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Rubyx logo idea

Andrew Walrond

10/26/2003 10:42:00 AM

I've been thinking about a logo for Rubyx, my ruby based linux distro.

In some small recognition of ruby's origins, I thought I might use a kanji
symbol. With that in mind, I discovered the kanji symbol for force/power/
ability. See here

Would it be appropriate/cool if I based the rubyx logo on this symbol?

Any comments appreciated, especially from japanese speakers incase this would
be some massive faux-pas...

Andrew Walrond

PS I don't know if faux pas travels well. Just in case, its a french phrase
used by the english, meaning a slip or blunder in etiquette, manners, or
conduct; an embarrassing social blunder or indiscretion.

8 Answers


10/26/2003 1:47:00 PM



On Sun, 26 Oct 2003 19:42:02 +0900, Andrew Walrond wrote:

: I've been thinking about a logo for Rubyx, my ruby based
: linux distro.
: In some small recognition of ruby's origins, I thought
: I might use a kanji symbol. With that in mind, I discovered
: the kanji symbol for force/power/ability. See here
: http://www.ajisai.sakura.ne.jp/~saku/yuki/kanji...

Is this? (14x14 bitmap mimic.)

; ;
,' ;
,' ;
,' ,'
,,' ,,'

This reads 'Chikara', for example.

: Any comments appreciated, especially from japanese speakers
: incase this would be some massive faux-pas...

In my knowledge there isn't. But it has a faux-ami ;-) 'Ka' in
"katakana" (one of Japanese *phonetic* syllabaries). See:


Some kanji compounds (Jukugo) related to 'Chikara' would be
your right clue. What kind of force/power/ability do you want
with this distro?

SugHimsi == SUGIHARA Hiroshi
'Le style est l'homme m\^{e}me.' (Buffon, 1753)

Andrew Walrond

10/26/2003 4:13:00 PM


On Sunday 26 Oct 2003 1:46 pm, SugHimsi==SUGIHARA Hiroshi wrote:
> Is this? (14x14 bitmap mimic.)
> ;
> ,,,,,,;,,,,,,
> ; ;
> ,' ;
> ,' ;
> ,' ,'
> ,,' ,,'

Yes - thats it.

> This reads 'Chikara', for example.
> In my knowledge there isn't. But it has a faux-ami ;-) 'Ka' in
> "katakana" (one of Japanese *phonetic* syllabaries). See:

Yes I see - it looks identical to me!
> Some kanji compounds (Jukugo) related to 'Chikara' would be
> your right clue. What kind of force/power/ability do you want
> with this distro?

Well I was just looking for an aesthetic graphic to use as a larger backround
graphic over which I could superimpose 'rubyx' in smaller English. To
japanese readers, it would suggest that rubyx was a powerful operating
system. To the rest of us, it would merely be pretty ;)

Do you see what I'm getting at? Does it work? or would a japanese reader just
think "Ka? what the hell is that all about?"

Perhaps you could suggest suitable alternatives? Much as I'd love to learn
japanese, I have to consider it overkill as a solution for the current
problem domain ;)


Andrew Walrond


10/26/2003 4:14:00 PM



At Sun, 26 Oct 2003 19:42:02 +0900,
Andrew Walrond wrote:
> In some small recognition of ruby's origins, I thought I might use a kanji
> symbol. With that in mind, I discovered the kanji symbol for force/power/
> ability. See here
> http://www.ajisai.sakura.ne.jp/~saku/yuki/kanji...
> Would it be appropriate/cool if I based the rubyx logo on this symbol?

I don't know what you like and imagine, but challenged a bogus
calligraphic drawing.

