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Re: Type casting in Lisp

William James

11/9/2015 2:07:00 AM

Bill Atkins wrote:

> (defun first-fibonacci-satisfying (test-fn)
> "Loop through the Fibonacci numbers, returning the first element
> that satisfies TEST-FN and the zero-based index of that element in the
> sequence."
> (loop for a = 1 then b
> and b = 1 then (+ a b)
> for index from 0
> when (funcall test-fn a)
> do (return (values a index))))
> ;; or, if you don't like LOOP
> (defun first-fibonacci-satisfying (test-fn)
> (do ((a 1 b)
> (b 1 (+ a b))
> (index 0 (1+ index)))
> ((funcall test-fn a) (values a index))))
> (first-fibonacci-satisfying (lambda (x) (> x 5))) ;; => 8, 5
> (first-fibonacci-satisfying #'evenp) ;; => 2, 2
> (first-fibonacci-satisfying
> (lambda (num)
> (>= (length (princ-to-string num)) 1000)))
> ;; =>
> 1070066266382758936764980584457396885083683896632151665013235203375314520
> 6046940406218891475824897926578046948881775919574843364666725699595129960
> 3046126274809248218614406943305123477444275027378175308757939166619214925
> 9186759553966422837148943113074699503439547001985432609723067290192870526
> 4472437261177158218255484911205250132014786129659313817922355596574520395
> 0613755146783754322911960212993404826070617539770684706820289548690266618
> 5435124521900369480641357447470911707619766945691070098024393439617474103
> 7369125032313655321647736970231677550515951735184605799549194109677783732
> 2966579658164651390348815425631018422419025984608800011018625555024549393
> 7113651657039447629584714548523425950428582425306083544435428212611008992
> 8637950480068943303097732178348645431132057656598684562886168087186938352
> 9735064398629764066000072356291790520705116407761481249188583094594056668
> 8339109350944456576357666151619317753792891661581327159616877487983821820
> 492520348473874384736771934512787029218636250627816, 4781

MatzLisp (Ruby):

def find_fib
a = b = 1 ; i = 0
until yield(a)
a,b = b,a+b
i += 1

find_fib &:even?
==>[2, 2]

find_fib{|x| x.to_s.size >= 1000}
520348473874384736771934512787029218636250627816, 4781]

The Authoritarian Personality extends beyond the attempt to pathologize
cohesive gentile groups to pathologizing adaptive gentile behavior in general.
The principal intellectual difficulty is that behavior that is critical to
Judaism as a successful group evolutionary strategy is conceptualized as
pathological in gentiles. --- Dr. Kevin MacDonald; "The Frankfurt School of
Social Research and the Pathologization of Gentile Group Allegiances"
1 Answer

Kaz Kylheku

11/9/2015 8:29:00 PM


On 2015-11-09, WJ <w_a_x_man@yahoo.com> wrote:
> MatzLisp (Ruby):
> def find_fib
> a = b = 1 ; i = 0
> until yield(a)
> a,b = b,a+b
> i += 1
> end
> [a,i]
> end
> find_fib &:even?
> ==>[2, 2]

A complete cluster fuck, demonstrating perfectly how Ruby is a worse-is-better
computer science flunk job.

When a coroutine or continuation yields, it means that its execution is
suspended, producing a value. Another context elsewhere can somehow resume it
(perhaps by calling a resume function) passing it a value which emerges
out of the yield.

What we have here is simply that a hidden argument is added to find_fib,
expected to be a function. yield just invokes that callback.

Some Ruby-pushing imbecile saw a generator or continuation example on someone's
programming blog and decided, "Bah, I can do that; it's just some kind of
implicit callback thingy". When he was later told, "No you aren't actually
doing that", he replied that the callback thingy satisfies 87% of all the use
cases, and it looks all generator-like with the yield word and hidden argument,
and so is good enough.