim c As Control
For Each c In tc.Controls
If TypeOf (c) Is System.Web.UI.WebControls.CheckBox Then
Dim cb As CheckBox = CType(c, CheckBox)
If cb.Checked = True Then
Me.Response.Write("The " & dgi.ItemIndex.ToString()
& "th row is selected<br>")
End If
End If
End Sub

For your second question, I am not fully understand what "With the latter
column all set to false" means, is this the issue?

Also, in the html code you pasted, I can not see the 7th column, which is
the "details" datagrid, without this column's html code, I can not figure
out the cause.

Hope my reply makes sense to you.
I will wait for your further feedback.

Thank you for your patience and cooperation. If you have any questions or
concerns, please feel free to post it in the group. I am standing by to be
of assistance.
Have a nice day!!

Best regards,
Jeffrey Tan
Microsoft Online Partner Support
Get Secure! - www.microsoft.com/security
This posting is provided "as is" with no warranties and confers no rights.


2/10/2004 12:39:00 PM


Attn Jeff Tan?

I'm sorry I posted the wrong HTML code. Here is the correct code...

<DIV style="OVERFLOW-Y: scroll; Z-INDEX: 105; LEFT: 16px; WIDTH: 525px;
POSITION: absolute; TOP: 104px; HEIGHT: 360px"><asp:datagrid
id="dgDefects" runat="server" Width="400px" Height="200px"
CellPadding="3" BackColor="White"
BorderWidth="2px" BorderStyle="Ridge" BorderColor="White"
AutoGenerateColumns="False" CellSpacing="1" GridLines="None">
<SelectedItemStyle Font-Bold="True" ForeColor="White"
<ItemStyle ForeColor="Black" BackColor="#DEDFDE"></ItemStyle>
<HeaderStyle Font-Bold="True" ForeColor="#E7E7FF"
<FooterStyle ForeColor="Black" BackColor="#C6C3C6"></FooterStyle>
<asp:BoundColumn Visible="False" DataField="Defect_ID"
<asp:ButtonColumn Text="Increase" ButtonType="PushButton"
HeaderText="Add One" CommandName="Increase"></asp:ButtonColumn>
<asp:ButtonColumn Text="Decrease" ButtonType="PushButton"
HeaderText="Subtract One" CommandName="Decrease"></asp:ButtonColumn>
<asp:BoundColumn DataField="Defect" HeaderText="Defect
<asp:BoundColumn DataField="Defect_Acronym" HeaderText="Defect
<asp:BoundColumn DataField="Defect_NumDefects" HeaderText="Number
<asp:ButtonColumn Text="Show Details" ButtonType="PushButton"
<asp:TemplateColumn visible="false" HeaderText="Defect Details">
<asp:DataGrid Runat="server" ID="Details"
<PagerStyle HorizontalAlign="Right" ForeColor="Black"

Now as for the other problem with the details datagrid. I used the
example that you gave me for displaying master/details. In your example
you encapsulate a datagrid within a datagrid and bind the encapsulated
datagrid to the details records. When I click the button the details
part of the grid is drawn but instead of one column of records I get
two. The first column is titled Row Errors and the second column is
titled Has Errors. The amount of rows that display in the details grid
match the amount of details that need to be displayed yet the details
are not displayed. The first column is blank the second column has the
word false displayed for all the rows. I hope this helps clarify the

I also asked about the checklist as I want to display the details in a
checklist box so that I can trap the details the users select. I will
try to implement the code sample that you provided and I will report my
results. Once again your help has proved to be invaluable to me.

Thanks in advance,

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2/11/2004 6:18:00 AM


Hi Patrick,

Thanks very much for your feedback.

From your further html code, I see you use your "details" datagrid in
TemplateColumn(Just as I do).
Also, from your first paragraph's description, I understand your issue:
When you click the "Show Details" button, your "details" datagrid displays,
but it does not show well.