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 20010904//EN"
<!-- $Id: force.svg,v 1.2 2003/10/26 15:32:48 nobu Exp $ -->
xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink... <defs
style="stroke:none; fill-rule:nonzero; fill:#de001f; fill-opacity:100%; stroke-opacity:100%; stroke-width:1px; stroke-linejoin:miter; stroke-linecap:butt; "
d="M 88.8878 230.484 C 116.586 237.866 176.823 240.97 228.167 234.43 C 273.549 229.649 357.802 202.409 409.972 182.974 C 432.954 174.694 421.371 140.598 473.786 179.546 C 525.246 216.528 465.598 203.044 463.304 245.771 C 458.14 285.737 452.243 313.513 451.038 397.062 C 448.676 489.496 449.576 502.029 428.621 531.43 C 410.391 557.71 403.747 568.969 398.774 569.17 C 393.801 569.372 390.498 558.516 378.95 540.565 C 371.04 527.713 337.595 521.511 304.997 502.239 C 359.281 524.213 299.427 500.803 289.535 488.465 C 335.126 495.843 336.148 494.11 358.39 497.295 C 389.612 502.842 386.076 489.373 387.592 468.917 C 390.607 431.73 393.998 404.948 401.437 359.284 C 414.807 289.484 422.55 259.244 425.656 235.23 C 425.569 213.9 433.598 207.529 413.059 207.31 C 372.155 206.884 242.867 252.728 203.572 259.174 C 174.829 264.217 143.644 283.758 115.332 259.395 C 97.3127 244.971 51.8103 218.843 88.8878 230.484 z "
transform="matrix(0.987406 0.0388008 -0.0306381 0.781524 1.8836 3.4643)">
style="stroke:none; fill-rule:nonzero; fill:#de001f; fill-opacity:100%; stroke-opacity:100%; stroke-width:1px; stroke-linejoin:miter; stroke-linecap:butt; "
d="M 271.654 51.26 C 292.218 69.0535 291.731 80.5188 287.387 123.554 C 279.388 214.002 273.694 273.537 247.677 351.029 C 224.226 421.823 167.471 497.284 114.627 532.506 C 88.7106 549.863 77.664 563.737 129.4 507.3 C 158.52 475.825 142.348 494.289 97.1371 539.715 C 35.5565 601.605 138.6 498.689 166.502 456.457 C 213.103 385.402 253.156 291.983 246.887 114.872 C 243.198 25.1104 220.002 4.28183 271.654 51.26 z "
transform="matrix(1 0 -0.0301251 1.00188 30.924 -7.05775)">


Nobu Nakada

Andrew Walrond

10/27/2003 11:59:00 AM


nobu.nokada@softhome.net wrote:

> I don't know what you like and imagine, but challenged a bogus
> calligraphic drawing.
> ...

Hi Nobu,
Sorry for delay in reply.I didn't have sodipodi on my rubyx workstation, so
I thought I'd add it as a supported rubyx package. But it depends on
various Gnome libraries, so I thought I'd take the opportunity to get Gnome
support finished. And that took a quite a while yesterday because Gnomes
newer version of libxml2 broke docbook2x etc etc etc You get the picture ;)

When I've finished building I'll take a look at the attachment and get back
to you :)

BTW, I can't quite get the gist of your message; Do you mean the logo idea
was bogus and you've supplied an alternative? Or you liked the idea and
have attempted a rendition of it? I guess I'll find out when sodipodi is up
and running...

Andrew Walrond

Hal E. Fulton

10/27/2003 4:47:00 PM


Andrew Walrond wrote:

> Well I was just looking for an aesthetic graphic to use as a larger backround
> graphic over which I could superimpose 'rubyx' in smaller English. To
> japanese readers, it would suggest that rubyx was a powerful operating
> system. To the rest of us, it would merely be pretty ;)
> Do you see what I'm getting at? Does it work? or would a japanese reader just
> think "Ka? what the hell is that all about?"

I understand where you're coming from. :) I've read some very amusing
"Engrish" and I am sure that any effort I made to use Japanese would
be far more (am|conf)using.

Actually I used a "Ruby" graphic in the Ruby.shop (see rubyhacker.com)
for similar esthetic reasons. And someone pointed out that many people
seeing that symbol would think immediately of a certain variety of
apple. I left it there anyway. It still looks cool to non-Japanese
speakers. :)

> Perhaps you could suggest suitable alternatives? Much as I'd love to learn
> japanese, I have to consider it overkill as a solution for the current
> problem domain ;)

Learning Japanese is on my lifetime to-do list, along with
learning piano, violin, Esperanto, Latin, and Lisp. <sigh>
Life is so short...



10/27/2003 8:08:00 PM



I'm quite interested in your ruby OS. Perhaps I can help out somewhere
although I only started programming recently.

I'm keen to know what state RubyX is in at the moment?

Is there documentation anywhere - where does the project live ? Is it on
sourceforge or somewhere?

Is it just a command line distro at the moment ? Is it slower than linux as
its non compiled?

Is it in a state or will it ever be in a astate where one could run KDE on it
? or are there plans for a new Desktop ?

how have you handled all the linuxy stuff like file systems, proc and devices?

does it run with the linux kernel ? or does it have a Ruby kernel ?

