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Re: Properly returning a collection through a web service

Dino Chiesa [Microsoft]

6/2/2004 9:36:00 PM

Binding a datagrid to an array is possible, with a little extra work. You
a. manually create a dataset (or datatable) on the client side, copying
each array item into a row
b. have the service side return a dataset rather than a collection
c. create a wrapper type that exposes Properties, not Fields (Props are
friendly to datagrid)

for c, you can do this manually or dynamically. For an example of the
latter, see http://www.winisp.net/cheeso/examples...

You also said
> It won't let me do this, as 'BBSStructures' is not defined. I do not want
to import the assembly that has the collection in it, as I need to keep it
as a web service, and not rely on the assembly.

If 'BBSStructures' is in the webservice interface (if it is an input or
output on any of your webmethods), then it will be defined in the generated
client-side proxy. If it is not defined in the generated client-side
proxy then you have no business casting the output of a webservice method
into one of those things.

It is not anathema to import the assembly that defines this collection on
both the client and server side. There is even an article that discusses
this in the Web services section on MSDN; the article is entitled "Sharing
Types" [1]. Keep in mind though if you do this you are potentially
reducing the interoperability of your service - any client that is not .NET
is not going to be able to use the shared assembly. This may or may not be
important to you.



"Brad Simon" <bsimon@simondeveloping.com> wrote in message
> What am I doing wrong? I have been working on this for many days, and I
am almost there. I have a collection of structures, that work great when
working directly with a Winform Application. They even work great in a web
service, it is when I try to get the returned collection into a proper
collection. I am not sure how much sense that makes. Here is the code I
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Dim objWS As New BBSStructuresWS
> Dim Struc() As BBSStructure
> Dim strArray() As String = {"0010002", "0010003", "0010019"}
> objWS.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials
> Struc = objWS.GetStructures(strArray)
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> This works ok, BUT, the return I am getting is putting the collection
(returned as a collection) into an array. I want to put the returned
collection into a variable that is the same colletion, so I can iterate
through it, and bind a datagrid with it. What I want to do is:
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Dim objWS As New BBSStructuresWS
> Dim Struc As BBSStructures '-- note the 's' at the end
> Dim strArray() As String = {"0010002", "0010003", "0010019"}
> objWS.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials
> Struc = objWS.GetStructures(strArray)
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> It won't let me do this, as 'BBSStructures' is not defined. I do not want
to import the assembly that has the collection in it, as I need to keep it
as a web service, and not rely on the assembly.
> Can I do what I want to do?
> Here is the class code for the Collection:
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Imports System.Data.SqlClient
> Imports System.Collections
> Imports IDOT.BIS.Data
> Namespace BIS
> <Serializable()> _
> Public Class BBSStructures
> Inherits CollectionBase
> ' This is the string that holds the Connection string for SIMS.
> Private gstrSIMSConn As String = "nunya"
> Public Sub New()
> End Sub
> #Region " Return Different Collections "
> Public Function GetSingleStructure(ByVal SN As String) As
> Try
> Return AddBBSStructures(SN)
> Catch ex As Exception
> ExceptionManager.Publish(ex)
> End Try
> End Function
> Private Function AddBBSStructures(ByVal SN As String) As
> Dim pplMyBBSStructures As BBSStructures = New BBSStructures
> Dim myBBSStructure As BBSStructure
