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Long-running daemon acquiring giant memory footprint

Jason DiCioccio

11/7/2003 6:45:00 PM

I have written a long-running daemon in ruby to handle dynamic DNS updates.
I have just recently moved it from ruby 1.6 to ruby 1.8 and updated all of
its libraries to their latest versions (it uses dbi and dbd-postgres). The
problem i am having now is that it appears to start out using a sane amount
of memory (around 8mb) but then by the next day around the same time will
be using close to 200MB for the ruby interpreter alone. The daemon code
itself is 100% ruby so I don't understand how this leak is happening. Are
there any dangerous code segments I should look for that could make it do
this? The only thing I could think of is the fact that every returned
object from a sql query is .dup'd since ruby dbi passes a reference.
However, these should be getting swept up automatically by the garbage
collector. This is driving me nuts and I would love it if someone could
point me in the right direction..


17 Answers


11/7/2003 7:20:00 PM


Luke A. Kanies

11/7/2003 9:44:00 PM


Joel VanderWerf

11/7/2003 9:51:00 PM


Jason DiCioccio wrote:
> I have written a long-running daemon in ruby to handle dynamic DNS
> updates. I have just recently moved it from ruby 1.6 to ruby 1.8 and
> updated all of its libraries to their latest versions (it uses dbi and
> dbd-postgres). The problem i am having now is that it appears to start
> out using a sane amount of memory (around 8mb) but then by the next day
> around the same time will be using close to 200MB for the ruby
> interpreter alone. The daemon code itself is 100% ruby so I don't
> understand how this leak is happening. Are there any dangerous code
> segments I should look for that could make it do this? The only thing I
> could think of is the fact that every returned object from a sql query
> is .dup'd since ruby dbi passes a reference. However, these should be
> getting swept up automatically by the garbage collector. This is
> driving me nuts and I would love it if someone could point me in the
> right direction..

If the 200MB is used by objects that are still known to the interpreter
(i.e., not garbage), then you can use ObjectSpace to find them. For
instance, just to count objects of each class:

irb(main):001:0> h = Hash.new(0); ObjectSpace.each_object {|x|
h[x.class] += 1}
=> 6287
irb(main):002:0> h
=> {RubyToken::TkRBRACE=>1, IO=>3, Regexp=>253, IRB::WorkSpace=>1,
SLex::Node=>78, RubyToken::TkRBRACK=>1, RubyToken::TkINTEGER=>2,
Float=>5, NoMemoryError=>1, SLex=>1, RubyToken::TkRPAREN=>1,
RubyToken::TkBITOR=>2, RubyToken::TkIDENTIFIER=>7, RubyToken::TkNL=>1,
RubyToken::TkCONSTANT=>2, Proc=>49, IRB::Context=>1, IRB::Locale=>1,
RubyToken::TkSPACE=>7, ThreadGroup=>1, RubyToken::TkLPAREN=>1,
Thread=>1, fatal=>1, File=>10, String=>4413, Data=>1,
RubyToken::TkfLBRACE=>1, RubyToken::TkDOT=>3,
IRB::ReadlineInputMethod=>1, RubyToken::TkASSIGN=>1, Hash=>136,
IRB::Irb=>1, RubyToken::TkfLBRACK=>1, Object=>6, RubyLex=>1,
RubyToken::TkSEMICOLON=>1, MatchData=>111, Tempfile=>1, Module=>23,
RubyToken::TkOPASGN=>1, SystemStackError=>1, Binding=>2, Class=>345,

Mauricio Fernández

11/8/2003 3:14:00 PM


On Sat, Nov 08, 2003 at 06:44:00AM +0900, Luke A. Kanies wrote:
> The last time this happened to me it was because I had a member of a hash
> referring to the parent. I would assume that that would reliably cause
> memory holes in just about any language. I would double check your code,

Ruby does mark&sweep, not reference counting; I thus fail to see why
such a structure would fail to be reclaimed.