Sorry about all the questions - I'm just very inquisitive



On Sunday 26 October 2003 10:42, Andrew Walrond wrote:
> I've been thinking about a logo for Rubyx, my ruby based linux distro.
> In some small recognition of ruby's origins, I thought I might use a kanji
> symbol. With that in mind, I discovered the kanji symbol for force/power/
> ability. See here
> http://www.ajisai.sakura.ne.jp/~saku/yuki/kanji...
> Would it be appropriate/cool if I based the rubyx logo on this symbol?
> Any comments appreciated, especially from japanese speakers incase this
> would be some massive faux-pas...
> Andrew Walrond
> PS I don't know if faux pas travels well. Just in case, its a french phrase
> used by the english, meaning a slip or blunder in etiquette, manners, or
> conduct; an embarrassing social blunder or indiscretion.

Andrew Walrond

10/27/2003 8:59:00 PM


On Monday 27 Oct 2003 8:07 pm, Kingsley wrote:
> Hi
> I'm quite interested in your ruby OS. Perhaps I can help out somewhere
> although I only started programming recently.
Cool! Lots of jobs need doing; Keeping track of package releases springs to

> I'm keen to know what state RubyX is in at the moment?
Up and running very nicely

> Is there documentation anywhere - where does the project live ? Is it on
> sourceforge or somewhere?
I'm doing the definative howto as we speak. Watch this space...

> Is it just a command line distro at the moment ? Is it slower than linux
> as its non compiled?
No - it's a full distro. It's also compiled and potentially faster than most
binary distros. The rubyx script is written in ruby and downloads and
compiles all the other packages which make up the full os

> Is it in a state or will it ever be in a astate where one could run KDE on
> it ? or are there plans for a new Desktop ?
It has run Kde for quite a while, and Gnome as of today. If you want any other
window manager, I can probably include it in a couple hours. But as for
writing a new Desktop; no. Kde and Gnome are already excellent and I'm afraid
I implemented rubyx as only one small component of a much bigger project, so
time is limited :)
> how have you handled all the linuxy stuff like file systems, proc and
> devices?
Thats a big question. rest assured it all works.
> does it run with the linux kernel ? or does it have a Ruby kernel ?

Maybe I'll knock up a rubyx kernel next week :) No, Linus is safe for the
moment :)



10/27/2003 9:12:00 PM



Thanks for answering all my questions - reading that back - it was a bit of a
barrage !

I'm looking forward to having a go with rubyx.

One last question (I promise) ! - is Rubyx a linux distro which is cobbled
together from linux parts by a Ruby script? Or is it actually fully
implemented in Ruby ?

I'm using Gentoo at the moment -= purely because I like the portage system and
the spped at which the system runs after compiliation. (although on some of
my machines compilation took more than a week of 24 hour days !!)

On the logo - I love Oriental looking designs - maybe a bit of Fire and Water
and Earth and Air all emblazoned on a pretty Ruby Gem with the Japanese
symbol standing out on top, but done in a very modern and minamilist way -
bordering on the cold aspect of technology.

Anyway - keep up the good work


On Monday 27 October 2003 20:59, Andrew Walrond wrote:
> On Monday 27 Oct 2003 8:07 pm, Kingsley wrote:
> > Hi
> >
> > I'm quite interested in your ruby OS. Perhaps I can help out somewhere
> > although I only started programming recently.
> Cool! Lots of jobs need doing; Keeping track of package releases springs to
> mind...
> > I'm keen to know what state RubyX is in at the moment?
> Up and running very nicely
> > Is there documentation anywhere - where does the project live ? Is it on
> > sourceforge or somewhere?
> I'm doing the definative howto as we speak. Watch this space...
> > Is it just a command line distro at the moment ? Is it slower than
> > linux as its non compiled?
> No - it's a full distro. It's also compiled and potentially faster than
> most binary distros. The rubyx script is written in ruby and downloads and
> compiles all the other packages which make up the full os
> > Is it in a state or will it ever be in a astate where one could run KDE
> > on it ? or are there plans for a new Desktop ?
> It has run Kde for quite a while, and Gnome as of today. If you want any
> other window manager, I can probably include it in a couple hours. But as
> for writing a new Desktop; no. Kde and Gnome are already excellent and I'm
> afraid I implemented rubyx as only one small component of a much bigger
> project, so time is limited :)
> > how have you handled all the linuxy stuff like file systems, proc and
> > devices?
> Thats a big question. rest assured it all works.
> > does it run with the linux kernel ? or does it have a Ruby kernel ?
> Maybe I'll knock up a rubyx kernel next week :) No, Linus is safe for the
> moment :)
> Andrew