> myBBSStructure = New BBSStructure(SN)
> pplMyBBSStructures.Add(myBBSStructure)
> Return pplMyBBSStructures
> End Function
> Private Function AddBBSStructures(ByVal MyBBSStructures As
SqlDataReader) As BBSStructures
> Dim pplMyBBSStructures As BBSStructures = New BBSStructures
> Dim myBBSStructure As BBSStructure
> While MyBBSStructures.Read()
> myBBSStructure = New
> pplMyBBSStructures.Add(myBBSStructure)
> End While
> Return pplMyBBSStructures
> End Function
> #End Region
> #Region " Collection Inheritance Code "
> Default Public Property Item(ByVal index As Integer) As
> Get
> Return CType(List(index), BBSStructure)
> End Get
> Set(ByVal Value As BBSStructure)
> List(index) = Value
> End Set
> End Property
> Default Public Property Item(ByVal index As String) As
> Get
> Return CType(List(index), BBSStructure)
> End Get
> Set(ByVal Value As BBSStructure)
> List(index) = Value
> End Set
> End Property
> #Region " Add Override "
> Public Function Add(ByVal value As BBSStructure) As Integer
> Return List.Add(value)
> End Function 'Add
> #End Region
> Public Function IndexOf(ByVal value As Int16) As Integer
> Return List.IndexOf(value)
> End Function 'IndexOf
> Public Sub Insert(ByVal index As Integer, ByVal value As
> List.Insert(index, value)
> End Sub 'Insert
> Public Sub Remove(ByVal value As BBSStructure)
> List.Remove(value)
> End Sub 'Remove
> Public Function Contains(ByVal value As BBSStructure) As Boolean
> ' If value is not of type BBSStructure, this will return
> Return List.Contains(value)
> End Function 'Contains
> Protected Overrides Sub OnInsert(ByVal index As Integer, ByVal
value As [Object])
> If Not value.GetType() Is
Type.GetType("IDOT.BIS.BBSStructure") Then
> Throw New ArgumentException("value must be of type
IDOT.BIS.BBSStructure.", "value")
> End If
> End Sub 'OnInsert
> Protected Overrides Sub OnRemove(ByVal index As Integer, ByVal
value As [Object])
> If Not value.GetType() Is
Type.GetType("IDOT.BIS.BBSStructure") Then
> Throw New ArgumentException("value must be of type
IDOT.BIS.BBSStructure.", "value")
> End If
> End Sub 'OnRemove
> Protected Overrides Sub OnSet(ByVal index As Integer, ByVal
oldValue As [Object], ByVal newValue As [Object])
> If Not newValue.GetType() Is
Type.GetType("IDOT.BIS.BBSStructure") Then
> Throw New ArgumentException("newValue must be of type
IDOT.BIS.BBSStructure.", "newValue")
> End If
> End Sub 'OnSet
> Protected Overrides Sub OnValidate(ByVal value As [Object])
> If Not value.GetType() Is
Type.GetType("IDOT.BIS.BBSStructure") Then
> Throw New ArgumentException("value must be of type
> End If
> End Sub 'OnValidate
> #End Region
> End Class
> End Namespace
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Code for the web service:
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Imports System.Web.Services
> Imports IDOT.BIS
> Imports IDOT.BIS.BBSStructures
> Imports System.Xml.Serialization
> Imports Microsoft.ApplicationBlocks.ExceptionManagement
> ' STUFF FROM VS is not modified
s/BBSStructures")> _
> Public Class BBSStructuresWS
> Inherits System.Web.Services.WebService
> <WebMethod(), _
> XmlInclude(GetType(BBSStructures))> _
> Public Function GetStructures(ByVal SN() As String) As BBSStructures
> Dim bbsStructures As New BBSStructures
> Dim i As Int16
> For i = 0 To SN.GetUpperBound(0)
> bbsStructures.Add(New BBSStructure(SN(i).Replace("-", "")))
> Next
> Return bbsStructures
> End Function
> <WebMethod(), _
> XmlInclude(GetType(BBSStructure))> _
> Public Function GetStructure(ByVal SN As String) As BBSStructure
> Dim bbsStruc As New BBSStructure(SN)
> Return bbsStruc
> End Function
> End Class
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Please help.
> Thanks
> Brad Simon

4 Answers

Dino Chiesa [Microsoft]

6/2/2004 11:28:00 PM


I don't quite get it.

> Looking at the code I have posted, the Collection is in the same assembly
as the element, so I ASSUME it is coming across and should be generated in
the client side proxy, but obviously it is not.

