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4/11/2006 2:36:00 PM

Hello, I have created a web service that uses a file for storing its

So what i do is caching the file in memory and whenever the actual file
changes, I reload the cache.

The problem is that .net doesn't seem to notice when i change the file.
so the update constant file is not reflected in the web service.

What I do find odd is that when I try it locally, on my own computer,
everything works just fine. Its our version on the production server
that is doing this.

Could this be some security issue ? missing user right on the aspnet
user account ?

Thanks for any help you can provide.

1 Answer


4/11/2006 3:26:00 PM


You might be interested in the following chunks of code extracted from
my web service.

Just so you understand what im doing, let me be precise :

I have a file called "appConstants.config". That file is loaded into
cache with a dependency on the file itself.

Then when I read the file in the cache, I run a XSL statement to fetch
my constant, then I cache that value as well with a dependency on the
file too. This way I don't have to constantly run a XSL statement every
time i need that constant.

my application, the web service, calls only "GetConstant"

in the code, it looks like this :

'global variable declaration you might be interested in :
Protected Friend Shared m_LMIWS_Cache As System.Web.Caching.Cache =
Protected Friend Shared m_WebConfig As ConfigurationSettings
Private Shared appConstantsFile As String = "LMIWS_Constants_File"
Public Shared appConstantsFileName As String =
System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory.Replace("/", "\") &
Private Shared xmlFile As New XmlDocument
Private Shared constantIdentifier As String = "LMIWSConst"
Private Shared commonDataKey As String = "LMIWSData"
Private Shared prestextKey As String = "LMIWSPresText"
Private Shared constantKey As String = "cacheDependencyKey"
Private Shared thisVersion As String = "1.0"
Private Shared m_strXMLRoot As String = "/LMI-IMT_CONSTANTS/VERSION"

' *****************************************************
Public Shared Function GetConstant(ByVal VersionBase As String, ByVal
XPath As String) As String
Dim tmpObj As Object
Dim strCompletePath As String = VersionBase

If Left(XPath, 1) = "/" Then
strCompletePath += XPath
strCompletePath += "/" & XPath
End If

If Not (m_LMIWS_Cache(constantIdentifier & "_" & strCompletePath)
Is Nothing) Then
tmpObj = CType(m_LMIWS_Cache(constantIdentifier & "_" &
strCompletePath), Object)
tmpObj = pullConstantFromFile(strCompletePath)
'Create the cache dependencies and insert the object into the
If Not IsNothing(tmpObj) Then
m_LMIWS_Cache.Insert(constantIdentifier & "_" &
strCompletePath, tmpObj, New CacheDependency(appConstantsFileName))
End If
End If
Return CType(tmpObj, String)

End Function

' *****************************************************
Private Shared Function pullConstantFromFile(ByRef XPath As String)
As Object
Dim strValue As String = ""
Dim strNewXPath As String = ""
Dim strAttribName As String = ""

If m_LMIWS_Cache(appConstantsFile) Is Nothing Then
End If

Dim node As XmlNode = Nothing
Dim attribNode As XmlAttribute = Nothing

'If the last indexof is greater it means there's at least two "@".
one is version number
'the other is the one requested
If XPath.IndexOf("/@") <> -1 Then
strNewXPath = Left(XPath, XPath.LastIndexOf("@") - 1)
strAttribName = Right(XPath, XPath.Length -
XPath.LastIndexOf("@") - 1)

node = xmlFile.SelectSingleNode(strNewXPath)
If Not (node Is Nothing) Then
attribNode = node.Attributes(0)
End If
node = xmlFile.SelectSingleNode(XPath)
End If

'Retrieve the value behind the node that matched the key/version
If Not (attribNode Is Nothing) Then
strValue = attribNode.InnerText()
ElseIf Not (node Is Nothing) Then
strValue = node.InnerText()
End If

Return strValue
End Function

' *****************************************************
Private Shared Sub PopulateCache()
'This will cache the entire XML File in memory as well so that we
don't access the disk
'every single time a new constant is accessed/added to the cache.
'The items added to the cache are dependant on the file itself so
if the file
'change, it will expire all current cached constants and force a
m_LMIWS_Cache.Insert(appConstantsFile _
, xmlFile _
, New CacheDependency(appConstantsFileName))
End Sub