Do you mean something like

a = {}
a[:foo] = a


_ _
| |__ __ _| |_ ___ _ __ ___ __ _ _ __
| '_ \ / _` | __/ __| '_ ` _ \ / _` | '_ \
| |_) | (_| | |_\__ \ | | | | | (_| | | | |
|_.__/ \__,_|\__|___/_| |_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|
Running Debian GNU/Linux Sid (unstable)
batsman dot geo at yahoo dot com

Real Men don't make backups. They upload it via ftp and let the world mirror it.
-- Linus Torvalds

Jason DiCioccio

11/9/2003 1:22:00 PM


--On Saturday, November 8, 2003 6:51 AM +0900 Joel VanderWerf
<vjoel@PATH.Berkeley.EDU> wrote:

> Jason DiCioccio wrote:
>> I have written a long-running daemon in ruby to handle dynamic DNS
>> updates. I have just recently moved it from ruby 1.6 to ruby 1.8 and
>> updated all of its libraries to their latest versions (it uses dbi and
>> dbd-postgres). The problem i am having now is that it appears to start
>> out using a sane amount of memory (around 8mb) but then by the next day
>> around the same time will be using close to 200MB for the ruby
>> interpreter alone. The daemon code itself is 100% ruby so I don't
>> understand how this leak is happening. Are there any dangerous code
>> segments I should look for that could make it do this? The only thing I
>> could think of is the fact that every returned object from a sql query
>> is .dup'd since ruby dbi passes a reference. However, these should be
>> getting swept up automatically by the garbage collector. This is
>> driving me nuts and I would love it if someone could point me in the
>> right direction..
> If the 200MB is used by objects that are still known to the interpreter
> (i.e., not garbage), then you can use ObjectSpace to find them. For
> instance, just to count objects of each class:
> irb(main):001:0> h = Hash.new(0); ObjectSpace.each_object {|x| h[x.class]
> += 1} => 6287
> irb(main):002:0> h
> => {RubyToken::TkRBRACE=>1, IO=>3, Regexp=>253, IRB::WorkSpace=>1,
> SLex::Node=>78, RubyToken::TkRBRACK=>1, RubyToken::TkINTEGER=>2,
> Float=>5, NoMemoryError=>1, SLex=>1, RubyToken::TkRPAREN=>1,
> RubyToken::TkBITOR=>2, RubyToken::TkIDENTIFIER=>7, RubyToken::TkNL=>1,
> RubyToken::TkCONSTANT=>2, Proc=>49, IRB::Context=>1, IRB::Locale=>1,
> RubyToken::TkSPACE=>7, ThreadGroup=>1, RubyToken::TkLPAREN=>1, Thread=>1,
> fatal=>1, File=>10, String=>4413, Data=>1, RubyToken::TkfLBRACE=>1,
> RubyToken::TkDOT=>3, IRB::ReadlineInputMethod=>1, RubyToken::TkASSIGN=>1,
> Hash=>136, IRB::Irb=>1, RubyToken::TkfLBRACK=>1, Object=>6, RubyLex=>1,
> RubyToken::TkSEMICOLON=>1, MatchData=>111, Tempfile=>1, Module=>23,
> RubyToken::TkOPASGN=>1, SystemStackError=>1, Binding=>2, Class=>345,
> Array=>806}

I had a lot of hope for this method when I first tried it out.
Unfortunately at the moment the process is using 162M resident memory and
here's the output:

Total Objects: 8499 Detail: {EOFError=>2, DBI::Row=>81
, SQLPool=>1, IO=>3, DBI::StatementHandle=>49, fatal=>1,
SystemStackError=>1, Fl
oat=>18, Binding=>1, Mutex=>4, String=>5218, DBI::DatabaseHandle=>9,
g::PgCoerce=>9, DBI::DBD::Pg::Tuples=>49, TCPSocket=>7, ODS=>1,
iver=>1, NoncritError=>3, RR=>6, Thread=>23, DBI::DBD::Pg::Statement=>49,
QL::PreparedStatement=>49, User=>4, ConditionVariable=>2, ThreadGroup=>1,
BD::Pg::Database=>9, Event=>22, Proc=>16, File=>1, Hash=>253, Range=>11,
>9, PGresult=>49, CritError=>2, Errno::ECONNABORTED=>1, Object=>4,
Bignum=>5, IO
Error=>5, Whois=>1, TCPServer=>2, DBI::DriverHandle=>1, NoMemoryError=>1,
=>34, Array=>1922, Sql=>5, MatchData=>150, Class=>232, Regexp=>172}