A type will be generated in the client-side proxy if and only if that type
is exposed in the web service interface, the WSDL. A type will not appear
in the client-side proxy just because it is in an assembly used by the

Look, If your webservice is like this:

<%@ WebService Language="VB" Class="MyService" %>
Public Class MyService : Inherits System.Web.Services.WebService
Public Function DoSomething() As MyType
Dim foo as MyOtherType
End Function
End Class

...then MyType will show up in the WSDL (and in the client-side proxy),
but MyOtherType will not.

If MyType includes a public member of a complex type, then that type, too,
will be included in the WSDL.


Dino Chiesa [Microsoft]

6/3/2004 6:01:00 PM


ok, then can I see? ...
the wsdl
the generated client-side proxy?

The GetStructures call - I guess you are modifying it in between those two
client side code examples?
Why don't you have (for testing purposes) GetStructuresArray and
GetStructures ?

Is there a BBSStructures that appears in the client-side proxy?


"Brad Simon" <bsimon@simoneveloping.com> wrote in message
> Ok, that is exactly what I am saying, I don't get it, either. Here is my
method in the web service I am trying to use:
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> <WebMethod(), _
> XmlInclude(GetType(BBSStructures))> _
> Public Function GetStructures(ByVal SN() As String) As BBSStructures
> Dim bbsStructures As New BBSStructures
> Dim i As Int16
> For i = 0 To SN.GetUpperBound(0)
> bbsStructures.Add(New BBSStructure(SN(i).Replace("-", "")))
> Next
> Return bbsStructures
> End Function
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> It returns the collection. The problem is in the windows app code when I
try to store those results in a BBSStructures collection, that is when I get
the 'BBSStructures' is not defined issue, and the code won't compile. The
following code is from the winform app:
> This works (uses array):
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Dim objWS As New BBSStructuresWS
> Dim Struc() As BBSStructure
> Dim strArray() As String = {"0010002", "0010003", "0010019"}
> objWS.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials
> Struc = objWS.GetStructures(strArray)
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> This doesn't (uses collection):
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Dim objWS As New BBSStructuresWS
> Dim Struc As BBSStructures '-- note the 's' at the end
> Dim strArray() As String = {"0010002", "0010003", "0010019"}
> objWS.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials
> Struc = objWS.GetStructures(strArray)
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Brad Simon


6/3/2004 6:21:00 PM


All of the code is at the end of this message, and in a following message.

I have not touched the proxy generated code. No, the BBSStructures does not show up at all. I just didn't do the different functions, I didn't think it was going to be this much of a pain, besides, the code won't compile with the BBSStructures in there.

Proxy code:
Namespace StructuresWS

'<remarks/><System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThroughAttribute(), _
System.ComponentModel.DesignerCategoryAttribute("code"), _
System.Web.Services.WebServiceBindingAttribute(Name:="BBSStructuresWSSoap", [Namespace]:="http://idotweb/BISWebServices/BBSStructures"), _
System.Xml.Serialization.XmlIncludeAttribute(GetType(Inspection))> _
Public Class BBSStructuresWS
Inherits System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol

Public Sub New()
Me.Url = "http://localhost/BISWebServices/BBSStructuresWS.asmx"
End Sub

'<remarks/><System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapDocumentMethodAttribute("http://idotweb/BISWebServices/BBSStructures/GetStructures", RequestNamespace:="http://idotweb/BISWebServices/BBSStructures", ResponseNamespace:="http://idotweb/BISWebServices/BBSStructures", Use:=System.Web.Services.Description.SoapBindingUse.Literal, ParameterStyle:=System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapParameterStyle.Wrapped)> _
Public Function GetStructures(ByVal SN() As String) As BBSStructure()
Dim results() As Object = Me.Invoke("GetStructures", New Object() {SN})
Return CType(results(0),BBSStructure())
End Function

Public Function BeginGetStructures(ByVal SN() As String, ByVal callback As System.AsyncCallback, ByVal asyncState As Object) As System.IAsyncResult
Return Me.BeginInvoke("GetStructures", New Object() {SN}, callback, asyncState)
End Function

