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Re: process .wav file?

mike re-v

11/8/2003 3:19:00 AM

Sorry I should have specified linux platform
I've looked at the RAA several keywd searches
like 1.) sound i/o
2)i/o sound linux
I don't see anything relative.
I'm probably not using RAA correctly
please advise
--- Bill Kelly <billk@cts.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> From: "mike re-v" <mrmrmr50@yahoo.com>
> >
> > I would like to play a very short sound effect(
> .wav
> > file )
> > repeatedly.
> > ############################################
> > aFile = File.new("foo.wav", "r")
> > # ... process the file
> >
> > aFile.close
> > ###########################################
> > the above code is found in pickaxe pg 108
> > I can r/w regex loop, count words, or characters
> in a
> > txt file. Where would you suggest I look to play
> the
> > .wav (process) the file using Ruby?
> Have a look at: http://www.ruby-talk...
> Hope this helps,
> Bill

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2 Answers

Zachary P. Landau

11/8/2003 5:53:00 AM


> Sorry I should have specified linux platform
> I've looked at the RAA several keywd searches
> like 1.) sound i/o
> 2)i/o sound linux
> 3).wav
> I don't see anything relative.
> I'm probably not using RAA correctly
> please advise
> thanks
> re-v

It won't be very cross-platform, but since it is a wav, you can just
open /dev/dsp and write directly to that. Wav files are basically
just audio dumps, so that usually works.

Zachary P. Landau <kapheine@hypa.net>
GPG: gpg --recv-key 0x24E5AD99 | http://kapheine.hypa.net/ka...

Bill Kelly

11/8/2003 4:07:00 PM



From: "mike re-v" <mrmrmr50@yahoo.com>
> Sorry I should have specified linux platform
> I've looked at the RAA several keywd searches
> like 1.) sound i/o
> 2)i/o sound linux
> 3).wav
> I don't see anything relative.

Not sure if this will be of any help, but I wrote some
code awhile back to parse WAV files and read/write the
format chunk (sample rate, etc.) and extract the audio
samples from the WAV... (Doesn't play the sound, tho!)

For what it's worth I'll attach the code below...



~~ wavtweak.rb ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# WAV format info at: http://www.borg.com/~jglatt/tec...

class NotRIFFFormat < StandardError; end
class NotWAVEFormat < StandardError; end

def read_chunk_header(file)
hdr = file.read(8)
chunkName, chunkLen = hdr.unpack("A4V")

def parse_wav(file)
riff, riffLen = read_chunk_header(file)
raise NotRIFFFormat unless riff == 'RIFF'
riffEnd = file.tell + riffLen
wave = file.read(4)
raise NotWAVEFormat unless wave == 'WAVE'
while file.tell < riffEnd
chunkName, chunkLen = read_chunk_header(file)
fpos = file.tell
yield file, chunkName, chunkLen if block_given?
file.seek(fpos + chunkLen)

class WaveFmtChunk

# short AudioFormat; PCM = 1 (i.e. Linear quantization)
# Values other than 1 indicate some
# form of compression.
# unsigned short NumChannels; Mono = 1, Stereo = 2, etc.
# unsigned long SampleRate; 8000, 44100, etc.
# unsigned long ByteRate; == SampleRate * NumChannels * BitsPerSample/8
# unsigned short BlockAlign; == NumChannels * BitsPerSample/8
# The number of bytes for one sample including
# all channels.
# unsigned short BitsPerSample; 8 bits = 8, 16 bits = 16, etc.

attr_reader :audioFormat, :numChannels,
:sampleRate, :byteRate,
:blockAlign, :bitsPerSample

PACK_FMT = "vvVVvv"

def initialize(binRepr)
@audioFormat, @numChannels,
@sampleRate, @byteRate,
@blockAlign, @bitsPerSample = binRepr.unpack(PACK_FMT)

def to_s
[ @audioFormat, @numChannels,
@sampleRate, @byteRate,
@blockAlign, @bitsPerSample ].pack(PACK_FMT)

def set_sample_rate(rate)
@byteRate = calc_byte_rate(rate)
@sampleRate = rate

def calc_byte_rate(srate, numch = @numChannels, bitss = @bitsPerSample)
srate * numch * (bitss / 8)

def handle_fmt_chunk(file, chunkLen)
fmtDatPos = file.tell
fmt = WaveFmtChunk.new(file.read(chunkLen))
print "srate is #{fmt.sampleRate} brate is #{fmt.byteRate}\n"

# Tweak the sample rate (without resampling the data)
# fmt.set_sample_rate(45750) # (52245)
# print "srate now #{fmt.sampleRate} brate now #{fmt.byteRate}\n"
# fs = fmt.to_s
# print "writing new fmt data, len #{fs.length} bytes "
# fs.each_byte {|c| printf("%02x", c) }
# print "\n"
# file.seek(fmtDatPos)
# print "cur file ofst #{file.tell}\n"
# file.write(fmt)
# print "post write file ofst #{file.tell}\n"

def handle_data_chunk(file, chunkLen)
data = file.read(chunkLen)

ARGV.each do |fname|
puts "#{fname}"
File.open(fname, File::RDWR) do |f|
parse_wav(f) do |file, chunkName, chunkLen|
puts "'#{chunkName}' size #{chunkLen}"
case chunkName
when 'fmt' then handle_fmt_chunk(file, chunkLen)
when 'data' then handle_data_chunk(file, chunkLen)