At it's peak it reaches about 20k. I'm guessing the drop occurs when the
garbage collector steps in. However, the memory size of the process
doesn't seem to drop at that point.. I'm running FreeBSD 4.9 with ruby
1.8.1 (2003-10-31). The problem was also occuring with release and stable
builds of 1.8.0 though as well. It was not, however, occurring in 1.6.x.

Any ideas? Bug?


Fritz Heinrichmeyer

11/9/2003 2:07:00 PM


under freebsd, solaris etc the memory size of a process never drops. It
at most can stay constant. This is a strange feature. Under linux the
situation is different, here you should see a drop. Linux uses gnu
malloc. At least this was the situation some years ago.

Fritz Heinrichmeyer FernUniversitaet, LG ES, 58084 Hagen (Germany)
tel:+49 2331/987-1166 fax:987-355

Jason DiCioccio

11/11/2003 7:08:00 PM


Hmm.. So since my memory problem does not appear to be in ruby's object
space and all of my code is ruby code, should this be considered a bug and
submitted as such? If so, I can submit this as such. I wish I knew more
about how ruby's GC worked. One thing about this daemon is that it is used
heavily and accepts many queries/updates per second at times. Is it
possible that the GC is unable to 'keep up' ? Or does it not work that way
(I assume it doesn't.) I just don't see these object counts leading to
process sizes of over 200M after running a while.

Thanks again!

--On Sunday, November 9, 2003 10:22 PM +0900 Jason DiCioccio <jd@ods.org>

>> If the 200MB is used by objects that are still known to the interpreter
>> (i.e., not garbage), then you can use ObjectSpace to find them. For
>> instance, just to count objects of each class:
>> irb(main):001:0> h = Hash.new(0); ObjectSpace.each_object {|x| h[x.class]
>> += 1} => 6287
>> irb(main):002:0> h
>> => {RubyToken::TkRBRACE=>1, IO=>3, Regexp=>253, IRB::WorkSpace=>1,
>> SLex::Node=>78, RubyToken::TkRBRACK=>1, RubyToken::TkINTEGER=>2,
>> Float=>5, NoMemoryError=>1, SLex=>1, RubyToken::TkRPAREN=>1,
>> RubyToken::TkBITOR=>2, RubyToken::TkIDENTIFIER=>7, RubyToken::TkNL=>1,
>> RubyToken::TkCONSTANT=>2, Proc=>49, IRB::Context=>1, IRB::Locale=>1,
>> RubyToken::TkSPACE=>7, ThreadGroup=>1, RubyToken::TkLPAREN=>1, Thread=>1,
>> fatal=>1, File=>10, String=>4413, Data=>1, RubyToken::TkfLBRACE=>1,
>> RubyToken::TkDOT=>3, IRB::ReadlineInputMethod=>1, RubyToken::TkASSIGN=>1,
>> Hash=>136, IRB::Irb=>1, RubyToken::TkfLBRACK=>1, Object=>6, RubyLex=>1,
>> RubyToken::TkSEMICOLON=>1, MatchData=>111, Tempfile=>1, Module=>23,
>> RubyToken::TkOPASGN=>1, SystemStackError=>1, Binding=>2, Class=>345,
>> Array=>806}
> I had a lot of hope for this method when I first tried it out.
> Unfortunately at the moment the process is using 162M resident memory and
> here's the output:
> Total Objects: 8499 Detail: {EOFError=>2, DBI::Row=>81
> , SQLPool=>1, IO=>3, DBI::StatementHandle=>49, fatal=>1,
> SystemStackError=>1, Fl oat=>18, Binding=>1, Mutex=>4, String=>5218,
> DBI::DatabaseHandle=>9, DBI::DBD::P g::PgCoerce=>9,
> DBI::DBD::Pg::Tuples=>49, TCPSocket=>7, ODS=>1, DBI::DBD::Pg::Dr iver=>1,
> NoncritError=>3, RR=>6, Thread=>23, DBI::DBD::Pg::Statement=>49, DBI::S
> QL::PreparedStatement=>49, User=>4, ConditionVariable=>2, ThreadGroup=>1,
> DBI::D BD::Pg::Database=>9, Event=>22, Proc=>16, File=>1, Hash=>253,
> Range=>11, PGconn=
>> 9, PGresult=>49, CritError=>2, Errno::ECONNABORTED=>1, Object=>4,
> Bignum=>5, IO
> Error=>5, Whois=>1, TCPServer=>2, DBI::DriverHandle=>1, NoMemoryError=>1,
> Module =>34, Array=>1922, Sql=>5, MatchData=>150, Class=>232, Regexp=>172}
> At it's peak it reaches about 20k. I'm guessing the drop occurs when the
> garbage collector steps in. However, the memory size of the process
> doesn't seem to drop at that point.. I'm running FreeBSD 4.9 with ruby
> 1.8.1 (2003-10-31). The problem was also occuring with release and
> stable builds of 1.8.0 though as well. It was not, however, occurring in
> 1.6.x.
> Any ideas? Bug?
> Thanks!
> -JD-