Public Function EndGetStructures(ByVal asyncResult As System.IAsyncResult) As BBSStructure()
Dim results() As Object = Me.EndInvoke(asyncResult)
Return CType(results(0),BBSStructure())
End Function

'<remarks/><System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapDocumentMethodAttribute("http://idotweb/BISWebServices/BBSStructures/GetStructure", RequestNamespace:="http://idotweb/BISWebServices/BBSStructures", ResponseNamespace:="http://idotweb/BISWebServices/BBSStructures", Use:=System.Web.Services.Description.SoapBindingUse.Literal, ParameterStyle:=System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapParameterStyle.Wrapped)> _
Public Function GetStructure(ByVal SN As String) As BBSStructure
Dim results() As Object = Me.Invoke("GetStructure", New Object() {SN})
Return CType(results(0),BBSStructure)
End Function

Public Function BeginGetStructure(ByVal SN As String, ByVal callback As System.AsyncCallback, ByVal asyncState As Object) As System.IAsyncResult
Return Me.BeginInvoke("GetStructure", New Object() {SN}, callback, asyncState)
End Function

Public Function EndGetStructure(ByVal asyncResult As System.IAsyncResult) As BBSStructure
Dim results() As Object = Me.EndInvoke(asyncResult)
Return CType(results(0),BBSStructure)
End Function
End Class

'<remarks/><System.Xml.Serialization.XmlTypeAttribute([Namespace]:="http://idotweb/BISWebServices/BBSStructures")> _
Public Class BBSStructure

Public StructureNumber As String

Public District As String

Public Location As String

Public FacilityCarried As String

Public FacilityCrossed As String

Public BridgeName As String

Public NumberOfSpans As String

Public NumberOfApprSpans As String

Public SkewAngle As String

Public AADTOn As String

Public AADTTruckPct As String

Public ADTUn As String

Public LastELI As ElementLevelInspection

Public LastNBI As NBIInspection

Public LastSpecFeatInsp As SpecialFeatureInspection

Public LastFCInsp As FractureCriticalInspection

Public LastUSInsp As UnderWaterInspection
End Class

'<remarks/><System.Xml.Serialization.XmlTypeAttribute([Namespace]:="http://idotweb/BISWebServices/BBSStructures")> _
Public Class ElementLevelInspection
Inherits Inspection
End Class

'<remarks/><System.Xml.Serialization.XmlTypeAttribute([Namespace]:="http://idotweb/BISWebServices/BBSStructures"), _
System.Xml.Serialization.XmlIncludeAttribute(GetType(NBIInspection)), _
System.Xml.Serialization.XmlIncludeAttribute(GetType(SpecialFeatureInspection)), _
System.Xml.Serialization.XmlIncludeAttribute(GetType(FractureCriticalInspection)), _
System.Xml.Serialization.XmlIncludeAttribute(GetType(UnderWaterInspection)), _
System.Xml.Serialization.XmlIncludeAttribute(GetType(ElementLevelInspection))> _
Public MustInherit Class Inspection

Public StructureNumber As String

Public InspectionDate As Date

Public Temperature As String

Public Remarks As String

Public TimeToInspect As String

Public TrafficControl As String

Public Waders As String

Public Boat As String

Public Snooper As String

Public Ladder As String

Public Manlift As String

Public Other As String
End Class

'<remarks/><System.Xml.Serialization.XmlTypeAttribute([Namespace]:="http://idotweb/BISWebServices/BBSStructures")> _
Public Class NBIInspection
Inherits Inspection

Public DeckCondition As String

Public SuperStructureCondition As String

Public SubStructureCondition As String

Public CulvertCondition As String

Public ChannelCondition As String

Public WaterwayAdequacy As String

Public ApproachRdwyAlign As String

Public PierNavigProtection As String

Public BridegRailwayAdeq As String

Public ApprGuardAdeqTransitions As String

Public ApprGuardAdeqGuardrail As String

Public ApprGuardAdeqEnds As String

Public WearingSurfaceType As String

Public TotalDeckThickness As Short

Public TypeOfMembrane As String

Public DeckProtection As String

Public PaintDate As String

Public PaintSystems As String

Public UtilitiesAttached As String

Public DetailRemarks As String
End Class

'<remarks/><System.Xml.Serialization.XmlTypeAttribute([Namespace]:="http://idotweb/BISWebServices/BBSStructures")> _
Public Class SpecialFeatureInspection
Inherits Inspection
End Class