Based on your statement " but instead of one column of records I get two.",
I think your "details" datagrid should only display 1 column. But it shows
2 columns:
The first column with title "Row Errors" and empty cell content, while the
second's title "Has Errors" with the cell content "false".

In your code behind, I can not find anything incorrect, and the code
provides me nothing about the datasouce of the "details" datagrid. Anyway,
I think the key point is the "dgDefects_ItemDataBound" method, you should
check if your "details" datagrid is bound well. You may set a breakpoint at:
dr = m_dsDefects.Tables("Defect_Details").Select("Defect_ID=" & id)
to determine if the DataRow array "dr" contains what you wanted to show.

Because your dgDefects_ItemCommand method only enable the visibility of
your datagrid, if your "details" datagrid is bound correctly, your datagrid
should show well.

From your second paragraph, I found that you want to add the checkbox
column to the "details" datagrid not the "Master" datagrid. My sample code
in last project shows you how to add the datagrid column to your "Master"
datagrid, I think you should do the same to you "details" datagrid(The html
code is the same)

Please apply my suggestion to see if it resolved your problem.

If you still have anything unclear, please feel free to tell me, I will
help you.

Best regards,
Jeffrey Tan
Microsoft Online Partner Support
Get Secure! - www.microsoft.com/security
This posting is provided "as is" with no warranties and confers no rights.


2/11/2004 4:34:00 PM


I believe that the problem is that the select statement is returning an
array of datarows. Not just one record. I read that we can't bind a
datarow() to a datagrid. Is that because it isn't just one row and it's
an array?

Thanks in advance,

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2/11/2004 4:34:00 PM


I just got thru reading that I can't bind a datarow() to the datagrid.
The datagrid that is encapsulated in the details column displays fine
and has the correct amount of rows to show the details information but
it doesn't display the information contained in the dr array. I can
iterate through the dr array and see the information but can't get it to
simply bind. Should I copy the dr() array to a datatable and then bind

Thanks in advance,

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2/11/2004 6:52:00 PM


Jeff, I got the details to display. I couldn't databind to the rows
array like I stated before but if I clone it to a datatable it displays
as expected. Now if I could just get the checkboxlist to show next to my

Thanks in advance,

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2/19/2004 5:11:00 PM


Hello again. I have been swamped with our bonus system at work and I haven't had time to go back and finish this till now. I have read the knowledgebase article 323261 on how to read the values of the nested controls inside the datagrid but I can't get it to work correctly. I am posting the code with the hope that you can figure out what might be wrong. Here's the snippet ..
Private Sub dgDefects_ItemCommand(ByVal source As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGridCommandEventArgs) Handles dgDefects.ItemComman

Dim iValue As Intege

iValue = Integer.Parse(CType(e.Item.Controls(5), TableCell).Text
'handle defects on dgDefects Gri
If e.CommandName = "Increase" The
CType(e.Item.Controls(5), TableCell).Text = (iValue + 1).ToString(
ElseIf e.CommandName = "Decrease" The
If Not CType(e.Item.Controls(5), TableCell).Text <= "0" The
CType(e.Item.Controls(5), TableCell).Text = (iValue - 1).ToString(
End I
End I

Dim dgi As DataGridItem = CType(e.Item, DataGridItem
If CType(e.CommandSource, Button).Text = "Show Details" The
dgDefects.Columns(7).Visible = Tru
Dim c As Contro
For Each c In dgi.Cells(7).Control
c.Visible = Tru
Me.VisibleDataGrid = Me.VisibleDataGrid +
CType(e.CommandSource, Button).Text = "Hide Details
ElseIf CType(e.CommandSource, Button).Text = "Hide Details" The
If Me.VisibleDataGrid <= 1 The
dgDefects.Columns(7).Visible = Fals
End I
Dim c As Contro
For Each c In dgi.Cells(7).Control
c.Visible = Fals
Me.VisibleDataGrid = Me.VisibleDataGrid -
CType(e.CommandSource, Button).Text = "Show Details
End I

