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Re: xml + ruby

Mark Wilson

10/4/2003 1:55:00 AM

On Friday, October 3, 2003, at 05:09 PM, why the lucky stiff wrote:

> [snip]

> It'd be great if everyone in our community accepted everyone and every
> idea
> that was presented (a wealth of endless backslapping that began to
> take its
> toll on our shoulder blades), but I think chipping away at an idea will
> enhance it.

In the spirit of chipping away at an idea, I can't stand XML. However,
I'm glad Ruby has REXML so that one can write Ruby programs to deal
with external resources that insist on using XML. It's my belief that
XML has wasted and continues to waste the time of way too many talented
people who's efforts could have been more productively used in other
endeavors. That's my semi-contrarian $0.02 (it would be truly
contrarian if many others hadn't already said it).



4 Answers

Martin DeMello

10/4/2003 5:32:00 AM


Mark Wilson <mwilson13@cox.net> wrote:
> In the spirit of chipping away at an idea, I can't stand XML. However,
> I'm glad Ruby has REXML so that one can write Ruby programs to deal
> with external resources that insist on using XML. It's my belief that
> XML has wasted and continues to waste the time of way too many talented
> people who's efforts could have been more productively used in other
> endeavors. That's my semi-contrarian $0.02 (it would be truly
> contrarian if many others hadn't already said it).

One of (IMO) the classic rants on the subect:



James Britt

10/4/2003 5:51:00 AM


Martin DeMello wrote:
> One of (IMO) the classic rants on the subect:
> http://groups.google.com/groups?selm=%3C3250033069468718%40na...

Yow. "Rant" is quite the understatement.

But I know Sean's looking for a good flame war on the REXML list ...




10/7/2003 1:30:00 AM



Thought I'd drop in on this discussion. There are several threads in
the newsgroup on the topic of the least intrusive API for XML in Ruby.

What I'm understanding is that there are people who want to hide the
XML details of XML whilst in Ruby. This sounds a lot to me like
serialization, and that's a layer above what XML packages provide. A
serialization package, with minimal intrusion, could provide some
support for namespaces and attributes, and would look a lot like what
the minimalists (as in minimally intrusive) are asking for.

Users of XML can generally be divided into two broad camps. There are
those who have some data, and they more or less want or need it to be
XML at some point. On the other side are people who are dealing with
the XML without being too concerned with the content. For those in
the first camp, serialization is a great solution. Those in the
second camp need more control over the data, and a specialized API is
more appropriate. If you've contemplated using YAML instead of XML,
your probably in the first camp. A common reason for being in the
second camp is that you're getting your data from somewhere else.

In my experience, an XML API can be abstracted only so much before you
begin to loose control over the finer details. High level APIs are
great for simple documents, but begins to break down when one
introduces comments, processing instructions, entities, and mixed
content. I'd go a step further and suggest that any sufficiently
abstracted API that entirely hides the XML details of an XML document
will be insufficient to handle all possible legal XML documents.

All that means, though, is that an API that high-level is insufficient
as the only API available for dealing with XML. What that means to me
is that the high-level API should sit on top of another API that
provides finer control. It doesn't mean that the high level API isn't
useful or shouldn't be written.

By the way, I did try to write a transparent API for REXML a couple of
months ago; it looked something like this:

a = Node.new
a << "B" # => <a>B</a>
a.b # => <a>B<b/></a>
a.b[1] # => <a>B<b/><b/><a>
a.b[1]["x"] = "y" # => <a>B<b/><b x="y"/></a>
a.b[0].c # => <a>B<b><c/></b><b x="y"/></a>
a.b.c << "D" # => <a>B<b><c>D</c></b><b x="y"/></a>

I didn't get very far with it; it seemed like terrible hacks were
needed to implement it, and I'm not sure I want to maintain that code,
but if there's enough interest, I might revive it.

In the opposite end of the spectrum is an API that is heavily tied to
XML technology, like XPath:

a = Tree.new( "/a/b[2][ @x = 'y' ]" ) # <a><b/><b x="y"/></a>
a[ "/a/text()" ] = "B" # <a>B<b/><b x="y"/></a>
c = a[ "/a/b/c" ] # <a>B<b><c/></b><b x="y"/></a>
c[ "text()" ] = "D" # <a>B<b><c>D</c></b><b x="y"/></a>

Not so nice for constructing documents, but almost peerless for
accessing nodes.

Of course, there are other, more pressing, issues that don't let me
play too much with this stuff; things like validation, bug fixes,
optimizations, XPath support in the streaming APIs, a good lightweight
API... any number of things.

Anyway, diversity is good.

James Britt

10/8/2003 4:52:00 AM


Sam Ruby[0] has some brief notes about Ruby and REXML at

with assorted reader comments


[0] He who prompts me to add " -Sam" when Googling for Ruby