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Project Euler 67.

William James

3/18/2016 7:39:00 PM

There are only two differences from problem 18.:

1. The triangle has to be obtained from a text file.
2. There are 100 rows in the triangle.

The website says that if you could check 10^12 routes every second,
it would take you over 20 billion years to check them all.


#load "str.cma";;

let slurp file =
let chan = open_in file in
let text = really_input_string chan (in_channel_length chan) in
close_in chan ;
text ;;

let triangle =
slurp "p067_triangle.txt"
|> Str.split (Str.regexp "\n")
|> List.map (fun line ->
line |> Str.split (Str.regexp " +") |> List.map int_of_string
|> Array.of_list)
|> List.rev ;;

let rec loop = function
[[|n|]] -> n
| row2::row1::rows ->
(fun i n -> n + (max row2.(i) row2.(i+1)))
:: rows)
in loop triangle ;;


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last century.... They are now going into a multicultural mode. Jews will be
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