Jason DiCioccio

11/17/2003 4:46:00 PM


After a while of debugging I found a bunch of objects that were being
created that apparently contain one of the primary keys in one of my
database tables. The thing is is the query should only return one result.
This particular row is hardly ever referenced either. So now I have found
a line in my code that is something like you might have been referring to:

nsEntryId = nsEntryId[0][0]

That is called quite often, would that cause the object to stay around?
Is this what you were referring to?

If not, I'll have to dig a lot deeper and find out why these values are
scattered all over the object space.

Thanks in advance,
Jason DiCioccio

--On Saturday, November 8, 2003 6:44 AM +0900 "Luke A. Kanies"
<luke@madstop.com> wrote:

> The last time this happened to me it was because I had a member of a hash
> referring to the parent. I would assume that that would reliably cause
> memory holes in just about any language. I would double check your code,
> see if you can find anything. I resolved the problem by chopping the code
> up until I found the growing part.
> Good luck!
> Luke
> --
> "Greenspun's Tenth Rule of Programming: any sufficiently complicated C
> or Fortran program contains an ad hoc informally-specified bug-ridden
> slow implementation of half of Common Lisp." - Phil Greenspun

Luke A. Kanies

11/17/2003 4:50:00 PM


Jason DiCioccio

11/17/2003 4:58:00 PM


I imagine changing it to:

nsEntryId = nsEntryId[0][0].dup would take care of the problem? Or just
using another object name?


--On Monday, November 17, 2003 10:50 AM -0600 "Luke A. Kanies"
<luke@madstop.com> wrote:

> On Mon, 17 Nov 2003, Jason DiCioccio wrote:
>> Luke,
>> After a while of debugging I found a bunch of objects that were being
>> created that apparently contain one of the primary keys in one of my
>> database tables. The thing is is the query should only return one
>> result. This particular row is hardly ever referenced either. So now I
>> have found a line in my code that is something like you might have been
>> referring to:
>> nsEntryId = nsEntryId[0][0]
>> That is called quite often, would that cause the object to stay around?
>> Is this what you were referring to?
> Yep, that's exactly what I'm referring to. If you undef your local copy
> of nsEntryId, it still maintains a pointer to itself, so it becomes a
> closed off lump of storage. I don't know much about ruby's memory
> management, but it apparently can't catch these problems (I know perl
> can't).
> I expect that if you fix that self-reference, your growth will go away.
> Good luck!
> --
> I went to a restaurant that serves "breakfast at anytime". So I
> ordered French Toast during the Renaissance. -- Stephen Wright