Daniel Pitts
6/11/2016 7:45:00 PM
On 6/11/16 12:41 PM, Daniel Pitts wrote:
> On 6/10/16 3:48 PM, Qu0ll wrote:
>> DISCLAIMER: Server-side Java is not my forte.
>> I have often noticed that in many places where I have worked, the
>> companies have both a full application server such as JBoss/Wildfly AND
>> a web server (typically Apache) installed and both seem to work together.
>> 1) Is this necessary and if so, why?
>> 2) What does a web server "provide" that an application server doesn't?
>> 3) What is the nature of the relationship or interaction between both
>> applications?
> It isn't always necessary, but they provide different specializations.
> The Apache (or nginx) provides some basic file serving, redirects, URL
> masking, etc... They also make it easier to serve multiple applications
> behind a single host.
> Where I work, we used to have many more layers than even that:
> 1. Akamai
> 2. Load Balancer
> 3. Apache
> 4. Load Balancer
> 5. Custom Proxy #1 (For non-cachable/real-time decisions)
> 6. Load Balancer
> 7. Caching Proxy
> 8. Load Balancer
> 9. Custom Proxy #2 (For cachable global logic)
> 10. Load Balancer
> 11. Web Application(s)
> Because we used an HTTP API, it went even deeper. The "Web Application"
> would call into our API stack:
> 1. Load Balancer
> 2. Apache
> 3. Caching Proxy
> 4. HTTP API Application(s)
> The API would then connect to MySQL or SOLR (Solr being another
> web-app), and other data-sources.
> Could we do all of this in a single application? Yes! But it wouldn't be
> quite as robust, would be harder to manage, and would require us to
> right a lot more custom code to do the functions that Apache did for us.
> We've since simplified our architecture a lot (no more custom proxies),
> and use nginx instead of apache.
Oops, I missed two load-balancers in the API stack ;-) Basically, we
always had a load balancer between each layer. We even had a
load-balancer for MySQL and SOLR query tiers.
So, each request was serviced by a total of at least 17 hops. 19 if you
count the data source connections.
Now, flat-files (images, javascript, etc...) weren't served by the web
applications, but instead put on a shared filer that was served directly
by Apache. Again, we *could* have done it through the web-app, but that
would have been a much more complicated web-app.