'<remarks/><System.Xml.Serialization.XmlTypeAttribute([Namespace]:="http://idotweb/BISWebServices/BBSStructures")> _
Public Class FractureCriticalInspection
Inherits Inspection
End Class

'<remarks/><System.Xml.Serialization.XmlTypeAttribute([Namespace]:="http://idotweb/BISWebServices/BBSStructures")> _
Public Class UnderWaterInspection
Inherits Inspection
End Class
End Namespace

Dino Chiesa [Microsoft]

6/4/2004 3:04:00 PM


According to the WSDL you sent , the GetStructures call returns an array of
BBSStructure . (Not a type called BBSStructures).
And this is consistent with the proxy-generated code you have below.
So it seems like your expectations are off somehow?

It might be easier to examine the differences between returning an array and
returning a structure if you have a single ASMX implementation that exposes
different methods that do both.

Attached is a modified version of the WSDL you sent. It includes 2 versions
of the GetStructures call. The first (original) returns an array. the 2nd
one (called GetStructures2) returns a struct (I called it BBSStructures)
that contains an array.

To generate the server-side abstract implementation of this thing, run this
wsdl.exe /server /language:vb Service-Modified.wsdl

The BBSStructure type is defined in that server-side skeleton.

If I also generate a client-side proxy from the same WSDL, I can see that
the BBSStructures type is defined in that proxy.


Dino Chiesa
Microsoft Developer Division
d i n o c h @ OmitThis . m i c r o s o f t . c o m