'collect any selected checkbox items from the details gri

For Each dgi In dgDefects.Item
Dim tc As TableCell = dgi.Cells(7
Dim c As Contro
For Each c In tc.Control
Dim Discon As Boolean = CType(e.Item.FindControl("dgDetails"), CheckBox).Checke
If TypeOf (c) Is System.Web.UI.WebControls.CheckBox The
Dim cb As CheckBox = CType(c, CheckBox
If cb.Checked = True The
Me.Response.Write("The " & dgi.ItemIndex.ToString() & "th row is selected<br>"
End I
End I
Next dg

End Sub 'dgDefects_ItemCommand

I get the controls collection yet none of them are check boxes. What should I do? I am once again confused.

Thank again in advance,
I really appreciate the help

Patrick Laferriere


2/19/2004 8:16:00 PM


One other thing to consider is that I couldn't get the typed dataset to work correctly. What happened is the rowerror haserrors returned. So I guess in essence what I need to do is grab the checkboxes from the nested datagrid in the itemtemplate column of the master datagrid. Did that make sense

Thanks again


2/20/2004 9:51:00 AM


Hi Pat,

I have received your positive feedback, thanks very much :-)

For your 2 further concern, I will do some research on it, and I will reply
to you ASAP.

Also, as you said, the Typed DataSet does not work for you? Have you
received my project and tested it at your side? It only needs the default
database of SqlServer, and it works well on my side.

Thanks for your cooperation.

Best regards,
Jeffrey Tan
Microsoft Online Partner Support
Get Secure! - www.microsoft.com/security
This posting is provided "as is" with no warranties and confers no rights.


2/21/2004 1:52:00 AM


Hi Patrick,

Sorry for letting you wait so long time.

I have reviewed your VB.net code, I think the problem code snippet should
For Each dgi In dgDefects.Items
Dim tc As TableCell = dgi.Cells(7)
Dim c As Control
For Each c In tc.Controls
Dim Discon As Boolean = CType(e.Item.FindControl("dgDetails"),
If TypeOf (c) Is System.Web.UI.WebControls.CheckBox Then
Dim cb As CheckBox = CType(c, CheckBox)
If cb.Checked = True Then
Me.Response.Write("The " & dgi.ItemIndex.ToString() & "th
row is selected<br>")
End If
End If
Next c
Next dgi

In the code, I think "dgDetails" is the id of the details datagrid. But in
your code, you find this control and convert it into CheckBox, which is not

I think you should first find the details datagrid, then loop through all
the rows in the DETAILS datagrid and find the CheckBox. Like this(Note: I
did not compile this code at my side, so there may be some small error in
the code):

For Each dgi In dgDefects.Items
Dim tc As TableCell = dgi.Cells(7)
Dim c As Control
For Each c In tc.Controls
If TypeOf (c) Is System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGrid Then
Dim dgdetails As DataGrid =
CType(e.Item.FindControl("dgDetails"), DataGrid)
Dim dgi as DataGridItem
For Each dgi in dgdetails Then
CheckBox).Checked = True)
Me.Response.Write("The " &
dgi.ItemIndex.ToString() & "th row is selected in Details DataGrid<br>")
End If
Next di
End If
Next c
Next dgi

Also, in your program logic in your code snippet, you hook into the MASTER
datagrid's ItemCommand event, then want to loop through the DETAILS
datagrid's each row and collect any selected checkbox items. I think this
is a strange logic, because the DETAILS datagrid may still be invisible,
but you continue loop through the invisible DETAILS datagrid.

Have you received my sample code project ?

In that project, I use an individual button, in which click event, I show
all the checked items in VISIBLE details datagrid.

Thank you for your patience and cooperation. If you have any questions or
concerns, please feel free to post it in the group. I am standing by to be
of assistance.

Best regards,
Jeffrey Tan
Microsoft Online Partner Support
Get Secure! - www.microsoft.com/security
This posting is provided "as is" with no warranties and confers no rights.