"Brad Simon" <anonymous@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
> All of the code is at the end of this message, and in a following message.
> I have not touched the proxy generated code. No, the BBSStructures does
not show up at all. I just didn't do the different functions, I didn't
think it was going to be this much of a pain, besides, the code won't
compile with the BBSStructures in there.
> Proxy code:
> Namespace StructuresWS
> '<remarks/><System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThroughAttribute(), _
> System.ComponentModel.DesignerCategoryAttribute("code"), _
[Namespace]:="http://idotweb/BISWebServices/BBSStructures"), _
> System.Xml.Serialization.XmlIncludeAttribute(GetType(Inspection))> _
> Public Class BBSStructuresWS
> Inherits System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol
> '<remarks/>
> Public Sub New()
> MyBase.New
> Me.Url =
> End Sub
> Public Function GetStructures(ByVal SN() As String) As
> Dim results() As Object = Me.Invoke("GetStructures", New
Object() {SN})
> Return CType(results(0),BBSStructure())
> End Function
> '<remarks/>
> Public Function BeginGetStructures(ByVal SN() As String, ByVal
callback As System.AsyncCallback, ByVal asyncState As Object) As
> Return Me.BeginInvoke("GetStructures", New Object() {SN},
callback, asyncState)
> End Function
> '<remarks/>
> Public Function EndGetStructures(ByVal asyncResult As
System.IAsyncResult) As BBSStructure()
> Dim results() As Object = Me.EndInvoke(asyncResult)
> Return CType(results(0),BBSStructure())
> End Function
> Public Function GetStructure(ByVal SN As String) As BBSStructure
> Dim results() As Object = Me.Invoke("GetStructure", New
Object() {SN})
> Return CType(results(0),BBSStructure)
> End Function
> '<remarks/>
> Public Function BeginGetStructure(ByVal SN As String, ByVal
callback As System.AsyncCallback, ByVal asyncState As Object) As
> Return Me.BeginInvoke("GetStructure", New Object() {SN},
callback, asyncState)
> End Function
> '<remarks/>
> Public Function EndGetStructure(ByVal asyncResult As
System.IAsyncResult) As BBSStructure
> Dim results() As Object = Me.EndInvoke(asyncResult)
> Return CType(results(0),BBSStructure)
> End Function
> End Class
dotweb/BISWebServices/BBSStructures")> _
> Public Class BBSStructure
> '<remarks/>
> Public StructureNumber As String
> '<remarks/>
> Public District As String
> '<remarks/>
> Public Location As String
> '<remarks/>
> Public FacilityCarried As String
> '<remarks/>
> Public FacilityCrossed As String
> '<remarks/>
> Public BridgeName As String
> '<remarks/>
> Public NumberOfSpans As String
> '<remarks/>
> Public NumberOfApprSpans As String
> '<remarks/>
> Public SkewAngle As String
> '<remarks/>
> Public AADTOn As String
> '<remarks/>
> Public AADTTruckPct As String
> '<remarks/>
> Public ADTUn As String
> '<remarks/>
> Public LastELI As ElementLevelInspection
> '<remarks/>
> Public LastNBI As NBIInspection
> '<remarks/>
> Public LastSpecFeatInsp As SpecialFeatureInspection
> '<remarks/>
> Public LastFCInsp As FractureCriticalInspection
> '<remarks/>
> Public LastUSInsp As UnderWaterInspection
> End Class
dotweb/BISWebServices/BBSStructures")> _
> Public Class ElementLevelInspection
> Inherits Inspection
> End Class
dotweb/BISWebServices/BBSStructures"), _
> System.Xml.Serialization.XmlIncludeAttribute(GetType(NBIInspection)),
n)), _
ion)), _
)> _
> Public MustInherit Class Inspection
> '<remarks/>
> Public StructureNumber As String
> '<remarks/>
> Public InspectionDate As Date
> '<remarks/>
> Public Temperature As String
> '<remarks/>
> Public Remarks As String
> '<remarks/>
> Public TimeToInspect As String
> '<remarks/>
> Public TrafficControl As String
> '<remarks/>
> Public Waders As String
> '<remarks/>
> Public Boat As String
> '<remarks/>
> Public Snooper As String
> '<remarks/>
> Public Ladder As String
> '<remarks/>
> Public Manlift As String
> '<remarks/>
> Public Other As String
> End Class
dotweb/BISWebServices/BBSStructures")> _
> Public Class NBIInspection
> Inherits Inspection
> '<remarks/>
> Public DeckCondition As String
> '<remarks/>
> Public SuperStructureCondition As String
> '<remarks/>
> Public SubStructureCondition As String
> '<remarks/>
> Public CulvertCondition As String
> '<remarks/>
> Public ChannelCondition As String
> '<remarks/>
> Public WaterwayAdequacy As String
> '<remarks/>
> Public ApproachRdwyAlign As String
> '<remarks/>
> Public PierNavigProtection As String
> '<remarks/>
> Public BridegRailwayAdeq As String
> '<remarks/>
> Public ApprGuardAdeqTransitions As String
> '<remarks/>
> Public ApprGuardAdeqGuardrail As String
> '<remarks/>
> Public ApprGuardAdeqEnds As String
> '<remarks/>
> Public WearingSurfaceType As String
> '<remarks/>
> Public TotalDeckThickness As Short
> '<remarks/>
> Public TypeOfMembrane As String
> '<remarks/>
> Public DeckProtection As String
> '<remarks/>
> Public PaintDate As String
> '<remarks/>
> Public PaintSystems As String
> '<remarks/>
> Public UtilitiesAttached As String
> '<remarks/>
> Public DetailRemarks As String
> End Class
dotweb/BISWebServices/BBSStructures")> _
> Public Class SpecialFeatureInspection
> Inherits Inspection
> End Class
dotweb/BISWebServices/BBSStructures")> _
> Public Class FractureCriticalInspection
> Inherits Inspection
> End Class
dotweb/BISWebServices/BBSStructures")> _
> Public Class UnderWaterInspection
> Inherits Inspection
> End Class
> End Namespace